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Applications [Season 9]

Topic » Applications [Season 9]

3767 days 13 hours ago

Heroes vs Villains
Parvati or Kim
I was screwed over in my last group game so I want some personal redemption
I want to play UTR, i dont want to make too many moves early on but if i have to get my hands dirty i will
I want to not be too strong but still be strong enough to be kept at the merge
I will try to be friends with everyone and just be nice
I will win because I will play a straight-up game and never backstabbed unless I had to

7pm ET

3767 days 1 hour ago
Username: Jaxswim
First name to call you by: Jackson
Last initial to call you by: C
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Karma: 33
Color Level: Orange
Time-Zone: Pacific
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: Gabon
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: don't make me pick okay. like I'm just gonna say Neleh Dennis for now but I also love Sugar and Amanda and a LOT of others ;-;
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: Because you asked me to :*
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: lmao like I'm going to say that for everyone to see
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: I always try my best in every challenge (given I can make it)
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: Uh talk to people I guess, make actual friends, that's not really to play the game I like making friends through group games tbh
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?:  Yes aaaand because I am cut & handsum
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? like 9 EST onwards, don't work me into your plans
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? like 8-9 when a group game is going
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: Yessss
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? yesss
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? when i get voted out I flip shit. literally I take out my fry cooker and poop and start flipping it idk it's therapeutic
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: Yup
3766 days ago
Username: Guigi
First name to call you by: Sydney
Last initial to call you by: M.
Age: 17
Gender: F
Karma: 425
Color Level: Black
Time-Zone: East
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: Micronesia
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Parvati
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: Cuz i wanna win a god damn group game (i always finish 2nd or 3rd) -_- and i know i can win :)
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: I will lay low if i have to but ill always have a back up plan and alliances
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: I can handle anything
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: For cup of tea
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?: fuck yeah cuz im a triple threat
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? it depends on my scheadule but after 3 is good only after 11pm :s for like thursday and friday
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? 8
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: yesss i love conf
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? of course
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? ahahaha yes sir
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: yes i will try

Thanks :)
3765 days 9 hours ago
First name to call you by: Jared
Last initial to call you by:B
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Color Level:Brown
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: Heroes VS Villians
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Candice Cody
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: Because I love Survivor group games and I think I could make it far!
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?:I am going to play my heart out and make a strong alliance!
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: I am defiantly going to try but Im not great at challenges xD
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: I am a very social person so this one will not be as hard :P
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?: I think I can win because I have passion determantion and I will make strong alliances that will take me far!
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? Pretty much anytime after 3
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? 10 I am always on
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: Yes
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? Of course!
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? Yep
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?:For suere ^_^
3765 days 4 hours ago
Username: Blondelle
First name to call you by: Natasha
Last initial to call you by: W.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Karma: 236
Color Level: Blue
Time-Zone: CNTRL
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: Survivor: Pearl Islands
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Sandra Diaz-Twine
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: Because I haven't played in awhile, I am not planning on making it far but whatever happens happens :)
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: Social, Mobile, & Global
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: Well I'm horribly weak so I know I won't win any individual immunities, so I plan on using my brain to keep me around.
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: Being mobile & global. ;)
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?:
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? 8:00pm EST
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? 9.5
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: Duh<3
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? Yes sir ^-^
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? Yes sir! ^-^
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: yes sir! ^-^
3761 days 13 hours ago

Username: yinzer149
First name to call you by: Leo
Last initial to call you by: S.
Age: 15(not real)
Gender: Male
Karma: 84
Color Level: yellow
Time-Zone: EST
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: I really like almost all of them, but my favorite has to be a 3-way tie between Gabon, Micronesia, and Phillipenes
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: I have to say Ozzy, becuse he usually nailed the social and physical aspects of the game, but I still do have much better strategy skills then he does.
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: For the same reasons as everyone should, I want to win and have fun, while making new friends!
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: I am going to mail you it, I dont want to reveal it now.
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: Show up to every challenge. All you need to win challenges is a little bit of luck and a little bit of skill, and lots of dedication!
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: I am going to be nice to everyone and not make any enemies. I do believe you can make it far in Survivor with being nice to people, but you can not win. So, make nice and use execellent strategy.
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?: Even though I have yet to win a group game, or even make a final, I plan on using a brand new strategy I have never used before. I am almost certain it will help me win.
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? After 5, but after time switch maybe more around 6./
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? 10, since I am hosting a group game right now.
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: YES!
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? YES!
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? YES!
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: YES!
3761 days 9 hours ago
Username: MikaelXD
First name to call you by: Mikael
Last initial to call you by: Henriksson
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Karma: 72
Color Level: Orange
Time-Zone: EST
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: s20
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: James Clement
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: becuse i want to se my face on the intro :)
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: hard to say hope to make some friends
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: try my best in every challange
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: be everyones friends
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?: YES
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you?
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)?
Will you agree to send in confessionals?:
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect?
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out?
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?:


* = optional, but improves your chances at getting in
Good luck! :-)
3761 days 9 hours ago
Username: bigbrothermaniac
First name to call you by: Riley
Last initial to call you by: B.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Karma: 275
Color Level: Red
Time-Zone: CST
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: One World
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Kim Spradlin
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: I give it my all and love Survivor!
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: Be prepared for any and all suprises
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: Win lots of challenges
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: Just be myself
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?: I think I can! I know how to make the moves that best benefit me in this game.
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? Anytime after 4:30 EST
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? 10
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: Yes
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? Yes
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? Yes
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: Yes
3761 days 7 hours ago
First name to call you by:Keith
Last initial to call you by:m
Age:17's complicated
Color Level:orange
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?:China
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?:Todd Herzog
* Why do you want to play in this group game?:because group games are fun
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?:I'm gonna be the funny one that nobody wants to get rid of
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?:just to try as hard as I can and maybe align myself with the strongest physical player
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?:see strategic
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?:I think I will be able to win because everybody will like me so much that they won't vote for me until the end.
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you?as late as possible
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)?
Right now kinda a three but I think I'm gonna start being active again if I get into this season
Will you agree to send in confessionals?:yep
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect?mmmhmm
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out?...I guess *sigh* (that was a joke, yes)
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?:whenever possible:)
3761 days 4 hours ago

Username: LockerAmi
First name to call you by: Ami
Last initial to call you by:Locker
Age: 16
Gender: female
Color Level:yellow
Time-Zone:southern time or central
. * What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?:survivor palau
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Janu Tornell
* Why do you want to play in this group game?:Ilove group games so yeah
  * What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: lay low until merge
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: try to act a little tough a little weak
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?:try to keep friends close
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?:because Iwill make merge and then conquer all individual immunity
  . What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? 4:00-12:00
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? I'm very active very but about 8
. Will you agree to send in confessionals?: hell yeah Ilove sending confessionals
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? Yes sir
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? Yes I will be grateful for the expierience so yeah I won't act crazy.
  Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?:yess Icant miss that


* = optional, but improves your chances at getting in Good luck! :-)
3761 days 1 hour ago
First name to call you by:ryan
Last initial to call you by:s
Color Level:white
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?:now showing
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?:idk
* Why do you want to play in this group game?:I love this game
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?:play hard to wi
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?:try to the best
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?:talk to people alliances
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?:yes I have a good plan already
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you?3:30-9
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)?9
Will you agree to send in confessionals?:yes
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect?yes
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out?yes
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?:yea


* = optional, but improves your chances at getting in
Good luck! :-)
3760 days 17 hours ago
Username: NJKoda1998
First name to call you by: Nick
Last initial to call you by: J
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Karma: 333
Color Level: Red
Time-Zone: EST
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: Micronesia
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Amanda
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: why not
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: make alliances, and watch my back
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: make sure I am at challenges
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: Get to know everyone
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?: Because I have what it takes
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? 4-8pm EST
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? 9
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: yes
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? yes
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? yes
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: yes
3760 days 15 hours ago
Username: KiasuNOOB
First name to call you by: Kian
Last initial to call you by: N.
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Karma: 89
Color Level: 96
Time-Zone: GMT +8
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: Blood vs Water
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Monica
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: I love survivor!
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: Form an ally till tribe merge and slowly blindside them.
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: Pray that it's non live and always tell my tribe mates to stay active
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: Form an ally
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?:
. Most likely I will make it through tribe merge. They hate my face
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? Ummm. Can it before morning EST instead. Or u could make it non live.
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? 9 at weekends, 5 at weekday
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: yes
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? Definitely
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? Yes, but I love to say stupid stuff like *Kia points middle finger*
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: yes
3760 days 14 hours ago
Username: TallaRejaei
First name to call you by: Monica
Last initial to call you by: A
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Karma: 217
Color Level: light green
Time-Zone: Central
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: Redemption
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Hayden Moss
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: for fun
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: shhh its a secret
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: i dont win to much comps but i try
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: im a social butterfly i usually end up repeating what i say ten times because i dont shut up but i make a ton of friends
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?: duh because i have won these kind of things before and i am kind of a reality freak
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you? 4:30
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)? 7
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: like totally
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect? your the host your like the big guy so yeah
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out? i just play for fun if i am voted out along the way so what
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: i may miss one or two but hey things happen right
3760 days 13 hours ago
Username: awwsum11
First name to call you by: Eric
Last initial to call you by: M.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Karma: At the moment, 21
Color Level: Yellow
Time-Zone: EST
* What is your favorite CBS Survivor season?: Heroes Vs Villains
* Who is your favorite CBS Survivor contestant?: Sandra
* Why do you want to play in this group game?: I love these kinds of games that are based off of such bit favorites of mine.
* What's your plan on the strategical aspect of this group game?: I plan to try to make an alliance and not get hated by people.
* What's your plan on the physical aspect of this group game?: I don't want to be the weakest or strongest.
* What's your plan on the social aspect of this group game?: I will try to make people like me, but not so much that I am a threat.
* Do you think you can win this group game? Why?: I have as good a chance of winning as everybody, so I guess I hope I do, but I understand if I don't.
What time periods after 3:00pm EST work best for you?: 5-9
On a scale of 1-10, how active are you on Tengaged (please answer honestly)?: 7
Will you agree to send in confessionals?: Yes
Will you agree to treat me, the host, with respect?: Of course, you want a good game and why would I ruin that?
Will you agree to not act irrationally if you are voted out?: Yes
Will you, at the very least, try to make all the challenges and vote at all of the tribal councils?: I can try, but I might miss 2 of each at most.

open group

Applications [Survivor's Survivor]

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