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S8 Melanesia - Blood vs. Water [Confessionals]

Topic » S8 Melanesia - Blood vs. Water..

1812 days 5 hours ago
Auki *Salmon Pink Buffs*

Barbra (BarbraStreisand)
Ryan (Iceey)
Patrick (Pokepat)
Harry (harrywasnak)
Ty (J0K3R)
Anthony (iYBF) 
Logan (lhooper902976)
Yandere (Yandereboy12)
Nicky (NotNicky333)
Stoner (Gaiaphagee)
Josh (Joshbb17)

Bulolo *Light Green Buffs*

Sharon (SharonMaItems)
Dakota (Java9044)
Tashi (tashi)
Tina (purplebb4)
Corey (coreyants)
Tyler (bamold1999)
Latisha (Latisha0987)
X (FireX)
Adam (mathboy9)
Mearl (Mearl)
Leanna (LEANNA)
1812 days 5 hours ago
Logan (lhooper902976) – PreGame Confessional

Hey everyone, it's your favorite third placer Logan here. Last time you saw me was on the shore of Jamaica .I'm sure some of you are wondering why I would risk returning since I have an average of third place and that is I truly believe this might finally be my break through season and I will finally accomplish what I didn't before, making it past the final immunity challenge.

In my only season in gen 1 Comoros, I was the hero of the season and Patrick took me out at the final 3 challenge. In my debut season of gen 2 I was set on revenge and I got it but, once again I got cut at third even though I told Natasha that I was cut at third and I didn't want that to happen again.

So my angle coming into this season isn't revenge since Natasha was in All Stars, something I was sad but, happy I wasn't in since that cast was stacked, no I'm going more to my roots except I'm going to be the champion for the minority since I give hope when all hope seems lost. My biggest goal is to win more than one individual immunity challenge and especially the final immunity challenge.

The reason I picked Latisha as my blood is we've never been super close in group games and I want to change that. It certainly seems like a bad idea but, if we aren't super close we won't be targeted while others who are will be more likely targeted first. Besides one thing me and her both share is we both aren't bad at finding idols and can win individual immunity when the pressure is on us.
1812 days 5 hours ago
Stoner (Gaiaphagee) – PreGame Confessional
1812 days 5 hours ago
1812 days 5 hours ago
Yandere (Yandereboy12) Confessional EP:1

I'm coming in not trying to make any waves I see people I know and others men I don't I'm coming in not to be Francescaed
1812 days 5 hours ago
Yandere (Yandereboy12) Confessional EP:1

Well shit....This idol twist changes up the game so much oof IMA have to convince X to give me it but we all know I'll have to struggle if I do IMA not do the challenge (cause why not) and hope x gives me that fucking idol cause I want the winner off lmao cause WHY THE FUCK NOT!!!
1812 days 5 hours ago
Latisha (Latisha0987) Confessional EP:1

Confessional: Day 1 and I forgot who the partner I signed up with. Idk why im here tbh.   My first impressions: -The cast is okay. There is a good balance of beauties and uglies.

Anthony McFarlane. DAMN. He's a hottie. I just him inside me. I wish we will be on the same tribe together. Maybe he will be the one that will take my virginity. 

-I dont like the twist. Free idols without working hard to get it is kinda BBCAN3 vibes.   -Anthony McFarlane  -I hope Logan and I will slay. FireX and I have a rocky relationship. Corey is ok. Dakota and I have worked an all female alliance before. Tina and I are BrantSteele buddies. Tashi and Leanna seem nice.

-I hope I do well in this game.
1812 days 4 hours ago
Harry (harrywasnak) Confessional EP:1

Coming into this game I’m super nervous. It’s been ages since I played in this series. Right now I’m just working to create relationships with my tribe. Tina & I have an alliance with Patrick & Tashi that should help us get through the first few rounds. There are a lot of strong players in this cast, so I’m just going to try to blend in right now. Our alliance is making sure that we have an idol on both tribes so we should be setting ourselves up well.
1812 days 4 hours ago
Logan (lhooper902976) Confessional EP:1

Well what a fun cast, I guess I bought myself a ticket to ghost island since I'm starting out with 3 enemies in this game so it truly will be a miracle to survive this season. Here is my cast assessment.

Barbra (BarbraStreisand) never met
Ryan (Iceey) kill me, he is so dirty that I banned him on skype ever since he did that dirty move in The Power Struggle Season 4.
Patrick (Pokepat) Right now we are even and me and him right out of the gate made an alliance.
Harry (harrywasnak) Usually we don't work together but, since we are so similar we decided to this time.
Ty (J0K3R) We played one of _JB_ Spinoffs and he cost our alliance for self voting but, we are currently in a game together so might be allies.
Anthony (iYBF)   Not the biggest fan of but, better then some people.
Yandere (Yandereboy12) Crazy plus outspoken but, we are allies.
Nicky (NotNicky333) Another one I don't like. We used to be friends until Will'sSurvivor Bangladesh when they gave me second boot so I doubt it.
Stoner (Gaiaphagee) I think last time he was the ine to vote me out but, in a game with enemies I need allies so I'm with him.
Josh (Joshbb17)He's not bad but, I don't think I can have any more allies without being a villain and I'm trying to avoid that.

Sharon (SharonMaItems) A little annoying sometimes but, who knows.
Dakota (Java9044) He's  like Josh. I just don't know if I can be allies with them.
Tashi (tashi) Guess I have to deal with mote Comoros ghosts, honestly I don't know if we will be allies in the future.
Tina (purplebb4) I love Tina since they were in my original first group game and they are chill so potential ally.
Corey (coreyants) I play his minis a lot  but, this is our first long game together but, he is a maybe.
Tyler (bamold1999) never played with but, probably dangerous.
Latisha (Latisha0987) My own blood, I'm hopingI can help her with her grief like she did when I was down.
X (FireX) Why him. Sure I asked to be his blood but, he has started the next round of feud and wants myhead on a silver platter until he calms down when all I did was vote him out of a game with good intentions and everyone else really betrayed him.
Adam (mathboy9) never worked with before, we just recently were in a mini but, we were never allies so no idea.
Mearl (Mearl) heard of but, never played with
Leanna (LEANNA) never played with but, good at immunity challenges so a threat
1812 days 4 hours ago
Patrick (Pokepat) Confessional EP:1

CONFESSIONAL:  Right out of the bat this game is stressful. We’re really getting thrown into the ballgame already, and I have to rush to make connections and figure out who’s with who. I’m trying to get a Ryan vote out tonight, but going into overdrive is definitely a bad thing if people start to notice it. Also, if Ryan does have the connections that I think he does, he might just play an idol and I’m the first person out of the game. That would be a horrendous way to end my BigBen’s Survivor Arch.
1812 days 4 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:1

It’s been quite a bit of time since I’ve been back and let me tell you I have little expectation to do well, but I really want to do well.

I was a first boot, a first merge boot, and to be honest was surprised that I was oven the opportunity to come back and for that I’m grateful

Contrary to some belief, I want to play this game very honestly for now. I am looking for Allies, doesn’t matter how evil or messed up they are. I want he good, the bad, and the ugly. I will align with snakes and rats, just to advance me one step further

For example, yandere is totally looney tunes and irrational, but can I trust his intentions for now, it’s a coin flip, but I’m gonna have to.

I really want to work with Patrick, he’s rational, smart, I just hope he can see that I do want to work with me and we can get something going.

Surviving is going to be my game, I’m going to play this game to live each vote, and if someone needs to fall for me, I will let them fall.

Tonight I have to just pray that Ty goes home as said, if that’s not the case, I’ll be a2 time first boot most likely.
1812 days 4 hours ago
Tyler (bamold1999) Confessional EP:1

So, I don't know how to feel about my tribe. I feel like im out of the loop on most stuff, and when I woke up the only 2 names I heard were Sharon and Mathboy and those are the 2 people who talk to me most. So I told Sharon and Mathboy that and we made a new vote of tashi. I'm not even certain where the majority of the votes are going and it seems like my tribe is a huge clusterfuck.

I also trust Leanna quite a bit.
1812 days 4 hours ago
Ty (J0K3R) Confessional EP:1

Guess whos back bitches and better than ever after finally getting rid of my stds no more medical evacuations for this guy. In all seriousness though i'm excited to get a second chance to prove myself in this series after my embarrassing 15th lol i plan on slashing that down by 14 this time around. Being medically evacuated in my previous season means im not as big as a threat compared to the other returnees like im basically a noob. Im not sure how to feel about my tribe tbh i only know a couple and not enough to really trust them, Ryan/Anthony/Patrick/and yandere have all recieved mails from me just chatting atm trying to be social and hopefully get a bit of info out of them. Anthony is really the only one that i trust tbh tho even he can be shady at times. Stoner messaged me earlier so im hoping to build on these relationships, yandere is the only one who hasnt mailed back. Ryan/Anthoney/Patrick/and maybe stoner seem like they are all willing to work with me to an extent so im hoping i can get some alliances going.

This cast looks hella stackeddd but i know quite a bit of the noobs so i really hope i can link up with a few of them soon. The only people i'm not happy to see are Firex and Logan i dont have the best relationships with them plus i always end up either voting them out or getting voted out by them so not the best past lol. Im going to have to get to work on trying to secure a good spot on the tribe before logan can get anything going i have no doubt he will either throw my name out or hop on board to vote me out so right now my main objective is to try and get his ass voted out. I hope X put a target on him and logan after calling him out but i kinda doubt that.

The tribes look pretty even when it comes to challenge skills so hopefully we can manage to win majority of them until a swap or something. Im going to have to rely heavily on my social and strategic games because atm i probably wont be able to help much unless its a semi live or something slow paced. Id feel a lot safer with the idol but corey thinks he'll be targeted before me so no point in putting it up for debate i mean i can still play like i have one and if i do it right i might be able to save my ass for a tribal or two. Anyway super happy to be apart of this all star caliber cast i just hope i can redeem myself and show yall what i can do.

More later.
1812 days 4 hours ago
Stoner (Gaiaphagee) Confessional EP:1

Confessional 3:  I’ve been told it’s ty, then Ryan, then Logan. I really have no idea what’s happening. I did ty. I hope it’s not me being blindsided but we’ll see. I got a good score so hope that’s enough to secure immunity.
1812 days 4 hours ago
Yandere (Yandereboy12) Confessional EP:1

So right now I maybe in a good spot or I'm next boot oof right now it seems to be Ty going which I'm fine with oof I'm voting the winner cause why not? Like he hasn't said nothing to me but men OK let's hope I make jury or merge oof
1812 days 4 hours ago
Harry (harrywasnak) Confessional EP:2

That tribal council definitely was... something. I haven’t been this nervous during a tribal in ages. We really thought Tashi was going home, and it was a huge sigh of relief as our entire alliance freaked out. When the votes for Josh during our tribal, I was confused. Seeing a vote for me was definitely a huge scare. My stomach dropped and I really thought I was getting blindsided. I thought I knew where all the votes were going, but I didn’t. Even though everything went according to plan, tonight was definitely a wake up call.

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