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Survivor Maldives - All Winners Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Maldives - All..

1429 days 9 hours ago
-----MATT GETS 10TH-----
1429 days 9 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

*holds up parchment that says MORDECAI*

Fuck you.
1429 days 9 hours ago
Sydney D. (Guigi):

I'm guessing I can change my vote later if I'd..

I honestly forgot since I havent played in so long

but if I can I'd like to vote for Mordecai. Pick a better name next time bitch and it's time I pay you back for all the hell you put me through over the years.
1429 days 9 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

You know I thought a (3)-2-1-1 vote would be the craziest vote I would ever had been apart of back in Tasmania. How could anything get any crazier than that? It's truly the height of my tengaged career an- 10th: Matt F. (GiGi10) [Maroshi/Funadhoo/Naifaru/Maroshi/Marto] (4-2-2-1-1) - 2nd Member of the Jury WHAT THE FUCK.

So how the hell did this happen? It all started from the divide between the majority, with Sydney wanting Hufus gone af, likely so he could take a shot at Ben F9, and others not being too fond on that. Particularly myself, I see Hufus as a really great ally for myself, and he's always kept me in the loop on what he's thinking. I trust him a shit ton, and when Hufus was the target of the majority, I knew I needed to come up with a way to get that target off of him, because under my watch, Hufus ain't going.

I will have an aside, I think I've become too much of a pussy and overextended myself in this game. I'm close with a lot of the cast, and having to make decisions that I hate. Hutus/David/Ethan000 I can't see myself voting out, and I will do my damnedest if their names come up to do ANYTHING to make sure it ain't them. The issue? I actually seem to have a good grasp on this game, and it's going to be inventible that I can't save one of them. I mean it is a F3 or F2, not a F4, and those 3 do not wanna go to the end with each other. To further complicate it, ppl like Matt/BigShepard/Ethan001 are still hard for me to vote out, hell even Raul and Sydney I will have some struggle doing!

So anyway, away from me being a little baby pussy, back to me being a backstabbing brandon richie. I talked with 000 about not wanting Hufus to go, trying to pitch as, if Hufus goes now, you/me/Ethan001/BigBen will be the targets F9 as a group that must be broken up. The only thing that could hold us together is keeping Hufus who Sydney has been wanting gone and vice versa this whole game. With that distraction in the game, the 4 of us could steamroll this game. 000 was worried Syd would flip this vote if we didn't do Hufus, and do even more damage, I understood, and thought all day of ways that I could somehow save his ass.

Then everything exploded. While trying to pitch my case to Ethan001 abt keeping Hufus, Raul adds me to the minority chat. I see everything they've been saying this round, including Kelly going for me, Hufus going for Syd, and the two of them fighting. Hufus left the alliance chat, the two publicly began to fight, and then the flood gates opened and everyone but Hufus was suddenly in the minority chat.

Hufus tells me he's voting Kelly and writing his exit speech, and then Ethan000, Ethan001, BigBaby, and myself go on call fully talking about the chaos. Talking in circle after circle, we hear that Kelly/Raul are attempting to get a group to blindside myself or Ben, but can't get the numbers. David/Syd/Kelly say they're voting Hufus, Hufus voting Kelly, and Matt/Raul voting Mordecai. i get on call with Hufus, try to say I can save him, but he just wants to vote Sydney. He wouldn't really expand or give a another name when I said that wasn't possible, and I began to think we were getting hoodwinked or some shit.  He said he'd just do Kelly despite thinking that Kelly would likely get an idol play his way, and I was worried if we voted Kelly then Hufus and would go after Mordecai used his idol on himself.

I then get on call with like 10 minutes left with Ethan000/JaVale to discuss, and I try pushing for Raul, thinking in all this chaos he won't play an idol. However, they were concerned he would, as well as Hufus, and I understood, and they wanted to go with the safe play and take out Matt. With only 3 minutes to vote, I felt the vote was between Hufus and Matt, and didn't have time to switch things around, despite wanting to do Kelly or Raul or even Sydney, and with that choice, choose Hufus.
1429 days 9 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

Matt goes, saying he won't be voting me in the end, and I get it. He defended me in his chats time after time, and I just backstabbed him hard. It came down to the fact that Hufus is someone I just am going to choose over anyone else. It wasn't a great move for me, but it was for the alliance of bigben/myself/Ethan's to succeed with Hufus having to decide between working with us, or the other 4, 2 of which he has said are dead to him (Raul/Kelly), 1 who has been going after him since the start (Syd), and 1 who just voted him (David).

That being said, I have different plans. Rn I want to take out one of Raul/Kelly, then next vote whichever stays or Syd. However, I truly do want Ben out F5 not just because of the meme, but because he is the biggest threat to win. While I like the guy, he's just not someone I'm feeling as though I'm going to feel HORRIBLE voting out since I have the excuse of literally warning him all season that I would, and he voted out my girlfriend :). So yeah, to do that, I think one of the Ethan's have to go before F5. That ain't being 000 under my watch, so unfourtunetly, that has to be Britney.

Given the chance, I wanna take that shot at F7, hopefully with David/Hufus and one of Syd/Raul, and try to pave a F4 of David/Hufus/Ethan000. If those 3 are in the F4, the winner I will love. That's all I want cuz Newz, I ain't winning. What I would do there? I have no fucking clue. I'm hoping one of them honestly just gets taken out without my doing cuz I can't vote those 3. There's a long road ahead of us Newz and I'm not sure I have much fuel left.
1429 days 9 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

*Holds up parchment that says HUFUS*

Um Ethan Britney CANNOT leave before you of all people
1429 days 9 hours ago
Kelly K. (Kelly2722):

I’m probably going home tonight and that’s okay. I ran my course and brought the entertainment, I played my own game and didn’t sheep anybody which most of these people can’t relate to. I refuse to believe that I truly lost immunity today but the hate mail from the viewers is just something that production will have to deal with. DJ Mama Kel Kel Kelly needs a miracle to happen or else she’s going home tonight.
1428 days 18 hours ago
Kelly K. (Kelly2722):

I’m really surprised I survived last tribal honestly. I think what solidified me staying was a deal I struck with Ben about 20 minutes before the vote that I wouldn’t vote for him next tribal if I were to stay. Them taking out Matt was a good move on their end because they know myself and Hufus aren’t working together anymore and Matt was a vote against them for certain.

Anyways, I know I’m still in one of the worst spots on the tribe but it really does seem like some of the majority alliance are finally willing to make a move against the obvious final 3 in Ben Ethan Brittney and Dylan. I’ve made it this far by causing chaos and uncertainty amongst the tribe and I do plan on continuing that.
1428 days 18 hours ago
Kelly K. (Kelly2722):

I’m really frustrated with the inactivity of this cast. People say they want to make a move but they aren’t ever online to talk about the vote. It makes me feel like they really don’t have any interest at all in flipping. But that’s really the only plan that I’ve got going for me so I’m stuck with trying to make it happen. This is my Hail Mary in this game.
1428 days 18 hours ago
-----HUFUS GETS 9TH-----
1428 days 18 hours ago
Sydney D. (Guigi):


anyway I got spared pre-merge by the bigben cult and I put my life in jeopardy. I would of loved to save Jake and especially Marto but not at the price of my life or david's life in this game. David is still the only person I trust fully. I tell him pretty much everything and i love him so much. I decided to snipe Hufus bc he's a rat in games and would tell bigben everything and be 0 use to me or David and we needed to flush bigben's idol and Raul's so now we are back to square one and I need to pit everyone but Dyl against BIGBADWOLF

honestly Bigben trying to guilt trip us when he's backstabb me like 3 times isnt workingI feel 0 bad for this guy lol. love him as a person but I have 0 pity. he should of known keeping Syd in this game was the death of him.
I do not really trust Dylan  in this game and as much as he's useless in the game, I feel like if he does make it to the end he might win bc bitter jury
Ethan000 and I had a decent relationship but we been knew he's a loyal ben supporter. He loved acting like he isnt and I do not trust him after this last vote. he definitely told ben that he was getting votes so he uses his idol and we send kelly packing lmaoafter ben, I want ethan000 out
Brittney is another pretty useless player to me. I'm lying to him telling him ben said he'd be number 4 and the person he trusts the least out of his 3 allies. hopefully he buys it so we can send his ass packing
Raul is decent but seemed so pressed by the game. and dont you think I forgot he wanted to snipe me premerge
Kelly is the person i trust the most after David. ive been pretty honest with him for the most part and i would like to take him far but i do feel like he'd get the respect of the jury
and david is amazing. I do feel like (and kinda know) he has side deals with like Dylan, Raul etc but i dont care. I feel like me winning is a stretch so I want him to win <3
oh and i cheated the last challenge but Mike is ok with it right
1428 days 18 hours ago
Kelly K. (Kelly2722):

This game is a fucking MESS. I have never seen such a complex group of people in any group games that I have played in and I’ve played in many. This truly is Winners at War. I’ve shaken up this game so fucking much that I tore down the 6 person alliance (which was obvi gonna happen eventually but whatever I did that) and now everybody is scrambling to find positioning in this game and it’s like... hello??? This is what I’ve been doing ever since merge hit. Welcome to my world ya know? Anyways I’m really happy where the game is at right now because even though I’m not comfortable at all, I know that at least now everybody is in the same boat as I am which is a lot better than the position I’ve been in so far in this game.
1428 days 18 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

Voting Confessional:
Holds up parchment that says MORDECAI

Listen, I understand you’re hurt on a personal level and I’m sorry about that. But I can’t just sit back and give Newz a bad season. I have to play this game to my best ability and that’s what I did and am doing. Sorry.
1428 days 18 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

K, I need to explain some things

First off, the initial plan going into the spell was to vote Ben. However, things changed real quick.  so Myself, Kelly, Raul, Sydney and Ethan H have a group chat where we decided to target Ben. I informed them all about Bens idol so we had to make up a plan. We wanted to split the votes and just have Raul play his idol correctly to send either Ben or Hufus out. That plan changed only when Raul switched it to Brittney for no good reason 🙄. I did not wanna see Brittney leave so I began leaking info to him so we could develop our own plan (note: Brittney had already expressed interest in voting out Ben so I trusted him much. He also was the only one to inform me that Matt was going instead of Hufus the previous tribal).

At this point I want both idols gone and I want Ben to take a hit so here’s what I planned up (with Brittney): me, Brittney and Sydney vote hufus, Kelly and Raul vote Brittney, Ethan votes Ben, Hufus Ben and Dylan vote Raul. This plan left Ben potentially wasting his idol, Raul protects himself and Hufus leaves instead of Brittney. I didn’t love this idea because it would piss off Raul and Kelly, essentially leaving me and Syd with no one but I was willing to do it to protect Brittney.

Things quickly changed once again though because during all this, Ethan had been leaking info back to Bens side. This meant they knew Ben would get at least two votes (they thought they had Ethan) so he may not have to play his idol if they were careful. I needed to make sure they knew I was voting Ben but I couldn’t tell Ben directly because that would be too obvious. Luckily Rauls messy ass already leaked my plans to Ben tribals ago so he was suspicious already. I put him over the edge by telling Hufus I wanted Ben out (knowing he’d run back to Ben). This is also where I told Dylan about the plan.

So right now I’m our timline: Everyone believes that me and Sydney are voting Ben even though we already secretly switched to Hufus (except Brittney ofc). Now all that was left is to convince Raul and Kelly to jump on board so I piss off the fewest people possible. Brittney confirmed moments before tribal that the other side did indeed know about the plan and they all switched to voting Kelly. That’s all I needed to run straight to Kelly and Raul in private to convince them that if they didn’t flip, Kelly would be leaving. I also took this opportunity to convince Raul to waste his idol on Kelly but made it seem legit since Kelly did get a few votes.

So in this cycle I made a final 3 with Sydney and Brittney as well as with Raul and Kelly. I may have totally overplayed this (lol MAY have) but honestly it was so fun and if this is the end of my M&N career, what a way to go out. I’m genuinely impressed with how I was able to pull that off and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

From here I want Ben out. He’s completely done with me on all levels. I can’t blame him for being personally hurt over me but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop playing the game. I don’t think Dylan trusts me anymore but I am gonna try my damnedest to reel him back in. Kelly scares me. Bad. And I think Ethan H is dangerous both idol game and immunity wise. I’m worried that Raul and Kelly May try to pull a fast one on me but I have no choice but to roll with them for now. My biggest fear out of all of this is Ethan H finding that damn idol and flinging me from the game... let’s pray that doesn’t happen.

My ideal boot order (I wonder how much it’s changed since day 1 lol):
8: Ben
7: Kelly/Ethan H
6: Kelly/Ethan H
5: Dylan (maybe?)
4: Brittney (?)
F3: Raul (maybe?) me and Sydney 💕

I don’t have an exact order in mind plus idols and who knows if I even have the ability to last another vote but it can’t hurt to try.
1428 days 18 hours ago
-----KELLY K. GETS 8TH-----

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