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Skyros Confessionals

Topic » Skyros Confessionals

1265 days 6 hours ago
~ 19th: Mike ~
1265 days 6 hours ago


I strongly feel i'll be the 18th person voted out. My tribe isn't half as friendly as Fotia. RIP. i went from the top of the totem pole to the bottom. Maybe i'm paranoid but we will see for tribal
1265 days 6 hours ago
Jacob S.


LMFAO kellen just sent me like..................a grid of the board with a million red boxes and i went like crazy being like WTF HOW CONNECTED ARE YOU THAT YOU KNOW THAT MANY GUESSES?

and he was like "'s my pic i bought it with a sheep"
1265 days 6 hours ago


You making this so hard with the no swapping if they're not on our tribe. I'D HAVE SO MANY THINGS RN! That swap was so funny, literally 9/9 people I talk to on one tribe LMAO

my tribe is kind of iconic tho, Chris doesn't believe christian will target mickle but like I need mickle out tomorrow to keep everything at ease
1265 days 6 hours ago


The revenge of the Sith (Swede)
Let me start this confessional with being honest. I joined this game thanks to Mike, he and I wanted to play together like the old days and we decided to reunite here on tengaged and play together and slay like the we did years ago, he was my ride or die, ying to my yang and a person that I would betray anyone for, and he would do the same.. Well can you believe only 3 tribals in and he is gone? Our whole plan fell and I am empty. But this is how I will present myself the best for the ones who doesn't know, I am the guy who never gives up! This happend before and I was a minority the whole game but I still managed to pull it off and make it all the way.
Not enough with Mike getting voted out, I also ended up with a tribe with only 1 person from my previous tribe. I loved my previous tribe since I connected wirh everyone and we were like a family, I felt very safe going to a tribal with that tribe, and hopefully I am not blue eyed because in that case maybe a swap saved me. But anyways, lets get real now, I am in minority and I will focus on 2 things right now. 1- Survive and 2-avenge Mike, if I can do both at the same time then it would be Great!
So the plan is to make sure I survive this tribal and even can have a majority, this is by taking the 4 person majority alliance out with Marwane there. I have Isaac that is the only one from my previous tribe and we need to stick together. Chris reached out to me and aparantly we were good allies in a game years ago, so my plan is to take Isaac and join Chris and let him bring in his old tribe mates and have majority. Isaac got no one so I promised him to get us in with Chris since I can trust Chris more than he can trust Marwane. My goal is also to target Cubs since he lied to Mike and took him out, and I feel guilty since I somehow told Mike he could trust Cubs. Cubs was also inactive so I can sway the votes on him without making my real reason obvious. I also got a plan B, if I survive this tribal but I feel blindsided by Chris or Isaac going home, then I will use my gold and buy the option to change tribe and reunite with the guys from my previous tribe.
Game is on

Update on confessional: Me and Isaac will prob be able to work with Chris in a majority and me having my Revenge could happen this tribal
1265 days 6 hours ago
Christian B.


I joined this game with tachycardia because duh thats daddy and i figured itd be fun, but sobs we were torn APART by evil production! The first couple days were rly not too intersting, tachy and i searched for and found the extra guesses. i gave it to nathan because woo texan and hes close enough to where if he fucks me over i can drive up the hour and slash his tires. Today i rly didnt want to vote out jacob because like why? he can quit if he wants to, and if he becomes unbusy im sure he'd work with me!

But this tribe swap is like not it. None of the rly good people are on this tribe besides me, and the tribe lines are blurry to the point im nervous people may want to take a shot at me. But im with nathan at least, and cub/marwane i trust as well, so if i can make it past this round thats 4/8 im sure wont be against me. ill just have to work a social game for the first time since 2018 and try talking to people!
1265 days 5 hours ago


We have Formed an official Alliance of 5 now. Me, Isaac, Nathan, Chris and Dino.

As long as us 5 stick together and and they feel like the other guys will target them, then we are good.
1265 days 4 hours ago
Christian H.


Ok confessional time!!! I was super upset with the tribe swap because I dont know anyone on it except for Eddie and Jacob. I don't think Jacob dislikes me on a personal level cuz we kinda got over that TTRS situation, but I feel like he definitely doesn't trust me (don't blame him). Talking to Eddie, he seems to be VERY well connected on this tribe, which worries me. I'm scared that if we lose, he would be safe cuz of his connections and they might go after me? But also hoping that he can use his connections to save me but Idk if he would stick his neck out on the line for me like that. I talked to Christoss and Layla a little and they seem nice. I wanna talk to Kellen also eventually. I think being on this tribe is a good chance for me to expand a little and get to know other people to talk to down the line.

Also, Nathan finally told me he has a crystal. I knew he did, because Christian_ told me, so I knew he was lying to me before but he finally told me which is nice cuz now I know he trusts me. Of original Agora, I trust Chris the most though so I a hoping that he survives his new tribe. He is wary of Christian who is one of my best friends, so I hope they don't clash but I bet they will.

I feel like I am in a decent position to make merge depending on how challenges and if more swaps happen, but I'll have to be more flexible once I hit the merge. I am already wary of Marwane/Christoss/Eddie/David/Andrew being a strong group. I know Marwane and Christoss are friends, and Eddie said he knows Christoss, David and Andrew.

Right now, I feel most solid with Christian, Chris and Nathan! But we will see how it goes
1265 days 3 hours ago


Sorry I haven't sent much of my thoughts. We had a pretty easy vote last round with Ahmad (who I had done damage control with but we lost again).

This swap is incredibly frustrating. I know Mickle's game. I find Mickle super entertaining. But his legacy on this site allows him to not show up for challenges and skate by. And it's about to happen again.

I wanna work with Cubs. We got pagonged together in a previous game and really couldn't maneuver out of our spot due to pre-game alliances so I wanna rectify our final 2 deal we had there. But Chris and Nathan pushed me into this Fantastic 5 alliance with Fred? and Isaac? (tbh I could be wrong I have no clue names) and are pushing Cubs. I messaged Chris about this and his logic makes no sense in terms of wanting to get Cubs out because he was inactive today but also because he's active other days? Even if I wanted to get Cubs out this logic is so messy

Chris is an incredibly frustrating person to talk to. He talks himself in circles and I feel like I'm speaking to a 12 year old
1264 days 9 hours ago


My fucking allies are so unstable. They are thinking so long term they are like "WHAT IF THE FOTIA 7 HAS ALL THE POWER" and I'm like bitch it's Final 18 calm the fuck down

Honestly I should have let them vote me out that night I can't deal with these people. Chris is running in circles but has finally gotten the right idea to just axe Mickle here and keep the tribe kumbaya. But when I finally get him in line Nathan is out here with his conspiracy theories about how Fred and Fotia are gonna run the game if we don't vote him out at this exact vote. Ma'am we gotta a looney toon out of the nut house please collect your crazy
1264 days 9 hours ago


Im voting for fred, i heard my name going around today but its been very quite. My core 3 is with christian and cubs i also trust isaac and i spoke to nathan a little bit. I kinda want to get dino out next if we lose cuz he thinks i told him to shutup when it wasnt even directed towards him. Hopefully the vote is fred and im not getting blindsided.

I wouldve much rather voted out mickle since he is inact but nobody seems to want to vote him which is wack but whatever
1264 days 8 hours ago


Damn shit is going down outside the group

So apparantly the other side is going for me

Nathan is with them and wants Chris and me to throw votes on Marwane to split our votes

But Chris will not trust Nathan and risk keeping me by us keeping votes on Mickle
1264 days 5 hours ago
~ 18th: Mickle ~
1264 days 5 hours ago


Confessional before I go to bed... Im in a alliance with christoss and I want to work with Queen Layla and Andrew... Lets see what happens tomorrow. I think im gonna try to throw Christian's names since he didnt come today
1263 days 11 hours ago
Christian B


ill get my way just you wait. i always do.

ignores the results of this tribal where i definitely did not get my way. But anyway, so it was leaked to me there was a green + orange alliance chat because every1 thought purple was shady for voting out mike, so i went hard and started talking to all the relevant people (aka every1 but fred) and from what i gathered every1 now thinks nathan is overplaying because he wanted fred GONE. So did i but i said i rly didnt have a choice. i think im in a much better spot because even though mickle left, a lot of cracks opened up methinks. So if we do lose, im not too too worried, but i still wish i had pandoras box. Well plan b i guess. ill be asking my tribemates; im not afraid to whore myself for some wood

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Confessionals — Ian’s Survivor

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