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Survivor Vorovoro Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Vorovoro..

1851 days 13 hours ago
1851 days 13 hours ago
Penguin (Icypenguin)
I am so grateful to be picked as a part of this season and even more grateful for the people on my tribe! We are an active tribe hence why we won the first challenge (which I’m extremely excited about!!!) I feel bad for the other tribes because they aren’t as active but it’s there loss not mine so whatever lol.

Right now I have an alliance of three with me obscurity and Billy, we made it so we can guarantee a majority vote for the first part of the game. However right before the immunity challenge began Henry messaged me asking for an alliance so of course I said yes because I’m not stupid. Then I told obscurity (because I trust him the most so far) and we decided that instead of having two three way alliances we are going to have one alliance of four so when there is a tribe swap we can all look out for each other. But we haven’t told Billy and Henry about each other so we’re gonna have to do that sooner than later.

I’m very glad billy was chosen to go to the ring of fire. I didn’t want to get chosen because I feel it would put an unnecessary target on my back even though an advantage would be nice. Billy is in an alliance with me so he should tell us what happens so it is a win win for me. If he gets an advantage I will know about it, and if it is a disadvantage, it won’t harm me.

If we loose an immunity challenge I honestly don’t really care who goes home between Barbie and Cole so I would just let Henry Billy and obscurity decide.

I’m thinking of reaching out to someone from another tribe and having an alliance with them so not only should I be able to get information regarding other tribe dynamics but I will also be able to jump ships if necessary (I’m looking into messaging snick)

As you can tell I came here to play not be a forgotten player and I hope not only that I will win but that I can come and play this again and be the Sandra of L and J’s Survivor

*flips hair and takes a sip from canteen*

Hope you enjoyed my first confessional (a lot of stuff goes through my head)

1850 days 20 hours ago
Bobby (bklimas)
Man, losing first challenge is always tough.  Was hoping we would win.  This may be an interesting tribal council.
1850 days 16 hours ago
Yogs quits ugh
1850 days 16 hours ago
Patrick (pokepat)

I applied for this because I can finally get Tim to stop bugging me about it! Anyways, guess who also applied? Harry and Kevin! The two people I literally just played with. I love Harry, in all honesty. Team Trial and Error forever.

Kevin is mixed emotions for me. He’s going to see this probably, but he’s so paranoid, and he can just get on your nerves sometimes. I feel forced to work with him, but it’s a lot of work to do so.

I constantly have to manage Kevin’s game because he wants to go go go, but sometimes survivor is a game of patience. You have to be strategic about your game and know when to make the right moves. Luckily I made the alliance because I felt like I could solidify it more and make sure it’s doesn’t go bad. Kevin wants to make final threes with about everyone, and I need to make sure he knows that will only ruin our game.

Managing Kevin’s game and my game is a lot.
1850 days 12 hours ago

I'm here in Vorovoro, and I'm ready to wreck shit! But first, I have thoughts on my tribe:

Jeremy: He's pretty much been pegged as the biggest threat on this tribe. Hopefully his time here is short

Kevin: He seems enthusiastic... maybe a little too enthusiastic. It's leaving me wondering if, in the words of The Who, "it's a put on"

Gavin: I was just in a Drag Race game with him, so we have that connection. We can slay the runway for sure, but can we survive? We shall see!

Patrick: I've played with him before. He's a dangerous player, but for now, I'll work with him.

Sarah: Who?
1850 days 12 hours ago
I did all the work for that challenge fyi. dug my way through literally 90% of his blogs to find those things. but sagar came in clutch with the puzzle, but of course he was the one who sent it. fml
1850 days 12 hours ago
I don't remember how to do these things. It has been probably about 2ish years since I played in one of these things.

For people who don't know me, my name is Jacob. Here are the things you need to know about me.

1) I suck at these games, I might be the worst player on this site.

2) I hate both of the hosts Tim and Josh, they suck, my favorite part of the game is to backstab them both. They are maybe the only 2 players worse than me on this site. :)

3) I have only won 1 game in my life on here and that was my first one ever, where I beat Obscurity in FTC. I played the perfect UTR game and we became solid mutual respect players together. I trust him a good amount, we both know we will have to cut each other at a point but we do work pretty damn good together.

4) I am an UTR player, always have been, always will be. I play it pretty damn good, problem is I either get cut right before FTC because I suck at challenges or I lose FTC because I was to UTR and I win player of the season because I dominate the viewers lounge.

5) Finally, I will cut anyone at any time if I think it is the right strategic move, I have felt bad one time in my life cutting someone on this site and the was pikaplayer, but I still cut him when I had to. This is a website where I am older than a lot of the players, I am not here to make friends, Im here to have fun and try and win.

Why the fuck did I come back.
1850 days 12 hours ago
So as of the moment you can never be so sure, but I’m feeling like I’m in a pretty decent spot. I’m on a tribe with Pat, a friend of mine, Sarah, who I know from a previous game, although we were on opposite sides, and now three other people who I’ve developed friendships and trustworthiness with. As of now I’m working with every single person on my tribe right now. The only two people who are questionable to me are Gavin a bit, Sarah, and Jeremy, but I honestly think they’re going to be loyal to me. This vote should be easy as we decided it would be like a typical first real vote out in Survivor where the weakest player on the tribe, in this case Sarah, gets eliminated. That’s all I pretty much have to say for now, if you have any questions let me know, I have all night haha.
1850 days 12 hours ago
I'm here! Getting on the beach was pretty iconic. This is the place for legends and such a legend season. Island of Fire baby. Here we go.

Tribes were divided into 3s which isnt usually my fancy but oh well. Social time.

Coming in my tribe seems okay. You've got Patrick who has Mercedes from Glee as his profile. That I stan so I am hoping hes cool. So far he seems like the most interesting person from my tribe.
Then you have Nick who I competed in a Drag Race with where he just got the boot, so its an opening. He seems nice a little quiet.
Queen Sarah, an icon, I just wish shed log the fuck on cuz there aint many girls for me to work with this season Jeff.
Kevin seemed okay but I tried having personality and humor with him to which he responded, "Oh im guessing you didnt mean to send that to me. Lol"

Awkward. Okay. So maybe he wont be my final 2.

Apparently the vote is Sarah and I honestly only have one thing to say.
1850 days 1 hour ago
We lost the immunity challenge, but the plan is to vote out Sarah. She's a complete non-entity, and we lose nothing by getting rid of her.
1849 days 19 hours ago
Well, I guess I can write one of these now that I have anything to even talk about... The inactivity on my tribe is absolutely horrendous and it seems like I am the only one who actually gives a shit about this game. However, my misfortune does seem to be helping me out in a way since the other tribes seem to be taking pity on me and are trying to help me win challenges (After they get 1st of course). I'm fine with this because that means I am likely seeing quite a few tribes to the Island of Fire until the tribe swap, if there even is one. My first visit was a success as I got really lucky that time since while Sagar is a better competitor than me in most things, the challenge was a jigsaw puzzle which I dominate in. Sagar knew this and just conceded the challenge to me so I won an extra vote which hopefully will be of use to me in the future. Gavin informed me that he won an idol he can't play on himself the first match-up on the island so I know for certain that the advantages change over time as one is taken, it is replaced with soomething else. Hopefully I can get an abundance of advantages through that.
1849 days 14 hours ago
Sarah is out
1849 days 14 hours ago

Winning 2 challenges in a row is good.  Our tribe is so strong now.  Hoping to keep streak going to win more.
1849 days 13 hours ago

Hali Ford here, checking in.

Okay so my sassy ass might have gotten a bit excited my tribe isn't so bad. I've learned Kevin is a superfan which I stan. Patrick is just in high school so hes just innocent.
I've been speaking with Jeremy more than anyone lately and I finally think I found a decent ally! Finally. Now that I have someone I can work with here its a lot more fun.

The vote piling on Sarah was a mood. Love that.

Coming back from the island of Fire, I now have this idol I need to figure out how to use to my advantage. Jeremy is now at the island, so I have made a deal that if he tells me what happens at his duel ill tell him about my advantage.
My angle is to gain trust with him, soon telling him about the four way chat Kevin made. If I can, I definetly would like to blindside him next vote and keep myself and Jeremy around, should my tribe go back before a swap.

As well, I do have respect built with Max whom I just played with, and also just went to the island. I told him of my idol incase we end up swapped together, so I can possibly use him as a means to regain numbers and stability in a swap.

Either way, my goal is gaining trust and leverage with this idol.

Saving Jeremy (if I have too)

Gaining traction from a swap

Or a big flashy move at the start of merge. We will see. Either way I love this idol its so cute what a great start to my story.
1849 days 9 hours ago
im probably getting voted out tonight lmao my tribe has a decent bunch of moderately savvy players (at least more than a typical newbie season) and i feel like they are probably chomping at the bit to take a shot at me while they can. it doesn't help that i gave cole 4th in cutthroat spring break and billy 5th in our suitman dog eat dog heat recently. both of them seem to have forgiven or at least not making mention of it but idk i wouldnt be surprised if they tried for their revenge. i wouldnt even be mad really because it would be somewhat smart but i want it to be on record that it wouldnt be a blindside, for the sake of my own dignity. my plan really was to just carry my tribe premerge so i wouldnt even have to worry about TC until the merge but unfortunately couldnt make it to the challenge tonight and probably cant make any otehr challenges this weekend either because of the holiday

i really like penguin and fox, but unfortunately it's either me or one of them probably. i would rather take out someone like harry but i feel like that'd just be asking for trouble so i wont rock the boat. im okay with fox going in theory as long as it aint me

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