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2764 days ago
Tom gets voted out, Andy wins individual immunity


That was a close vote tbh, Omg i didn't expect votes this tribal council, But i managed to get the sheep out Tom. We blindsided him he didn't see that coming for sure. But right now i need to lay low or i hope i get this immunity win. The people i worked with in this move to send out Tom. Won't be stupid enough to flip, Because they know how Jasper and Justin are dangerous, But flippo time and time again snake the majority, I'm not gonna say i'm in control. But i planted a seed on Ryan that we should vote Tom out, And he took my advice and told Andy, Marto and Bryan to switch the votes now, We could finally split the votes because i trust the five that we have tbh. Morgan voted for me, I was shocked about that. But right now i need to blend in. And not be seen as a threat!!


So last tribal was really crazy. When I had went to bed it was supposed to be the other side splitting between me and Justin; while myself, Tom, and Justin would take advantage of the split and get 4 votes on Ryan to get him out. I go to sleep and wake up to find Tom has completely shot himself in the foot by being shady with Alex, telling Alex he "has" to vote for Ryan, and then when Ryan confronts him he says he has to vote for him and "what am I supposed to do?"

*eyeroll* ugh. We tried to switch the vote to Alex but Tom placed a lot of false hope in Andy who voted his ass out. Turns out Tom wasn't that good of a player :/ My relationship with Bryan seems to have saved me as he convinced the trio of Ryan/Marto/Alex to vote out Tom over me.

So at the final eight it's Ryan/Marto/Alex and Myself/Justin/Morgan with Bryan and Andy in the middle. According to Justin, Andy approached him with the idea of voting out Marto. I spoke with Andy and we didnt mention names but we did talk about getting Bryan on board. I dont think I have much of a choice but to trust in Andy right now. I need to eventually cut Justin before his target is the one that gets ME voted off.


Ok so right now , I'm expecting Jasper to use his idol. I've planted a seed on Andy that we need to vote off Morgan and He told me, He was ok with that. I'm hoping nobody informs Jasper or Justin about the votes. And they'll just panic and use their Idol. and then when it comes down to F7, The plan is that we will split the votes between Jasper and Justin. I'll most likely lean towards Jasper to go. But i just hope they don't find out about the votes tonight.


I just formed a F2 deal with Andy because I don't really want to him to flip on me, he suggested Morgan should go this tribal so I plan on following through with that vote lol because basically I've been running this game from the beginning :P but yeah I want him to feel like he does have a say on what goes on.. Morgan voted me out last tribal so why not lol
2763 days ago


Morgan, my only secure number other than Justin, ASKED to fucking be voted out. So now I'm literally just sitting down hoping Andy and Bryan dont decide to screw me



phew! that was actually a close tribal, if I didn't tell Marto he was getting votes that tribal he was going to be the one in jury... but yess glad we pull the votes come revote. I haven't gotten any votes since merge lol which is kinda funny to me but, I know Justin and Jasper gonna try to start a ploy against me or Alex. Splitting the votes would be too risky kinda, I'm scared if we split the votes Andy would try to flip on us lel. but who knows anything can happen
2763 days ago

Omg i didn't want Marto gone either way he doesn't trust me and i know he voted me in pre merge with Sam vote, But i needed Morgan out A she's a huge wildcard B i don't need her in the game ! Right now i played a pretty good game, i have Ryan and Ryan has a lot of pull on Marto and Bryan's vote and Bryan also votes with Andy, I have all that protection Shielding me from any fire coming my way. I countered the move when they tried blindsiding me with an Extra vote. Right now my strategy is too lay low a couple more votes. I'm going to take a shot at Justin or Jasper, So i don't want either of them winning this immunity, Because then If Justin has immunity and Jasper can use his idol which is bad. I'm also gonna keep my eye on Andy. I might think about voting him off down the road!
2762 days 2 hours ago

So apparently the plan is to split the votes between myself and Justin.
However Justin has a plan to split the votes between Ryan and Alex.
Which puts Bryan and Andy in the middle spot.

So I'm a little skeptical to find out how this all works out, but at this point in the game I've come to accept that I dont really have a lot of power right now. But as I'm typing this I'm solidifying a final two with Andy, which might be the move that helps me the most since Justin and Andy, and to a degree Bryan, would all see me as their closest ally and that increases my chances of making it to the end.


I know I haven't gotten around to a lot of these, so I'll briefly explain where I'm at right now.

Premerge, I was pretty inactive and didn't really have much going for me. After the merge, I began making connections with people based on my inactivity and people thought I would be an easy vote to get. Since then, I've been in the middle almost every single tribal council and have a lot more power than people seem to give me credit before. I've been making a lot of decisions and I've had to lie to a lot of people but as it stands right now, I'm in good standing with everyone (even though everyone knows I've flipped a couple times already).

My plan right now: get rid of one of the remaining trio (Marto/Alex/Ryan) and then force out Jasper's idol while bringing the sides down one by one with Bryan. My ideal final 3 right now: me, Bryan, Alex. I think given the opportunity to make my case, they are the only ones I'd have a shot at beating because the opposing sides strongly dislike each other, and Alex is the least threatening of that side. Ideally it will be a final 2 and I'd be able to take Bryan so I don't have to run the risk of losing to a bitter jury.

Also, Marto kinda fucked himself and his side over by going to exile island this round. If he hadn't, this round would have been a lot more complicated, but now, it's so easy to get rid of Ryan. There would have been the potential for Marto to play a gold coin and me having to use one of my advantages, but now I don't have to. I'm hesitant to get rid of Ryan because he is my sole source of information from that side, but I think it benefits me more in the long run.

Also, I just went through the entire game to figure out what advantages are still left, and the only ones left right now are Marto's gold coin, and my gold coin/extra vote, which I feel like most people don't even know that I have because I was playing the inactive card and everyone overlooked me. Of course there's always the chance that they do and plan to blindside me, but I don't see that happening because of how much the two sides dislike each other. If this round goes as smoothly as I hope, Bryan and I will be in the same position this tribal as we were last tribal and we can make some moves from there.
2761 days 1 hour ago


Let me tell you, I did not see that coming. They finally got a move against me.. it worked. I was so naive and sure that Jasper had an idol, I guess not lol. I trusted Andy so much hes a good liar he made me feel so comfortable.. He's a huge threat. I don't wanna go to Final 3 with him.
my ideal F3 would be Marto and I... plus Bryan


This game is fun. I know it's kinda evil but I'm just kinda toying with everyone, and no one seems to not trust me. They're all my little minions, except Marto, and since I'm guaranteed to be in the final 4, there's nothing they can do about it. This game has gone how I wanted since the merge, and it's mine now. :)
2761 days 1 hour ago
Andy and Justin talking about Bryan:

[6:27:22 PM] Beastboy (Justin): He answered me lol
[6:28:16 PM] Beastboy (Justin): He says he swears he did alex
[6:28:22 PM] Beastboy (Justin): And that Mearl was confused
[6:28:22 PM] Andy (amf/Ke$ha/Sadness) <3's Austin's sitNcycle: oh
[6:28:25 PM] Beastboy (Justin): LMAO
[6:29:02 PM] Andy (amf/Ke$ha/Sadness) <3's Austin's sitNcycle: wasn't he supposed to vote for Ryan though
[6:29:35 PM] Andy (amf/Ke$ha/Sadness) <3's Austin's sitNcycle: Now he's telling me he did Alex
[6:29:54 PM] Beastboy (Justin): He didn't
[6:30:05 PM] Beastboy (Justin): Cause I sure as hell did alex and so did jasper
[6:30:10 PM] Andy (amf/Ke$ha/Sadness) <3's Austin's sitNcycle: But that makes 0 sense because I voted for Ryan and I am fairly confident that Jasper didn't vote for you
[6:30:26 PM] Andy (amf/Ke$ha/Sadness) <3's Austin's sitNcycle: So I don't really trust Bryan
[6:30:32 PM] Beastboy (Justin): Same wow!
[6:30:44 PM] Beastboy (Justin): He's been doing this shit for a few round now
[6:30:49 PM] Beastboy (Justin): Trying to flip back and forth
[6:32:14 PM] Andy (amf/Ke$ha/Sadness) <3's Austin's sitNcycle: It's shady as hell

tfw that's exactly what I've been doing and he doesn't seem to catch on, but he notices that Bryan is doing it. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

also this:

[6:32:20 PM] Beastboy (Justin): Mhm
[6:32:45 PM] Beastboy (Justin): What needs to happen is
[6:32:51 PM] Beastboy (Justin): Either we need a 4th vote
[6:32:56 PM] Beastboy (Justin): Or an idol
[6:33:07 PM] Beastboy (Justin): Or we find out who they are voting for
[6:33:18 PM] Beastboy (Justin): And try and play your necklace on them
[6:33:28 PM] Beastboy (Justin): But if they vote for you then obviously you keep it

when I have all of those things but none of them are coming out this tribal
2761 days 1 hour ago

As much as I wanted to work with Bryan into the end game, he has now lied twice to me about the vote. Although he's never put my name down, he's still lied to me. And right now I'm working with Andy and Justin who haven't lied to me. So since Bryan has proven he won't vote against Ryan, we need to take him out tonight. Following this tribal council, it will be myself/Justin/Andy vs. Ryan/Marto. Which should hopefully lead into an easy-ish final tribal council. But I also recognize this puts Andy in a power position in the final five where he can turn on myself and Justin if he so chooses, but this is how the cards have been dealt.


I feel bad because I promised Ryan so had that I wouldn't screw him over but realistically the only way I have a shot at winning is against Bryan and Marto and the easiest way to get that to happen is to vote for Ryan
2757 days 4 hours ago
There is a tie between jasper and ryan. Bryan quits during the revote


Bryan has told me in the past that hes wanted to quit... but hes literally so scared to make moves, you can't be friends with everyone. It's Survivor. LOL someone else could've been here :|
2757 days 3 hours ago


Now that Bryan laid down his torch, I feel as if I have no shot at winning. I know that I have to go with one side now, seeing as if I go to the finals with someone from each side, they will get all of that side's jury votes and I'll be left to dry. I think Jasper, Justin, and Ryan all have decent cases as to why they should win, so I feel like I have to go with Ryan and Marto so I can at least beat Marto possibly. Also, I have a better shot at winning final immunity if one of Justin/Jasper are gone.

With all that being said:
I'd like to use my extra vote to also vote for Justin

And for safety purposes, I'd like to play my hidden immunity idol on myself.

I thought about using my gold coin on Ryan because Marto will likely play his on himself, but I think I've taken enough measures to make sure I get what I want, and if somehow Ryan still goes home, oh well. I'm saving my gold coin however, because I think that it would speak volumes to the jury that I never needed to use it.

VOTE TIES 2-2-0 (Jasper had 2 vote but kept the necklace). Justin is voted out 2-1 in revote.


I'm so happy I went with my gut on this vote, I was really gonna vote out Andy since he lied to me twice the past 2 tribals. Marto told me, we can't do anything.. we have to trust him. Which was true, all three of us know that Jasper has an underdog story. So we can't let him win immunity. Bc he's obviously gonna win if he goes to final tribal, his social game was on point the whole game.
2757 days 3 hours ago

I'm probably getting voted out because not only was that literally the worst time for me to do a non live challenge, no one knows who won immunity so people are fairly certain that I didn't win

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