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Survivor: Sudan Episode Summaries

Topic » Survivor: Sudan Episode..

3415 days 2 hours ago

I will post a brief episode summary after the conclusion of each episode. This will allow more casual viewers to follow along, without having to piece together the season via lengthy confessionals.
3413 days 5 hours ago
Sudan Episode 1: "Hands in Both Cookie Jars"

16 castaways were brought to the barren deserts of Sudan -- the Kassala tribe, consisting of Northern players, flew in on a helicopter. The Morobo tribe, consisting of Southerners, sat in the back of a large truck. They were given their maps, and then made their way to their respective camps.

On Morobo, GiGi instantly formed an alliance with Cole, Dana, Joey, and Nikki to give them all a 5-person majority. However, almost every member of the alliance felt unsure of it, and trust issues already became a problem. Already in the minority, Gustavo knew he had a shaky relationship with GiGi, which he hoped wouldn't hurt his game. Sean and Nikola also became very close. Joey started to drift away from the alliance, socializing more with Sean and Nikola.

On Kassala, the tribe was immediately split. Bryce, Bennett, and Rich immediately formed a fairly tight trio, while Joe, Nathan, and Daniel formed another trio. This left James and Sterling in the middle, unsure of where to go. Sterling also felt out-of-place on the tribe, having a very flamboyant personality, while the rest of the tribe was fairly relaxed.

At the challenge, the tribes went head-to-head in collecting supplies for camp, paddling them back to the beach, and then building a shelter. Kassala, led mostly by Sterling, took the initial lead by collecting their supplies first and immediately paddling back. As they started to work on the shelter, they slowed down, and the door opened for Morobo. Morobo finally paddled their supplies back to shore. However, as they started to make progress on the shelter, Sterling helped Kassala finish off the challenge and complete the shelter, winning them immunity.

Back at camp, the tribe seemed to unanimously agree that voting out Nikki was the best option, despite alliances formed earlier, since she had been dead weight in the challenge. However, Dana had a different idea in mind. Concerned about Nikola's relationship with Sterling on the other tribe, Dana decided that she would pull Gustavo into her alliance to vote out Nikola 6-2.

At the same time, GiGi completely abandoned her alliance when she started to distrust Dana. Suddenly, Nikki seemed safe, as the alliance fell apart and two different people campaigned for Nikola and Dana. Sean and Nikola easily latched onto GiGi's plan when they realized Nikola was in danger. However, Cole and Nikki were slightly more hesitant. Sean and GiGi came together to protect Nikola, working to assure Cole and Nikki that they had the votes to get rid of Dana.

At tribal council, everyone but Gustavo and Dana were in-the-loop on the plan. Despite all the hesitance to take out Dana, she was eliminated in a 6-2 vote. On her way out, she threw a meltdown, telling her tribe that Nikola and Sean would align with Sterling at the merge and cursing her fake-allies for lying to her. Nikola struck back and the two fought until Dana was dragged out of tribal council by security.
3413 days 5 hours ago
Survivor: Sudan Edgic for Episode 1:

Sean is the very visible CP narrator who saves Nikola.
Dana and Nikola's feud and Dana's scheming gets them both N-tone.
Sterling gets the in-depth P-tone character edit after talking about feeling out of place as a flamboyant gay.
Gustavo gets the "fish-out-of-water" CPP edit. Voting in the minority will start a likely underdog edit for him.
3411 days 5 hours ago
Sudan Episode 2: "Jazzercise"

After returning to camp, the Morobo tribe was shocked about Dana's fiery exit. Still, the game moved on. Everyone crawled into the shelter to sleep, but Gustavo sat by the fire, feeling defeated after his main ally was eliminated. He knew he was next on the chopping block, and hoped his luck would somehow turn around.

In the morning, GiGi woke up first and decided she would search for an idol while everyone else slept. She walked to the water hole, and began to dig through some large piles of rocks. To her surprise, she found the idol hidden in one of the mounds.

Back on Kassala, the tribe began to split in a new way. Nathan became suspicious of a foursome alliance between Bennett, Daniel, Rich, and Bryce. He then made sure to strengthen his allegiance with James and Sterling, making them aware of the other possible alliance.

Back on Morobo, GiGi told Sean about her idol, strengthening their trust. As the two talked, Cole watched from afar. Knowing how powerful Sean was on the tribe, Cole began to have thoughts about making a move against him, although he was unsure about when the right time would be, or whether the numbers were available.

At the challenge, the castaways had to answer trivia questions. By getting a question right, one tribe could send a member of the other tribe into "the Arena". In the arena, two challenges who had been sent there would face off to try to stay alive.

Sean dominated the challenge with some help from Nikola. All of Kassala was sent to the Arena, where they were forced to face off against one another. In the end, Rich was the last man standing, needing to take down all of Morobo. Sean volunteered to duel him, and won handily, sending Kassala to tribal council.

Back at camp, Nathan and Joe were determined to get rid of someone from the apparent foursome of Bennett/Bryce/Rich/Daniel. They chose Bryce, and knew they already had four votes.

Nathan talked to Bennett and brought up the idea of voting Bryce. Bennett believed James was the better vote, since Bryce was active and helped in challenges. Joe went to Rich and Bryce, lying to them by saying the vote was for Daniel. Rich and Bryce saw Daniel as a non-contributor and agreed.

At tribal council, Bennett feared for his life in the game and submitted to the vote. With the Nathan/Joe/Sterling/James block voting together with Bennett's vote, Bryce was unexpectedly eliminated with 5 votes. Rich and Bryce voted for Daniel, as Joe told them to, while Daniel voted for James (being completely out of the loop).
3411 days 5 hours ago
Survivor: Sudan Edgic for Episode 2:

Sean continues as a highly visible narrator - basically controlling Morobo.
Gustavo's underdog edit begins, P-tone.
GiGi gets a positive edit for finding the idol & showing loyalty to Sean.
Cole starts an "Anti-Sean" storyline, gets N-tone for seeming envious & spiteful of Sean's position.
Rich is seen as rational, fairly intelligent - but stuck on a chaotic tribe who isn't concerned with challenge wins.
Bennett is edited as an over-the-top character, very funny. M-tone comes from Rich believing he is kind of psychotic/weird.
3409 days 12 hours ago
Sudan Episode 3: "Crazy and Stupid"

Kassala returned to camp in silence. As it began to rain, the tribe huddled in the shelter. Rich felt extremely vulnerable following the vote - his closest ally had been eliminated, and he felt that his tribe was indifferent towards challenges.

The tribe slowly fell asleep, but Bennett stayed awake. After allowing Nathan and Joe to control, he knew he wasn't in the ideal position. Desperate for a solution, he took a path to the water-hole, which was surrounded by piles of rocks. As it rained, he dug through the piles for hours, until he finally found an idol. He slipped the idol into his bag and then made his way back to camp, deciding to tell nobody.

On Morobo, Sean decided he needed to strengthen a core alliance to ensure another hectic vote didn't occur. Gustavo was still public enemy #1 of the tribe, but Sean began to seal his fate as he solidified an alliance of himself/GiGi/Nikola/Cole. GiGi and Nikola were all on board, but Cole secretly still wanted Sean out. He knew that Sean was in power now, but was willing to make a move against the perceived "King of Morobo".

Sean also began to lay plans for the vote after Gustavo's departure. He talked with his right-hand woman, GiGi, and planted some seeds that Nikki had been giving off some unloyal vibes. GiGi agreed.

At the challenge, the castaways were given quotes said earlier in the season. They had to identify the quote to earn a point. Sean, once again, completely dominated the challenge with some help from Nikola. Winning every single round, Morobo shut Kassala out for the second time in a row, sending them to tribal council.

Back at Kassala's camp, everyone was frustrated with another challenge loss. Having to vote someone out, the scrambling began.

Rich and Bennett talked and Bennett brought up the idea of aligning with Daniel, making them a trio. Rich agreed, but was still held uneasy trust with Bennett after the first tribal council.

Rich went to talk to Daniel about the alliance, and the two went on a walk to the water-hole together. Joe and Fowler watched from the shelter, and figured that Rich and Daniel were a close duo alliance. They brought up the idea of potentially getting rid of Daniel to split it up early, but Joe had another idea. He saw the possibility of Sean, Nikola, and Sterling all teaming up at the merge. Therefore, Sterling became the new target.

Joe went to work on getting the votes. Bennett, Daniel, and Rich quickly got on board, as their trio alliance wasn't in jeopardy. James agreed, as he was simply following Joe and Fowler's leads in the game.

The vote was set - however, right before tribal council, Joe convinced Fowler to throw his vote for Daniel, making it a 6-2 vote. That way, Joe could lie to Sean and pretend to be in the minority.

At tribal council, everything went according to plan. Joe controlled the vote perfectly, as Sterling was blindsided 6-2, giving him some leeway to make himself seem innocent in it all.
3409 days 11 hours ago
Survivor: Sudan Edgic for Episode 3:

Bennett becomes CP as he actually plays the game, finds an idol, and has some more depth to his character. The "M" comes from everyone thinking he is insane, while all he wants is a strong tribe.
Cole's storyline remains fairly stagnant - he's the rebel in Sean's kingdom, the "snake in the boot".
Sean's storyline takes a "N" spin as he is portrayed as an overconfident controller of Morobo. Also, him letting Cole into his 4-person alliance begins to reveal cracks in his game.
Fowler & Joe are both seen as game-players, kind of running the vote on Kassala. Fowler gets a fairly neutral edit but is fairly relatable, less insane than Joe which gets him "CP".
Joe is more visible, over-the-top confessionals and trashing his tribemates gets him OTTN. Also, overlooking the Daniel/Rich/Bennett alliance foreshadows a big mistake.
Rich wants a strong tribe, tries to stay alive after losing his best friend. Overwhelmingly positive, not too much depth to his character makes him OTTP.
3405 days 4 hours ago
Sudan Episode 4: "The Army Slowly Crumbles"

Kassala returned to camp, now made up of 6 members. However, even with everyone agreeing on Sterling's elimination, there was still tension at camp. Bennett's robust personality continued to annoy Fowler and Joe.  Bennett went to Rich and Daniel, and the three decided that they needed to stick together in order to stay alive. Meanwhile, James was still lying low, his loyalty completely to Joe and Fowler.

On Morobo, the tribe was in the same usual state - quiet, but dominant in challenges. Yet there was still strategy stirring. Sean was looking to add Joey as a fifth piece to his alliance of himself/GiGi/Nikola/Cole. However, Cole and Gustavo were still the rebels of Morobo. Neither supported Sean, both wanted to change the pace.

At the challenge, the castaways competed in a game of Survivor dodgeball. After a few rounds, Rich and Joe were the last remaining for Kassala. Joey, Gustavo, and Nikki remained for Morobo. As Rich and Joe both expected to take shots, they decided to catch. Sean anticipated this, and from the sidelines, instructed Joey, Gustavo, and Nikki to not throw. In the end, this worked out - Rich and Joe were out, and Morobo won their 3rd straight immunity.

Back at Kassala's camp, Bennett continued to avoid Fowler and Joe. When approached by Fowler and Joe to split up the duo of Daniel and Rich, Bennett was extremely hesitant. He was stuck on voting out James, who was dead weight in challenges.

Joe and Fowler talked, and in their frustration, decided they would vote against Bennett. They talked with Daniel and Rich, who initially agreed, and it looked like Bennett would be leaving 5-1. However, Daniel and Rich knew Bennett was an asset and felt guilty voting against him. They decided to make their stand and vote with Bennett.

At tribal council, Joe and Nathan were surprised to see the vote tie 3-3 between Bennett and James. Frustrated, Joe and Nathan talked to Rich and Daniel to see if they could reach an agreement. Daniel and Rich refused to budge, while Joe and Nathan were unwilling to go to rocks. In the end, they voted out James 4-0 on the re-vote.
3395 days 13 hours ago
Sudan Episode 5: "Running This Tribe into the Ground"

After returning to camp, it appeared that Joe and Fowler were on the bottom of their tribe after James' departure. However, they quickly got to work by going to Bennett and emphasizing that Rich and Daniel were too strong of a duo to go into the merge with. Bennett considered it, but didn't make any promises.

Rich and Daniel then talked to Bennett. The three made a pact to stick together from there on, and Bennett secured their trust by revealing that he had the hidden immunity idol.

Meanwhile on Morobo, the core alliance of Sean, Cole, GiGi, and Nikola sat around the fire, discussing what to name their alliance. After tossing around some ideas, Sean suggested "The Sudawankers", and it was decided upon.

At the challenge, there were three puzzles - a crossword puzzle, a sliding puzzle, and a jigsaw puzzle. Each tribe would select one person to complete a puzzle, and if they could complete it faster than the other tribe's representative, they would win.

Bennett was assigned the jigsaw puzzle for Kassala against Sean for Morobo.
Joe was assigned the crossword puzzle for Kassala against Gustavo for Morobo.
Nathan was assigned the sliding puzzle for Kassala against Joey for Morobo.

Joey finished first with astounding speed, winning the first point for Morobo. Joe and Gustavo both flew through their crossword puzzles, but Joe was able to narrowly beat out Gustavo. Meanwhile, Bennett was completely useless in the jigsaw puzzle, unable to figure anything out. Sean beat him easily, meaning Morobo won their 4th straight immunity.

Back at the Kassala camp, frustration towards Bennett was high. Even Rich and Daniel considered punishing Bennett for his mistakes. Joe was especially livid with Bennett's inability to complete the challenge, but he knew that he couldn't stray from his goal of splitting up the Rich/Daniel duo.

Bennett then decided to talk to each side of the tribe. He found that Daniel and Rich were voting for Joe, while Joe and Fowler were voting for Daniel. However, in his conversation with Joe and Fowler, something important was revealed. It became clear that Daniel had been playing both sides and forming connections with everyone on the tribe.

Bennett was shocked. In exchange for that information, he told Joe and Fowler about his idol. He then went to Rich and informed him that Daniel was playing a suspicious game.

At tribal council, two opposing sides came together. In a 4-1 vote, the tribe unanimously got rid of Daniel, whose antics finally caught up with him.
3395 days 13 hours ago
Sudan Episode 6: "Begging for Mercy"

Back at camp, the four remaining Kassala members re-started the fire and all reflected on the past days. They were determined to win the next immunity challenge, but with low spirits and little food, it was difficult to muster any energy.

Bennett, Joe, and Fowler met while Rich was asleep. They decided to go into the merge together, under Bennett's one condition that the alliance be called "The Founding Fathers". Joe and Fowler begrudgingly agreed.

On Morobo, the tribe prepared for the next challenge. They predicted an oncoming merge, and decided to eat the rest of the rice to give them a physical boost. The feast lifted spirits, and everyone felt energized and prepared as the next challenge arrived.

At the challenge, the castaways had to answer Survivor trivia questions that tested their knowledge of chronology. However, once a player answered correctly, they had to sit out.

As per usual, Morobo scored when Gustavo answered correctly first. On the next question, Sean answered first, scoring another point for Morobo, and leaving Nikola and GiGi in the game. Bennett scored the next point, followed by Nathan. That put the score at 2-2, Nikola & GiGi vs. Joe & Rich.

GiGi scored the next question, and Nikola the following. Morobo won immunity for the 5th time in a row, sending Kassala to tribal council with only 4 members on their tribe.

Back at camp, Rich hoped to find that he and Bennett could tie the vote against Joe and Fowler. Bennett was aligned with everyone else, but was nervous to force a fire-making tiebreaker, which meant his vote was undecided.

Joe and Fowler instantly targeted Rich, despite appreciating his personality more than Bennett's. They knew Bennett's idol could be useful, while Rich wasn't a guaranteed loyal member.

Rich begged Bennett to keep him, but Bennett realized that his best chance at success was to stick with the duo, Joe and Fowler. Shocked by Bennett's ruthlessness, Rich decided he would vote for him.

At tribal council, Rich was eliminated in a 3-1 vote, cut loose by a past-ally. The remaining Kassala members, Joe, Fowler, and Bennett were prepared for a shift in the game.
3395 days 12 hours ago
Survivor: Sudan Edgic for Episode 6:

Joe's edit starts to shift towards CPN as he's thinking long-term and strategizing, we start to see his desire to win.
Bennett's edit is still extremely mixed, he is seen as innocent, naive, but also fairly ruthless for cutting Rich.
Lots of UTR Morobo members - not much to say there, Gustavo, Sean, and Cole's story-lines have all remained the same.
Rich gets the "Pre-Merge Hero" edit, through and through.
3393 days 2 hours ago
Blah blah blah, Gustavo dominates.
3392 days 9 hours ago
Sudan Episode 7: "Kicked Into High Gear"

Kassala returned to camp, emotionally exhausted. Hoping for a merge, they finished their rice and went to sleep without any discussion. The next morning, they awoke to tree-mail telling them to pack their things and follow a map to a new area. Feeling newly energized, they took all their belongings, waved goodbye to the cursed Kassala camp, and ventured off.

The Morobo camp, all extremely bored, were ecstatic to find the tree-mail. In a hurry, they packed all their things and started the trek, practically jumping for joy.

At the new destination, the two tribes merged into the purple Tambura tribe, consisting of ten members. Since both tribes had left their camps behind, they started to work on their new camp, which also held a new idol.

Cole and Joe went off to gather some firewood together. Cole quickly told Joe that he wanted Sean out, and the two decided to align and share information. Cole revealed that him and Gustavo would flip. Joe revealed that Bennett was on the bottom of Kassala, but was needed for his idol. They agreed to work together for this vote to ensure that they'd both survive.

Later that day, Sean gathered the Sudawankers alliance and they all promised to stick together. They decided that when the time came, they'd have to tell Gustavo a fake vote so that he would leak false information to Kassala.

At the challenge, the castaways were given various tasks; they each wrote down a time in which they thought they could complete the task, and the person with the fastest time had to actually do the task. Again and again, the castaways overestimated their abilities and were eliminated. It came down to GiGi and Gustavo. When Gustavo successfully completed the final task, he won individual immunity.

Back at camp, the Sudawankers instantly met and decided that the vote would be Bennett, as he was the least predictable to have an idol played on him. However, when Gustavo walked over to the group, they pretended to all decide on Joe.

Bennett, Gustavo, Joe, Fowler, and Cole then met and Bennett officially inducted the flippers, Cole and Gustavo, into "the Founding Fathers". Gustavo then revealed that the vote would be for Joe. Cole, knowing the real vote, kept quiet until Gustavo left to go get some water. Then, he told Joe, Fowler, and Bennett the real plan - that Bennett was getting votes. Cole also told them that he would still vote for Bennett to convince the Sudawankers that he was with them still - it wouldn't matter, as long as Bennett played his idol.

Meanwhile, Nikki, not being a part of any alliance, was completely clueless on who to vote for. She caught wind of Morobo's "fake vote" and believed that Joe was the target.

At tribal council, the careful plan crafted by Joe, Cole, and Bennett was narrowly successful. Bennett played his idol on himself and negated 5 votes against him (from the Sudawankers, including Cole). Then, in a 3-2 vote, Sean was eliminated by the Kassala members. His reign as the king of Morobo quickly came to an end, as an idol and loose information played into his demise. As his torch was snuffed, a large grin spread across Cole's face.
3392 days 8 hours ago
Sudan Episode 8: "Officially Dead to Me"

The Tambura tribe returned to camp, most people confused and shocked by the vote. The Sudawankers met again, but everyone felt strange without Sean there. GiGi stepped up as the leader and told them that they needed to stick together. Also, in order to unify them, she told them that she had the idol that they could use to ensure that no more of them went home.

Upon hearing this, Cole hid his smile with his buff.

The next morning, GiGi approached Gustavo. She wanted to gain his loyalty, but Gustavo knew that Morobo had fed him a fake vote, and he was unwilling to go back to them. Gustavo decided that for now, he would stick with the Founding Fathers.

Meanwhile, Bennett went to Gustavo and Cole. He told them that Joe and Fowler were extremely close after their pre-merge trials, and so he offered them a Final 3. Everyone agreed, but Cole knew there was no way he would go to the end with Bennett.

At the challenge, the castaways were tested on their knowledge of the elements and the chemical symbols. They had to arrange words using the element's chemical symbols. Nobody felt entirely safe, so despite a competitive spirit in everyone, nobody could beat Joey. He dominated the challenge and ensured himself safety.

Back at camp, the five Founding Fathers met. Cole knew he had to actually flip this time, and Gustavo needed to be on the same page about the vote. They decided to vote for Nikola, who had performed decently in past challenges, and could pose a future threat.

At the same time, GiGi rallied her Morobo troops. They decided that Joe was the biggest threat, and believing that Cole was with them, thought they'd at least have a 5-4 majority.

At tribal council, lines were drawn in the sand as Cole officially sided with the Founding Fathers, eliminating Nikola and saving Joe in a close 5-4 vote.
3392 days 7 hours ago
Sudan Episode 9: "C'est La Vie"

Returning to camp, GiGi was shocked by the vote. Nobody was quite sure who flipped, but when Nikki went straight into the shelter to sleep, GiGi figured it was probably her. Ironically, she confided in Cole, who she considered one of her closest allies at this point. She told him that she was gonna try to flip the game, and would use her idol to do it.

The next morning, Cole told the Founding Fathers about GiGi's idol, and said he'd make sure they navigated it properly.

At the challenge, the castaways had to assemble words based on a list of letters given. The longest word would score a point. Yet again, Joey dominated, this time knowing that he was completely on the chopping block. He secured immunity with little competition against him.

Back at camp, Joey took the lead on trying to secure a majority. He gathered everyone from Morobo and assured them that Kassala would gain the upper hand if they didn't unite at this tribal council. Everyone nodded in agreement, including Cole. GiGi and Joey then talked to everyone individually, trying to make sure that the vote would go their way, and vote out Bennett.

Meanwhile, the Founding Fathers met. They decided that Nikki was the least likely to have an idol played on her, and it was basically the "safe vote", so that they could continue to dominate the post-merge.

At tribal council, GiGi felt in danger and played her idol on herself. She was shocked when Nikki started receiving votes, the person who she thought had flipped. In a 5-3 vote, the old Morobo members continued to face the chopping block.
3392 days 7 hours ago
Sudan Episode 10: "I Have Fire in Me"

Returning to camp, Joey and GiGi knew they were on the absolute bottom. The puzzle pieces began to come together, and with Nikki gone, they knew it was actually Cole who had been the mole the entire time. GiGi, who had been close with Cole, was shocked and felt betrayed. Still, both her and Joey were determined to turn the game around and stay alive, at any cost.

Meanwhile, among the Founding Fathers, paranoia started to rise about the merged idol, which had yet to be played or even talked about. This late in the game, they realized the idol could screw them over. They all searched tirelessly, but found nothing.

At the challenge, the castaways had to give their own personal opinions on each tribe-mate, and then guess what the majority of the tribe would say.

The tribe said JOEY was most likely to go home that night.
The tribe said NATHAN was the nicest person on the tribe.
The tribe said JOEY was the meanest person on the tribe.
The tribe said BENNETT and COLE were most likely to stab someone in the back.
The tribe said BENNETT falsely believed he was in control of the game.
The tribe said JOEY was the person they wouldn't talk to after the season.
The tribe said BENNETT was most likely to return for an All-Star season.
The tribe said BENNETT was the funniest.
The tribe said BENNETT was the most annoying.
The tribe said JOEY was the best physical player.
The tribe said COLE was the best social player.
The tribe said JOE was the best strategic player.
The tribe said GUSTAVO and NATHAN didn't deserve to be in the game.
The tribe said COLE would win the season.

By the end, Cole and GiGi were tied. They competed in a tiebreaker challenge, and GiGi came out on top, winning immunity and saving herself.

Back at camp, the Fouding Fathers met - with idol paranoia still running rampant, they excluded Bennett from their conversation and discussed splitting the vote between him and Joey. That way, it would tie be a 3-2-2 vote, and the vote would tie if an idol was played.

With this information in mind, Gustavo became motivated to make a move, especially after seeing that people thought he was undeserving. He ran to GiGi and Joey (who were currently planning on voting for Joe), and he told them that they could vote for Cole, giving them a majority. Joey was hesitant, insisting that a Kassala needed to leave, and Gustavo agreed.

Right before tribal council, the plans of the Founding Fathers changed. Without telling Gustavo, they decided to not split the votes and include Bennett in their plan, giving them a majority.

At tribal council, Joey was voted out 4-3, with Gustavo throwing himself into the minority. This left GiGi as the last loyal Sudawanker, but with the motivation to keep fighting.

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