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Round 2:

Topic » Round 2:

3094 days 19 hours ago
wicked cool entries so far guys! well done and i look forward to reading the rest
3094 days 18 hours ago
yay someone actually liked what I wrote:D
3094 days 17 hours ago
Fuck I was going to do a story about people selling their spikes to Satan but now 13's already done it
3094 days 17 hours ago
3094 days 16 hours ago
Fuck it im doing it anyway
3094 days 3 hours ago
I'm writing mine when I get home :)
3094 days ago
Me when I'm having a hard time thinking of a creative ide
3093 days 15 hours ago
oh well im probably turning mine in late at this point
3093 days 13 hours ago
The air is thin and cold. I walk briskly into a room that is filled with people. The lights shine; lasers across the room, and the base of this music has all the humans bouncing… up and down, up and down. The smell of my new cologne “Death” fills the space around me  - appropriate I guess. I stumble around as the ignorant people around me are high as kites and drinking shots like they are candy. All I can think is that this place was perfect. Masked by the bright lights is the darkness that I like to call - dinner.


I walked in. My friend by my shoulder. After the bouncer let us both in the lights blinded me and the sound was blaring in our ears. All I could think was Why did Allie bring me here? Allie ran over to the bar and called for me to follow. I was moving over to the bar when I stumbled into a man. Cold. That was all I could feel. I looked up to see this man’s face but he had already turned away and shuffled into the crowd. I thought nothing of it and continued over to my friend.


That girl was so perfect . Her hands were furnaces exuding warmth and her dark eyes and dark hair were simply beautiful. In that split second I could feel her blood pulsating through her veins. Slowly, I turn around from the corner of the room and begin to watch. I was so excited to see the car keys in her hands and her blonde friend drinking shot after shot. I see a glass of iced water in this girl’s hand, yum. I am so hungry. I cannot wait to finally feast tonight. I wonder if she will still be warm?


“Allie, I am just going to get some fresh air. I will be right back.”

Allie nodded drunk and continued to drink. I got up and headed towards the back door where all the smokers go. Although I was totally sober, the music was giving me such a headache. I headed towards the door. As I slowly push open the door I look into a small and open alleyway. There is a brick wall to the left, a few rubbish bins and a street entrance to this alley a few metres away with a gate stopping anyone from getting in. I walk out into the alley and the door slams behind me. I jump and turn. I quickly realise I am trapped in this alley.


I lick my lips and move towards the door. I reach the back door and silently pull the door ajar. I see the brunette sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. I quickly slip through and I hear the door closing behind me. The sound of the door startles her and she quickly looks at the door. This was my chance. I was so excited. It has been such a long time.


I decide to sit against the wall and play with my hair waiting for someone to open the door. With the music so loud no one would possibly hear me knocking. I look down for a second and then BAM the door shuts and a man is starting right there. He seemed normal enough to a normal person but I knew exactly what he was.


I began to salivate. I couldn't help it. Slowly my teeth began to mould, shift and grow. With my fangs at the ready this girl would be mine. I could already imagine the taste of her blood in her mouth. The feel of a happy and warm girl transform into a lifeless and cold corpse. I jumped at her fangs first and punctured her neck. She would be dead in seconds. It felt so good to finally taste blood on my tongue once again but it began to feel weird. This girl wasn’t reacting. Who doesn’t react? I then began to actually taste the blood. It was disgusting, almost repulsive. I retracted my fangs and looked at the girl.

“What are you?”


“Immortal. Something that you Vampire are not.”

I feel my neck healing and this strong vampire begin to tremble like a dog with his tail between his legs. Slowly I begin growing my wings and extend my claws to his throat. I grab the vampire by his throat and whisper at him…
3093 days 13 hours ago
“You may be a vampire but I am a succubus. You have nothing on me. Good bye vampire…”

I raise my razor sharp right wing and slice at his neck like a guillotine. His neck tumbling to the floor as his blood oozed from his headless corpse. I grabbed the head by his hair and kissed him before heading back inside. One more vampire down, a few hundred thousand to go.
3093 days 13 hours ago
I hope this is enough to stay <3 I know horror isn't really my thing but I hope I did well enough to hopefully just survive this round :P
3093 days 9 hours ago
Jenna Walton was only sixteen when it happened. She was naïve, ignorant, and mean. She hardly looked up from her cracked iPhone enough to acknowledge the people that she loved, and when she finally did, it was too little, too late.

It was Thanksgiving, the year 2007. Jenna was sitting on the tan leather seat of her father's black pick-up truck, heading into the New Jersey woods to visit her grandparents' house on the lake for a nice meal that they would all share together. Her younger brother, Matt was playing on his iPad, and Jenna was listening to her music, on a volume just loud enough to cancel out the conversation that her parents were having in the front seat of the car, not that she gave it a chance anyway, probably talking about the election coming the following year, or gas prices. The car drove at a steady speed down the asphalt country road, which eventually turned into dirt.

"Mom, are we almost there?" Matt muttered in a whiny tone.
"Soon, dear." Mother replied.

Jenna continuted to text her friends about how boring this Thanksgiving would be, how she would have to spend it with the family that she didn't care for. She watched the bars of reception on her phone deteriorate into nothing, and had no choice but to talk to her family. She yanked out her white earbuds, and stared out of the window into the black sky. Not a star in sight, just a crescent moon bright enough for her to see the wilderness around her. The family pulled into the dirt driveway of a small cottage near a small lake, Jenna looked at the reflection of the moonlight in the black water, and wished that she could spend the evening sitting on the dock, or paddling through the lake on one of the canoes.

They knocked on the door and were met by an older woman's warm embrace.

"Come in, come in!" Grandmother said.

They all squeezed through the door, and sat in the common area while grandmother prepared dinner. Jenna had to answer all the questions that an 80 year old man would ask a 16 year old girl before dinner would start.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Jenna?"
"No, Pops. " Jenna replied.
"Are you sure? Your mother has told me different!" Jenna's grandfather said.
"Yes Pops, I'm sure." Jenna answered.

We all sat around the dinner table while my grandmother was plating the food. Jenna may not enjoy much about Thanksgiving, but she always had the food to look forward to, if nothing else. The awkward small talk of the dinner commenced, and Jenna didn't pay much attention. Then, they all took turns saying what they were thankful for this year. Jenna's turn came, and without looking up from her phone, she said "I'm thankful I don't have to go to that hellhole of a High School tomorrow."

"Jenna, languange." Her mother scorned. They hadn't gotten along recently, but it was nothing new. After dinner ended, Matt asked Jenna to play with him upstairs. She thought it over, and decided that she would rather be with Matt than be interrogated by the adults.

Matt and Jenna climbed the stairs, and played for about two hours before bed. Jenna and Matt shared a bed, their parents slept down the hall, and the grandparents shared a bed. Jenna fell into a soft sleep, but was awoken by a large bang. She could only see through her foggy vision that it was a man dressed in all black. He grabbed Jenna's arm and yanked her out of her bed. Matt was gone, she yelled for her parents, also without a response.

She was dragged outside, and was pinned against the side of the house. Matt was standing beside her. The man in black took off his hood, and Jenna was shocked.

"Dad?" Jenna said, shocked.
"You've had this coming." Her dad replied.

Jenna and Matt looked at eachother, puzzled.

Jenna's dad went back into the trees, and Jenna and Matt tried to move, but realized they were in a fenced in area. The only exit was around the gate,
3093 days 9 hours ago
going through the thick woods in which her father disappeared into. Jenna didn't know what to do, so she and Matt sat there in the moonlight, motionless. Minutes passed, nothing. Then, one by one, shadowy figures appeared in the dense woods, each holding a different weapon. She began to recognize these faces as they walked toward her. Her grandmother held an axe, her father a rifle, her mother a pistol, and her grandfather had a crossbow tucked between his arms. They stood in a cirle and conversed for a short moment, planning what was about to take place. Jenna turned to her brother.

"They're gonna kill us." She said.
"What?" Matt replied.
"Trust me." Jenna answered. "When they attack, we're gonna climb the fence and paddle into the lake."
Matt nodded his head.

Jenna's mom looked at her. "I'm so sorry, sweetie."

As soon as Jenna heard that, she ran. Matt followed her over the gate and they jumped into one of the canoes on the lakeside, and Jenna paddled faster than she had ever in her life. Matt just sat there and stared. Jenna paddled and paddled until the reached the middle of the lake. She looked back at Matt, and he was still.

"What the hell are we going to do?" Jenna said to Matt.

Matt said nothing. He took a knife out of his pocket and stabbed Jenna in the chest. She died instantly. Matt sat there and watched the life fade from her eyes, and dumped her lifeless body into the black water. The look of satisfaction on Matt's face was the last thing Jenna ever saw.
3093 days 6 hours ago
Hoping judging will be quicker this week - but it's a busy week because the build up to xmas. So - maybe the same length as the last round.

(Next rounds really fun though!)
3093 days 4 hours ago

You can be told not to do something. Maybe you won’t, but there is an urge, an irresistible urge to proceed with it, despite anything said. You cannot learn from other’s mistakes. Even if that mistake was fatal.
        Tyler had been sitting leisurely at the time, tediously stacking pins in the squalid hut he called his home. His father was away in the forest, and he had been told to not leave the house, and specifically to not chase after him. He’d been told it was dangerous in the forest, that a boy had disappeared there six years ago, but that was surely just a myth, a rumour.
        A small ball smashed into the wall, spreading shattered glass, which flew into the room. A howl of pain emitted from Tyler as scarlet liquid began to paint the floor. He staggered to the counter, which held a cloth, with which he wiped his leg. His leg had been pierced by shards, but the cloth soaked up the blood.
        His father had told him there was a herb shop nearby that could sooth any pain, so naturally, Tyler tried to ignore the pain and head toward it. He arrived, and inside, he saw many vividly coloured plants, and pots of foreign berries, new to him. He turned to the women behind the desk, and asked for a herb for his pain. “Of course, it is in the forest over yonder, go and collect some, it is in the west.” She spoke with confidence, and Tyler failed to acknowledge the fact that she hadn’t given a description of the herb, but never the less, he headed off to start his journey, forgetting to heed the warning he had been told.
        It was more blissful in the forest than his father had claimed, so he delved deeper and westward until he spotted an alluring plant that he thought must’ve been the herb. As he reached, his hand was grabbed, and looking up in shock, he saw an old man, who snickered, “This here herb is mine, if you want it, buy it from there.” He gestured toward a town, which Tyler remembered from a sign to be called Intuneric. His father had mentioned it once, but he had been secretive.Courageous and slightly foolhardy, he started to begin his trek there, when the old man smirked, but Tyler, being a naive boy, did not understand.
        When he entered Intuneric, he saw it as a normal town, people hurrying from all directions, and stalls littering the streets.  He asked one of the men leaving the town where to go for the herbs, and was directed through the foggy, winding paths of the town. He sensed no danger, and without any anxiety, he walked into the shop.
        Behind the counter was a young, cloaked man, who demanded him come to the back of the shop. Tyler, used to serving and helping his father, obeyed. The first person that came back was a man in a jet black coat, who led him into a hall, and as he stepped in, he heard the sound of a key slotting into place. He was locked in. He looked up, anxiously, but he wasn’t prepared for what he saw. Children being sent for errands by a tall, broad man in a white mask. He watched in terror, as one of them was whipped maliciously, due to their slow performance.

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