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Final Tribal Council | All-STARS

Topic » Final Tribal Council |..

1401 days 21 hours ago
Well.... after this whole ass mess....

I would like to congratulate both of you on making it this far, that is certainly no small feat! And as someone who was in there once before I know how hard it is to plead your case and how you just feel you want to be heard out. So I would love to hear what you guys did to get here.

I would like for both of you to state a move that you INDIVIDUALLY made, and how you used that to further yourself in the game! As someone on the outside, I would like to see what you controlled behind the scenes!
1401 days 21 hours ago
Josh, we didn't talk much, but I personally found your game to be a bit boring. But, to be fair, that may just be because we were on opposite sides. Ask anyone who's been in Ponderosa for a while, I've likened you to furniture, because I haven't felt like you've done much. But, much like if Woo Hwang took Kass over Tony, you'll be getting my vote over the absolute goat you're sitting next to.

Yeah, it is boring on the outside, and I own that. I had my people, i wanted to get to the end with them, and I wanted to sit here with the best person I could beat. We didn't get to meet until the merge, and in a 24 person cast thats a hella of long time, once the merge hit i knew exactly who i wanted to work with and what I needed to do, and you were a roadblock in that plan. My mistake is I should have gotten to get to know you more, im a self proclaimed robot gamebot.

Tell me something you learned about each Juror, a personal thing. And don't use my pronouns, we are all VERY AWARE of them at this point.

1. Josh Carrotboyo- Brazil was his first tengaged groupgame ever which was me and tim's series lol and is tims fav person lol. 

2. Kevin: Loves the bengals and Joe Burrow, although they are trash, hes the one and only trinity deception island winner. Big into collecting sports memorabilia and thinks golf is the hardest sport.

3. Nathorix: Loves nick wilson lol, and that he loves apex, gotta to get into that btw.

4: AJ: Never really got the chance to get to know ya and i own that, im sorry i dont know too much on you unfortunately :(

5: Ikah: my bvw partner, my groupgame brother, we were mega rivals for years on tengaged, mainly ikah fucking up me and tim (lionsden) lol. I know your a big twolves fan and sports fan aswell. 

6. James: James is super well known in this community and were both in loyals skype chat lol dont know i ended up in there though i think julie bullock added me

7: TJ: we always joked about how i would vote you out of everygame since 2016, but i have honestly gone to really love ya these past few weeks. We do watch HSMTMTM, and that is me exposing me a lil bit lol cause no one would ever think that lol.

8. Kyle: i know kyle went to the university of Tennessee and is a sports fan aswell, i think ya like the bulls, but supporting my lakers is a W

9. Harry: I know he runs Crash Pad, i gotta play that one day

10. Sergent: My Canadian buddy, personal thing i know is that he loves hockey and beer lol. Not hard to figure out lol, king.

11.  X: I know X loves to clean his house a lot, and recently got engaged :)
1401 days 21 hours ago
The jury is here to ask questions to the finalists. If you don't have questions then why are you responding. That's your issue. You always have to have the last word in. And i'm just not the girl for that.
1401 days 21 hours ago

I appreciate your answers! And I also like the fact you didn't try to pull an answer out of your ass for me. I'll be real, I know nothing about you either. So I didn't expect you to know much about me. Thanks for explaining yourself well.
1401 days 21 hours ago
TJ- I would like for both of you to state a move that you INDIVIDUALLY made, and how you used that to further yourself in the game! As someone on the outside, I would like to see what you controlled behind the scenes!

I think it'd be the most obvious move for me to say that i definitely single-handedly sent Kevin out (Sorry kev) And while it seemed stupid in the moment, it was the best move i could've possibly made in the game. It made the other side NEED me. Something that wouldn't have happened if Kevin was left in the game. I see myself leaving anywhere from when AJ goes to when Kyle goes. I don't think i even make finale night, let alone get to the final two. Misvoting for kevin was the best thing for my game and allowed me to see multiple viewpoints of where alliances laid in it.
1401 days 21 hours ago

Josh- that question may be a little easier for you, so I’ll go with this: Rank the jury based on overall gameplay, 1 being the best, 11 being the worst.

1. X - dominated strategically, the ability to make plans and deals round after round and be needed each time and not be targeted is pretty damn impressive.

2.  Sergent - Super reliable and played a damn good social game, no one had any beef with you and you made super lowkey impressive moves to deflect idol plays.

3. Harry- You had a rough go but you hung on for dear life, and were two immunities from the W more than likely. You knew I had to go, and I respect that you told me that straight up that you were coming for.

4. Ikah - Although you got 9th you knew exactly what you had to do, and when you have a plan you know how to get people in your corner. I think we know our games better than anyone here.

5. Kyle - No one could say a negative thing about you, and round after round people didnt want to vote you, including myself, meaning you had a strong social game and seemed necessary for people to keep around.

6. Kevin - robbed king, we planned everything in and out and your placement does not determine your gameplay, people kept coming for ya and we kept plucking them out lol.

7. TJ - you always have good reads on the game and know who is the right person to go for, yall had it rough in the minority, but you targeted the right people, and i know you had your people who were willing to fight for you.

8. James- you are a king at social strategy and getting people to like you and can dominate comps.

9. AJ - You were a huge threat and to make the jury and get to the placement you did and to be needed to get idoled out shows that despite being a threat you were crushing it strategically.

10. Nathorix - played pretty UTR, but you had your people, but people recognized you were a threat in the game, had you gone further i think we wouldve seen a really lowkey strong game.

11. Carrotboyo - wish we couldve seen more of you Josh, you play the game really solid and loyal.
1401 days 21 hours ago
Josh- I didn’t go to UT, I said that bc I guessed Knoxville TN for an idol and that was the story I got lol, but I understand why you may have misunderstood. Thank you for answering my question

Nik- You genuinely surprised me with that answer. Good job.

Good luck to the both of you
1401 days 21 hours ago
Grats on f2 BOTH of you. My vote is decided but i said fuck that. Tell me who the worst LKBR prod member and why its livingston.

Then i want you to look deep inside yourself and tell me NOT about the game but about yourself. What did you learn. Ik this will be hard for Someone with like 10% of thier active emotion... Josh... But id love to hear the struggles you had and the happy moments. The rest of this jury is gonna grill your games or if your aj then attack nik even more in jury BUT i wanna spread some good and hear from yall. This was an amazing chance we were all given my Liv kyle and billy and i wanna know that you took it as such.

The worst LKB member is livingston, did yall see him in that tengaged user comp where they had to scrap and give us flappy bird. The livingstons carried him and the fact that we were the final 4 is kinda depressing because it makes livingston look good. his series was literally called L's survivor at one point.

What did you learn. Ik this will be hard for Someone with like 10% of thier active emotion... Josh... But id love to hear the struggles you had and the happy moments.

This game was honestly so much fun for me. I played this game with no pressure on my back, if i flopped i flopped, and i wanted to have fun with it. Being able to bitch about prod with Kevin and X and just joke around and not just game. Was such a fun highlight.

Talking basketball and sports in the main chat was fun, this season was just so much more chill for me than Iraq, where the pressure was so much there. Also joking with the winners how they are letting us slide by was fun.

The low moments were Kevin getting voted out, and me having to vote out X and Josh R. The finale was gross for me, having to turn on the people who risked their games for me sucked, but in the end i had to do what was necessary to get to this point. The reason why i felt like i succeeded was i just had a lot of fun with the game instead of stress it over every second.
1401 days 20 hours ago
Josh what was your plan if i took nik out at f5 like i could of
1401 days 20 hours ago
Josh- I didn’t go to UT, I said that bc I guessed Knoxville TN for an idol and that was the story I got lol, but I understand why you may have misunderstood. Thank you for answering my question

Kyle FSFSJFBKSF i thought i learned about you going to UT in the main chat that one day, omg that was the idol guess location you went to lmao

Well i learned something knew that i thought i knew lmao
1401 days 20 hours ago
1401 days 20 hours ago
1401 days 20 hours ago

I would like for both of you to state a move that you INDIVIDUALLY made, and how you used that to further yourself in the game! As someone on the outside, I would like to see what you controlled behind the scenes!

Okay some moves that i helped orchestrate and put my neck on the line at f23, birks was successfully blowing up kevins spot, and i was sitting in a good spot, and i couldve let him sink but i wasnt going to let birks do that so i informed kevin and made sure kevin and X would be good and clear the air, and then we created a trio that lasted a hella long time.

I felt i was a large force in keeping livingston strong, and making sure that people wouldnt detract from the alliance.

Playing the idol on Nik kept Nik as a target for the other side and left Nik as expendable on the alliance i was ins side of X and Serg thus them targeting nik over me.

I am not a fan of making bold individualistic moves only when they are necessary, but making subtle moves and making yourself very difficult to get out and keeping people in line.

I did try and transfer immunity to Kevin at f13 and claim to have a legacy advantage, and put faith that ikah tj and kyle would not target me, because i knew theyd go after kevin, but i tried doing it 2 hours after the challenge, and they didnt let me. It was super risky but i believe wouldve been worth the risk, but never came to fruition.
1401 days 20 hours ago

Lots of other things behind the scenes, i was being told of pretty much what was gonna go down, i know X and Sergent were wheeling and dealing with you guys each round and hearing that you were pushing for me to go, but that it was never gonna happen, so i didnt ever feel in danger even in close votes against me.

Most of the ideology i wanted to instill this game worked, keeping winners strong and watching eachothers back, and staying livingston strong and me X and sergent kept our partnership very quiet. And me x and kevin kept our trio pretty quiet aswell.

Most people were focused in on me and Nik, but i had that in my backpocket while putting my eggs in X Serg and Kevin moreso throughout the game.
1401 days 20 hours ago

Josh what was your plan if i took nik out at f5 like i could of

Honestly would have been the best move, had Nik gone home at 5, we wouldve needed Harry out still and then it locks me u and sergent as a f3, and if harry wins at 4, harry and sergent vote me at 4 and then it would go to fire if you stick with me and if sergent goes at 4, its me u and harry and both of us would take you i believe. 

It wouldve cemented you probably in final 2 more than likely.

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