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Survivor S.Africa S3 "Cursed Idol" - Discussion

Topic » Survivor S.Africa S3..

3302 days 11 hours ago
Tough to see Tyler go but no way this is the last time he plays this series. My sweepstakes pick didn't disappoint!
3301 days 20 hours ago
survivor south africa

my confession for today

so last tie i said i threw a vote on selena when scott went out

so that vote had an impact in the next tribal on selena and every one targetted selena this time and i dint want to go with majority again so i threw a vote on maxwell because i know he could be a challenge beast if we let him further more so that night selena went home

i already said im targetting luis,tyler,jacob,maxwell and steve !! so tyler is winning challenges and he earnt an target on his back same for jacob too

so we all knew tyler is a huge threat but he is also a friend to me but i came here to play the game and win it !! so steve and chpman wanted tyler out so i was in 2 minds whether i should go back to tyler and inform this or just vote hi out as we wont get such oppurtunities often i thought a lot and concluded that i can evict steve easily but im unsure if i could kick tyler out at will so i kept silent because he trusted steve lol

so any way i wanted to throw a vote on steve to piss him off :-p and i kept my mouth quiet  and tyler was evicted come on you cant be so dumb and trust steve who is a snake !!

so tyler went out and one of my threats is out so now the list is steve,maxwell,luis and jacob !! jacob won immunity tonight so steve and batman want to evict mickle tonight :-p

i dont want the non xhosa members to dictate terms any more so i messaged all the xhosa member to come together and dicate terms together and evict the non xhosa members

if they are smart they will evict steve with me or maxwel if not mickle goes home and jacob next !! so im still waiting how the people want to play the game with their brains or like sheep !!

mos t annoying fact is jacob is so idiotic in social and strategic game play and luis is so dumb this game and self voted twice already next self vote he goes home and one target is off my list !!

mickle doesnt talk at all

so that leaves only me and chpman who atleast care !! wtf and batman and steve on opposite side !!
3301 days 12 hours ago




We have eight people left, and sooner then later that means we have to vote agaisn't the alliance. Now, Steve appears to be my closest ally:however no way in hell do I want to take him. The ideal person for me to take would be Maxwell, so what I will probably do is try to get with Steve and Maxwell, but vote Steve out once I have the numbers to get him out and still be in a good position. However, I feel eight is a little too much people to make a move. I feel six is the best time, however, if I have the chance, seven. But for now, Mickle can go.
3301 days 12 hours ago

Confessionals and Vote


Personally, I think Mickle is treating this like a complete joke, and I would keep him forever since he isn't playing the game. However, I would say eight people is still too many to go away from the alliance, and the clear threat Jacob won, so....


(Will send other confessional soon, I just feel this is more of a voteing confessional, and I like to break mine up instead of writing paragraphs.)
3301 days 12 hours ago




Against my better judgment I will vote with the original Xhosa see Luis and I have been the swing votes. On one side you have Maxwell, Austin, and Steve and on the other side you have Yogi, Jacob, and Mickle. I planned to stay loyal to the Maxwell group but it appears that Luis wants to return to the Xhosa side for the time being. I am personally against that but it appears I don't have much of a choice unless I want a tied vote...not doing that again. So the Xhosa squad wants to vote Austin out, assuming that is what happens tonight then we will have the numbers for Xhosa 5-2. Luis and Yogi are loyal to me so if Jacob doesn't win that final 7 immunity then I will get one of them to flip back over to the other side with me in order to blindside Jacob. I hate that I keep having to jump the fence in order to accomplish my goals but I guess that is just how things worked out. I need to win immunity soon in order to have a better case for my jury speech, should I make the finals...

My Vote: Austin
3301 days 8 hours ago
Jun 3, 2015 19:20:26
ItsOfficial is my thinking for this tribal council. I am safe and thank god because this is the most convenient time for it to happen. Myself, Maxwell, Steve, Yogi, and Luis will vote Jacob, hopefully anyway. Only 4 out of the 5 of us need to vote him for Jacob to get his torch snuffed.

Upon receiving my clues to the idol I was able to pinpoint the location to one number...50. It turns out that someone had already found the idol and I assume it was Jacob since he has gotten the most clues the most times. If this is the case I will make him feel safe. I am glad we voted out Austin last night because I earned his trust (or some of it anyway) back. Hopefully he will feel secure and not play his possible idol. If he doesn't he will be gone and I will be the best challenge player left. If he does...I don't care, someone else will go and I will be safe since I have immunity and I will play my game from there.

I need to be careful though...if Jacob goes then everyone will likely see me as the biggest remaining threat and then I might be blindsided.

Nevertheless, I am looking forward to how these next 24 hours play out and I will send my confirmed vote later.


3301 days 7 hours ago
Player Analysis (Confession)
Jun 3, 2015 19:50:48
Player Analysis (Confession)
I figured I'd give my perspective on each of the remaining players so you and everyone in the VL could see why I do what I do.

Chip: Sexiest guy ever...he will win for sure!

Yogi: Every single day in this game...Yogi has been on my tribe and he is the only one that has been so. I guess we are pretty much brothers in this game and we have survived tribal after tribal together. We even took a risk when we threw 2 challenges in a row and I had to win the fire making challenge to keep us on top. I want to take him to the end with me shall I make it and I hope we continue our strong relationship.

Mickle: He was on the original Xhosa tribe but we never really grew close...he is a funny guy though and I am sure he is smart. I don't really see him staying much longer if I have my way and I won't really be sad to see him go.

Steve: He approached right after the merge and tried to form an alliance of me, him, Maxwell, Austin, and Luis. At first I just casted it off and used it as an information source but it actually turned out to be quite useful. I used it to blindside Tyler and I got more allies with it. Hopefully his alliance will pull off another blindside tonight with Jacob.

Jacob: We worked together right from the beginning and he proved to be quite useful in the beginning as a tribe challenge beast. A big part of why all the original Xhosa members were able to make the merge was because of his challenge skills. This also his setback. He is such a physical threat that I am going to have to vote him out but it is out of respect. He is a very good player to say the least.

Luis: Another guy I worked with from the beginning, he was great at challenges before the merge but he has sort of dropped off the table. He hasn't done very well in the challenges and he hasn't voted in 2 of the tribal councils. Nevertheless, he has been a great ally thus far and I would like to keep him as long as possible, perhaps even the final 3 if I make it.

Maxwell: He has contributed to the blindside of Tyler and the possible blindside of Jacob. Other then that he hasn't really done much from what I know. He hasn't won a challenge and he just seems to vote whatever way someone tells him too. If I get my way...he will not make the finals because he doesn't deserve to.
3300 days 16 hours ago

my confession for today

so yesterday the vote went as i planned we evicted a non xhosa member and now we have the numbers and we blimdsided steves alliance so that just showed him that he is not calling the shots infact its me !!

so austin is out and steve got a shock lol

so today for a change chpman won immunity so now we can blindside jacob because according to yestday vote jacob thinks we are with him lol so today plan is to vote jacob out if not steve goes home haha

so mickle voted luis yestday he and maxwell are really cunning im gonna take them down soon once jacob is out

so yestday jacob,luis,chpman voted austin as he is a challenge threat and maxwell,steve and austin voted mickle and mickle is an idiot or a smart guy he threw a vote on luis

so i was deciding vote yestday and i voted with my xhosa tribe so we need to show steve that he is just a puppet here

today again im the deciding vote because maxwell,steve and chpman are voting jacob,

luis,jacob are voting steve so that makes me think which side shall i take

i feel its easy to take out steve than taking out jacob

but jacob has no allies at all so he will not go against me so i have to take a decision who goes home tonight

barring chpman i dont like anyone else here to go to f3 !! luis is my best bet

maxwell is a huge challenge threat ,mickle is playing a smart game and thats interesting im gonna cut his throat soon once i have the numbers !!
3300 days 14 hours ago
Jun 4, 2015 12:08:11
So every tribal has gone as planned for me having a 100% voting accuracy (even if I didn't vote)

I've set up a pretty lowkey game while playing both sides (which may be really bad) but I need to know what is going on and who the votes are

I've managed to get rid of 2 wildcards and 2 people who were not on either sides Clair and Fobby (both possible threats)
Then as it was Xhosa vs everyone else I knew I had to pick off each threat on each side off one by one
Tyler (although I didn't send in my vote I was still going to vote him) he was a bug threat for challenges and already played a cursed idol
Austin I was really worried with Jacob having immunity that I could have become a threat so when I knew that the vote was Austin and Mickle on both sides I knew that Austin was the bigger threat so I WAS going to use my idol onnmickle buy he wasn't worth it since I don't really want to play idols in people until the I have immunities

So now the vote is between Steve and Jacob
And Jacob is a far more dangerous competition threat so in order for me to go into a winning streak he must be taken out

Once he's out it will be final final 6 the only big threats  left in the game are Chip and Steve
Steve seems to have taken over Austins spot as the leader on the non Xhosa alliance
And chip has been playing the same game as I so I plan on idoling him out with a blindside soon

*writes down*
3300 days 13 hours ago
Jun 4, 2015 15:01:23
Now that I'm in f6 I gotta figure who's the weakest I can take to the end with me I need a deadfish(es) so in the end they're will b no doubt in the winner

Well I'm the architect of this great alliance that has dominated the entire game so it is only fitting I destroy the alliance cuz all five can't go to the finale and I gotta lick the weakest to drag to the finale with me now
3300 days 5 hours ago
This battle for a Guaranteed spot is the Finale Episode in crazy with Chip and Mickle! An Endurance challenge; that leads to both players hanging tight for over 4 hours at this point!
3300 days 5 hours ago



I'm voting chpman

Sorry dude I gotta bring floaters to the end with me and you're a threat so see ya dude.

I got a f3 deal with Luis and yogi and I got a deal to the end with mickle so I'm in a top spot right now and my idol bluffing is masterful right lol
3300 days 4 hours ago



Well no immunity again :/

I guess you can say its great since all the challenge threats have seem to be going so I can say that in finale that I didn't want to win or try hard in the challenges

It seems that the vote is vote Chip and Maxwell
Maxwell is my final 3 with Yogi since they haven't really done much so easy win
Chip has been a part of what I've been doing but now he's seen as a threat for these next challenges

I may end up giving my idol to Maxwell so he can play it on himself
If he users it Steve is out and he won't feel as backstabbed and won't know until finale
If he doesn't then Maxwell is out and he will know I tried to help him

That leaves 1 more idol left and I am really hoping I can win the challenge so I can make a known move and possibly take out either Mickle or Steve
3299 days 12 hours ago




Okay I wasted 4 and 1/2 hours of my life last doesn't matter anymore. As soon as I lost the challenge I started PMing people, I thanked them for everything they did to help me in my game and that it was fun to play with them. To my surprise, the remaining original Xhosa members (Mickle, Yogi, and Luis) didn't want to vote me out, they concocted this plan instead:

Steve possibly has a Hidden Immunity Idol so the 4 of us split the votes evenly among Steve and Maxwell. Me and Mickle will vote for Maxwell and Yogi and Luis will vote for Steve. From what I have heard...Maxwell and Steve will vote for me. So if everyone votes the way they say they are we will have a 2-2-2 tie.

If Steve plays his idol then Maxwell goes home on the revote, if Steve doesn't play an idol then he goes home, or I am being flat out lied to and I'm really the one going home. Either way it is going to be interesting to see how this turns out.


3299 days 12 hours ago


my confession for tonight

so i said yesterday i was in the centre which side to sway for the vote

i knew for sure im not on chopping block and it was between steve and jacob !!

so if at all one of them plays an idol because both were suspected to have an idol

hence i threw a vote on mickle because i want to use steve till i reach the end as he is shady no one trusts him so i can use him as a pawn

and jacob is a huge challenge threat and he never much discusses strategy and im not sure he would take me to end

so i threw a vote on mickle to piss him off lol and to show him that he aint safe here

so finally jacob left home and chip,steve,max and mickle voted him off

so tonight mickle wins immunity and people are all over the place steve and maxwell are voting chip

chip and mickle are voting maxwell

luis is voting steve and i was said to vote steve but... whats the point ? i did the math

steve if he has an idol he is anyway gonna use it

i dont think max has an idol

chip is my ally so no way i want him out and he won last challenge so he might have an clue to idol so may be the idol too

so i vote maxwell because he is a returnee first of all and floated wayy long and he is a huge challenge threat at the end and he floated so much so all will like to take him to end so he may take my place at f3 if i wont send him home

so i voted maxwell because he is a threat to my game and i cant let him to f3 !!

everyone should want to go to f3 with me thats what i wanted !! so if i keep physical players in the game they all hate each other so they will all want to be with me at f3 !!

my survivor wins may intimidate luis and steve so im a bit scared they may evict me at end but fingers crossed for now

so i felt that jacob is hard to be evicted later so when i have an oppurtunity i must grab it !!

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