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Final Tribal Council | Undercover [S1]

Topic » Final Tribal Council |..

2265 days ago
Also, all of you had really great speeches/points but my vote came down to the person who was undercover and alone for a majority of the game..... in my eyes that was the toughest route to navigate and overcome.
2264 days 23 hours ago
What's the old saying about the names for kolbys winners? Is it either 4 letters or double letters? Interestingly these guys all fit.
2264 days 19 hours ago
Will: "What do you believe is every juror/finalist's (including yourselves) best and worst qualities?"


Best: He's too damn likable! I'm pretty sure I've told him this before, but Luke is one of the few people who I immediately liked 10 seconds into talking with him. Super easy to talk to.

Worst: Looking at this game specifically, when we swapped together I think we both immediately could tell the other was gonna be a threat. I don't think he hid how smart he was very well, although I did a shit job of that as well so LOL.

Best: By far the person I know the least in and out of this game. We were on the same tribe for I believe all of one tribal. With that said, I've always had the feeling that he cares a lot about the game and is a pretty competitive person which I respect a lot. 

Worst: I think he was just too passive during that merge tribal. As soon as I threw his name out there he was the easy vote that everyone else was all too willing to jump on board with.

Best: I've always admired your inquisitiveness. I feel like this type of theme is almost built for you. biuebear was a brilliant move and I think it really showcases how well you could've done in this game if you were into it more.

Worst: Which leads me into your worst quality. You admittedly just weren't into the season! I feel like we were all robbed of what could've been an amazing Bennett show. I get it, I think a lot of people struggled to really get into the season. I know I did at times, but still I really wish we could've seen your full potential here.

Best: Dude, you're a beast. You're competitive and you know what you need to do in a game. And you go for it! I have a lot of respect for that.

Worst: Dude, you're a beast. And it scares everyone! I knew that you were always gonna have to go sooner or later. You didn't hide it well enough and I think it would've been hard for you to work your way into the end.

Best: You're very likable, and something about you just makes people want to trust you. You come off as very non threatening. I think that's why you were able to play such a good UTR game in KvB

Worst: I think that because of your playstyle you need more connections. There's nothing wrong with playing a more passive game, but you need to have a lot of social connections otherwise you just become an easy target. I think the reason you haven't been able to recreate your success in KvB was that in KvB you had a lot of friends and connections headed into the game. If you reached out more and was more actively talking to people you'd be a real force to be reckoned with. And not one people would see coming.

Best: Daddy save me from these hunters! You were absolutely hilarious to talk to. I believe this is our first real game together and I can see why everyone is so threatened by you. I hope we play again sometime because I think we could work really well together. To name some specific qualities for the question: Super likable, very smart, great sense of humor.

Worst: You're too clearly a threat. You made a great play at F7, but you overplayed your hand. If you had saved one of your vote steals then you could've gone into F6 with a big advantage.

Best: You play hard and you play well, but you never forget to have fun! I love talking to you about the game, other random shit, and sasquatches. You're one of my favorite people who I've met in the last few months or so.

Worst: I'm not convinced Demi has any flaws. Although she might be a little too into sasquatches, which worries me because I think she's hooked me and is dragging me down to her level. I don't think I can escape. Send help.

Best: Brians attitude! I know that's a bit too broad so let me explain. As soon as I saw Brian in Thailand, I was hooked. He's basically the epitome of my favorite character type. I love crazy players who make crazy moves and just have fun. Brian showed this off perfectly.

Worst: Unfortunately, ever since then he's severely let me down due to him getting hacked or whatever happened during KvB and then flopping here. I need more of Thailand Brian in my life. WHERE IS MY THAILAND BRIAN.

Best: You really pushed me this season! Physically I kept trying to keep up with you and you kept outperforming me. I had to really push myself to beat you in the final immunity challenge. Socially and Strategically I think we both were playing really hard and I gotta respect that. I told you that if I was gonna lose then I hope you win and I mean that.

Worst: You get too anxious! Take a hit from Demi and chill man! Your first idol play was super unnecessary. You get in your own head a little too much.

Best: One of my best recent friends. I love talking to you. You're someone that's really easy to get along with. I hope you get on real survivor one day because I know you'd be amazing on it. Also I will admit that you used your identity as a tool very effectively. I'll give you SOME credit ;)

Worst: I remember watching Thailand and thinking that every once in awhile you just came off as very fake. Particularly in your FTC performance. Also I wish you had played a bit harder. We still haven't REALLY had the great Robby v Dono fight that we got robbed of in KvB.

Best: I play hard while still keeping things fun(most of the time). I'm adaptable and pretty easy going.

Worst: I have a tendency to not even try to hide how hard I'm playing. Which is probably related to how I can get a little cocky. Sometimes I rub people the wrong way when I first talk to them. I struggle to fully commit to a plan. This helps me out a lot as it makes me more adaptable, but other times it gets in my way when I don't have a lot of time to think and I need to choose whether or not to act on a plan.
2264 days 19 hours ago
Will: "What do you wish you had done differently this season?"


I don't really have any big regrets. I wish I could've worked with Luke more. I love playing with him and it's a shame he left so early.
2264 days 19 hours ago
Will: "Robby: As the person at this FTC who's never been to a Kolby's FTC before, do you think you're fighting an uphill battle? Why should I vote for you over Dono and Sam?"

"do you think you're fighting an uphill battle?"

I do think I have an uphill battle here. I have plenty of experience at final tribal councils, but I've always struggled with them. This may surprise some people, but I really HATE writing. It takes me forever to get myself to sit down and actually write out a confessional or a speech or something. I put it off as long as I can. I don't think I'm particularly good at writing. I think this all really shows in our speeches. Dono and Sammy are both very good at writing speeches. Hats off to them! They really are both very well spoken. So I think that is more where I have to really fight an uphill battle.


"Why should I vote for you over Dono and Sam?"

Because I had more control over the season. I think they needed me more than I needed them. I think all 3 of us played good, but I played the best. I was good with everyone this season, and whoever I wasn't good with I took out. I knew everyones identities as soon as Bennett got out. I never had to win immunity or play an idol on myself to save myself. I was never in danger(although I was targeted) despite playing hard and being one of the bigger threats throughout the game.
2264 days 19 hours ago
That's true Demi! The winner thing will live on after this regardless who wins lol
2264 days 15 hours ago
I will be continuing to answer questions tonight, so keep asking me and I will get to you! I'm sorry but today is a late monthly all staff meeting for work and I gotta stay mad late. Then we got survivor so I'll write as much as I can during that, and the same goes for my Series' S2 Reunion!
2264 days 11 hours ago
Thanks for the compliments, guys! You did awesome <3

My vote is pretty much decided after reading everything. Im still reading, so gl to all!

Btw... things u guys did :::::: that

I cant believe the white rhinos are actually gonna be extincted im so sad.
2264 days 7 hours ago
Questions for all of you:
- What do you believe is every juror/finalist's (including yourselves) best and worst qualities?

- PinkPanther (IceBear)

Luke always scares me because of how endearing he is. I was completely in his court in KvB, and he absolutely got the better of me. I fell for his charisma and didn't consider him as I should have. his worst quality is his bad breath... no kidding lmao. His worst quality is probably that he sucks up a bit to people I think. I only think that's a bad quality because I do it too and I'm really tired of it for myself, and I think it is a long-term burden on one person and maybe Luke should focus less on bending over backwards for people and more on straightening out his back. It's a metaphor, but yeah I like it.

- MagentaElephant (ThisIsMyGame)

Gamo, I had no idea who you were before this game. I'd like to know which game your username refers to (but I'll get to this later). Your best quality if your never-say-die attitude. I envy that, and sometimes find myself anger at how disheartened I can become over things. Relentless attitude is the best way to combat self-doubt and the aid the growth of healthy confidence. This is a nice segue... Getting back to your urername, I think it shines some light on your worst quality. There seems to be a certain too-much-self-love aura about you. Do you think way too highly of yourself? I haven't seen that explicitly, but it might explain your unofficial #wildcard insignia. I think a slice of humble pie would suit you well, or maybe just some regular pie. Do you like apple pie?

- CrimsonCrab (coolnarwhal88)

Bennett my boi. Your best quality is that dry sarcastic funny bone you got. Your humor, I think, is like classic deadpan British humor. I saw it mostly in KvB from your hosting, but have since gotten to know you better and know for certain that it is just you. Sometimes I mistake you for being serious, though, which is what brings me to your worst quality. There is a disconnect between the two of us somewhere that has led me to be confused by some things you say, mistaking them for being angry or annoyed when in reality you are just typing on a phone and can in no way, shape, or form show your emotion through text. But your worst quality might be laziness. I don't know if that's what I'd call it, but sometimes I think you don't really care when we speak and that you are just like a bot. That's why sometimes I think you don't like me lol.

- CarmineCardinal (Novamax243)

Saxy Maxy. Robbed Goddess Max "Scott Rogowsky" Nova. Yeah, I guess you are Scorr Rogowsky now. Anyway, your best quality is your ability to forgive. OMG I thought I ruined my game by being upfront and honest with you. I sometimes think it should have, because I FUCKED YOU OVER in KvB and it was before I really understood you as a person. When you get to know someone through the lense of Survivor it is hard to gauge if they are normally honest or not. It just automatically plants doubt. So I kinda assumed you were going to vote me out or at least try to. But I looked at the situation and thought to myself, "There is a small chance he is the type of person who forgives and forgets. There is a fucking excellent reason for the two of us to mutually need each other for the foreseeable future, so it would make sense for him to want to align with me, so long as he trusts me or doesn't know who I am." I was thinking about approaching you just as SalmonSalmon but, everyone who approached me as just their undercover username became nothing more than a fleeting memory compared to the people I knew. That was so much more valuable. So I went to you honestly like I did with Robby Will, & Demi before me (at that point). And although it didn't work out for you because of vote steal-gate, I think it did ultimately put both of us in a better spot, and if you weren't the one voted out, I think there is a solid chance you'd be here instead of Robby. The idea was to use you to help ditch Robby, but I lost you too quick. LOL so getting back to your best and worst quality, your best quality is definitely your forgiving nature. Your worst quality might be your naivety. Twice now I have seen you voted out in a weird fucking way. Pre-merge blindside right before merge with an idol in your pocket, and then get voted out amidst three vote steals and a useless idol play. Neither of those are standard statistics and your are kind of just an outlier in Kolby's Survivor in general and I think you need to be more paranoid. That's your problem. Don't be so comfortable bruh. Stop takin' chill pills, dawg.

- LinenDoe (hellomynameis347)

LOL LinenDoe. You rascal. Your best quality is that dashing hairpiece. It looks so fly, dude. Works well with the sunglasses you were wearing a few days back. IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, your best quality is your ability to hide a lie. I have to credit you for being one of the most difficult people on Tengaged to read, just behind like DallasAndrew. You are talkative, but not an asshole talker like me. Yet you always fucking surprise me with your intellect. You are the epitome of the underdog taking what he's owed. But your worst quality might be your luck (or lack there-of). Small shoutout to Dono's Survivor, I was hoping you could have better luck in this game. I did NOT see your elimination coming at all, and didn't have any reason to campaign for you. I would have if I had known though, you my dawg, g. Much love.

- WhiteRhino (Hufus)

Hufus, I love you. Your best quality is your heart. You fucking love people, and you love them hard. I can feel that love. I know we had become close through Iceland and watching one another play, but you just vibe with me. We are fitting puzzle pieces, I don't know. I feel that way with very few others. It's people like you that make me love this website. Endless compassion. It is so fucking endless, in fact, that you still get really hurt when you are betrayed on tengaged. Most of us can separate the game from the relationship, and you being unable to isn't a bad thing. It means you just put everything into each and every relationship you have. I understand that, and I try to do the exact same thing. My best work usually comes in making people who are sad, smile. I guess it doesn't translate so well to trying to make people smile who are mad, because I hurt you after you were voted out in our discussions by trying to make a light-hearted joke. It was a simple, ill-timed joke and I am sorry for that, but this bring me to your worst quality. Your worst quality is your fragility. I was not trying to undermine the response you typed. I wasn't finished speaking (obviously), and if you had been calm, you might have understood that. So there was unfair emotional responses on both ends. Being so emotionally invested in everything you do (please understand and trust that i'm speaking from experience here) can make being angry volatile and uncontrollable and can lead to that fragility. You aren't at 100% when you are using all your energy boosting other people's batteries. Allow yourself that, or the stress will eat you away. I just think our relationship doesn't have to be changed by something so emotionally charged and something that we clearly both needed more time to have to process. I don't care if you vote for me. Talk to me after this please.

- CarmelCamel (demikol)

Demi Demi Demi... Your best quality is your uncanny ability to always challenge me, and I think everyone around you. It's a multi-faceted thing. You challenge me to be better. You challenge me to be a better player, and you challenge me to be a better ally. You challenge me to be a worthy adversary. It's ridiculous how much of an impact you have had on this game, and beyond. You are a necessary rarity in life and I love you for it, but I think your worst quality is your secret evil nature you always try to hide. You do it so well, but I know that you are still a great player and willing to do whatever is necessary. I cannot believe you lied to me. I know, I've said it a million times. I also have said how much I value your friendship and value you as a person. Same as Hufus, this goes beyond the game. Regardless of your vote, Sasquatches Forever!

- BlueBear (FireX)

Brian LOL You are such a wildcard, but you played quite differently in each time I've played with you in Kolby's. OMG I just realized we've played all three seasons together. We da bomb dot com. Okay. I'm over that. Your best quality is your loyalty. I know that is your driving force and you play hard to make friends and stick with it. It is the social goal, and I love to try to do that as well. You made it far because you were the last one left of your crew, and as its captain, you sunk with it. That may be you worst quality as well, in a way, because it is almost always like trying to steer a car in a river. You can turn that wheel all you want. You ain't going nowhere. Well, most of the time in that situation anyway. When all you rely on is a social connection with allies, you have to also provide physical strength and maintain a majority alliance beyond just your tribe. The other tribes have to be kept in check somehow, but such a narrow focus in the game can sometimes make you lose sight of the other players. I think that's what happened with you this game, but it also could have something to do with the Undercover nature.

- What do you wish you had done differently this season?

I wish I convinced Robby/Sammy to vote Demi out before Hufus. I don't think I would have been okay with going to the end with Hufus, and we had never made any deals to. But, I failed to realize how much it would hurt Hufus to see me vote for him after finding out who he was. I didn't see it as a slight considering he stole my vote (therefore confirming MY identity first) and not approaching me to make some sort of attempt at an alliance. It caused something I didn't think would happen at all, and I do regret that.

Dono: What parts of your game do you think could be improved?

Opening up to the anonymous players and trying to trust in their anonymity. One of the things I failed to realize was just how willing EVERYONE would be to hop on board a plan. Chances are, nobody is getting angsty to stir shit up. The main priority in the beginning stages was creating alternate identities, studying others, and playing blind (except for me & Robby of course). I should have played harder to the blind. Hufus and I were together early on and never really reconnected. The same goes for Luke, and I think because of that, I was okay with voting for Pink right before merge (it was only at the vote when I learned it was Luke omg toughest reveal),

Another aspect is my guesses. I didn't think they'd be quite as useful as they ended up being. I think I should have used it on Robby at one point. I also should have told Robby to use it on me so that nobody else could steal my vote. By the time I asked him to do that, he already had used all his guesses.
2264 days 7 hours ago
Can't forget these knuckleheads.

- Sammy [ChartbutPlatywhatever]

Sammy reminds me a lot of Oliver (leli14). Super super nice and willing to help, and very much cut from the same cloth. We are the same type of person, and we are usually on the same wavelength. Honestly the same can be said for Robby. That's interesting. But keeping to Sammy, I love how much of a Kolby slave he is. It truly is heartwarming to see such a tame kitty. Also I love Sammy to death <3 His worst quality is CHARTREUSE & PLATYPUS like what the ever-living fuck were you thinking. I really want to know. I hate you so much for that. I take back all the kind things I have ever said about you.

- Runestone Robby [RedRocketPenguin]

Hey Robby just won my season. His best quality is his physical strength and his ability to win seasons. He was in at least three group games at one time at one point (Undercover, Peru, Pokepats). He won two of them and is in this final. That's reckless. But you ain't all that to be honest. I don't think you really deserved to win my season, you were kind of a trainwreck. That is your worst quality. You are a mess. If there was ever a person who had his shit in so many places, oh man. Robbbbbbby GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. Just kidding, Robby, I don't even know where that came from. You have been one of my closest friends since coming back to Tengaged, and am honored to crown you champion. But I don't intend on losing to you here. Not tonight. I giveth a crown, and I taketh a crown away.
2264 days 7 hours ago
Sorry that came so late, I have had an incredibly busy day but have also been chipping away at it. Thanks Will for asking the most in-depth question ever? If that creates any more questions, please feel free to ask away!

But for now, Dono out.
2263 days 23 hours ago
Ughhhh, if I have to hear this one more time....when will the torture be over? Lol
2263 days 23 hours ago
This person knows what I'm talking about
2263 days 22 hours ago
LOL what Demi? What did I say?
2263 days 20 hours ago
Sorry for making y'all write research papers to answer my question. Thanks for the answers!

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Survivor: Undercover | Day 25

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