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Kolby's Survivor: Australia - The Great Barrier Reef

Topic » Kolby's Survivor: Australia -..

2164 days 19 hours ago
Tashi | Confessional, Day 10, Tarari

Well guys I’m back! I don’t wanna say this is my last confessional but it very well could be! This game has gotten pretty rocky for me these past few votes but I’m not gonna give up because that’s just not who I am.

So last night one of my closest allies was sent home via Chris’s idol play so that really sucked. I know Mud might not have viewed me as hs closest ally but for my game he was needed as a shield and as a vote that wasn't going towards me. But silly little Chris decided to play his idol on himself and save himself from elimination. Which I guess is good for his game but pretty terrible for mine.

Last night I voted against Chris and Stoner and now they’re the ones who kinda have power. There are still 2 exile idols that either haven’t been discovered or that haven't been found. Either way not a single one has been played yet and if either of the Chris’s have one they could play it on the other or themselves and send me home if they choose to do. Which is like actually really scary. And there is still at least 1 more regular hidden immunity idol out there as well.

But now! I have these 2 bonus idol clues which narrowed down my idol search down to about 15 players I think if I can get one more clue I could really find it but I have to try and I have to keep looking for it because if I don’t find it there's a strong possibility I could be going home tonight or tomorrow.

The target on my back is starting to grow and I feel like more and more people are starting to recognize the threat that I am becoming. At this point I feel like it’s a little late for me to start playing a smaller game but if I can somehow convince people that I’m not a target that could be good???

I don’t know….

I just really hope Julian, Nikki, JP, and JB remain loyal and vote how they said they would and that there are no idols played today.
2164 days 19 hours ago
Nikki | Confessional, Day 10, Tirari

*looks at the camera and laughs*
I’m deadass at Stoner and Chris right now. They’re actual chickens with their heads cut off. They both are trying to convince Tashi to vote me and me to vote Tashi, but they actually 100% want Tashi out but they’re trying to pin her against me.
*rolls eyes and shakes head*
Like how dumb can you be. I’m legit playing both so hard right now and if I can pull this off and send Chris packing it will legit be a miracle mwahaha.
2164 days 19 hours ago
Chris | Confessional, Day 10, Tirari

I'm a walking bullseye.

Well… I try pitting Nikki and Tashi against each other but they all want me out still… LOL I’m literally a walking bullseye target at this point because everyone thinks I’m a “big threat”. At this point, I’ve told Nikki and Tashi that the idol I found was the merge idol. Julian, JB, Nikki, and Tashi all want me out. Tashi has screwed herself so much in this game and honestly I have no sympathy for her at all. She has lied to me and betrayed me on two different occasions now. She seriously cannot be mad at me for anything. Getting JP to vote me last Tribal honestly allows me to get so from information from the other side and I’m grateful for JP for that. If you lie to me first then you can expect me to lie in return. Also JP told them I have another idol and I don’t lool. Maybe their paranoid asses will vote against each other. I’m mostly looking at Nikki. I knew last vote would be 5-2-1 because Jake stupidly believed we were voting Julian. If this vote stays it could be 4-3 or if someone is paranoid enough it could be 4-2-1 if Tashi actually votes Julian with JB and Julian still voting me. Who knows? Who cares? Tashi you gotta go.

Nikki… seriously how dumb are you to work with Tashi. Tashi literally wrote your name down and you wrote her name down too. I swear to god Nikki and Tashi I don’t understand your logic at all in this game. Nikki I’VE BEEN HONEST WITH YOU AND YOU ARE TALKING SHIT ABOUT ME AND SENDING SCREENSHOTS TO YOUR WHOLE GROUP CHAT!! You honestly need to go to Exile next so I can take out the bitter baby Julian.

Jake is the one person in this game right now that I need more than ever on my side because he literally is the swing vote if one of us successfully wins Immunity the next challenge. I really need JP to give me Immunity next challenge because the other Chris and I will always targets over him. Also interestingly JP tells me he is 100% loyal to me only until Final 3…. WELL REALLY OK? You truly were my F2 and now I definitely am evaluating my end game with you. Once Tashi and Julian are gone.. I’m going to reevaluate my relationship with you in this game *cries*. I’m sorry but Jake is probably my Final 2 because he is the ultimate goat in this game. I apologize to him… but really what has done… ._. 

I need to be a position in the Final 3 where both people want to take me and that may need to be Stoner and Jake.. however I DON’T WANT STONER WINNING IMMUNITY AHH. I’m honestly going to kill myself in this game.

Me in this game
2164 days 19 hours ago
Chris | Voting Confessional, Day 10, Tirari

Well this vote is honestly your own doing. You screwed up a 6 person alliance and you screwed yourself in the process. You honestly could have won this game because people never would have targeted you in that alliance. So my first vote goes to "Miss Foxy Tashi"
2163 days 21 hours ago
[EPISODE #8 | "A Walking Bullseye"]

CHALLENGE: The Survivor: Gamble
Immunity: Stoner (Gaiaphagee)
Exile: Jake
Eliminated: Tashi (Tashi) [4-3]
Idols: JP [Exile]


- Chris (IRandomal123) --> "Miss Foxy Tashi"
- Julian (TheSexiestDude990) --> "iRando"
- Stoner (Gaiaphagee) --> "voting tashi"
- Tashi (Tashi) [Stolen by Chris]--> "Tashi (ghost)"
- JB (_JB_) --> "VOTE: CHRIS"
- JP (TwentyOnePilots) --> "chartreuse platy- Tashi"
- Nikki (Avatar20) --> "Chris <3"

Tashi: 4
Chris: 3

Chris Vote Stealer: "I’m going to steal Tashi’s vote"
2163 days 21 hours ago
Tashi | Exiting Confessional, Day 10, Tirari

Did I want this to happen? Absolutely not! Did I expect it? Hell fucking yeah! I honestly don’t know who flipped on me and who backed out of the alliance of the Final 5 deal we had! But it was someone!! So that really sucks because now I’m out!!!
I think if I survived this vote I would have had a pretty clear path towards the Final 2 and even my victory. I played a big game and got a big target really fast. I would have liked to remained a little more lowkey throughout the first half of the game but my tribe kinda blew and then I got tribe fucked. So this just overall was a game rigged against me in luck.

I don’t know what i really could have done differently to not get here tonight since I felt like I was in a good spot but it’s whatever.

Maybe I can redeem myself one day but it was fun and now I can go eat up at Ponderosa!

Love tashi!
2163 days 21 hours ago
JB | Confessional, Day 10, Tirari

I really hope my fellow castaways are doing a better job tonight of documenting tonight's events, because this round has been the craziest round I've witnessed in this game so far, and maybe a Top 5 in all of the rounds I've played in.

First things first, Tashi goes home in a blindside. I'm shocked. I know who three of the votes were from, but the fourth is a mystery. I have no idea who it was, it could have been any of the three of JP, Nikki, or Julian. A little more on that later on.

Challenge comes and JP and Jake are going head to head. So, naturally, Stoner wins because he wins everything and he's gonna win this game if someone doesn't do something about it. I ask him to send me to Exile, but he sends Julian because he's more against his lover Chris than I am. SMH.

With Julian safe, I need to figure out who that fourth vote was because I can't trust what I'm telling people until I know what happened. Stoner tells me he was in a group chat with him/Chris/Nikki AND a group chat with him/Chris/JP, which means I can rule out Julian altogether.

Nikki sends me a screenshot, all good. Julian sends me his, all good. JP does not, but is still trying to keep this act up.

So I ask him about this group chat, which he denies, but word travels fast. In literally less than a minute, Stoner wants to know why I asked JP about it, which means that JP has Chris & Stoner's backs, which means he was the fourth vote for Tashi. At this point, now I know his intentions, and they are to keep Chris around, which is bad for my game, because i need Chris to go home because he's taking up my spot in Stoner's final 3 that I want.

I know for a fact that Stoner wants JP and Chris in the Final 3 with him. He'd beat both of them. He'd beat anyone in a Final 2, but those two would be the easiest to beat. He's gone after Mud, he's gone after Tashi, and now he's probably wanting my head on the block next. Stoner says he wants me and Julian in the Final 3, but it doesn't feel right. And I don't want Stoner in the Final 3 because he would probably win. The longer Stoner is in the game, the worse it is for me and for everyone.

So, with Nikki and JP's relationship fractured, I took the opportunity to try and salvage ours. And I think it worked. I've spoken with JP, and while we disagree, I think we're on the same page.

With JP on Chris and Stoner's side, Nikki and I have had to scoop Jake up quick. And we think we did and provided a damn good argument for why.

We've pitched that JP, Chris, and Stoner are a Final 3, which is a very believable and likely scenario. Now is when it gets sticky.

If Jake, Nikki and I vote together, it'll likely force a tie, and then rocks. I want to do my best to avoid these rocks.

So I've pitched to Chris, Stoner and JP to vote for me to save me from the rock draw. In return, I save JP and we're both safe from the rock draw. But there is a big risk from volunteering myself to be the vote to save myself from rocks.

I need to ensure that Jake will vote with us on both votes. If I can have that assurance, I'll pull the trigger and try to get the votes on me so I don't have to have my game determined by the fate of a randomizer. If not, I'm letting my game be dictated by a randomizer with a 1/3 chance I go and a 2/3 chance that my side loses the rock draw. Bad odds.

If I can save myself, it puts Nikki and Jake in the rock draw with Chris, and I'm safe, but I could likely lose an ally.

Either way, I'm taking a risk, and I'm not sure which one is the safest. None of them are safe, so I probably just need to ride with one and go for it. Either way, I'm not letting go easily.
2163 days 21 hours ago
Nikki | Confessional, Day 11, Tirari

*sits in front of the camera and screams*
JP flipped on my girl a Tashi and now she’s gone! How is it that every single one of my final 2 pairings get cut. Like you would think that Chris is the underdog, but he’s legit given that underdog status to me! The past 3 tribals have NOT gone my way and honestly I don’t understand how it hasn’t. We’ve always had the numbers and then shit hits the fan.
*shakes my head and rolls eyes*
I feel like I’ve worked to hard to sit and go out now. So I basically exposed JP and said I can’t trust him anymore. Like you can’t expect to take out our final 3 ally and then still be friends with me. He’s an immature baby and I’m not one to babysit. I’m voting for him probably this tribal because if you betray me you have to get cut.
2163 days 21 hours ago
Nikki | Voting Confessional, Day 11, Tirari

*walks up to the urn and writes a name*
I vote ...
*shows vote to the camera*
Gucci flip flopper JP!
*smiles and shrugs*
You basically dug your own grave. I’m hoping we go to rocks tonight so Chris could possibly go home.. or that they just flip on your ass.
2163 days 21 hours ago
Chris | Voting Confessional, Day 11, Tirari

This game has been so unpredictable.. Julian was supposed to go again and then it was between Nikki and Jake and then Nikki and JB. Jake would be an idiot to go to rocks. Nikki.. I have respect for you but at the end of the day I can’t go any further with you. We both can’t be victims considering you screwed me over first. “Tricky Nikki” gets my vote.
2163 days 21 hours ago
JB | Voting Confessional, Day 11, Tirari


A lot of things are going on behind this vote. I want Chris to go, but in the event it is a tie, the person I vote will be safe in a rock draw, which explains why my side is voting JP instead of Chris.

I talked to Stoner and he expects Nikki to go 4-2, which would suck because Nikki is a close ally of mine. She's probably the one person I'd go to rocks for. If this vote goes the way I want it to, Chris or Jake will go. Those are the two I trust the least.

This game is frustrating because I have so little power, but I'm hoping as the numbers dwindle, I'll be able to survive that long and have the ability to earn power at some point during the game.

I just need to find a way to make myself safe during the next vote. It's about taking it one vote at a time, and I hope that I can be there in the end.
2163 days ago
[EPISODE #9 | "We Both Can't Be Victims"]

Challenge: Thunderdome
Immunity: Stoner (Gaiaphagee)
Exile: Julian
Eliminated: Nikki (Avatar20) [4-2]
Idols: JP [Exile]


- Chris (IRandomal123) --> "Tricky Nikki"
- Stoner (Gaiaphagee) --> "Voting nikki"
- JB (_JB_) --> "VOTE: JP"
- JP (TwentyOnePilots) --> "Nikki (heart)"
- Nikki (Avatar20) --> "Gucci flip flopper JP!"
- Jake (Rodrigues75) --> "ill vote nikki"

Nikki: 4
JP: 2
2163 days ago
JB | Confessional, Day 11, Tirari

Three straight tribal councils, three votes where the person I vote for does not go home.

I'm responsible for zero of the three jurors on the jury right now, which I believe makes me a big threat at this point in the game. However, Stoner is running this game. I'm not blind, but at this point, it seems like everyone is kissing his ass.

I also get why people are kissing his ass. He's controlling who stays and who goes. He wants me in the Final 3 with him supposedly, so that helps my cause. And at this point, with pretty much all my allies gone, I have to do what he wants.

I have to determine when is the right time to take the shot at Stoner. Because I think he will take Chris and Julian to the end before he takes me there and I really hope that is not the case. I don't know if tonight is the night to take a shot at him, but if I win immunity, I'll be more likely to try and take that shot.

At this point, I'm hanging on by a thread, but there's hope and I'm fighting.
2163 days ago
JP | Confessional, Day 11, Tirari

Me Chris and Jake are blindsiding Stoner. Chris and Jake originally wanted to split votes on Julian and JB as Stoner suggested.
I’m having Stoner continue his plan to split votes.
I called with JB for a few hours tonight and “threw him a bone” so maybe he’ll follow my advice and vote for Julian tonight so maybe I can destroy that relationship like I did with Jake and Mud earlier this season.
So right now I’m anticipating 
3 votes for Stoner
2 votes for Julian (JB and Stoner)
1 vote for me chris or maybe Julian votes for stoner who knows?!?

Either way. It’s a blindside. So if JB/Julian have an idol they are  playing it, and neither of them are going. If stoner HAS an idol he will be cocky and confident and save it for 5, but he won’t be at 5. If stoner somehow DOES play an idol tonight, I’ll play mine as well.

That brings us to finale night

IDEALLY I go to the final two with Jake. If they are bitter they are bitter but all of the moves I have made to keep Chris in this game Chris will get credit for. Chris is taking me to the end, and he knows I might not take him: he is okay with that. Idk if Julian has even spoken to anyone since Tashi was voted out. Probably not.
2163 days ago
Jake | Confessional, Day 11, Tirari

It feels fandabblytastic to make the final 5. I realise that I face an uphill battle if I am to win this game currently so I need to start making moves. Its great that I have immunity because it gives me a bit of leeway on where I go. If I vote with Chris and JP its the easy vote and wont gain me much respect from the jury but if I vote with julian and JB I am less likely to go to the end. Ideally I would like Stoner out this round for several reasons. He has won the most challenges and is my biggest challenge threat.Added to that several of the jurors have credited him with their vote outs He is a huge threat to win. Im letting him think that we are in the middle together and we can split votes with either side but in reality I want him gone

Also another reason I want stoner out is the guy freaking tried to distract me during the sliding puzzle by calling me on skype

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