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S1 Jamaica Discussion

Topic » S1 Jamaica Discussion

2319 days 6 hours ago
Kingston *Orange Buffs*

Chris (Carraid73)
Garret (Obstreperous)
James (splozojames50)
Julian (TheSexiestDude990)
Natasha (Blondelle)
Patrick (Pokepat)
Ryan (BigBrotherDonny)
Weber (justdontevictme)
Zuelke (Zuelke)

Montego *Baby Blue Buffs*

Chris (Chris1080)
Dana (TotsTrashy)
Erik (YoundAndReckless)
Joel (JoelW55)
Kasey (Kaseyhope101)
Leah (PeachessnCream)
Logan (lhooper902976)
Ryan (born2pizza)
Tyler (UnicornChicken)
2319 days 6 hours ago

There will be NO sweepstakes this season!
2319 days 6 hours ago
Logan (lhooper902976) Pre-Game Confessional

Well last season's delusional player is back to make my mark on the series. Last time I played, I was the last person left from my horrible tribe to make it to third place.I will say that I did the safe route at final 4 when I should have made a move. My first thing I'm changing is making big moves, on The Power Struggle Last Chance, I was in the same exact position as my season and instead of doing the safe move, I forced a tie when I was in a solid 3 person alliance . My other biggest thing to change is confessionals.When I played my season, I was still pretty new to groupgames and I forgot about confessionals until the merge.The viewers called me delusional player for playing with Patrick but, the biggest reason I kept Patrick was back then, I was foolish to think that helping a host in another groupgame would increase my chance to have a second chance in his series, now, I play to win.
2319 days 6 hours ago
Patrick (Pokepat) Pre-Game Confessional

You thought my journey on BigBen's was over? Think again, I'm back to grace this series with my presence.

There are going to be a lot of prestiged players on this season, so it's gonna be a brawl. I saw a few friendly faces, and a few foes.. Doesn't matter. I won the last season of generation one, and now I'll win the first generation of season 2. I really want to play an under the radar game, but I absolutely suck at it. So I'll give it my all here and just try and socialize with people, instead of trying to talk strategy all the time.

My name's on the front page for everyone to see, BISH I don't care. Plenty of you have won group games, why should I be targeted for winning one when people have won plenty? That's right, because I won the WORST season in BigBen history. :/

pS Ben I'll stay away from gifs this season for you. You're welcome <3
2319 days 6 hours ago
Logan (lhooper902976) Pre-Game Confessional

I am so glad to get a second chance to play. I am going to keep my promise and send more confessionals to you. Personally hoping that Patrick made the cast so I can get my revenge on him for making me the last juror.Since this isn't like last season where I had to play a social game just to survive, I either will go far or go premerge.I am pretty sure we will have idols unless it is something sinister so I'm going to work my magic.My guess on the big twist is 1 tribe is newbies and the other tribe is veterans since it would cause a dramatic start in generation 2. Wish me luck viewers, I am going to try to bring the life my season was missing.
2319 days 6 hours ago
**Pre-Game Confessionals End**
2319 days 6 hours ago
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) Confessional EP:1

So, My tribe is... DEFINITELY.. the tribe i really didn’t want to be on...

BUT I immediately am LOVING this either way, because The Hoe Code 2.0 is in business! Dana, Leah and I are immediately like a female alliance because like duh we’re pro feminism and we’re gonna END the patriarchy. That’s the plan at least. I don’t know Leah well enough but I love girl power, so I’m here for it!

Ryan and I don’t like each other and I intend on getting the ladies to step in formation and CRUSH him.

Maybe I’ll even get Erik in on this cuz I just recently played his group game and was a hero! Shocker, I know, but no one wants to get rid of a hero, right?!

Idk the rest but Logan was like “alliance?” Right away, so maybe I’m getting my majority right off the bat. Maybe this IS my season but I won’t get ahead of myself. I got to get the numbers to like me and then I’ll proceed.

Chris (Chris1080) - Idk him but his username looks familiar
Dana (TotsTrashy) - Queen
Erik (YoundAndReckless) - good host at least but gosh his blogs make me uncomfortable!
Joel (JoelW55) - idk him
Kasey (Kaseyhope101) - I like her she seems smart
Leah (PeachessnCream) - I hope she’s queen!
Logan (lhooper902976) - if he wants to be my ally then icon
Ryan (born2pizza) - I don’t like him.
Tyler (UnicornChicken) - apparently he’s psycho but idk him

The other tribe I would’ve been set on tho I like the other tribe
2319 days 6 hours ago
Zuelke (Zuelke) Confessional EP:1

cf: my premade f2 is on the other tribe and im annoyed
2319 days 6 hours ago
i stan too many people in this cast, can't wait
2319 days 6 hours ago
Zuelke (Zuelke) Confessional EP:1

im not a really social player but because im on a tribe with julian, im gonna have to dip my hand in all the cookie jars.  he’s creepy and untrustworthy and i need to make sure when he strikes for me, i will be two steps ahead of him.
2319 days 6 hours ago
Zuelke (Zuelke) Confessional EP:1

ive talked to donny and julian on my tribe.  that’s not a majority but i am pretty much aligned with garret already as well because of his association with kasey, who is my premade.  so yeah i think i can work out a way to get julian out.  im playing really hard so far and ive already told multiple people i want julian out, which cant really hurt me bc if i do nothing then he’ll get me out anyway.
2319 days 6 hours ago
Weber (justdontevictme) Confessional EP:1

I'm excited to be back playing your game and I'm ready to slay some haters but why you have to put me on a tribe with such vile people
Congratulations to Patrick (Pokepat) on winning Survivor Comoros!

Chris is a absolute cocky son of a bitch and I can't believe I have to deal with him
Garret (Obstreperous) is so annoying he is retarded and thinks he is funny
James dont know the guy so maybe he is tolerable 
Julian (TheSexiestDude990) he thinks he is so smart and makes big moves he is a threat I just hate him cause he is honestly pretty good not as good as me but pretty good
Natasha seems like a air head that I might be able t manipulate to be my puppet and string along far in this game
Patrick (Poke-pat) he is cool from what I know he might end up being my number one ally
Ryan (BigBrotherDonny) he thinks he is the shit for winning stars but he is in my sight to get votes out early
Weber im the king and I'm gonna win this game no doubt about it
Zuelke this asshole I can't stand him I rather die then talk to him so I just might not talk to him and I play to rally to get him out first

I plan to play a social game I'm gonna get people to like me while being a asshole behind there backs and then while I'm at stab them in the back I'm gonna win this game I'm confident and it's done they should just quit now cause I already won
2319 days 2 hours ago
strong cast
2319 days 1 hour ago
Logan (lhooper902976) Confessional EP:1

Well I got my wish with patrick playing but, HE'S ON THE WRONG TRIBE! I want to personally vote him out but, odds are he won't last long since anyone with a brain doesn't want a previous winner of gen1 to win. I feel like a god for doing the number 1 rule of survivor, show up to the cast reveal since it is the earliest time to make allies and I already made enough allies for a majority vote.I feel bad for you Ben for getting all these mails from me making alliance talk. Viewers, last time I was an underdog for being the sole representative of the worst tribe on here, time to prove that David can beat Goliath with taking home this win.
2318 days 14 hours ago
Tyler (UnicornChicken) Confessional EP:1

I'm honoured to have made it onto the first season of BigBen's Survivor generation 2! I'm still relatively new to the group game scene, but this seems to be one the most prestigious series of them all! I've come close to winning a few times now, but I'm still yet to snag any title of sole survivor. Historically my gameplay has been plagued with rookie mistakes and tragic misfires, but I can't help it - I'm an opportunist. If I see an opening to make a move, I will take it. It's hard to tell what my strategy will be this season since it has barely even started, just know that you won't forget me. I aim to be a smarter, more calculated version of the Tyler I have been in the past. Too bad my aim is worse than a drunk baby with a rocket launcher.

I don't have many thoughts on the cast yet because I only know four of them, the others are a mystery. I think these four players might be key to my game though, so I will share my thoughts on them.
Patrick - he has hosted me in a group game before and he awarded me player of the season. He knows my gameplay but I'm not quite sure whether that will help me or hurt me.
Logan - I've barely interacted with him, but from what I know he is quite the sheep. If I can pull him under my wing he would probably be a loyal number.
Garret - He voted me out in my most recent group game but I have no hard feelings toward him. Hopefully I can guilt him into working with me somewhere down the line.
Dana - If there was anyone I was hoping never to play with again it was Dana. Not only am I in another game with her but I am on the same tribe as her. She got very nasty towards the end and she didn't take it well when I targeted her. I hope she's mature enough to move forward from that, but past experience tells me I will only be met by coldness.

I can feel it in my skin that this is my time to win. I can already tell that my biggest hurdle is going to be Dana. The classic approach to a hurdle is to jump it, but Tyler isn't about the classic approach. I'm gonna pick up that hurdle and I'm gonna beat the daylights out of everyone. Dangerous players are a powerful weapon in the game of Survivor. I'm ready to play with fire.

In the spirit of reggae and Bob Marley - I'm not worried about a thing because every little thing is gonna be alright. I am the Buffalo Soldier.
2318 days 11 hours ago
Patrick (Pokepat) Confessional EP:1

And it's official! I'm back in action. Time to do my cast assessment...

KINGSTON (my tribe...)

Chris (Carraid73) - No idea who you are, so that probably means the only thing you know of me is that I've got that winner title above my head. What a great first impression I'm setting, am I right? This guy doesn't seem like a threat to me though, so he could be useful..?

Garret (Obstreperous) - Oh damn it's been so long since I talked to Garret. We've played together before but he went inactive and ending up in me voting him out. I don't know how much he's changed, or if he still holds a grudge.. but you never know.

James (splozojames50) - Same story as half the people on here, I have no idea what or who this person is. They're friends with Julian. I usually don't take this into consideration cause I hate when people do this, but #hypocrite

Julian (TheSexiestDude990)

- The only reason I didn't want to be on this tribe. He's got threat written all over him. Especially after he just played with me and was a power player. He voted me out, and I know his gamestyle. Unless he decides to switch some things up, that is.

Natasha (Blondelle) - Based on her profile, she doesn't seem that strong of a player, but you can't judge a book by its cover. I guess I could align with her, but I have to get a "vibe" from her first.

Patrick (Pokepat) - hate him so much, what a snake

Ryan (BigBrotherDonny) - He seems like an active guy, but I feel like he's going to be an annoying player or he'll be fun to be around. It all depends on how the game starts out.

Weber (justdontevictme) - Currently a participant in my group game, I think he'd be someone who might try and take me down if I become a leader of the tribe, so that's a reason for me to fly under the radar.

Zuelke (Zuelke) - I feel like she'll just be one of those players with big personalities. If I team up with her and give her the spotlight for the first parts of the game, my strategy might actually work.

MONTEGO (the other tribe...)

Chris (Chris1080) - who

Dana (TotsTrashy) - Dana is a big name and I know she'll be part of the 'big names target group'. But you know, that's another way for me to go. If Julian, Dana, Erik, and I team up that would probably the best and messiest alliance of all time.

Erik (YoundAndReckless) - I don't know if I've gotten to play with Erik before, but I'm kind of excited to get the chance. He's definitely a strong player though, so I'll have to watch my back if I team up with him.

Joel (JoelW55) - who??

Kasey (Kaseyhope101) - I'm conflicted about Kasey. I've seen her play partially, and I don't know if I want to play with her. It all depends on what cards are given to me.

Leah (PeachessnCream) - I saw Leah a long time ago so I really don't remember what she's like, but if it comes to it I'd be down to work with her. Damn, I like this tribe more than my own. Come on Ben :(

Logan (lhooper902976) - Only other Comoros castaway that I see on here. He was loyal to me then, but it's been forever since that experience and I can see Logan has probably changed since then, and he won't be as blind as he was back in Comoros.

Ryan (born2pizza) - Oof. Ryan and I recently played in Kolby's Thailand, and we never fully got to play together because I got mad at him. We did rekindle our friendship, but I got voted out the next day so.. I hope I can play with him though.

Tyler (UnicornChicken) - Tyler seems to be a fun guy, and I've hosted him, so we could get along pretty well in this game. Just depends how long he lasts and the alliances he makes.

Can I mutiny to Montego now?

Based on my experience in Comoros, I've grown to know that the more unified tribes go to tribal more often. So, I plan to throw a challenge here and there just to get myself more settled into an alliance.

I can't target big names right off the bat. I've done t

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