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Role description: Updates + New Cast

Topic » Role description: Updates +..

3011 days 18 hours ago

                       Nicholas Des Foir, unknown age, appears as 25. He is one of three Royals [original vampires]. He was the fiance of Lacey [iGoddess], whom he never got married to in his original/human life. In fact, their marriage was an arranged one. He was killed by a  group of Bajangs in his human life, throat slashed. Becoming one of the first ever vampires was due to Lacey's mother, a guardian of the key of wonders - bringing them back to life, with consequences of course. Sensitivity to daylight, thirst for blood, heightened sex drive, heightened senses and emotions. It was revealed how him and Lacey became vampires - but never the third Royal Alasia DeFonte [iGoddess].

                       Currently, Nicholas has gotten well-adjusted to the 21st century. He is no longer fascinated with what the world has become, and he sees the dangers vampires could face in the near future. He doesn’t like that Lilith, the Vampire God is out and about, because he’s no longer the highest authority besides the elders in Westhaven. Some vampires have spite him on purpose, and he had to stop himself from killing them — more like, stopping their bodies from being found.. and their families compelled to forget about them, because what is sold to stop humans form being compelled.. doesn’t work for Royals. It has it’s edge, being one. Nicholas is slowly going into overdrive with all the smiling and everything for being a mayor. He runs his campaign with a cohost human, who helps him when it comes to human and vampire matters. His time on the seat is coming to an end, and a new campaign has begun. He buried the waters with Morrigan Enis [Mitsuki], now with Sebastian [Bad18life] and Liam [Carraid73] out of the picture.. she agreed to settling the score much easier. She benefits from things others wouldn’t, and she stays out of his way. Being the poster boy for vampires world-wide, Nicholas has held on well, but it’s put pressure on him and Julie - so she didn’t follow him back into Westhaven to help rule the town. Instead, having found peace with her body mind and soul, she went to explore the world.. and ‘settle unfinished witch business’ as she put it.
3011 days 17 hours ago
- O T H E R   C R E A T U R E S -


              Brian Asher, now 24 years old and working at the Club Tipsy Vessel as a bartender. The curiosity of vampires still remains with Brian, after his situations at Hegemont with the kidnapping, and accepting who he’d become, a skinshifter, really snapped Brian to who he is today [no pun intended]. After purgatory was opened, and all beasts possible escaped, Brian felt he needed to start new. He had to leave Asher [Survivorgame1], Victoria [Espontaneo] and Mason [Coalb] behind, as they clearly didn’t accept what he was once he showed his skinshfting-abilities. Still, Westhaven is the place for answers, so he hopes to find his roots and learn more about skin-shifters.
3011 days 17 hours ago

                    Laxus Phoenix, 26 years old or so he says, and has taken up a bouncer job at the Club Tipsy Vessel. He is also mayor Nicholas Des Foir’s security detail for meetings with humans, to keep things leveled. He is a daywalker, slightly different to a normal vampire. The name mainly says it all, but there are elements of vampires. Laxus knows all the dancers/strippers’ real names, but always uses their stage names. He’s a kind guy, but also guarded. He may look small, but he really is mighty. He currently connected with Scarlett Moon [Avatar20] , the only other daywalker in town. He feels as if it’s him and her against the world, but they’re also classed as vampires. Having his debut last season, in Hedgemont, Laxus’ story hasn’t unraveled much, or has it, but people just haven’t seen it yet?
3010 days 15 hours ago

                       Morrigan Enis, 29 years old, and once took place as temporary mayor 5 years ago for Nicholas Des Foir in Westhaven. She’s grown into the standards she set for herself, and part of that may be because she doesn’t have Sebastian Woold [Bad18life] to constantly remind her with every high there is a low. She has been brought up in a Catholic family, however she doesn't quite 'believe' as they do in the religion. She disagrees with certain theories and likes to say she is fifty fifty, not an atheist. Moving to Westhaven to her meant, to cut lose from her family. They weren't moving from their loving farm, small town, devoted to the church, and Morrigan felt she had more to find. Almost as if the world had more to offer her, and she wasn't wrong. She is the youngest of four daughters, and views those who are not independent to be weak and obsolete to society. Morrigan's journey to Westhaven and upon the few weeks she's been settling in have taught her, everything and everyone have a price. As she thinks, temptation courses through even the purest of people. She views men lower then women, though not a feminist.

                        Currently, Morrigan has kept on the down low while in Westhaven, and even reopened the little incense shop that once burnt down. Business is booming, as her candles and such are almost compelling people to buy them! They smell of wonder, heaven and the sea. Morrigan wouldn’t like to admit it, but she’s a dreamer. The past 5 years have felt like a rather long dream, but she can’t shake it and wake up. She made an empty grave for Sebastian and did visit everyday, then it was weeks, months and now the last time she visited was a year ago. She’s been planning things, alongside sometimes working at the cafe Fangtasia owned by Daniela Vinci [Lamontlamar], as a host, giving people tables and taking reservations. She’s met Lilith Vaughn [Amylou8251] who seems very innocent and kind, and she knows she’s hiding something - Morrigan can’t quite tell what it is.. but this innocent baby-faced, human may not be all that she says. Morrigan also made good friends with neighbour and co-worker Kaitlyn Blake [KingGeek], despite her being a vampire, and Morrigan an Arachne - they get along as if they were just girls loving life, not that Kaitlyn knows what Morrigan’s true formation is.
3010 days 15 hours ago

             Scarlett Moon, 23 years old and a bartender and after-hours cleaner at Club Tipsy Vessel. She was born and bred in Hegemont town, Westhaven’s twin town, but life got in the way and she needed a new start, not too far, so her sister could always find her if she ever made a come back. Willow Moon [iGoddess] is her sister, who is also a vampire, and Scarlet found out last season, she felt betrayed and scared, after the fact The MoonChildren Clan put down her kind - vampires. After rekindling with Jack, Scarlett felt it was best to move away, from everything as it got a little bit much. The humans may not remember the horror of purgatory doors being opened, but she does.

                   Currently, Scarlett moved to Westhaven with Laxus Phoenix, the two are the only day walkers aside from Imogen Brent [iGoddess], whom is still a familiar to Daer and is somewhere in Beacon. Scarlett knows when to give space, so she gave it, that meant she could write a new page. For the first year in Westhaven, Scarlett took up some day classes at the college, and worked at the Club Tipsy Vessel as an after hours cleaner. One night when they were short-staffed, Serenity Meis [iGoddess] who’s stage name is ‘Midnight Essence’ asked her to fill in with her bartending. She got that job in the conditions she kept the cleaning one too. Moving forward, Laxus and her share an apartment near the forest, where the old resort was located, now abandoned.
3008 days 21 hours ago
- H  U  M  A  N  S  -


                       Aaron Hill, 23 years old and a bookstore intern. He’s barely making enough to eat and pay the rent, most times he has to make a choice, security or food. Aaron moved to Westhaven 5 years ago, in search of his parents, which led him to this town. He was adopted, and as soon as he turned 18 his adoptive parents supported in his journey to find his biological parents.   Growing up he wasn’t always the handsome man he is today, he was picked on, for hanging with the girls more than the guys, he had a creative mind, liked supernatural creatures, always believes ghosts were real, he loved mythology too. He didn’t get a chance to go to college, so he does night classes which are cheaper at the local college. He’s studying Literature futher, as well as mythology. Seeing as vampires became public 5 months ago, Aaron felt like he was right all along, believing in what goes bump in the night. He lives across Larissa Macabee [Pilatesgrl], whom has a certain look about her, of course she is a vampire, so it could be a permanent look for her. Aaron mainly keeps to himself, unless he’s working at the bookstore, or looking at the incense shop owned by Morrigan Enis [Mitsuki], another strange, woman that just draws you in, or perhaps he’s studying. Aaron doesn’t go out much, but he does have a few friends such as Ashley Clark [Rain848] and Tyrion Stark [iGoddess] from Beacon, Jericho Storm [bad18life] whom is… darkly humoured, but a good company - and Will Stevens [Rocketokid13].
3008 days 19 hours ago

                 Ashley Clark, 25 years old, and originally from Beacon. Before things went down 5 years ago, she was your typical party girl, loving a good frat boy, living the high road with no regrets. She was curious and very stubborn, it’s perhaps that stubbornness of hers that got her into a bigger mess than she could ever imagine. Ashley got involved with Tyrion Statk [iGoddess], a fellow werewolf hunter from Beacon. Her and Tyrion’s relation is difficult to discuss, she knows of his’hunter life’, and doesn’t accept it. He even tried to push her away form the subject completely icing her out, but she didn’t listen, and when decisions came, he chose her in a blink of an eye. Still, Ashley was really ballsy and even threatened a member of the hunter’s clan, putting a bigger bullseye on her. 

                  Currently, Ashley resides in Westhaven, after fleeing Beacon with a wounded Tyrion. They haven’t spoken of that night at the warehouse back in Beacon, and if the subject just comes up, it seems the two walk in circles around it. So, she does her best to look out after him, but she’s still weary of all the vampires roaming. She doesn’t know what’s worse, a vampire or werewolf, one thing she knows without having to be a hunter for sure - no werewolf would be caught dead nearby. So for the time being, they’re ‘safe’. Ashley has gotten herself a job at the Westhaven hospital as a nurse and wants to work her way up, after seeing Tyrion and the others in their state, she felt helpless and wanted to do something, so she did. Trained and became a nurse. She’s currently made some friends such as Shawn Stone [Addrian] the Club Tipsy Vessel owner, Dylan Silver [turkeylover] whose stage name is ‘Velvet’ a fellow dancer/stripper. More often than not, she’s asked if she’s ‘Lacey’ who she hasn’t learned who it is, the mayor and vampire poster boy Nicholas Des Foir [Hudspith] has looked at her strange, she thinks he’s followed her around a few times.
3008 days 19 hours ago

                 Jericho Stoem, 28 years old and a crazy, grim but outspoken man. It wasn’t always as easy as he makes it look now, no. Jericho was put up for adoption, the reasons unknown and he doesn’t plan on finding out - part of it being he wouldn’t know what to do if he found his mother. He was adopted early into a wealthy catholic family, but was kicked to the curb instead of turned into the cops when he killed the family dog - too much politics for the family. He was a stray in the world and got by with street fights, but not completely throwing the punch, no, Jericho was behind the scenes, able to manipulate people against each other. He found a tingle, a feeling when he did that to peeople. At one time, in his teens, Jericho was a devil worshiper, but he gave up on it, he doesn’t believe in any higher power other than the blue sky and green grass. Being the way he is, having a dark passanger, Jericho doesn’t play well with others, and he’s always wondered what humans could taste like, since the vampires going public over 5 years ago.

                Currently, Jericho is a mortician at the Westhaven hospital, and sometimes gets into Club Tipsy Vessel as a bartender. Something about vampires just gives him a satisfaction he cannot explain, something his dark passenger likes. Jericho has even asked the dancers/strippers those of whom are vampires to give him a taste, to show him what it’s like to be a vampire. Of course he got mixed answers, Dylan Silver ‘Velvet’ [Turkeylover] said she’d rip his ballsack out before he’d get a chance to say the next word. Kylie Rayes ‘Kitty’ [SummerRae101] said she couldn’t do what he’d asked, and Madison Montgomery ‘Winter’ [DanieleD] said she’d think of the possibilities after werewolves take over the town. Then that leaves Serenity Meis ‘Midnight Essence’ [iGoddess], she simply looked at him and picked up her drink, before clocking out of work.
3008 days 15 hours ago

                  Kiera Beaux, 25 years old, and currently working as a barista at the cafe Fantastic, located in Westhaven. She moved to Westhaven recently, from over at Hedgemont. She met a few faces last season, but went under the radar. She volunteers at a local pet shop, and helps the elder cross the streets. Not many know her, not many are invited into her home, which is one of the biggest in the town - how can she afford it? Best question is, who is this sweet woman?
3008 days 15 hours ago

                  Mila Winters, 21 years old and a Canadian sweetheart. She’s bubbly, mainly quiet but can have an attitude. She’s currently a waitress at the Club Tipsy Vessel, owned by Shawn Stone [Addrian], in where many people are also employed. The main dancers/Strippers conclude of Dylan Silver [Turkeylover] whose stage name is ‘Velvet’, Kylie Rayes ‘Kitty’ [SummerRae101], Madison Montgomery ‘Winter’ [DanieleD] and Serenity Meis ‘Midnight Essence’ [iGoddess]. One of the bouncers is Laxus  Phoenix [Piddu], the head bartender is Cameron Mason [Giraffez], another bartender is Brian Asher [Spinfur], whom Mila gets along with fairly well. She’s helped him start anew, knowing he’s from Hegemont originally. She is a bookworm, and that’s how she met Aaron Hill [Archerskyfire], he’s a bookstore intern. They’ve had a few coffee read-dates, without the romantic aspect of it, although people comment all the time on them. She has one aspect to her that makes people stare, she’s got one green eye and the other is brown.
3007 days 19 hours ago

                          Ruben Hawkings, 19 years old and works at the only car repair shop in Westhaven. Ruben has lived all is life here in Westhaven, he was around while things were crazy 6 years ago, before he dropped out of school and decided to avoid most Vampires and anything else that goes bump in the night. Ruben is egotistical, defiant and has a certain charm that you won’t even notice is being used until far too late. Ruben is good friends Will Stevens [Rocketokid13], and has had a few chats at the cafe shop owned by vampire Daniela Vinci [Lamontlamar] with Kiera Beaux [iGoddess]. She is human and looks as normal as they come. Some would say she’s swayed him, and he’s felt different lately when she’s around. Perhaps it’s because they’re surrounded by the pheromones vampires give off, thus cranking the sexual tension and all that jazz up.
3007 days 18 hours ago

                    Tyrion Stark, 34 years old and once a werewolf hunter in Beacon town. Tyrion was part of the hunter clan mainly due to his secondary cousin being the leader- Alistair Barnes. THe grew up in Beacon, traveled a little after college, and when he got back, his mother had broken down after his father left her for another person, not a woman - a man. Alistair took Tyrion in, so his sister [Tyrion's mother] could have some time to herself, and they made her go on a long holiday with some friends. Tyrion's time in the clan may have only been temporary, but he's grown accustomed to the lifestyle of training and hunting.

                  Currently, Tyrion resides in Westhaven with Ashley Clark. After the crazy things back in Beacon, Tyrion was left blinded completely by Aegis [Coalb] the ‘werewolf prince’. Finding out Luna [Maya10] was Allistair’s [Bulldoggy559] biological daughter, he didn’t kill her, and pitied her instead. Almost jealous that the werewolf gene skipped him and not her. He may not see from his eyes, but he sees Aegis’ face everyday when he wakes up, he relives the warehouse battle every night. It was bad in the begining, the first 2 years were the worst, then he was able to wake up without screaming, mainly he just lays in bed to comfort Ashley to sleep. He doesn’t sleep much, it also doesn’t take much to bring it all back. Having the hunter lifestyle for such a long time, the past 5 years Tyrion hasn’t held back. He practises everyday in the backyard, enhancing his other senses which he has to rely on. Ashley and Tyrion reside next to Larissa Macabee [Pilatesgrl], near Mila Winters [Maya10] and Aaron Hill [Archerskyfire].
3007 days 18 hours ago

                    Will Stevens, 25 years old and currently unemployed. He’s looked at being a security detail at the hospital, and even at the Club Tipsy Vessel. So far he’s been unsuccessful. Up until about a year ago, Will was alone in the large forest area of the town, that crosses with the twin town Hedgemont. He was found by the vampire Shawn Stone, who cleaned him up, gave him a place and then erased him memory of it. All Will remembers is arriving to Westhaven 1 year ago. He is energetic, loyal and even witty. His views on vampires are neutral, pagans live amongst catholics, so why not vampires amongst humans? He has been able to make a few friends in time; Aaron Hill [Archerskyfire] and even Ruben Hawkings [Neme91]. Funny how the two met, Will’s car had broken down on the way in Westhaven, and Ruben just happened to appear and help him out. The two share an almost sibling-like bond.
3005 days 15 hours ago

                    Sebastian "Bash" Hernandez, 90 years old and appears as 21. He is known as Bash, you know that friend whom you only call by nickname, so if you hear their real name it sounds strange? That's Bash for you, he's just arrived to Westhaven as his uncle suddenly passed, and handed the bookstore over to him, with Aaron Hill [Archerskyfire] working there as an intern. Should make for a real interesting dynamic. Bash is reserved, a quick learner and protective of himself others and possessions. He takes a long time to give trust, actually he cannot remember the last time he gave it away, which begs the question, can Bash be trusted?

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Vampire: Incantation [S9] -- Spinoff

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