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S14 Caribbean - Last Chances [Confessionals]

Topic » S14 Caribbean - Last Chances..

1650 days 9 hours ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:3
31st: Chili (Lalisa) [Tortuga] (8-7)

Chili gets flung 8-7 and it SUCKS because I adore him and do feel partially at fault for being at Ghost Island but yeah it really just is bad.

When thinking of how to strike back, as effectively I'm just taking his place and in the minority 8-7, I go to Absol and tell him all the names of people who voted Chili out (Andrew, Billy, Erik,  Ethan, Harry, Josh x2, Julian), with the intention of if they can send one of them 7 to Ghost Island, my side // minority (Alan, Ashanti, Brian, Chris, Christian, James, John) can vote together and force a 7-7 tie, and our side are more like 'stable' like we are more united I feel. Erik wouldn't risk rocks, Andrew knows like no one really, so would be relatively easy.

But oh no. No, no, no. Double tribal ;D

When immunity came around I KNEW I wanted to win, as likely Julian just would target me, so yeah! I get the win and it feels good!

So initially I talk to my chat of 4 with Ashanti, Brian and Christian, share the idol clue with them (as I know I don't really have the time to search, and although it probably is found - like we have STRONG searchers on our tribe, one in particular is Ethan who I will not forget found our tribe idol rapidly fast in All Stars II ;) - worth boosting one of their odds of finding it). I say Julian could be a vote again as Erik would perhaps be down, but then the valid topic of booting someone lesser known / with relationships on that side would be smarter.

The other side say they are targeting Alan / Chris because NOW we suddenly want inactives out, after we literally just booted one of the most active and strongest players on the tribe? Sure nice cover up for realistically taking our side out.

Today when I was told the vote was CHRIS, I told Chris who said he was gonna go after Andrew as he has the least likely chances of people wanted to save him so hard, and he could like flip Ethan, and a Josh (assumably sergeant), and that sounds good with me.

I agree Chris is a massive player and massive threat, but it would be stupid beyond words if I vote Chris out now, and he's a mate so like *looks around* I've no intention to boot him for a long long while - assuming we both even get there xd

My vote tonight is for ANDREW. He had a chance to flip to our side last vote, didn't take it, time for him to pay as a consequence ;D. He seems a decent guy from the one convo we had and I guess I get it as he said Chili only messaged him close to the vote, but yeah him going isn't an issue with me and if it keeps my side safe then that's perfect. Hopefully the 7 'minority' all vote and Ethan flips, or anyone really, but I guess we will see!
1650 days 9 hours ago
Jordan (jman96) Confessional EP:3
So we got this double tribal and it turns out that the 2 names bring brought up was Jackson and myself. Absol tells me that it was Barbra that brought my name up to go home. I'm not suprised at all if that is the case. I guess some things never change.

At this point all I can do is push for Jackson to go home instead of me make some majority alliance out of that. If I survive then I could target Barbra for trying to go after me. And this time, theres no brittany to stop me from doing so.

So I went to as many people as possible to see If I can get them to vote Jackson. Hopefully Clair and absols campaigning doesnt sway them to end up voting me. I'm trying all I can to stay as there is no quit in me. I refuse to leave this early and hopefully there is enough voted to keep me here.

I also hope that Jackson doesnt have an idol. I would hate  to be idold out for the second time this month. Thanks for that by the way benny.
1650 days 9 hours ago
Robert (Robson704) Confessional EP:3
My tactic in this game was to find agreement with everyone and always talk with people every day because every player respects that if you want to start conversation with them. When we loose a couple of players from our tribe i try to find myself in some kind of 5 people or more Alliance which i would try to stay loyal and call the shots with those people together but in that huge group of players you never know what might happen so i cant promise anything for sure because dynamics are always changing pretty fast
1650 days 9 hours ago
Absolita (Absol) Confessional EP:3
im not voting but im pushing for jackson pretty overtly. i like jordan and he was loyal to me in previous games so keeping him around makes more sense.

either way idc what happens
1650 days 9 hours ago
Clair (haycsclair) Confessional EP:3
CONFESSIONAL:  So I didn't get immunity because I only figured Curacao and Guadeloupe out and it's only because I watch beauty pageants. Seeing Kelly won the immunity made me happy because I don't have to campaign not to vote for her this round. I need that chaotic girl as my shield in this game.  Going into the vote I've found out that Barbra and Livingston had narrowed the targets down to Jackson, Jordan, and Luis. Livingston thinks that one of those people voted for him during the Leanna vote together with Kelly. I'm down voting out any one of these three because I'm planning to get rid off a wild card out. Someone who might flip on us come tribe switch.  So Barbra and Livingston gathered people to vote for Jordan, but I have a different name in my mind. It's Jackson. That guy hasn't said a single word to me since the game started and people who don't talk to me don't have a place in Antigua tribe.  So I started talking to people and planted the seed in their mind - voting Jackson out. It seems more than half of the tribe is agreeing with me, but Barbra and Livingston seem not okay with this and that makes me wary of them. Plus Livingston stated that Jackson "doesn't like" Kelly. The more reason he needs to go. I need to weaken the force of Livingston and Barbra if there is really something going on between them.  I just hope Jackson doesn't play an idol.  Wish me luck!
1650 days 9 hours ago
Ashanti (KingGeek) Confessional EP:3
so chili's gone. sucks because it really ultimately ended up being super close, meaning the votes she lost certainly could've counted. it also doesn't help that like.. some were ignored but even then i'm not sticking my head out for someone if they ain't doing it themselves! interacted with 14 other bitches regularly is hard enough as it is (and honestly i'm doing my best, the joshes, however, i've lowkey neglected hehe).

but anyway, afterwards the FUNNIEST thing happened. well, it wasn't that funny but at the time being i was rolling. so basically, after talking to kelly about having them send someone who voted against chili to ghost island (to which they came up with joshbb17), erik posted in OUR tribe chat, while meaning to pm someone else, on how james would work with the "minority" if it were to then be 7-7. i mean, he isn't WRONG but it was still funny. especially james' immediate "?" response. a kicker, if you will.

that night, nothing much really happened. the first wives talked about pulling erik over maybe to get him to vote with us, but apparently he wanted someone like chris/alan out which is.. not good for us! this idea spread the following day with the vote being fixed on chris. the first wives were all pretty busy so we ourselves didn't do much to mitigate or involve ourselves until when available? i suggested to them we try to lead a counter-vote on someone like billy or the joshes but chris came out of the woodwork like "I DON'T WANNA GO HOME" and lead the charge against andrew. i, of course, followed suit and will be doing that this tribal as well. while learning john didn't vote with chili last round as i assumed, he seems to be on board with voting alike chris.

that being said, i still have my concerns that tonight will go.. poorly. i mean, erik rambled on justifying his vote to me yesterday (which honestly wasn't necessary like DAMN i get it) and talked about how we were all "confident" (LOL) about the votes being there to get out julian and how he wasn't comfortable, so even though i'm rolling my eyes to the back of my skull i'm being cautious and expecting the worst.

also: i helped james find his gi idol! it's MIKE's HvV idol which apparently is good for the first three merge rounds. well hello! let's celebrate that
1650 days 9 hours ago
Logan (lhoopernumbers) Confessional EP:3
So Kelly ended up winning individual immunity and  it definitely hurts since it was easy to get them out. Now the vote is between Jackson and Jordan and I pray my soul to keep Jordan goes since I need Jackson to stay. Let's see what the cards have to say on who is going.
1650 days 9 hours ago
1650 days 9 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:4
Wow interesting tribal. Dallas going home sucks as he was one guy who would never turn on me. Hes a good old fashioned player who is loyal, but he went down by his own bullet.

Christian was someone who i wanted to work with, but maybe I was wrong, but he had his hand way too deep with the opposition and never was transparent about his role and the game. I realized that hes too big of a threat and that he would be more of a roadblock than an asset so I did not push against voting christian out.

Now that hes still here, he was pissed at me. Yeah, ive played passively, but im trying to be an asset to people, rather than be presented as a threat. This alliance of 8, who is running it? Erik, Billy, Julian, and Harry are the heads. The question is am I wanted or needed?

I needed to confront John and tell him how it is. I said this game is pulling on me as I am making decisons I dont want to make, and its coming between us. He opened up, and im hoping he takes that and it prevents me from being voted out when names come up.

Ghost island will determine things, but i will just keep moving forward and adjusting to whatever comes
1650 days 9 hours ago
Barbra (BarbraStreisand) Confessional EP:4
Confessional: Time to get revenge on the bitch that flipped the vote. I know it was you, Clair, and since you’re on Ghost Island, I’ll go after one of your sheep. Xoxo don’t fuck my plans up!
1650 days 9 hours ago
Robert (Robson704) Confessional EP:4
heyllo! im so happy for being harassed tonight, because thats what makes this game interesting! i had a feeling those people could stick to some plans and try to deal with my and their ideas. I told kelly to vote together kyle out and at the first moment kelly said it right back to kyle and created chaos between him and me. I decided to comfort kyle and predicted kelly told him that i was targetting him so i already jumped out with new idea that i was planning to vote out kelly and i told her his name. I think he will buy it and if he will i try to gather some people against kelly and bury my villain thoughts about voting kyle out with Kelly tommorow. If i would be able to sway some votes to get rid of kelly who leaks every secret and idea first i will feel comfortable and second tribe will stay tight together because kelly plays untrustworthy game. She tried to conspirate with other tribe and because of that she won immunity and got sent to GI plus she leaked my plan so that proves me i have to get rid of her first. I hope that this stuff what she told about me to everyone on main chat will work against her and prove she is untrustworthy. I came here to play harder than last time and im happy that swaying votes isnt that easy
i try to keep with what Russel Hantz said youre either with me or against me my original plan was to vote out kyle for being great player who can outwit me in the future but after kelly leaked that plan i will have to keep repeating everyone that i was ,,testing her'' that way and now kelly bought herself ticket to go home i think it works and people will forgot about this situation sooner or later
1650 days 9 hours ago
Kyle (Kyle12212) Confessional EP:4
After seeing that Kelly got the numbers to take Jackson out, I was really worried. Me and Seth were on the wrong side of the vote, and I was afraid that I was gonna be in trouble if we lost the challenge, and we were extremely close to winning. But Livingstink didn't read the directions and cost us the challenge. Pretty blatantly as well. So naturally, I figured there were going to be people targeting him tonight. Knowing my luck, I was dead wrong. Livingston's name hasn't come up once. The first thing I hear is that Clair wants me out because apparently we played in a group game together, I honestly feel terrible that I have no clue who she is. But I was glad she was on Ghost Island so I didn't have to worry about this vote. Right on cue, in comes RoBeRt. It's funny because he always thinks he's playing this crazy good game, but he isn't really good at all. He just talks to everyone, even if he doesn't have to. But get this- He brought my name up to Kelly because he was TESTING whether or not she was trustworthy. ....... lmfao are you serious. My philosophy on that subject is if I don't trust you... IM NOT GOING TO TALK TO YOU. It's that simple. He's either stupid, or covering up the fact that he was actually targeting me and I had more connections than he thought. When I heard he was targeting me, I confronted him right away, and he gave me that whole speal about testing him. He immediately brought Kelly's name up, so I used that opportunity to speak with Kelly herself (for the first time, wow im a flop). I told Kelly EVERYTHING Rob said, and she made sure to make things public. She called him out in the main chat and in our tribe chat saying he's sneaky, and overplaying. And Rob is not responding, which is even more shady. Funny, I can't see the target on my back anymore. Kelly's blowup put a huge target on Rob's back, and Kelly has had a target since we got here. Nice try Rob, ur not as smart as you think. I'm hoping the votes go my way for Rob, because I'm quite frankly tired of dealing with him. At least Kelly is straight up and not trying to be Russell Hantz at FINAL TWENTY EIGHT. Did I mention Kelly is better at comps? Hopefully we have myself, Barbra, Livingston, Kelly, Abolita, Hufus, and hopefully someone like Keizo, or if any of those people can bring in another, and Rob should go. And let me just say Clair won't be receiving a warm welcome back from Ghost Island, either. She's next if I have anything to do with it. I love being targeted for no reason, don't you?
1650 days 9 hours ago
Brian (cfff) Confessional EP:4
Hello! So my tribe is very split lol. Im sad we lost chili but im glad we got andrew out. It is kinda 7 -7 even though I am on another game with John, and he hates me.  So I dont think he will be on our side for long. I just need to keep talking to everyone and be kind so I am never the vote. It also depends on who gets sent to GI. We need it in our favor.
1650 days 9 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:4
As much as I want to say I have everything I want to happen or say I’m running the game, I simply am not. This time around I am putting a lot of my eggs in other peoples baskets. I’m putting a lot of faith in players that I would have never thought I would. It’s difficult people I am not putting my destiny in my own hands, and to go out like that would be anticlimactic and would truly suck.

But at the end of the day I need to do what I think is right, and that’s sticking with the 7 and moving forward. I really don’t know what’s going to happen, I may have been chosen to go to ghost island but winning deferred that? Definitly one of the more interesting games I’ve ever played .

If I go rouge and play simply for myself as I have done in the past and make risky juggling players at final 27, I won’t be long for this game. There is so much game left to be played, I won’t be able to make it if I turn on the 7. Once one person flips on that 7, because it will happen, then the game will be wide open but the eyes will be on them. For now I need to be viewed as valuable.
1650 days 9 hours ago
Logan (lhoopernumbers) Confessional EP:4
Well tha vote didn't go as planned, now there's one less person wanting Kelly out. So the comp we had the lead and either fortunately or unfortunately Livingston goofed and we lost. Time to make use of this situation and get Kelly out. Hope Satan finally leaves and isn't a cockroach who won't die since I need a peaceful tribe badly.

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