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Survivor Maldives - All Winners Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Maldives - All..

1431 days 16 hours ago
Jake B. (Lemjam6):

It's kinda pathetic to see anyone self-vote because this is All Winners this is not just any game, but nonetheless I survived the first tribal and I'm the only Jake left!
1431 days 16 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

BLM, ACAB and wear a mask

Now that we got the important things out of the way, let's talk about your game.

Honestly fuck you and your mother and your best friend's dog for having such terrible winners. Kelly S is an atrocious human being. he has the social skills of a physically disabled elephant and he's about as sweet as black coffee. I know he's just a troll but even trolls should not be willing to throw away basic morals. Anyway, Ray is also here and I do not like the bitch but I think it's in my best interest to work with him so I will tolerate it for now. Sydney is an icon but I don't trust a bitch. I am actually going to try to work with Dylan this time around but hell if he'll be calm enough to actually work with me. I've never met someone who seems so much like they take Adderall every morning. I mean he's a great person don't get me wrong, but gameplay-wise he's a nightmare to play with or against. Basically I don't really trust anyone in this cast.

As much as I would have loved to see Kara play, it's for the best that she isn't. I cannot be bothered to deal with the target of being a pair. I genuinely have no idea where my strategic game is headed so for now imma just befriend bitches and hope they don't betray me. I do know that I NEED Kelly/Jake out pre-merge because their existence on the jury would suck so bad.

Fuck it, here's an ideal boot order
Premerge: Jake, Kelly S, Romeo, Ethan C, Mordecai (I just do not vibe), and Ray (although I wouldn't DIE if he made merge)
13-7: Brandon, Kelly K, Ethan H, Raul, Marto, Ben P, Ryan
Finale: Sydney, Hufus, Matt, Dylan, Eric, Myself

Obviously this is VERY subject to change because who knows if I will feel this same way even tomorrow but that should give you an idea of how I feel about everyone. I love Brandon, I really do, but I'm not willing to throw my game away for him and I know how capable he is of sneaking his way into shit and I do not stan that. Dylan scares me to let get that close to the end because I just see him being a hard beat but who knows. atm I'm feeling like Sydney would be a good finalist to go against BUT I know that will change.

I can't wait for none of this to matter because I get pre-merge
1431 days 16 hours ago
Jake B. (Lemjam6):

So I feel like this round is going to be very interesting. It’s kind of like there’s a four person group and then there’s a bunch of outsiders. And the outsiders really need to get together. Raul formed formed a group of myself him and Matt which I love. I think we’re all on the same page. But we really need to lock down the other two votes

I also has a call with Ben last night and I think Ben and I have a mutual respect for each other and we don’t bullshit each other. We’re both very aware of the circumstances and basically told each other we probably won’t be voting the same way and that’s OK. As long as he’s not voting me I don’t care. Of course I want to get the vote through but the ultimate goal is my safety. I’m fairly confident they are voting Romeo or Raul because a lot of people seem to be very weary of Raul, I just don’t see it.

I know Hufus is the swing vote today. I was the first person to call it. I went on call with him last night and told him before he even knew. And I just want him to tell me what he’s doing so that I’m aware of what’s going on.
1431 days 16 hours ago
Romeo K. (BritishRomeo17):

It was very disappointing that Ethan completely decimated us in that challenge, honestly it pissed me off to the point that if I see him on a swap tribe, or even a merge, he will probably be a target of mine because that really rubbed me the wrong way, he went out of his way to prove his physical dominance and that's not gonna fly on my watch.

It's also become clear to me and other members on the tribe that Brandon, Brittney, Ben and Dylan are all connected, even if all 4 of them didn't have a thing together, I feel like they do, but even if they don't, they're still gonna vote the same way cause they're all connected to each other in some way, so me, Jake, Matt and Raul think we really need to take out one of them tonight, I'd prefer it to be Dylan because I have no relationship with him and I don't really wanna talk to him, so it would be really lovely to just flush him out the game, but to be honest I don't really mind that much which one of them goes, I don't have 100% trust with any of them so it wouldn't affect me too much, the main objective is to get Hufus with us, reclaim our power and take the majority of this tribe.
1431 days 16 hours ago
Ethan H. (Ethan000):

I can't be bothered to say anything strategic rn

But I just wanted to say that the fact that I'm going to be a big reason that somebody is getting 19th...I stan

That is all.
1431 days 16 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

Yes hello I'm back! After a preseason of ups and down, I'm ready for this rollercoaster ride from hell. Originally, I did accept being on all winners the second I saw the invite. Then I looked at Newz's profile to see all the past winners... And I was like well that's a mix of people who could ruin a season and a lotta people I genuinely like and can't see myself voting out! I figured as long as Ken was playing, I had a reason to be on. Then, pregaming began, and more importantly, Ken said he wasn't playing. What was the point of playing if I couldn't just talk to Ken every day only to vote him out mid merge? I ended up declining.

Then I had second second thoughts, and talked to Ethan about how I declined, and he said I could make the decision for the both of us. He did to me what I did to Lexie in all winners, put the decision on the other person to decide if we'd stay or go. Well you know what? I decided fuck it, I'm not robbing Ethan of his eventual win, nor myself, and undeclined, er reaccepted? Apparently that's a word but undeclined isn't. I come into this season after my uninspiring win in Tasmania, my really great pre-merge turned manic post merge HvV game (in which yinz did an ENDURANCE CHALLENGE ON MY BDAY FOR ME TO GET VOTED OUT), and then my I don't even remember it cuz I was either drunk/high at all times during my vacation in China game! Which honestly was my best strategic game, but also my worst social game since again, on vacation.

Now I'm coming in here to battle against the very best because I hate myself! Right outta the gate, the tribes were divided into 2 of 10, and oh boy is my tribe interesting. First, we got both Brandon and BigMordecai. Both of these fuckers backstabbed Lexie for 5th place when she was 100% with them, both thinking she'd beat them in the end. Brandon's was 100% worse, with him pledging his allegiance to her on call right before the finale, then making it seem like he may save her and play the idol on her, only to do it to the person she voted. Despite this, these are probably the people going into this tribe I trust the most? Both have been good allies to me in the past, and I think I can downplay my relationships with both to everyone else.

Another notable on this tribe is my China ally Hufus, probably the one person I was the most honest with all season, we voted together each and every tribal, and were in a really good position until he fucked up getting an idol. I trust Hufus a lot, and I think we can really get a lot going in this tribe. Lastly of people I have a past with, Matt, who I played with in HvV. We really just were in a similar alliance then I backstabbed it and he went for me, but Ethan000 saved my ass and then Matt and I later worked together! Then he took me out 6th when I think had he not done that he or I woulda won, but it's fine. We also were just in a survivor game together where he was in a premade and they voted out everyone else over me until I got like a 42 on zoo and was sent packing. We have some trust from that but like it ain't that deep.

Also on the other tribe, got my boy Ethan, who I trust 100% (even tho he gave JaVale an idol and not me hehe fuck u Ethan), David who I really wanna work with, Ray who I don't trust at all but we're together I guess? And also Ryan who is someone I trust but am worried he will make too big of a splash and wipe me out with him.

So we get to the first challenge, and it's the forum posting one. The entire time I spent DESTROYING two forums that NEVER got closed. Only 2 didn't get closed, the two I was working on. I'm a soon to be accountant who is currently studying to be a certified public accountant, I'm already gonna have carpal tunnel, but that challenge made it so much fucking worse. Short challenge short, we ended up losing pretty badly.
1431 days 16 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

The early dynamics seemed to be that there were 3 big players, LemJake, Moses, and Brandon. The issue? No one wants to name those people as first boot. I tried to just get my social game going, talking to everyone but Romeo/Shirtless Pic Jake, and the only one I haven't really good convo out of the others has been LemJake. It seemed like things were going with small voting blocks, Brandon/Ethan/Brandon's new boy toy Shirtless Pic Jake, Lemjake/Romeo, and myself/JaVile. This left Raul/Hufus/Matt as kind of up in the air. Luckily, they're the three I feel like I've talked the most to, and as a result Hufus/Big Ben/myself got together, with us agreeing we trusted Matt for the future.

Hufus wanted to go Brandon, but Ben/I agreed that that'd give Jake a lot of power potentially. In general, we wanted to keep Jake/Brandon around in fear that with one gone, the other could get everyone but us/Hufus/Matt together and go for one of us. In the end, we wanted to try to take out an easy vote like Jake S./Romeo. Raul's name has gone around, but I really like him? Him and I get along really well and I want to keep him if I can, but everyone seems to say he's close to other people. Once Jake S. was just disappeared, his name was brought up by LemJake for some Jake on Jake crime, and this season's sexist was taken out.

Also BigVale has an idol thanks to Ethan. That kinda hurt ngl, I thought Ethan/I had each other, but it's ok I understand that Ben's more in trouble. Although tbh, BigMoses/LemJake/Brandon are all both the biggest threats and the safest because those 3 have a lil pact to keep the big targets together Tony Vlahos style, so it's really annoying that all us working class folk are just at the wimps of these gigantic capitalists and are too busy fighting each other to overthrow them. But it's fine I'm not a socialist or anything.

Why did I come back.
1431 days 16 hours ago
Hufus D. (Hufus):

*uncaps pen*

Please, this has to work. THIS HAS TO WORK. THIS HAS TO WORK. THIS HAS TO WORK. I didnt stick my neck out to make it happen for it to not happen. SURVIVOR GODS.
1431 days 16 hours ago
-----BRANDON GETS 19TH-----
1431 days 16 hours ago
-----TRIBE SWAP-----
1427 days 12 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

The first tribal was easy, but really fucking sad. We lost the tribe's only snack, and we were left starving for the challenge. It didn't help that the challenge was the shoving challenge, one all about speed. The issue is if one person was truly the best at speed, they could win it for the tribe. Did I mention the other tribe had Ethan000? Right off the bat, Ethan crushed Romeo's funny bone, but we roared back with Brandon popping Sydney's tits. During this whole time, our tribe was doing a tribe call to #BuildTribeMorale !

We were now tied up, and Brandon crushed Sydney's tit so hard we knew he had to go against Ethan000. I stepped up to the plate, and after misclicking, I heard my tribe groan, as Ethan000 shoved a sausage in my vegan mouth (drink). Jake then mud wrestled Marto to the ground to tie it up again, as Brandon was parched with thirst from the sidelines seeing Marto on his back. Ethan000 then pounded Brandon, who seemed to like it? After our Ethan was able to beat Kelly K. before he even got one shove it, it all came down to Hufus vs Ethan000. Ethan000 hacked into Hufus's mainframe quicker than Kelly aborts babies. So there it was, tribal again. Despite our tribe going 3-0 against the none 000's, we were punished for not having him.

The last tribal was way too easy, so this one had to be more difficult. Hufus/Mordecai/myself wanted to get with Ethan/Brandon, as well as try to get Matt on the side to take out one of Jake/Raul/Romeo. Moses really wanted Raul gone, but I had more of a connection with him as Romeo and I had yet to have any conversation, and Hufus seemed to agree, so the target was Romeo. After creating a chat with the 3 of us and Ethan/Brandon, we were gucci. We had the numbers, and there was nothing to worry about.

Hufus tells JaVale/myself that he is the swing, and they're going for Ethan, but he still wants to do Romeo and is just playing both sides. Cool cool. Also during this time, Hufus calls me telling me that Raul is saying Brandon/BigBen/Ethan/myself had a tight final 4 group since the start of the game and had a chat. I told Hufus it was BS (cuz it was), and it was clear Raul had been trying to target our group.

Also at one point I told Raul I probs would wanna do Romeo cuz I haven't talked to him, but was open to other options and asked his opinion and he was like 'we're at an impasse'. Like bro you didn't give anything, it's hard to really trust that at all. Anyways, so Hufus comes to me and tells me he's thinking of flipping to take out Brandon. I told him I thought it was a bad idea, but I get it from his standpoint. We knew a swap was likely, and Jake/Kelly's side would be right after him if he didn't flip, and he was worried Brandon/Ryan would take a shot at him given the chance regardless. I didn't agree with the latter point, but I feel like the only one who coulda convinced him of that was Brandon/Ryan.

As time flew by, I thought Hufus was still with us. Although he wanted Brandon, the group seemed to want to do Ethan or myself, and he was only flipping for Brandon. But an hour before the vote, Hufus goes on call w me telling me they're doing Brandon, and telling everyone they're doing me. I do my part to act like I'm scrambling to Raul/Matt to save my ass, as I tried to convince Hufus NOT TO FUCKING FLIP. I thought there was a chance, esp because his main gripe was the fact that Brandon was not being paranoid and he came an hour before the vote being the Brandon we know and love, but it wasn't enough.
1427 days 12 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

Also, JaVile told Hufus he had the idol to try to calm him in our attempts to win him back over, but in the end, he took his shot at Brandon. I do feel bad not telling Brandon, but I felt like it would've done more harm than good to tell him he was in trouble, and at the end of the day, I trusted Hufus more than Brandon. I still voted Romeo on the off chance Hufus was sticking with us, or that Raul/Matt would actually flip, but it wasn't enough, and Brandon went home. It sucked him going without me even getting to do anything </3

So yeah, after this it looked like I was in an alright position still? Raul/Matt I still had solid relationships with, I believe I was the #1 of both Hufus/BigVale, and Ethan and I bonded a lot and were now blindsided brothers. I fully believe if we went to another tribal I woulda been safe, and worst come to worst, BigMoses woulda used his idol on me like the king he was.
1427 days 12 hours ago
Jake B. (Lemjam6):

Today was a lot. I work late on Tuesdays, but I managed.

Honestly, I've impressed myself. I know I'm a good player, but I did not have many good things going coming into this game but I was literally like the glue on my tribe. My 5 person alliance all trusted me more than each other because I take time to build one on one relationships and get to know people. For example, Raul was really paranoid and a chat hadn't made but I could tell that Raul didn't want to make it, so I said oh don't worry I'll make it. If someone leaks it I will take the blame because I don't care. A lot of people are reactive players, I think one of my biggest assets is that I'm a proactive player. Everything is quiet? That's fine I'll talk about the vote. No one wants to make a chat? I don't mind making a chat. I knew Hufus was going to be the swing vote today, so what did I do? I asked him to go on call with me last night. Brandon and Ben didn't get to him until today, but I had already handled it.

Brandon wasn't my target, but we needed to please everyone. I'm usually a dominant player, but I have to sometimes just lean back. Hufus and Romeo highly preferred voting Brandon over Ethan and we needed Hufus's vote so I was like okay I'll do it. Brandon was a big threat like me, but I needed to please everyone and look like an accommodating person. So I just went with the plan because that's part of building relationships which is a great strength of mine. I connect with people on a personal level and the bonds I make are real, but I never forget about the game that's being played.

The vote went through...but that swap was absolutely awful for me. I was super tight with Matt, Raul, Romeo, Hufus, and Ben. Of course, I get stuck with Brittney and Dylan, the two I didn't connect with. Like of course. And we get David who I've never met in my life. I'm friends with Kelly, but now I just need to rely on Ethan and hope we can somehow pull off a 3-2-1 vote if the votes are going to split.

Now there's drama between a lot of my allies. I'm like the one listening to each of them and running back and forth to each of them to let them know what's going on LOL. Like Ben told me how badly he wants Raul out and Hufus told me Raul was shady and then I ran to Raul to let him know that he's in danger on his tribe. I just went on call with Ben, Hufus, and Raul separately and gave them each their information. I just hope that they don't compare notes and figure out I keep telling everyone everything LOL.
1427 days 12 hours ago
Ray G. (GentlemanG):

I’m in a more sticky situation now due to the expected swap. Romeo and Matt are close allies and I have good relations with them both so I expect them to stick with me in finally taking out Ryan. I’ve bonded with Kelly K more recently but we’ve never been super close, I don’t want to assume he’s gonna have my back, but he says he’s not a Ryan fan either. He’s just going to make this game hell for me and if I even want to continue playing I might as well take him out now. Right now the only way I see this going haywire is if he has an idol or one is played on him, statistically speaking it’s very unlikely but in an All Winners season, not really.
1427 days 12 hours ago
Hufus D. (Hufus):

me and Romeo coming to snatch Brandon's wig in this last tribal. WE RLY DID THAT.

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