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Season 3- Vietnam Discussion

Topic » Season 3- Vietnam Discussion

3347 days 4 hours ago
The cast been Revelaed!

Lào Cai- Red Buffs
Maxwell H. (Bronaik)(14)
Bob P. (IslandSurvivor)(13)
Noah K . (Noah_kondon)(13)
Rose V. (TheRoseHorse)(14)
Logan R. (thegamingdragon)(15)
Liam M. (lliiaamm)(16)
Zach B. (Tuter32)(17)

Cát Bà- Blue Buffs
Jake W. (Warthhogs) (17)
FireDragon A. (AlskanFireDragon) (84)
Alison D. (MarthaSpeaks)(19)
Rich M. (Zed55)(19)
Harry W. (Harrwasnak)(24)
Jordan G. (SerenityFirefly)(20)
David M. (Davidftw123)(17)
Marek F. (marekactor)(17)

Have fun discussing them!
3347 days 3 hours ago
I really don't know any of this cast that well other than maybe Zach. Excited to see what some of these ppl r like as players. Hopefully they won't suck lol
3347 days 2 hours ago
I know Rich from way back,, even though we don't talk much anymore but I am definitely rooting for him out of everyone in this cast!
3347 days 1 hour ago
I know Zach! We were friends awhile back but haven't talked in awhile. I think he will definitely do well and David seems familiar but idk from where.

Also this twist could really ruin someone, if it carries into merge it will be fun to see how it plays out. If you win immunity and have the power then your power increases so much
3346 days 22 hours ago
Yea I'm kind of on the fence with this twist tbh
3346 days 6 hours ago
*************************** Mana's Offical Cast Assment ***************

Lào Cai- Red Buffs
Maxwell H. (Bronaik)- Max is gonna be a big charcter this season I hope. One of the few 'relevant' people on this season, I think Max has an easy early road, and can quickly move into being a HUGE threat in this game. If he plays his cards right I can easily see Max being a star of this season.

Bob P. (IslandSurvivor)(- Bob is a rather unkown player, but I have a lot of faith in him. I get a good vibe from him, and I hope I am right, as long as he lays low, I think he can make it far in this game.

Noah K . (Noah_kondon)- Noah is a strong player, and he plays strong, which is gonna bite him in the ass. I see a Second Chancer in him, he will be targeted early, and It will fuck him over really fast. I doubt that's what he wants to hear but it my prediction. but hes funny and a good player so I hope im wrong.

Rose V. (TheRoseHorse)- Irrelvent newbie. Pre-merge inactive boot is my prediction I hope I am wrong but that's my gut feeling.

Ethan(eman5000)- Crazy kid, who probaly will be slightly inacitve and wind up being a pre-merge boot. I know it sounds bad, but this tribe gives me young tribe Greece flashbacks, so I can see very few making merge and being underdogs.

Logan R. (thegamingdragon)- Ahhh Logan. If i am correct I heard this is SWAGLOGAN. This dude is fucking nuts, OTTNN7 edit every time he plays and that is Fucking amazing. He is bound to stir shit up, and probaly make merge. Id love to see him play hard and fast but who knows.

Liam M. (lliiaamm)- I don't know anything about Liam so I can't really make a strong prediction. I hope we see another John in him, and have another strong player who can go far.

Zach B. (Tuter32)- Zach is a pretty decent player. I think he got fucked over and will have a really tough road in this game, but I can see him making it deep into the game. He does not have much real compition in this game, and might be one of the biggest names on the season, which is gonna be new for him. If he can play that right, he will be fine, otherwise hes doomed.

Cát Bà- Blue Buffs
Jake W. (Warthhogs)- Another decent UTR player, and there are a lot of them this season, which is gonna be tough. Jake needs to be calm and collected and he will make merge and from there its a matter of finding the key allainces to get to the end.

FireDragon A. (AlskanFireDragon)- Imma annoyed with his name so Imma call him Drake weather he likes it or not. Drake is a hit or miss contestant, that will probaly borewhore his way late into the game. Hopefully he surpises me and does well but I doubt it.

Alison D. (MarthaSpeaks)- She seems a bit intresting. As the only female in the ENTIRE cast, Alison has a lot to live up for to be the goddess of the season. If she plays her cards right she can do really really well in this game, as her tribe seems WAY stronger.

Rich M. (Zed55)- Strong player, good compitor, he is set to do really well. I can see Rich winning this game to be honest. He is smart, strong willed and can really meld well into this cast. Someone to look out for.

Harry W. (Harrwasnak)- Harry is a bit of an UTR player, and a bit OTT in confessionals which cna fuck him over. He isnt that good at challenges but i dont think it will matter. He just needs to lie low, and then he will make merge and from there its open season.

Jordan G. (SerenityFirefly)- Easily the best player in this cast, and more then likely are winner. Jordan plays this game with loyalty, and can easily win challenges, control votes and rule this game. If i had one bet this season on a winner it would be Jordan.

David M. (Davidftw123)- I dont know David, but he seems excited for the game. Hes on a good tribe so he has a good shot at wining this i guess...

Marek F. (marekactor)- Entertinag but a horrible player. Another of the Sackeshi clones so well see how long he will last...
3346 days 3 hours ago
Marek's confessionals are the best! He's in my season rn and I swear to god the size of my VL doubled thanks to him...
3346 days 3 hours ago
OMG JULIAN?! weren't you on the season I flopped in the first time? gen 2? tocantins? you being the winner of that season?
3345 days 18 hours ago
Alison Confessional

Having just turned 20 a few days ago I definitely belong on the old tribe. Fire Dragon may be 84 (unlikely), but the cast better not underestimate him, I have seen him be the first one to lose and also almost win, the guy is a fantastic Survivor player who will may or may not target me, last time I played with him we did not have many issues. David on the other hand I have voted out probably more times than anybody, the guy is usually a weak player, but I hope to carry him to the merge this time. Yeah, you could say I think really highly of myself, but the truth is I do usually make merge and try to do right by my tribe.
3345 days 18 hours ago
FireDragon 'Drake' Confessional

Yay I'm so happy that I got cast this season! I have really wanted to go on the virtual survivor series. I applied for season 2 but now I'm glad I didn't get cast for that because that cast is way scarier than this one. Other than Noah, Lao Cai looks like a bunch of young childhood obesity stricken bums and I cant wait to kick their little justin beiber worshipping asses at every challenge. The twist is definitely scary. One person can change your fate in the game very easily. I formed a 4 person alliance with me, Harry, David, and Rich. You know its the old people tribe when you got dudes named Rich and Harry.
3345 days 18 hours ago
David Confessional

im currently in an aliance with so and island survivor because we aare all 13.
3345 days 2 hours ago
OMG JULIAN?! weren't you on the season I flopped in the first time? gen 2? tocantins? you being the winner of that season?

Tocantins was actually a lot harder to get through than it seemed, especially after that mutiny.

Also hey Eddie haven't seen you in forever omg
3345 days 1 hour ago
David bringing the entertainment #earlyfanfavourite
3345 days 1 hour ago
Zach Confessional

Being on the younger tribe is kinda a slap in the face. But being the oldest on the youngest tribe might make them a little more naive. I mean they could see me as a huge threat and vote me out first, but they could also see me as an asset because I think i'll do pretty well in the challenges. But you just never know until the tire meets the road and we start this game.
3345 days ago
Eddie was I on that season too? I think you said we were on the same season
3344 days 22 hours ago
Chris I believe you and I were on Nicaragua where I was 12th that season and you got 4th where AJ (Jflora18 [I believe that's the username]) blindsided you.

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