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The House: Return to Bluebells

Topic » The House: Return to Bluebells

2536 days 21 hours ago
Jerry, the Buttler voice over "Andrew Westesson": They simply jumped out the window 3 stories high.

-Greyscale scene [meaning flashback]:

-The view pans back showing the 'Mirror' on the far back wall of the girls' bedroom. Then the view pans to the right showing yet a new group of guests entering the house.

Rayne: This is pretty cool.. damn wish I made this much cash..
-The people [cast] look around, entering a living area with a buffet and some booze.
-She bolts for the table, pushing Helena & Brendon out of the way and each one falls to a separate couch.

Brendon: Hey watch it! The suit's expensive!
-Marcus & Lana both remain quiet, seeing James wander off upstairs towards the third floor. Hunter steps forward seeing Jerry place an envelope on the table.

Hunter: If you're reading this, it means I'm late, fashionably late.. how embarrassing, the host late. Fear not, Jerry will take care of you all while I'm on the way. He's the mute man who handed you this envelope. He's the house butler and will attend to all of your guys' whims. Perfect employee, doesn't bug you and does the service! Anywho, I'll be there as soon as I can to make the announcement you're all there for! Help yourself to the drinks, and food.. make yourselves at home. Just remember no access to the third floor of the house that is off limits.

-Lana & Marcus exchange looks knowing James went off.
Link: So we pre-drink a little before the host shows up? It'd be disrespectful not to follow the host wishes!

-Link picks up a bottle of vodka and pours a tin amount for everyone;

Link: A toast? To.. fashionably late hosts?

--As everyone toasts, in their own reaction Jerry watches;

Voiceover: Let the hunt, begin.

2536 days 21 hours ago
Need to know:

•Every individual got an invitation by EMAIL to come to the Westesson lake house for a special announcement. Nobody knows what, but nobody is anybody to ignore a WESTESSON EMAIL, so most here are just curious

•'BlueBells' is like the door number, instead it's a door name.

•Everyone should be a stranger to each other [for right now], or acquaintances at most. There's no predetermined relations!

•HOWEVER, if you'd like to have a pre-determined relation to someone else, you go for it. Just as long as you're both aware and can wing/adapt it as we move along! You have complete creative freedom on how you'd like your connection to others be.

•••The only connection I cannot allow for plot purposes is nobody can 'be' a Westesson, or related to them.

•There WILL be deaths, after all only 1 makes it out alive. To begins with activity will be on what I pick on first for the deaths [this by no means I as host last the longest JSYK.] I will then go to what you guys have developed thus far when it's down to the wire, and hop on best plot decisions for the deaths.

* *

When we get into the nitty gritty of it, some 'house rules';

•When you enter the house [which you all automatically do], there is no exiting. Open a window, jump out, you'll land in another room of the house. Open a door, reveal another door, reveal another room. There is no escaping. No matter how you go about it, even if it looks like outside.. it likely isn't.

•Phone signal is completely dead, this also means the landlines within the house.
2536 days 21 hours ago
2536 days 21 hours ago
*Walks in the houze*

2536 days 21 hours ago
-Brendon glances around at the main room, checking out decorations-
2536 days 21 hours ago
If we're going to begin each other's company this whole time waiting, for the host.. we might as well know each other's names. I'll go first. Name's Link. I know weird, blame my folks.
-Looks at Rayne as she says hi again.
2536 days 21 hours ago

Brendon. Normal name, normal parents.
2536 days 21 hours ago
2536 days 21 hours ago
( I'll be on soon )
2536 days 21 hours ago

-Link glances at Brendon as he speaks;


-Jerry/Butler remains watching them by the main door, hands clasped behind him.
2536 days 21 hours ago
-Brendon catches his mistake-

Not saying yours aren't, or anything...
2536 days 21 hours ago
Yah creepy house hopefully I don't die
2536 days 21 hours ago
-Jerry shakes his head slightly, taking out a note from his pocket with the name 'Chooser' on it. He waits a moment before walking to Brendon, holding he envelope to him. It now says 'Brendon' on the place of 'Chooser', and the back reads as;

"Open this on the second floor, last room down the right hallway."


Link: You're fine. Speak your mind.
-Lifts the glass to her lips again, drinking some more.
2536 days 21 hours ago
-Hunter watches quietly while sitting down on the couch-
2536 days 21 hours ago
( Just got home! I'll be on in a little bit! )

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