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S6 All Stars II [Confessionals]

Topic » S6 All Stars II..

1988 days 5 hours ago
Badjao *Blue Buffs*

Eoin (Eoin)
Ethan (Brittney)
James (J2999)
Jesse (JesseM)
Joel (JoelW55)

Lumad *Orange Buffs*

Brandon (brandonrichie)
Keizo (Foxy_Piplup)
Kolby (ThePug)
Natalie (OhNatalie)
Tyler (UnicornChicken)

Palawan *Red Buffs*

Brady (CoachWade)
Erik (YoundAndReckless)
JB (_JB_)
Qaz (Qazwdxedc)
Tim (lionsden121)

Tumadock *Yellow Buffs*

Brian (cfff)
Clair (haycsclair)
Dan (dwipeouts)
Natasha (Blondelle)
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse)
1988 days 5 hours ago
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse) Confessional EP:1

i just want the viewers lounge to know that i'd rather kill myself than play with most of these people that's all
1988 days 5 hours ago
Jesse (JesseM) Confessional EP:1

Hey Ben! It's your all time favorite player ;) Hahaha :P jk no but seriously I am like SUPER stoked to be playing again! You're an awesome host :) I have decided to message you here so that I don't spam your Skype lol Except some wordy confessionals from me hahaha

So yeah let's get started with my introduction:
Do  you really think that I made the season memorable? LOL. I love being a leader and loved that it was the first tied vote ever at final tribal. Do people really remember me squandering my lead in the final immunity challenge? LOL you will have to tell me after the game if people talk about that. That was horrible and cost me the game :( Part of me wants to make it to final 4 and win immunity this time so that I can avenge myself!
I'm just happy you consider me an all star. An all star can mean different things and I am still not sure what kind of game I want to play... I think I need to work on my social game but my physical game is good. I mean I am good at challenges and finding immunities and advantages ;)

Impressions of the cast:
Let me start off by saying I am sooooooooooooo happy that Chris (IRandomal123) isn't in the game. I was dreading him being there lol... and I wanted Brian(Cfff) to be in the game since he was a close ally of mine so yay for that :) Sucks Rich (Sarge455) isn't there. We could have had a reunion, lol... I don't trust Brady (Coachwade) at all. Only 3 from my season whereas 3 from South Africa, 4 Jamaica, 5 Mongolia and 5 Nicaragua... Kind of scares me that people from original seasons may work together and I am outnumbered there...

I really like my tribe! James (J2999) is one of my very good friends and I hope we can go to the end together. Him and Brian would be my ideal f3 at the moment. I have been on Tengaged since 2009 and Brittney/Eoin/JoelW55 names all seem familiar to me but I don't really know them. Hope we win challenges and don't need to go to Tribal anytime soon.

As far as the other tribes I am adding people on Skype and getting to know them. I really like Brandon, Keizo and Tyler so far. Brandon and Tyler especially <3 Getting good vibes from them! Erik is someone who I played a survivor group game over 2 years ago and we spoke on Skype briefly but IDK if he remembers me lol but he seemed pretty cool and someone I would like to work with :)

I added JB on Skype and he didn't accept my request and then spoke in the group chat... that's a big no no and is definitely someone I will need to watch out for especially considering that he has won...

Until next time! :)
1988 days 4 hours ago
Tyler (UnicornChicken) Confessional EP:1

Pitch a tent kids, because this season is gonna be intense! It's been a long time since I've played Survivor and honestly I wasn't super excited to be on this season. That was until the cast announcement and I remembered how much I love DESTROYING EVERYTHING! It's barely day 1 and I've already scooped up the majority on my tribe. After Brandon's introduction I just knew I had to work with him, we stan a ruthless villain. Also the one person I remotely know in the game just so happened to land on the same tribe, so Keizo, Brandon and I have formed a small group of three. I'll take anything I can get right now.

My conversation with Brandon has been great already, never in my life have I seen two people blowing so much smoke up each other's asses. We've already started a little showmance, but honestly I think we're probably both targeting each other as the first boot from our tribe. Big players can smell big players from a mile away... maybe it's because I haven't showered but I think for now we're both keeping friends close and our enemies even closer. He's cute, but so are koalas, and koalas are vicious monsters with chlamydia. Maybe Brandon really is just a soft cuddly bear, but for now I'm not trying to get no Koala STDs. I will trust him if I have to.

Did I mention that I'm running on an Australian time zone. It's literally 7:30am right now and I haven't slept since yesterday!! I'm not looking forward to getting back into a routine of waking up at 8am for challenges. Don't need to try too hard to get to sleep. Jesse is trying to talk to me and it is putting me to sleep. He's a creep but whatever idk... my train of thought just ran off the rails. Sleep deprivation will do that to ya. I'm confident I can murder the social game since nobody has a clue who I am. Ponytails and chicken nuggets are good. Mullets and cockroaches are not good. Yup. Brain still working, me a smart. I'm gonna leave it at that before I pass out. Me win the season. All Starrrr wooo hA!
1988 days 4 hours ago
Natasha (Blondelle) Confessional EP:1

The Queen is baaaaaaaaaack!

Hahahaha just kidding, I have no room to be obnoxious or cocky today. I will say it is absolutely crazy to be back here. Ya know last time I played I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong. I'm coming into this season with the words "PERFECT GAME" tape to my face with a target the size of South Africa taped to my back so I KNEW that this game is definitely more so of an experience rather than trying to prove myself to others because I did that in Jamaica. I solely am here today because this is the series that I made a name for myself in, and am proud of that and will continue to part take in for a while. Also, because All-Stars is flattering ;)

Here in the Phillippines, I'm going to be much more reserved, much more helpful, and I'd rather be here as a sounding board for those who are still trying to prove themselves and earn a title. I know that absolutely no one is going to want me to get to the end, some might even throw a few hinky votes my way so I cant play perfectly again, HELL I'LL BE SURPRISED IF I EVEN SURVIVE MY FIRST TRIBAL COUNCIL!

I just know that I have zero room for abrasiveness or arrogance in this seasons diet, which is why I have to come off as just a sheep or someone with a vote to spare. Downplay. Downplay. Downplay. Listen. Observe.

I'd like it if us Winners could look out for each other if we aren't all gone first. When it comes to my tribe I literally feel screwed because I dont know ANY of them, so I literally have to go introduce myself to a bunch of new faces. I'm going to try and work with Clair and Dan just so that I can be their third so they wont have to be a majority. Until then, i'm just going to keep my chin up, and my smile on. It's All-Stars baby!! ;)
1988 days 4 hours ago
Whoops forgot the lone pregame confessional from Kolby!  Off to a bad start already :x

Kolby (ThePug) PreGame Confessional

Here I am, at 1:58PM in the fucking morning, staring at my mayonnaise ceiling, that's an accurate representation of my personality based on my one true love, Andre's (turney1805) opinion. I know it's a stretch, but I'd love if he's on the season, I'm genuinely obsessed, and couldn't survive out there without my boo. Root for me in the Viewers Lounge honey.

I set that last sentence up in an attempt to easily transition into talking about who else will be in this nightmare. Words cannot describe the vile trauma I went through in South Africa, inactive boot, inactive boot, attempting to to make a move, failing to make a move, inactive boot, inactive boot, the only entertaining Tribal Council where I was voted out 4-3, a chorus of angels weeping as my soul was brought to heaven and Ben's hope of a good season all instantly going down the drain.

Surrounding me with these awful, awful, people. We have Tim, who- you know, is just, Tim. I blocked him after he voted me out and acted as if he was some savior. Was I really that bad? Then unblocked him, sent him a screenshot to prove I was half-right about something, instantly blocking him again.

Then Eoin, which coincidentally I found out the other name is an actual Irish name, I thought he just had some weird space fetish or thing. Is it pronounced "O-yne." since it's a name? It's pretty fucking melodramatic like him. There was that entire saga of him thinking I called him a "sheep" went Tumbr-level of triggered and flipped out on me. But I think we're good now? I bit my tongue and called him like a- perfect winner in the viewers lounge. That was.. Interesting.

Finally the other All Star candidate from my disgusting season would be JD/Ben, which I know Ben has another name, but I just refuse to call him anything else. There both the top tier players of the season, we're on good terms I'm fairly sure, but like, I don't think it helped that I targeted both of them like the entire merge, then them being responsible for taking me out and all that greatness.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say here, in this long drawn-out confessional is, I want to get the fuck away from my season. I know Brandon(richie) won the prior one and I hope to god he returns. He's exactly my type of vile! We flock together! I'm gonna go back to practicing my fake smile in the mirror for these people. 馃槃
1988 days 4 hours ago
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse) Confessional EP:1

Here's Watermelondrea's basic cast assessment.

Badjao Blue Buffs

Eoin (Eoin) - cool
Ethan (Brittney) - meh
James (J2999)  - gross
Jesse (JesseM)  - pedo
Joel (JoelW55)  - cool

Lumad Orange Buffs

Brandon (brandonrichie) - blocked disgusting fucking degenerate hag
Keizo (Foxy_Piplup)  - cool
Kolby (ThePug) - gross
Natalie (OhNatalie) - meh
Tyler (UnicornChicken) - who

Palawan Red Buffs

Brady (CoachWade) - gross
Erik (YoundAndReckless) - meh
JB (JB)  - i'd say cool but i just voted him out of m&n's
Qaz (Qazwdxedc) - blocked
Tim (lionsden121) - gross

Tumadock Yellow Buffs

Brian (cfff) - cool
Clair (haycsclair) - cool
Dan (dwipeouts) - gross
Natasha (Blondelle) - cool
1988 days 4 hours ago
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse) Confessional EP:1

i don't really have any positive or negative feelings about jesse other than he's a pedo.  he's probably gonna join stars as soon as this game ends because that's how he rolls.  he's gonna find the youngest boy in this game and flirt with them.  maybe he's not a pedo but he's definitely way too horny for tengagers.

i still have qaz and brandon blocked.  not unblocking them anytime soon. the only way i win this game is winning literally every single challenge.  i'll probably have brady blocked by the time i get voted out for 15th.
1987 days 23 hours ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:1

No better 1st confessional than a cast assessment!

Badjao *Blue Buffs*

Eoin (Eoin) ~ Won last season! haven't rly spoken to before, and hasn't been on. IS THAT AN EARLY BOOT? Stay tuned!
Ethan (Brittney) ~ Not spoken to him before but seen him round, seems good and a strong player
James (J2999)
Jesse (JesseM) ~ LMAO BEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE. JESSE IS THE PERSON I'D RANK #1 FOR WHO TO BE ON A TRIBE WITH. This LEGEND. We literally need 1 more vote for a majority (evilgrin) excited for a *hopefully* fun season with him
Joel (JoelW55) ~ I like Joel! Last time we played we were first 2 jurors together so fun :)) loyal to him

Lumad *Orange Buffs*

Brandon (brandonrichie) ~ A KING. Good guy :D we've not spoken for a few months, but he's real sweet
Keizo (Foxy_Piplup)  ~ I like Keizo. Strong socially but a good guy for sure :P
Kolby (ThePug) ~ yessss Kolby bro! icon all round :P   have a pig joke with him, deffo loyal!
Natalie (OhNatalie)  ~ Ok legend. Strong ass player! voted me to win last time I THINK? so loyal to her :D
Tyler (UnicornChicken) ~ someone idk tbh!

Palawan *Red Buffs*

Brady (CoachWade) ~ Last time we played we voted each other out, but I like Brady :P
Erik (YoundAndReckless) ~ YESSS Erik!! amazing guy, deffo loyal to him :P
JB (_JB_) ~ JB <33 my F2 of this series! he took me to F2 last time we played, loyal king
Qaz (Qazwdxedc)  ~ someone else idrk
Tim (lionsden121) ~ Tim and I usually work together? hope we can again!

Tumadock *Yellow Buffs*

Brian (cfff) ~ ok another legend we stan
Clair (haycsclair)  ~ Legend voted me to win! deffo loyal :D
Dan (dwipeouts) ~ we didn't talk in our season, but down to work together!
Natasha (Blondelle) ~ Idk but you say is one of the best winners. Must go!
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse) ~ A KING tbh
1987 days 10 hours ago
Keizo (Foxy_Piplup) Confessional EP:1

Okay my messy gameplay and confs are back again hooray...  anyway I'm really glad to be back and this time i'm hoping to go all the way to the finals >_< (Not happening)... My tribe is pretty good... I'm on really good terms with Brandon, Me and Tyler are in the same RP soo we're kinda aligned already, Kolby is a pretty nice guy and Natalie...well i never really talked with her i hope to talk with her a little at least.


Eoin-I don't really know him...all i know that is that he was picked last and won his season soo grats i guess?
Ethan-Don't really know him... and that's about it
James-I know James i played with him a lot we never really ended up for long time on the same side... but i really like James as a person and i hope that i'll get a chance to work with him
Jesse-Only talked with him a little after season started but he looks like a nice guy
Joel-I don't know him
Brandon-KING ahhh I respect Brandon a lot and i really enjoy playing with him. I really hope that we're both going to make it far...if you were going to ask me now who i would go to end with... that would be Brandon and i don't care that he won once
Kolby-Played with him once and we weren't on the same side... but after talking with him now i can see that he's a really nice guy i hope to work with him
Natalie-Don't know her...
Tyler-Same RP... and that's about it haha... still he looks like a nice guy... god i'm going to use a nice guy a lot...
Brady-Another KING i would love to go to finals with Brandon and him that would be perfect ending for me cause i wouldn't mind losing to either...still i'm going to win this time around ;)
Erik-Never played with him...but i was in hunger games with him LMAO that counts for something right?
JB-I played in his series and that's about it... I never really talked with him :/
Qaz-I enjoyed playing with Qaz last time... (Even if i targeted him like 3 times) and he looks like a good person...but i just don't see myself aligning with him...probably...
Tim-Played with him once and it was a hell...i mean really...I don't hate him...but i wouldn't mind seeing him be the first boot... >_<
Brian-I don't know him...
Clair-Played with Clair once... she told me that she's voting me when i was voted out... soo like she's a nice person but...she can see that i'm putting most of my game in social part and that's a problem...i either align with her or get her out the first chance i get
Dan-Ah i played in his series and i played with him once...we sadly weren't able to align with each other :/
Natasha-Don't know her
Watermelondrea-I remember being aligned with him and it was hilarious to talk with him... i respect him...but this time around i know that he's a really dangerous player soo first chance i get...he's out

I'm obviously here to win...but if i had to predict what place i end up getting i feel that i'm going to be out in early merge or just before merge...if i'm wrong about it... then it's going to be win for me...hopefully...

Yeah soo...sorry for writing messy confs and in general sorry for being a messy person i hope i'll will stand up to an All-Stars season
1987 days 10 hours ago
Keizo (Foxy_Piplup) Confessional EP:1

I fucking forgot that Ethan was in my season i'm fucking dumb yay...

Ethan-I tried being alinged with him for like 3 times...but it just didn't worked out...
1987 days 8 hours ago
Brady (CoachWade) Confessional EP:1

WW3 has fucking begun and this season is going to be a bloodbath omg. I鈥檓 so freaking excited to be back though. I felt like last time I didn鈥檛 really get to showcase all my potential because I was literally stuck on an awful tribe with a bunch of losers and I was basically the only player on my tribe who actually did good at the game. Last time I really did feel kind of robbed because I was voted out because my ally self voted at the merge which was literally my demise and it was so freaking frustrating because I honestly think that if I got by that tribal then I could of gone really far.

I personally wasn鈥檛 even expecting to be invited back but I鈥檓 so excited that I am and I definitely don鈥檛 plan on wasting this opportunity and I鈥檓 playing hard because this is the only game I鈥檓 playing in right now.

As the cast reveal was starting, I did become a little bit worried because I have some beef with some of these players. I saw Brandon which was a surprise to me. I beat his ass in Sri Lanka and he was pretty triggered about it and we didn鈥檛 end on a good note. I also saw James who I literally just idoled out in Benlinus Survivor. I also saw Tim who I can鈥檛 freaking stand and he won鈥檛 get over one little game that happened a year ago because I was in on a plan to blindside him first out and because he has a gigantic ego, it seems like he鈥檚 still crying like a bitch about it. Then I also saw Watermelondrea who I didn鈥檛 get along with in Winner and Prez Survivor so I was a little worried on things.

Overall though the cast seemed amazing and there was definitely people that I knew I wanted to work with right away. You know coming into all stars, I really don鈥檛 have a specific strategy but I鈥檓 going to definitely try and look for idols and advantages and I plan on trying to be sociable within my own tribe and other tribes and I wanted to establish the people I wanted to work with. Even though I had some enemies I did also have some friends that I was excited to see.

I was very excited to see Natasha because she played in Sri Lanka with me and it鈥檚 been a long time since we鈥檝e seen each other. She and I instantly messaged each other and like we basically established each other as each other鈥檚 number ones in the game. Now unfortunately this was before the tribes were revealed and unfortunately we weren鈥檛 on the same tribe so I鈥檓 hoping that can actually stick but maybe us having influence on separate tribes is a good thing. Another person that I wanted to work with was Eoin. I know that he also is a winner but honestly I want to work with the winners this season because I know that鈥檒l take the target off of myself and me and Eoin also just played Cutthroat where he helped me win so we鈥檙e on good terms.
1987 days 8 hours ago
Brady (CoachWade) Confessional EP:1

Another person I really wanted to work with was Keizo. Me and Keizo had just played in M & Ns survivor not to long ago and we worked really well together as a team and I know that鈥檚 someone I can trust in the game. I also really wanted to work with Brandon as well. Even though we were enemies in the past, this is ultimately Gen 2 and I want to move forward with him. Even though I didn鈥檛 win gen 2, people may still remember that I won Gen 1 and I don鈥檛 think that鈥檒l have a huge impact but it could effect me a little so like I honestly really wanted to work with Brandon and Natasha as a group this season. We honestly were the 3 best players from our season so I鈥檓 hoping that could be a nice alliance I could possibly refer to in the future.

Now I鈥檒l talk about the tribe situation. First of all, I fucking hate small person tribes with a freaking passion because there鈥檚 literally nowhere to hide and it makes your game so much scarier like you can鈥檛 coast right away now.

On my tribe I had Qaz, JB, Erik and Tim and I wasn鈥檛 happy with this tribe at all. Honestly my tribe is probbaly the biggest clusterfuck of a tribe that I鈥檝e ever seen because all 5 of us are pretty big gamers and we all have huge personalities so I was definitely worried about where things would go. I knew I鈥檇 have a harder road on this tribe because I didn鈥檛 have the people I really wanted to work with like Dan, Kolby, Clair, Eoin, Keizo, Brandon and Natasha. I didn鈥檛 get any of them on my tribe and instead I got people on my tribe who I don鈥檛 see myself working with long term. However, this is all stars for a reason and I knew I had to make the most of it. I also didn鈥檛 get anyone on my tribe from Paraguay either which would of also been a connection for me.

The good thing was though that Qaz approached me right away and we got each other up at Skype kind of establishing an alliance even though it was never brought up. We were talking about how we would probably be the best 2 at challamges and we were also talking about Tim too lol. I guess Tim is literally enemies with every single person on my tribe which is so fucking funny and it鈥檚 probbaly great for a first boot but Tim is probbaly going to definitely look for an idol or a secret advantage. Even though I observed Tom鈥檚 season and he honestly didn鈥檛 even have that hard of a road like he had a lot of easy player on his season so he was able to make it far but I don鈥檛 see Tim making it far in this game. He even tried to approach me last night.

Now you鈥檇 think that Tim would at least try to pretend to mend the fences with me because he鈥檚 on the bottom but that鈥檚 not Tim for ya lol. He鈥檚 instantly like I鈥檓 going to be honest I don鈥檛 trust you because of Kolby vs Bennett鈥檚 but he鈥檚 like if I find an idol I鈥檓 not going to idol you out so he doesn鈥檛 seem like he鈥檚 coming after me on the tribe which is good because him having an idol would be the only thing I鈥檇 worry about. Honestly I don鈥檛 see why he鈥檇 come after me anyways cause I think he knows there鈥檚 much bigger threats on my tribe and he told me to tell him honestly if he is going to get the vote. I told him I would but we鈥檒l see if I do when it happens.
1987 days 8 hours ago
Brady (CoachWade) Confessional EP:1

So on my tribe I felt very comfortable with Qaz and even told him that I felt best about him on our tribe. I also talked to JB and he was actually the first one to bring up Tim鈥檚 name because I guess JB also didn鈥檛 like Tim and when he said that I told him how I didn鈥檛 have the best relationship with Tim either so we talked for a little bit but I think if we do go to tribal we鈥檒l definitely talk more because we both seem to have a common goal in getting Tim out and that鈥檚 a great thing for me.

Personally I would love to get Tim out before there鈥檚 going to be a swap because I know there鈥檚 going to be one soon but I鈥檓 not going to ever throw a challenge to do it and you never know what Tim is going to have to his sleeve.

Right now I feel like I鈥檓 off to a great start though and I feel like the prom king because everyone has been approaching me and it鈥檚 honestly a great feeling.

So far I have talked to Eoin, Keizo, Dan, Brandon, Natasha, JB, Qaz, Kolby and Clair so far which is honestly like half of the cast lol. I just honestly hope that a swap comes soon because I feel like I have a lot of connections I can work with in the swap and I can鈥檛 wait to explore those later if I get there.

I鈥檝e already spent like an hour looking for idols and secret advantages and I鈥檓 probably going to spend a little bit of time looking for them today because in Survivor Paraguay I found an idol without a clue so I feel confident I can do it.

Hopefully my tribe wins the challenge tonight so I don鈥檛 have to worry about scrambling to not be the first person voted out but I鈥檓 so freaking excited to be back here. This is definitely going to be a long journey but I鈥檓 so ready for it.
1987 days ago
Watermelondrea (TheEclipse) Confessional EP:1

i like my tribe and am going to drag my tribe to victory in every single challenge even if it kills me

there is nothing more satisfying than beating the degenerates on other tribes in challenges, i hate so many fuckin people in this cast
1987 days ago
Kolby (ThePug) Confessional EP:1

[6:59:09 PM] Brandon Richie: lets win this shit ok thx
[6:59:45 PM] Kolby: I'm already manifesting it sister (pray)
[7:01:04 PM] Brandon Richie: ben can choke
[7:01:36 PM] Kolby: me @ 2
[7:01:39 PM] Kolby: DISGUSTED
[7:04:34 PM] Kolby: I already hate this
[7:04:42 PM] Brandon Richie: I want to die
[7:05:06 PM] Kolby: "Tim scores"
[7:05:08 PM] Kolby: vomits
[7:06:34 PM] Brandon Richie: I hate Joey so much goodbye
[7:06:48 PM] Kolby: they're so fucking fast
[7:06:56 PM] Brandon Richie: I didn't even look I just guessed
[7:07:02 PM] Kolby: SAME
[7:08:37 PM] Kolby: lets make sure to dress cute for tribal
[7:08:39 PM | Edited 7:09:27 PM] Brandon Richie: so who we voting out
[7:08:40 PM] Brandon Richie: LMFAOOOO
[7:08:49 PM] Brandon Richie: natalie can go

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