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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

3719 days 14 hours ago
I just gave you credit for having a good social game then you argue with me haha do you know who this is supposed to work?
3719 days 14 hours ago
Allianceguy: Okay that's really one part of my game I know I just sucked in which was talking with the others not in my core alliance. I'm a very awkward person when it comes to talking to the other alliances in these types of games. Usually I don't talk to the opposing alliance because I always get paranoid and scared all the time with the things I say to people. I know that won't make you vote for me but I just wanted to be real with you now.

I think that I always try my hardest no matter what and my big goal was mainly to get me and Holy to the finals and nothing else. However to answer Log's question, Holy did play a pretty great game and I think that he did an extraordinary job in making you guys trust him. We always knew what was going because of all the people he trusted always told him really what was going on.
3719 days 14 hours ago
Guigi, I feel like you deserve this the most you remind me of Natalie from Survivor Samoa you were heroic and strategic while Anton aka Mick had no strategy and Holy aka Russell lied to everyone but my question is What was your biggest move of the game?

for all the moves check Ag's question but thanks :D

My biggest move was probably getting AG out cuz i really tought he was closer to Basket and i heard he wanted me out so i got the votes to vote him out ! and with the whole hiddent immunity thing -_-!
3719 days 14 hours ago
Log i wasnt arguing with you im sorry i sounded that way ! i was just tryin to explained im sorry im just frustrated because of something else :s :(
3719 days 14 hours ago
my QEUSTION  to all these floaters is what was the biggest move you did in the game besides winning comps and riding coattails?

I only one comp and i ''rode coattails'' if you wanna say it that way i just like ''laying low'' better ;) ! I didnt backstabb personnally any of you cause i was afraid yall would hate me in jury so we align but i always had in the back of my mind that i was 100% with holy and tried to cover my back the best that i could (cuz i knew some of you wanted to kick me out)
3719 days 14 hours ago
haha alliance,we know you aren't looney.

first of,thanks for your friendship,really It's all i can ask for.

all my alliances :

really ALMOST everyone(except for like 4-5 people) :(...separately of course
this time around,i knew my same strategy from last time wouldn't work.
I had to change it up (i think we all had to)
where as last time i had group alliances,this time i wanted to keep everyone in the dark as to how close i was to others or who i was working with.

really though,the ones i was closest to was the top 8,i'm not sure how i can rate them accurately because the degree of closeness varied and change throughout the game...

i can tell you this,guigi was always a serious contender for my final 3...because I felt i owed her from last time.

I considered you to be in final 3 early on in the game (after we took out yinzer) and then completely stopped considering you for final 3 after the free agent speech

I considered you all in the final 8 for final 3 at one point or another,except for jack ill be honest(maybe once in a fleeting moment)

I was honestly just letting the game develop and seeing how YOU guys evolved and how our relationship evolved,ultimately that was always the deciding factor in who i NEEDED  in the final 3 with me.

and once again,it's not that I didn't care for you guys.
It's just what had to be done.
I know it's not my place to ask questions,but can you HONESTLY 100% say that you wouldn't have taken me out had I been making all the moves and OPENLY playing  such a hard game?

and lies...I told a lot
um,a sample
I guess one that pertains to you is when I told you that i wanted you to make all the moves and that i normally didn't play so hard.
i think the biggest lie that i told everyone,was that I wanted them to make all the moves and that i would blindly join them,when in reality if at any point i felt that their move wouldn't benefit me,i would have not only NOT voted with them,but I would have tried my hardest to get someone else voted out (behind their back)
3719 days 13 hours ago
Ok hey everyone! Just want to congratulate you three on making it to FTC!!! I know how tough it is to answer the questions correctly so good luck all!

Guigi- The way I base my jury vote is a mixture of both emotional and strategic gameplay. Neither of which I have with you. What did you do in this game as an INDIVIDUAL and not thinking with someone? What did you do that made YOU stand out?

Anton- Didn't really know you either, I did try to get you out before I was sent out so obviously that failed ;) but anyways since I don't know you, same question as Guigi. What did you do as an individual in this game

Holy- Holy, Holy, Holy :D well played, you did awesome. You're gameplay was great, and that's what the majority of my vote will be based even. You won a lot of immunities, used idols (real or not) very effectively. Overall good job! I do have one question that I've been wondering for awhile though. As everyone else here has been saying, you made a ton if personal relationships and many were betrayed. The thing is on the second tribe swap, you approached me and we talked some and I thought you were really nice. And the next thing I know my butt was out the door. My question is what was the point of this? Did you actually want to try to be friends with people or was that all just a rouse to get people's trust?

Good luck again guys! I'm far from a bitter jury member and I hope you can convince me why you deserve to win! Love ya! <3
3719 days 13 hours ago
lol FAIL  after FAIL  after FAIL
3719 days 13 hours ago
a question to holytouch : WHY R U SOOOOOOO THRISTY FOR ANIOTHER WN?
3719 days 13 hours ago
LOG,haha i actually knew that!
I even wrote that down in my tribute to you.

the reason i never gave proof in my statement,is not because i don't have any.
I actually tried to add them,but it was only clogging it up more,and my main points would be lost. So i am glad you ask, (i was hoping someone would so i could explain)
In the tributes you could see some of the explanations to my big moves (specifically the fake idol play)

(and if you don't want to go read it,ill explain that one to you in detail here,but in case you do read it,I will clear some up for you)

The proof to making you all not see me as a threat is that none of you ever voted for me or plotted to take me out.(and even as you said,despite you seeing me as the least trustworthy playing in the game) you never did try to take me out.

the proof that everyone I NEEDED  out for my game would go with out  without me even moving a finger is this simple.
look at the final 4:
guigi,anton,survivor were all with me(they have said it publicly). they were people who trusted me.

look at the final 5:
2 past bora bora with me,and two ML (who i happened to play the whole game with) leaving me in the middle.
(i brought survivor over basket because i knew that if there was another winner in the final 4,guigi and anton would rather take him out (who they weren't as close to) rather than me

look at the final 6:
2 past bora bora,2 ml,and another ml who I happened to save from going out in 15thplace

look at the final 7: all of the above plus jack,who I had been speaking for a good while now,and who's ego I had been stroking for a while (you more than anyone should know that that's how you somewhat control jack)

look at the final 8:
all of them plus you,I knew that even if you didn't trust me 100%,i could easily pin you and ag against each other...and i was safe for another round.

so yeah,if you have any specific point you want me to clarify and give proof of from my statement,just let me know.

as to who deserves the win more out of guigi an anton,that's a tough question, i love both of them equally  thus i'm biased and would say they both of them are equal,

BUT if you are stuck on me giving you a name,ask me again towards the end!
after all,how they handle and answer questions is a  HUGE part on deciding who deserves it more than the other.
as a past winner,i think you can agree with that,no?

also on a side note,I seriously envy you! you now get a chance to do both! get asked questions and be asked questions.

this was actually a thought that came to me quite often during this season.

I mean how silly is it that the spot we are all fighting for is to be the only 3 players in the game to have absolutely no control over the game in the end?
it's really a silly game once you really think about it.
Yet it's still something we covet and aspire to.
we are funny mofos!
3719 days 13 hours ago
lmfao so fu*king thirsty.
3719 days 13 hours ago
Survivor,we do have a relationship outside of the game (and I hope this game wont be what ends it..that would be silly)

why did i vote you out? like i told you in the tributes,I truly believe you would have won over me
you played a good's that simple.
also you stopped talking to me towards the end,so I didn't really know where we stood

why did I blindside you?
this is something im always conflicted by,I  personally don't ever like the feeling of absolute helplessness.
so I did want to be straight up with you and tell you you were the one going but I just didn't want you to feel helpless.
3719 days 13 hours ago
congrats on your win holy or anton.
3719 days 13 hours ago

you know,the first time I played I also got called a villain,and I accepted it.
but i've come to realize that i shouldn't have then or now.
i honestly don't feel like I should be considered a villain.

I played a strategic game,and with strategy comes deceit...and I admit that deceit is not a nice quality
but I never bullied any of you,talked down to any of you,strong armed you to vote a certain way.
to me that is villainous.
3719 days 13 hours ago

what was my biggest move? I made quite a few
but I for sure  believe that my biggest one was the fake idol miles

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