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2949 days 1 hour ago
Narrator: Previously on this season of Big Brother: All-Stars, 20 of the best players from previous seasons moved into the Big Brother house to duke it out and claim the title of the ultimate all-star. It's been a long crazy ride  and you will find out exactly what happened right now.

These were our 20 All-Stars and their backgrounds.

Timothy (naruto213) | BBUN1 | 2nd Place | #TheOriginalCompBeast #PlayeroftheSeason

Winning 6 competitions and setting the bar high, Timothy was a true underdog. With Nicole running the house and picking off Timothy's ally's one by one, he soon found himself in the final 6 with nobody but himself. Winning back-to-back competitions to secure his safety, Timothy battled his arch nemesis David all the way to the final 3. Where he won the final HOH competition and secured his spot in the final 2. Timothy is the first houseguest to enter the BBUN6 house.

AJ (KingGeek) | BBUN1/3 | 6th/9th Place | #BestStrategist #IconicMeltdown

Next is AJ. In BBUN1, AJ was known as one of the best players of the season. He managed to manipulate and control his houseguests into making the nominations and moves that best benefited his game. AJ made his return into the BBUN house on Season 3, coaches. In Season 3 he didnt hold back, engaging in some of the seasons most intense fights and hosting his very own BB Funeral.

Tisha (hints) | BBUN2 | 1st Place | #CompQueen #ATrueUnderdog\

Tisha is the first former winner to enter the BBUN All-Star house. Dating back to Season 2, a season of Targets, Tisha found herself coasting to jury as she won back-to-back Safety competitions. Once the game turned crucial and Tisha found herself on the bottom with her friend Jason, she stepped her game up. It was battle of the Comp Beasts, Trey VS Tisha as the battled their way to the final 3. It came down to just a few questions, but Tisha rose to power for a final time and set the stage, narrowly winning in a tight 4-3 vote. Will Tisha repeat history this season?

Andalib (Sackeshi) | BBUN2 | 9th Place | #VillainOfTheSeason #TheOriginalInstigator

Andalib was known for his trouble making ways. At the beginning of BBUN2, he was willing to make deals with anyone and everyone that would listen. Eventually his deals came back to haunt him and he soon found himself at the bottom of the totem poll with his bestfriend and ally Trey. After Trey's first eviction, Andalib was next on the hitlist and engaged in some of the most memorable fights in BBUN history, ultimately ending in an early departure and into the jury house.

Mike (MichaelM099) | BBUN2/3 | 5th Place/5th Place | #BestStrategist #LastCoachStanding

On Mike's first time around, in BBUN2, he made it quit far. But his downfall simply came from feeling too safe, as we all know in the game of Big Brother, as soon as you feel safe is when you know you're in trouble. Mike made his return and aimed for revenge in BBUN3, aligning with fellow coach Trey, Mike made his way all the way to the final 7, where he backstabbed his fellow coaches and landed in the final 5 once again. But unfortunately for Mike, unknowingly it was him VS The Sovereign 4. Landing him in 5th place, for a second time in a row.

Alan (alanb1) | BBUN3 | 1st Place | #BestStrategist #CompBeast #UnderTheRadar

Alan is known as a mix between social wizard and competition king. Not only did he win 7 competitions, but he even managed to have his fellow houseguests keep him around, he survived the eviction vote, and was even taken off the block. After the jury stage, he formed the Sovereign 4 alliance and lead the charge, with 3/4 members making it to the final 4. At the final HOH competition, his opponent Marks took the win, but he still somehow managed to squeeze his way to the finale, crushing Marks in a landslid 9-0 vote.

Marks (Max7313) | BBUN2 | 2nd Place | #Returnee #Final2 #Sovereign4

Nominated for eviction 6 times, Marks quickly became one of the most memorable houseguests from Season
2949 days 1 hour ago
3. After originally landing in the 11th place position, he made his way back into the BBUN house with this new ally Isaiah and they quickly took control and dominated the first few weeks of jury. Tensions ran high as Marks and his Sov4 alliance began to clash, leading to a betrayal and a member leaving the game earlier then expected. But none the less, Marks beat the odds and landed his way in the end after winning the final and most crucial comps left in the game.

Isaiah (immaxyman) | BBUN3 | 6th Place | #Strategist #HonorableMention

Returning to the game along with Marks, Isaiah sought revenge and quickly jumped on board with the Sov4 crew. Winning many of the early jury competitions, Isaiah began to pick up speed and really build a resume to pitch at the final 2. Taking out his nemesis Dana and sliding through eviction week after week, when Isaiah was finally nominated post-veto his alliance saw the opportunity as a one-time chance, and they evicted him in a 2-1 vote.

Abel (Russell11) | BBUN3 | 3rd Place | #PlayeroftheSeason #PPOV #FavPlayerOfBBUN3

Abel is known for making bold moves at bold times. He is the only houseguest to ever place a nominee on the block for three straight weeks in a row. Abel was the first to turn on the Sov4, making countless attempts to take out his fellow alliance members, he even pulled out the coveted BBUN Platinum Power of Veto in attempt to backdoor an alliance mate. Surely enough, he made the final 3 with his 2 biggest targets and ended up being the last houseguest evicted from the BBUN3 house.

Natalie (OhNatalie) | BBUN4 | 1st Place | #Winner #CompetitionGoddess #VetoQueen

Natalie is by far one of the best competitors in BBUN history. Winning 8 competitions, and tying the Veto record at 5, she fought her way through this BB6-like season and made the move that split the house. Natalie aligned with Nikk on Day 1, and they quickly became the most targeted houseguests in the game. Narrowly surviving eviction and using The Executioner twist to their advantage, they pulled in Tori and Dave and steam rolled through the other side of the house. In order to win the game, she sadly stabbed her closest ally's in the back and like Tisha, narrowly won in a 4-3 vote. Natalie became the first ever houseguest to win a comeback competition AND the 1st place placement.
2949 days 1 hour ago
Tori (Espontaneo) | BBUN4 | 4th Place | #EvictionEscapeArtist #PlayeroftheSeason

Surviving the block 6 times, Tori made her mark in the BBUN4 house. She was vetoed from eviction numerous times, and she proved herself as a tough competitor. Tori was the front runner to win BBUN4, making nearly to the end with her ally's Dave and Natalie. Unfortunately for Tori, she lost the final Power of Veto competition by just 17 seconds, ending with Natalie becoming victorious and sending Tori out the door.

Nikk (BernieBudd) |BBUN4 | 6th Place | #TheNewAndalib #VillainoftheSeason

Nikk was one of the most well known and well liked houseguests to enter the BBUN house. He started off the game strong, making deals and always running his mouth. He never stopped gaming people and used his strategic ability to become the Executioner 3/6 weeks. He engaged in fight after fight, and sent each one of his enemies out the front door one by one. When he reached the final 5, along with Tori, he was one of the front runners to win the game. But when his former ally Natalie returned to the house, she sent him out before he wrapped up the whole season.

Christian (FloatingToaster) | BBUN4 | 9th Place | #NikksEnemy #HOHKing

Christian was one of the many houseguests that tried to put a stop to the machine that was Nikk/Natalie/Tori. Winning 2 HoH's, he used both of them in attempt to take one of the three out, but the cards just werent in his favor. Christian is back in seek of redemption and a second chance, will he use it wisely?

Noah (noah_kondon) | BBUN5 | 1st Place | #BestStrategist #FromTopDogtoUnderdog

Just like Natalie, Noah was evicted because of how threatening he was, but in a BBUN2 twist reboot, he beat his opponent Red and re-entered the game with a vengeance. Immediately winning Head of Household, Noah struck up a lie that flipped the game and sent all of his rivals packing one by one. Being one of the main creators of the Foreign Five alliance, Noah made it to the final 6 easily. But when his ally's turned on him out of fear, he went from top dog to underdog. Noah established himself as one of the best physical competitors to ever play the game, dodging eviction and landing himself in the final 2, eventually locking in 1st place with a 7-2 vote.
2949 days 1 hour ago
Andrew (levonini) | BBUN3/5 | 4th Place/3rd Place | #PlayeroftheSeason #BigMovesOnly

On his original season, Andrew was seen as weak and unreliable, slithering his way to the final 4. But when he made his return on Season 5, we seen that Andrew was no longer that type of player. Winning multiple competitions, Andrew used every one of his HOH's to make some of the biggest moves of the season. From backdooring huge comp threats, to breaking up the Tiffany/Noah duo, Andrew was the front-runner to win the game. However, when he lost by 1 point to Noah in the final HOH comp, he claimed the 3rd place position and along with that, the Player of the Season award.

Bob (islandsurvivor) | BBUN5 | 4th Place | #MasterStrategist #OnlyWinWhenNecessary

Bob was won of the most strategic players of BBUN5. He held a low profile in the early weeks of the game, planting seeds and watching them grow. He flew under the radar for the first half, but when he was placed in the minority with his ally Sam, he quickly took out the big guns. He began playing both sides of the house. Winning 3/4 final Power of Veto competitions, and using all of them, Bob made some of the most shocking moves of the season, keeping big targets in the game in hopes of using them as a meat shield. But unfortunately for Bob, Noah couldn't look past the final 5 betrayal, and voted him out.

Sam (XtremeNerd) | BBUN1/5 | 8th Place/7th Place | #HOHKing #SoCloseYetSoFar

Sam set the stage for his BBUN second chance in season 5, when he won the Week 2 HOH and started off on a bang by targeting his fellow returnees. Winning 3 Head of Household competitions, Sam quickly gained ground in the BBUN house, sending out target after target. But ultimately Sam's game started to go downhill when Romeo overthrew his HOH, placing Sam on the outs and making him public enemy number one. Narrowly surviving a couple more weeks, his fellow houseguests finally got him as a final nominee and didnt miss the opportunity to vote him out.

Courtney (CrazyCourtney0) | BBUN5 | 10th Place | #AnEarlyCompQueen #GoneTooSoon

Courtney was another one of the most memorable houseguests to enter the BBUN house. Winning competition after competition, she managed to take out her biggest threats in the house early on, Noah being one of them. But when Noah returned to the house, it quickly blew up her game. Barely skating by, after saving herself with the Power of Veto the week prior, Courtney finally thought that she might be safe. But her ally Andrew put the last nail in her coffin, and pointed her in the direction of a nice shiny backdoor.
2949 days 1 hour ago
Romeo (alwaysvictorious) | BBUN5 | 2nd Place | #Final2 #SecretPowerHolder

Romeo is most known for his nomination speech in Week 10 of BBUN5. Calling out his fellow houseguests and having them publicly debate why they shouldnt be nominated for eviction. Ultimately, although Romeo was dealt a good hand, he folded. However, he still had plenty of fight left in him, and he managed to win a second HOH, securing his spot in the final 3. Romeo had a fairly good shot at winning the game, had he been sitting next to anyone but Noah. This is his second chance, will he use it wisely?

Narrator: And Finally

Trey (trey2288) | BBUN2/3 | 3rd Place | #CompKing #Coach #UnstoppableUntilHeWasStopped

Trey is by far one of the most memorable houseguests to play the game. Winning 9 competitions, 4 HOH's and 5 POV's, he currently holds the record for the most competition wins in a single season. Trey was on the track to win in Season 2, but at the final Head of Household competition it was a close battle between him and his rival Tisha, with Tisha dethroning the comp king. He defended his status as competition king in BBUN3, where he won multiple Coach Competitions, where unfortunately he came up short for a second time.

The Live Premiere kicked off on March 30, 2016 at 7:30pm EST with our Host Jordan. The first HOH competition was called "In HOH's Past" and 14 out of 20 houseguest showed up to play. Jordan would name off a week in Big Brother history and the contestants had to reply who won the HOH competition that week. The first houseguest that replied correctly would choose two people to eliminate and so on until there was 1 person left. This was the outcome of the competition

Round 1- BBUN1, Week 1.

Answer: Tori
Winner: Courtney
Eliminated: Abel & Nikk

Round 2- BBUN2. Week 3
Answer: Jason
Winner: Tisha
Eliminated: Sam & Timothy

Round 3- BBUN4, Week 6
Answer: Tori
Winner: Trey
Eliminated: Tisha and Courtney

Round 4-
2948 days 16 hours ago
BBUN4, Week 8.
Answer: Cameron
Winner: Trey
Eliminated: Marks & Isaiah

Narrarator: After this round, the winner was only able to eliminate one houseguest

Round 5- BBUN5, Week 9.
Answer: Sam
Winner: Trey
Eliminated: Romeo

Round 6- BBUN1, Week 7
Answer: David
Winner: Trey
Eliminated: Tori

Round 7-BBUN2, Week 2.
Answer: JT
Winner: Trey
Eliminated: Christian

Round 8- BBUN3, Week 9.
Answer: Alan
Winner: Trey
Eliminated: Mike

Narrarator: Then it came down to just Trey & Andrew

Round 9- BBUN5, Week 4
Answer: Courtney
Winner: Trey
Eliminated Andrew

Narrator: Leaving Trey as the First HOH of the season. Later that day, Trey had a difficult decision making the first nominations of the season, but he was finally able to make up his mind and he started the nomination ceremony.

This was they key order.

Leaving Natalie & Noah Nominated.
2948 days 16 hours ago
Trey: Natalie and Noah I nominated you two because you are both winners and threats and I have heard from multiple people you guys are in a season 4 and 5 alliance

Narrarator: This was when rumours of a season 4 & 5 alliance started to shake the house. Little did they know Andalib was trying to separate thou house and confuse people.

[Day 2]

Narrator: At the first POV comp a new twist was introduced.

Jordan: This season, because of such a large cast, 8 people will compete in the Power of Veto competition. But there is a bit of a twist. The HOH will draw 3 people to compete. The nominees will each draw 1. If the player that wins the power of veto was drawn by a nominee, they HAVE to use the Veto to take the person that picked them off of the block. Should get interesting.

Narrator: Then it as revealed who would be playing in the POV competition

Trey's draw: Mike, Andrew, and Tori.
Noah's draw: Andalib.
Natalie's draw: Sam.

POV PLAYERS: Trey, Noah, Natalie, Mike, Andrew, Tori, Andalib, Sam.

Narrator: The Competition was called  "The aMAZEing Race" and contestants had to battle in a tournament style. The houseguest had to complete three puzzles, each one harder than the last. The person from each matchup that completed the puzzle in the fastest time was able to move on to their next match up. Here is what the bracket looked like.

Tournament Bracket:

ROUND 1              ROUND 2           ROUND 3
__________         __________

__________               VS
__________         __________        __________

__________                                         VS                 __________
__________         __________        __________            WINNER
__________               VS
__________         __________

Narrarator: And these were the puzzles

ROUND 1 Puzzle:
ROUND 2 Puzzle:
ROUND 3 Puzzle:
2948 days 16 hours ago
Narrator: After explaining the rules, the match ups were revealed.

The Match-Ups




2948 days 15 hours ago
After the scores were submitted, the results were revealed starting with round 1

Andrew Vs Noah
Winner: Andrew (with 12 seconds)

Natalie Vs Tori
Winner: Natalie: (with 25 seconds)

Mike Vs Sam
Winner: Mike (with 54 seconds)

Trey vs Andalib
Winner: Andalib (with 35 seconds)

For Round 2
Andrew Vs Natalie
Winner: Natalie (with 31 seconds)

Mike & Andalib
Winner: Andalib (with 53 seconds)

For the final round it came down to Natalie and Andalib

Natalie was able to dominate and win with a time of 58 seconds.

Natalie: *jumps up and down*



Narrator: At the POV ceremony, Natalie decided to use the power of veto on Herself.

Natalie: I have decided to...

USE the Power of Veto on.. MYSELF.

Trey, you've thrown bait at the wrong fish and I'm ready to drag you underwater with me. Anyway, good luck Noah.

Trey, now stand and name a replacement nominee.

Narrator: Trey now had to make a decision and name a replacement nominee

Trey: Ok congrats Natalie on winning PoV and taking yourself off the block
My renomination is

-  you brought up the fact that you took me out in BBun3,  I did not care much,  but sucks to lose and now we are even good luck nominees

So the Final Nominees were set at Noah and Abel.

[Day 3]

Eviction: #1

By a LANDSLIDE vote of (15-2), it was ultimately Noah who was the first to be voted out of the Big Brother house.
2948 days 15 hours ago
Jordan: .
Noah, you are the first All-Star evicted from the BBUN6 house. Please say your goodbyes.

*Noah's photo fades to black and white*


Well, the house seemed to be united on this one, what does this mean for the remaining 3 winners?

Narrator: We also found out about Tori having to use another account temporarily

Also a small announcement. Tori will be using a different account for the next 10-30 days ish because she has to log out of her main account due to a punishment in another game. She is currently on as "Raliby" so if you need to contact her please message that account.

Narrator: The 2nd HOH was non-live and was posted the next day after the eviction.


The next competition was called "Minority Rules" which was the same as the classic Majority rules competition but instead of the Majority moving onto the next round, they would be eliminated. If you are in the Minority then you will move onto the next round, if you are in the Majority you will be eliminated. The last houseguest standing would become the new Head of Household.

Narrator: The Questions were

Welcome to week 2 of All-Stars! Last week was already pretty dramatic, and its about to get a lot more dramatic. Its time to crown the new Head of Household! Trey, as outgoing HOH you are not eligible.


1. Which All-Star is more threatening?
A) Trey
B) Natalie
C) Alan

2. Which All-Star is the least threatening, strategy-wise?
A) Andalib
B) Christian
C) Tori

3. Who is more likely to start drama in the house?
A) Trey
C) Andalib

4. Which of these All-Stars is most likely to win this competition?
A) Nikk
B) Mike
C) Isaiah

5. Who is going home this week?
A) Marks
B) Courtney
C) Abel

6. Which All-Star is most likely to make a big move?
A) Andrew
B) Bob
C) Romeo

7. Out of these three All-Stars, who is most likely to float to the end?
A) Sam
B) Timothy

8. Which former winner will be the last one standng?
A) Tisha
B) Alan
C) Natalie
2948 days 15 hours ago
9. Who is going to be the first person eliminated from this competition?
A) Courtney
B) Romeo
C) Bob

10. Which All-Star is going to be nominated this week?
A) Trey
B) Abel
C) Natalie

Narrator: After all the answers were submitted, Jordan revealed the results.

1. Which Allstar is more threatening?
A) Trey: Alan, Mike, Tori, Sam, AJ
B) Natalie: Nikk, Andalib, Isaiah, Tisha, Christian, Timothy, Natalie
C) Alan: Bob, Romeo, Abel, Courtney, Marks

- The Majority said Natalie and Nikk, Andalib, Isaiah, Tisha, Christian, Timothy, and Natalie were all evicted.

2. 2. Which All-Star is the least threatening, strategy-wise?
A) Andalib:  Bob, Romeo, Mike, Marks, Tori, AJ
B) Christian: Abel, Courtney,
C) Tori: Alan, Sam

- The Majority said  Andalib. And Bob, Romeo, Mike, Marks, Tori and AJ were all eliminated.

3. 3. Who is more likely to start drama in the house?
A) Trey: Abel
B) AJ: Courtney, Alan, Sam
C) Andalib:

- The majority said AJ. And Alan, Courney, and Sam were eliminated. Which means after only 3 questions, Abel was crowned the new HOH
2948 days 13 hours ago
Narrator: At the nomination ceremony Abel had to put up two people for nomination.

The key order was

Abel Chose to nominate AJ & Andalib

Abel: I have chosen to nominate AJ and Andalib.

AJ, u havent talked to me at all, I don't know where ur head is at and I feel like u were one of the 2 votes that tried to get me out last week.

Andalib, I think we all know why

This nomination ceremony has been adjourned

Narrator: Soon after, Andalib tried to save his own ass by creating a forum and making a plea for everyone to save him.

Andalib: There were 2 targets clear as day. 1st Natalie 2nd Noah. I spend 1 hour on each of those puzzles to get my times as low as I could get them because I wanted to seal Natalie's fate in this game. Unfortunately she won. So plan B Noah was in acted.

YOU CAN ASK ANYONE that I talked to I had said to vote for Noah.


I also know 100% that AJ didn't vote to evict you RUSSELL.


This HOH rein is becoming such a flop already but you can fix it by

Okay :)
2948 days 13 hours ago
Narrator: Unfortunately people didn't really care for what he had to say

Natalie: So, you're certain that I'm not one of those 15 that voted to evict Noah? Seems like someone is either talking to more than 15 people in this game (which will get you evicted, unfortunately) or you're just speaking lies.

I think it's both.

I voted to evict Noah sadly because I was told by certain people to do so, so there you have Sackofshit.


Narrator: At the POV competition eight people were playing again.

Abel's Draws: Romeo, Nikk, Alan.

AJ's draw: Christian
Andalib's draw: Bob

POV Players: Abel, AJ, Andalib, Romeo, Nikk, Alan, Christian, and Bob.

The competition was called "Putt Me A Veto" I can't explain so I'll let Jordan explain how it worked.

Jordan: You all walk into the BBUN Backyard to see 6 giant versions of different Miniature Golf courses set up. Every round you are able to score anything between 1-10. The houseguest who scores the lowest score every round will be eliminated until only one player is left standing to claim the Power of Veto. Here is how it will go down:

You all have 75 golf balls, you must use these golf balls as wisely as possible. You will divide these golf balls across the 6 rounds. The more golf balls you bet per round, the more shots you will have at getting a high number between 1-10.

5 golf balls = 1 shot.

So, if you bet 20 golf balls on the first Golf Course, you will get 4 shots, and you will have 55 golf balls left going into the next round. Your score will be decided by a random number generator, but it isnt all luck, because the more golf balls you bet, the higher chance you will have at scoring a higher number.

But be warned because after the 6 rounds, there will be two houseguests left standing, and the houseguest with the most golf balls left unused, will win the Power of Veto.


Abel bets 15 golf balls, so he gets 3 shots. The highest number that the generator gave after 3 times was 8 (10 being the highest possible)

Romeo bets 20 golf balls, so he gets 4 shots. He scored a 9.

Since Abel scored the lower score, he will be eliminated. But Romeo will only have 55 golf balls left for the next 6 rounds, PLUS he will need some after the 6 rounds in order to win the Power of Veto.

So its kind of a gamble.


ROUND 1: I bet __/75 golf balls.
ROUND 2: I bet __/(however many you have left) golf balls.
ROUND 3: I bet __/(however many you have left) golf balls.
ROUND 4: I bet __/(however many you have left) golf balls.
ROUND 5: I bet __/(however many you have left) golf balls.
ROUND 6: I bet __/(however many you have left) golf balls.


But remember, in order to win the POV, you will need some Golf Balls left after the 6 rounds. This is an easy comp and will literally take you 2 minutes to do (5 minutes if you decide to strategize). So please send it in as soon as you can.

Narrator: In the end it came down to Nikk & Christian, with Christian winning the POV
2948 days 13 hours ago

Narrator: Because AJ was the one that drew Christians name to play, he had to take AJ off the block. After that, Abel had name a replacement nominee.

Narrator: Abel chose to nominate Trey ending the POV Ceremony


At the eviction ceremony it was a close vote of (9-7) but Trey was evicted because he was a huge comp threat.
2948 days 13 hours ago
Sorry I think I bit off way too much then I can chew and I don't think I'll be able to finish this in time
2948 days 13 hours ago
So I'll just finish it off with this

-Week 3-
HOH#3 ("By the Numbers"): Alan
Noms: Nikk & Sam
POV#3 ("F**k You Musical Chairs!"): Tisha
Final Noms: AJ & Sam
Evicted: AJ (10-5)

-Week 4-
HOH#4 ("Letter by Letter"): Sam
Noms: Alan & Tori
POV#4 ("Nobody wants Bad Karma"): Natalie
Final Noms: Tori & Andalib
Evicted: Andalib (9-5)

-Week 5-
HOH#5 ("In Competitions Past"): Alan
Noms: Bob & Mike
POV#5 ( "Just Like Castings"): Sam
Final Noms: Bob & Mike
Evicted: Bob (8-5)

-Week 6-
HOH#6 ("Put Your Eggs in My Basket"): Natalie
Noms: Christian & Timothy
POV#6 ("Willing for Veto" ): Marks
Final Noms: Timothy & Christian
Evicted: Christian (6-5)

-Week 7-
HOH#7 ("Scrambling Your Competition"): Tisha
Noms: Courtney & Marks
POV#7 ("The Numbers Game" ): Courtney
Final Noms: Romeo & Marks
Evicted: Marks (6-5)

-Week 8-
HOH#8 ("Gimme that key bitch!"): Alan & Natalie
Natalie Noms: (Timothy & Romeo) Alan Noms: (Sam & Nikk)
POV#8 ("OTEV the Bitchy Bunny"): Side 1: Romeo /Side 2: Alan
Natalie Final Noms: (Mike & Timothy) Alan Final Noms: (Sam & Nikk)
Evicted: (Side 1): Mike (2-1) (Side 2): Nikk (2-1)

-Week 9-
HOH#9 ("Which Evictee?"): Abel
Noms: Romeo & Tori
POV#9 ("Stay Fold"): Alan
Final Noms: Romeo & Tori
Evicted: Romeo (6-2)

-Week 10-
HOH#10 ("Who's Targeting Who?"): Natalie
Noms: Timothy & Sam
POV#9 ("Dont Stop”): Natalie
Final Noms: Timothy & Sam
Evicted: Sam (5-2)

-Week 11- Fast Forward
HOH#11 ("Rhyme or Reason"): Tori
Noms: Courtney & Isaiah
POV#11 ("Who Am I"): Andrew
Final Noms: Timothy & Isaiah
Evicted: Timothy (3-1)

-Week 12-
HOH#12 ("Most Likely"): Alan
Noms: Courtney & Abel
POV#12 ("Big Brother Blackjack"): Natalie
Final Noms: Courtney & Abel
Evicted: Courtney ( 4-0)

-Week 13- Viewers Lounge Twist
HOH#13: Viewers Lounge
Noms: Andrew & Tisha
POV: ("Big Brother Boardwalk"): Tisha
Final Noms: Andrew & Isaiah
Evicted: None

-Week 14-
HOH#14 ("Karma Donations"): Abel
Noms: Natalie & Alan
POV#14 ("Padlocked"): Natalie
Final Noms: Tisha & Alan
Evicted: Alan (2-0) & Andrew (Lost Duel)

-Week 15-
HOH#15 ("Ahead In The Polls"): Tori
Noms: Isaiah & Natalie

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