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S9 China - Clash of Clans [Confessionals]

Topic » S9 China - Clash of Clans..

1784 days 18 hours ago
1784 days 18 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Pre-Game Confessional

AYY!  I’m back, I finally have some openings to play this, and I’m super excited.  I played Gen 1 twice, and a cancelled season of gen 2, so it’s nice to be back.  All the way back in the OG days of Season 1 Gen 1, I played Survivor: Hawaii, I flopped, HARD.  I wasn’t as active as I should have been, and at the end I thought tooth and nail to survive tribal, but my tribe wouldn’t have it.

Oh and don’t get me started on Iran - Favorites vs. Failures,  I had 2 idols in my pocket, and I managed to go home with both of them, to be fair to me, it was pre-merge, I had a bunch of tribals left to play them, and if I didn’t suspect going home, why would I play an idol?  I don’t think the idols in my pocket makes getting blindsided more embarrassing.  That’s the whole point of a blindside, I didn’t see it coming.  Although I should have considering mana lord hates me with a burning passion.  And to top it all off I blew my chance to comeback because my MOM WALKED INTO MY BEDROOM INT HE DEAD OF NIGHT CATCHING ME ON MY PHONE AND I LOST IT BIG RIP.  I snuck out the night before and she didn’t catch me but then she gets me the next night…ugh.

And there was a cancelled season I played, where things were finally starting to look up for me but apparently me doing decent in this series was impossible so that got cancelled.  And NOW I’m back again.  I would say my goal is to finally make the merge, but I play to win, not to make the merge.  And if getting to the merge and laying low is what I consider to be my best course of action to win, i’ll do it.  If I need to try to control every pre-merge vote and start a full on war round 3 of the game (see Will’s Survivor), I’ll do that too. 

I have a new strategy, and I’ve wanted to enact it in a survivor game for a while now, but I’ve never gotten the right cast and tribe divisions to pull it off, maybe it’ll happen for me but this is a Fans Vs Favorites season, and that’ll be tricky, considering my one FvF experience was when I was on a Fans tribe in BENLINUS’ Survivor and the Favorites tribe absolutely shit on us. I somehow made it to like 8th because the people in charge didn’t consider me enough of a threat to take me out till then, despite trying to stage a full on Fan revolt, but since literally nobody would talk to me I just became an easy vote when everyone got auction powers.  I absolutely want to demolish a favorites tribe now.  But I don’t know if it’s going to be Gen 1 Favorites against complete newbies or something, and I hope because motherfuck I will want to die if I’m on another inactive Fans tribe against a fully active Favorites one.

But i just came off a group game win with TRGG 16: The Mole, so maybe things are starting to look up for me and i have some momentum, or maybe not, who knows, but I’ll do my best.
1784 days 18 hours ago
Chanel (THEChanelOberlin) Confessional EP:1


Since my departure from tengaged I've taken over Zwooper, but time to come back and redeem myself from my last few seasons on Tengaged....

I'm definitely nervous seeing as idk these people but here's a little cast assessment..

M&N's Militia (Green Buffs):

Jake S. (tundrahenry101) - Idk them

Hufus D. (Hufus) - LOVE HIM. We played Emotion's Survivor All Stars together, I blindsided him though eek but we get along well so it sucks we're on different tribes.

Dana M. (TotsTrashy) - I feel like I've played w her before and she gave me a nice greeting lmao but yeah don't know her all that well.

Chris B. (Mybash_) - idk them

Alan D. (AlanDuncan) - idk them

James R. (J2999) - idk them

John B. (Jxhn) - idk them

Eli O. (EliOrtiz1234) - idk them

Absolita P. (Absol) - idk them

Dylan O. (DBWs) - idk them

Kamani W. (Seven_Ikonique) - idk them

Andrew T. (turney1805) - idk them

BigBen's Brigade (Blue Buffs):

Eric (awwsum11) - idk them

Brandon (brandonrichie) - idk them

Jojo (jojo7784) - idk them

Ethan (Ethan000) - idk them

Andrea (IceIceBaby) - idk them

Ray (GentlemanG) - I recognise their user and maybe we've played together before but idk

Kasey (Kaseyhope101) - idk them

Sean (Caliboy) - idk them

Adrianna (Saftronbtr999) - idk them

Chanel (THEChanelOberlin) - idk them.. lol

Noah (noah_kondon) - I feel like we've played together, defo know his name from the gg community.

Livingston (noobsmoke13) - idk them


So.. yeah I clearly have loads of great past relationships w these players that will help me out in this game!!!

It's gonna be tough.
1784 days 16 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:1

I was at a movie when this started and I’ve heard my name has come up already, which... is NOT ... shocking at all. It would suck getting out first, but honestly... I am unbothered. Noah is here, so it’s honestly unavoidable. Like not only did I come in 2 hours late, I already have a target on my back with Noah existing.

On thé bright side, I trust Ray, I trust Brandon. If I’m the target... I don’t think it’ll be unanimous, unless they ask “hey ur screwed, can i vote for you?” And I’ll be like “oh chill ok”

Idk I’m not gonna get stressed over it? I kinda sorta figured I’d be targeted as soon as I heard the movie was going to be during the premiere, like... I can’t stop what I can’t change.

But I’m not gonna give up or anything, i just came in prepared for the worst
1784 days 16 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:1

Apparently, the counterplan... aka the plan that is NOT me... is taking out Ethan, so... i'm good with that. He tried talking to me, but I know that he is planning on taking me out, so I won't bother.

This is a BLINDSIDE, and I love a blindside if it keeps me safe. Like, let's go to the blindside party, bitches! I will RSVP to that! I hope it follows through, because, like, if it doesn't... this season is boring, and we don't love a boring season.

So, i hope this plan follows through. Again, if it doesn't, it's just a game and I sort of anticipated that, but I hope for SURE this plan works out. I don't love first boot, like, that'd be lame af
1784 days 16 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:1

1784 days 3 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:1


They will be hidden in the SECOND oldest blog of a user.
1784 days 2 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:1

I hate when ur searching for an idol, and see a comment from a host but it's not the idol, like FUCK Found by Pieguy555
Sent by Pieguy555,Mar 26, 2016

1784 days 2 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:1


Maroshi Hidden Immunity Idol

Congratulations if you're seeing this then you have found the hidden immunity idol for the Maroshi tribe in Survivor Maldives.  Please PM me this link in hopes you're the first person to claim it.
Sent by bigben1996,Jun 3, 2016
1784 days 2 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:1

So, I get added to the official chat that is set to get Ethan out.

Noah came to me saying all this bullshit, like that my name was a BACK UP plan (only if I stayed offline) and that the vote is Noobsmoke. I had heard that name like twice at the time, and honestly thought it was an alliance name or something and that I really DID miss a lot. But apparently it’s an actual player... it’s the Livingston fella, who I just didn’t know existed. But he’s apart of my official alliance chat, so... hey Livingston, ur a king if u loyal.ur a dumb bitch if u vote me out... kidding but seriously.

I can TELL Noah is lying. He just thinks he’s smart. And I know his game now. He likes being in control of EVERYTHING and I just know what’s up.

In the hypothetical situation that he IS telling the truth and my name WAS simply just a back up... love that for me! That’s awesome! That simply is best case scenario, I’d LOVE not getting votes. That’d be... DOPE.

But I know how Noah works, and I trust what I’ve been told by the people I trust. Now, the thing is... do i trust my numbers? Idk yet, I’ll need to see for myself.

If I survive this vote, these people really do NOT know who they’re messing with. If I don’t survive this vote, ig they did kind of know who they were messing with
1784 days 2 hours ago
Ray (GentlemanG) Confessional EP:1

Coming into this game I thought I had a pretty decent shot at getting the votes on my tribe and keeping myself safe. Jojo is a good friend of mine so I aligned with him and we started working on taking out our biggest competition/threat which is Ethan. I started talking to players like Andrea and Brandon who already seemed to be on board to get Ethan out. Brandon was a great help because he leaked a chat that Ethan made with other people. I thought Noah would help us take out Ethan, but it seems he just wants to play the middle and slide by which I don’t agree with. I made sure that we had 7 votes and got people like Kasey, Chanel, and Livingston (who they plan on voting) on board with the plan to blindside Ethan.  I’m working hard to make sure it’s a blindside because I know he’s good at finding idols and if he even has any idea about the vote to get him out he’ll use it and idol out myself or
possibly Joey for leading the charge against him. Tomorrow the plan is to do damage control with Ian and Noah so they aren’t after me because if this works they’re going to be blindsided. At this point, I just hope I’m not playing too hard too soon.
1784 days 2 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:1

Noah is actually trying in this game and it shows. Usually, he just wants to fuck around and troll... this time we actually HAD A CONVERSATION. And that’s ... nuts? It makes me a LOT more offput with him. At least when he trolls he’s an obnoxious clown everyone will get on board to take out when the time is right - him actually... being a normal human being... makes me nervous! I think he wants me to feel safe with him, but idk how I feel about new Noah? But I’m pretty sure he isn’t on my side. He’s trying to make me think that, but I’m PRETTY sure he’s in a chat with a bunch of dudebros and is targeting noobsmoke and me. That’s the hot gossip at least. Noah ain’t fooling nobody, ESPECIALLY not me.

He is wasting his time, cuz either I get out tonight - OR I’m not going to trust him going forward. Either way, I don’t buy this chatty Noah. He takes me for a fool, but nah son. If i stay, I’m onto his shit
1784 days ago
Livingston (noobsmoke23) Confessional EP:1

1784 days ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:1

**Fake Confessional**
1784 days ago
Hufus (Hufus) Confessional EP:1

Hello, kings! Here it is...your favorite brazilian is back again <3

The one and only M&N’s Tina Wesson! Mmmmm so good! Oh lord, its been a long time since ive been waiting to give it one more shot, considering I flopped in All Stars right after I won the ssn! The only problem is I dont really like my chances at this point.

If im being honest these people r not the ones I’m used to playing games with or even being friends with. So i legit had to introduce myself to a lot of them, which is already not a good start. To top it all off, a month or so ago me and yours truly BigDick1996 gave Dana first boot in Cutthroat’s Edge of Glory (which was ironically her second fb in the series). From all the convo we’re having rn i cant help but to feel she’s wanting to repay the favor! If i go, ill be p devastated ngl, but ill also be ashamed of taking BigDick’s side! The feels. It also didnt help me to be labeled as a cult leader, even I would be woke @ me! But i do appreciate the archetype tho and love u guys! <3

Anyway, ive been working my ass off and talking around a lot since yesterday to try to gather some numbers on my favour, even with people that i wasnt close before... Like Dylan. I saw him and Dana interacting as friends or something, so maybe if he likes me, he could have my back if it comes to me being a target! And I hope he did like me cause omg he’s a king AND we’re both alcoholics and winners... a perfect match for a strong duo! mwah mwah

I hope this isnt my last confessional cause I have so much more left to give. And winning this again would mean everything to me, perhaps even more than how much my first win did! And i know, yeah bbies dont @ me, I know it feels like its the most fucking remote chance of the universe, BUT HELL NO i aint backing down SISTAHS. Nobody is gonna rain on my parade!
1783 days 23 hours ago
Noah (noah_kondon) Confessional EP:1

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