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Topic » TSC BETA 165

161 days 23 hours ago
01) Solange - MOMMM I love this song so so much she is perfection and beauty and her music means so much to me
02) Kelvin Momo and Babalwa M - didn’t think I would like this one at first but actually I like the chill fi vibe maybe a lil long though
03) Backstreet Boys - interesting choice I’m not a big boy band kinda guy especially this kinda beggy song
04) Eva Cassidy - sublime vocals I also have to ascend
05) New Radicals - classic! One I can always bop too
06) B2K, P. Diddy - not my thing but I can appreciate
07) Jesse McCartney - who is this man oh no
08) Yeah Yeah Yeahs - one of their BESTTT imo I feel like I’m in a music video too listening to this
09) BeBe Zahara Benet - I don’t rlly like the drag girls music in general lmao but ok work Bebe this is so fun and boppy
10) Snakehips - this is also a vibe and something that I wouldn’t normally listen to so it’s nice to discover
11) MIRANDA - this is so mom lmao yessss I MOVED
12) Emilia, TINI - also got my life to this
157 days 21 hours ago
01) Solange - This was quite nice! Chill, enjoyable overall! A calming way to start the week :)
02) Kelvin Momo and Babalwa M - I give my children options in life. Either they can enjoy Kelvin Momo or they can leave my home
03) Backstreet Boys - No. I hate them sorry
04) Eva Cassidy - This was really cute :) A bit forgettable, but in a week this short that's not really a problem
05) New Radicals - Heard this on the radio a few times. It's decent! Not life changing, but it's solid :)
06) B2K, P. Diddy - Not really my scene of music, but it could've been way worse
07) Jesse McCartney - I find the voice kind of annoying, the song a little generic, but overall it's honestly fine. Middling overall
08) Yeah Yeah Yeahs - I love the chaotic energy in this YASSSS!!! Honestly a bit of a slay, I appreciate this a lot <3333
09) BeBe Zahara Benet - LMFAO this was absolutely awful I LOVE ITTT
10) Snakehips - Tinashe mother, but the rapping was not really my thing sadly
11) MIRANDA - WHAT IS THIS? And why is it SERVING? Honestly, BOPPP!!!
12) Emilia, TINI - A fun way to close the edition! It's generic and I've heard this kinda thing lots, but this served as the way to close!
156 days 21 hours ago
01) Solange – This beat gets on my nerve quickly and her vocals are just so irritating and this is not a pleasant piece
02) Kelvin Momo and Babalwa M – Well this has good ethnic music to it but it does drag on for way too long than what is needed from it
03) Backstreet Boys – Who doesn’t love a good boy band and this is a nice and warm whimsical tune I can’t get out of my head humming along
04) Eva Cassidy – She got a great voice attached to this but the music itself goes at a slumber pace and drags it down sadly
05) New Radicals – Yes, I am pumping along to this punk rock song I’m thankful to be reminded of its greatness as this is a real treat
06) B2K, P. Diddy – I don’t think anyone asked for this with the same beat and the no energy vocals and is just not relevant
07) Jesse McCartney – He has got the range and that country music really suits him as I am fully into this jam actually so good job
08) Yeah Yeah Yeahs – This is a different sound to what I am use to and the moaning doesn’t help and is a mess with the music ready to combust
09) BeBe Zahara Benet – Who asked for a cover of this song and this remix just makes it so much worse rapping to anything
10) Snakehips – This is a rather nice contemporary song that I can groove to and these singers work well together and it is a good sound
11) MIRANDA – Now this is a banger and a half making me feel like we are already in Summer as everything about it is popping
12) Emilia, TINI – You know what I am digging this one with the beat being funky and sounds very modern and it is rather catchy
156 days 16 hours ago
01) Solange - yes I know this song well, very pretty , and enough time has passed since I last heard it to make it sound fresh.

02) Kelvin Momo and Babalwa M - in a way this transported me to another world and realm, the lenght was no issue and i would support introducing a cap on the amount of songs 5 Mins or more eligible to be entered

03) Backstreet Boys - cringe, but in fairness, listenable

04) Eva Cassidy - godd whatever happened to her, this album was HUGE for years. Pretty song and pretty voicd , just a tad bland

05) New Radicals - one of the biggest one hit wonders, honestly the whole thing just seems a little sad now

06) B2K, P. Diddy - honesty I enjoyed this more than I thought I would

07) Jesse McCartney - why is this 16 year old stalking this adult woman?

08) Yeah Yeah Yeahs - has never been one of my favourites from them, but good pick

09) BeBe Zahara Benet - how and where in the world did this chart, i am genuinely curious

10) Snakehips - nice sing, bit bland but sure it is what it is

11) MIRANDA - ohh wow that was just awful

12) Emilia, TINI - bop Alert, yes generic, but who cares when it's this much fun
156 days 12 hours ago
01) Solange: Awwwww yesssss. I don’t really listen to this as much as I probably should. It always hits. Very nice
02) Kelvin Momo and Babalwa M: Frank Ocean was the blueprint. Obviously I stan the blatant disregard for the rules. Rules were made to be broken! This is really solid background music tbh. They put their whole pussies in this entry and I’m about it even if it’s not the total gag I want it to be
03) Backstreet Boys: I’m always astounded at the lack of Backstreet Boys in beta thus far (I ate with my win with them). It’s not my favorite song by them at all, but idgaf. I just love how cheesy this shit is. Dads
04) Eva Cassidy: This is very soothing. Yasssss
05) New Radicals: This song has always been cute. Very 90s and we love that
06) B2K, P. Diddy: P. Diddy is…well P. Diddy but you can always count on him to produce some bangers. This song gagged me at 7, and I’m still gagged at 28. Yassssss
07) Jesse McCartney: Honestly, I’m a Jesse truther and if that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right. He has some bops - past and present. That said, this song has not aged very well lol. But it’s cute
08) Yeah Yeah Yeahs: This isn’t my favorite band I fear. This is fine. Sure
09) BeBe Zahara Benet: a’spgjaoithgasoi;heoig;as9hgaieutahigso’aklfjkjaoeighiaosdfuihega’sofuha
10) Snakehips: Another one of my college defining songs. I really did live for Tinashe and Chance. Even without the nostalgia, this is just such a vibe. Very me
11) MIRANDA: Well this week needed a miss at some point. This makes me hate the beach. And sand. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
12) Emilia, TINI: Has TINI ever made a positive contribution to music? Because I have yet to hear it. This song is such a bore to me. This was a good week until I realized I have to point one of the last two songs. I really lost
155 days 23 hours ago
01. solange - can't think of a single person who would hate this song in their own right... so palatable and beautiful, legendary song
02. kelvin momo - restriction rules are so fuckin stupid ijbol. anyways this is really smooth. gorgeous arrangements throughout. very hypnotic
03. backstreet boys - i suppose all their good stuffs been sent huh!!! this really hasn't stood the test of time i fear. very bland, i guess u had to be there and im an 04 baby sooo
04. eva cassidy - sosososo pretty wowww... im a bit taken aback by this white woman witha. guitar. very gorg!!!
05. new radicals - as a kid i was indoctrinated by straightwhite heterosexual men who hyped up this song as objectively one of the most perfect pop songs ever. maybe its the stockholm syndrome still kicking in but i like this still! very charming. thank god they didnt stick around though
06. b2k - separating the art from the weird men who released it (omarion is a weirdo and diddy is a full on groomer/pedo/rapist/trifling faggot), this is one of the most exemplary songs of the 2000s. so many girls are trying to replicate this song in 2023. iconic i fear
07. jesse mccartney - was jesse mccartney the charlie puth of the 2000s?? i fear 'leavin' is his only good song. i didnt like this at awwwwll sorry
08. yeah yeah yeahs - another band i've never really connected with + i just don't really care for what i've heard from them. i guess this is cute, has an 80s alternative vibe 2 it. if i squint i can see me getting my life to this on vice city. it's kyuuute, probably better than i'm giving it credit for.
09. bebe zahara benet - she knew cher was coming and had to keep her crown still!!! we love u bebe<3
10. snakehips - i appreciate every attmpt to get my girl tina on beta every time. i don't think ive ever heard this funnily enough but it's really nice. she never lets me down. oh the chorus is kind of horrible what in the alessia cara. let me not say anyting. it's chance's fault!!!!!!
11. miranda - stan loona. iconic song though.
12. emilia, tini - when .mp3 came out this was one of the songs i didn't like at all but it did grow on me. very generic (as opposed to literally most of the album) but a bop nonetheless. if the fifty year old gay men who look like jamie lee curtis can have padam padam, the gen zers who never leave their house can have this.
155 days 15 hours ago
1. Has a nice vibe to it
2. Congrats on 12th place I guess
3. It was very backstreet boys lol
4. This was quite nice, very pleasant
5. Recognised it as soon as it started. Great song
6. Not my vibe at all!
7. This was quite good
8. Bippity Bippity bop
9. Bebe turned that boring ass song into a bop!
10. This was kind of a vibe
11. I was vibing to it!
12. The “.mp3” really sells it tbh
155 days 2 hours ago
01) Solange - u know ive never actually gotten into solange’s music. this was cute however like she was serving angelic a bit. quite peaceful. i don’t love it but yes shes decent!

02) Kelvin Momo and Babalwa M - theres NO way @ 209 point penalty. this is the beta i know and love. as for the song i knew it was going to drag straight from the beginning. like how is the first minute + going to be the exact same instrument over and over. i usually live for the long ass songs partially for the ironic factor but this is just long for absolutely no reason. its giving extended version of a song that a total of 2 people end up streaming.

03) Backstreet Boys - i was never a fan of the backstreet boys or anything.. this did not exactly change my opinion.

04) Eva Cassidy - OKAYYY SONGBIRD. the single art is taking me out for some reason. this was gorj a bit actually.. im guessing this is ancient but still she mothered here sm.

05) New Radicals - whats w all the SCREAMING at the beginning. relax mama. ill be honest i didnt live for this unfortunately. it was just not my style at awlll.

06) B2K, P. Diddy - not p diddy eww. he makes me cringe sm. yea this was nawt it unfortunately. i just feel like this type of song has been done wayy better. the entire thing from the song to the artist is a boot

07) Jesse McCartney - okayyy jesse mccartney. this was cute enough i feel. the production was nice.

08) Yeah Yeah Yeahs - shes kind of mothering with that bawb. i would not say i love this at all but i like it and thats above the standard for this week so far so good job.

09) BeBe Zahara Benet - YASSSSSSSSSSS MOTHER. NOW WHERE THE HELL DID THIS CHART. i believe it actually broke the cameroon charts. so real. when she started spitting im cryingg. this was so camp im obsessd

10) Snakehips - omgg i used to find this song so annoying. but u know what its grown on me. that chorus sorta is nostalgic. i like it!

11) MIRANDA - YASSSSSSS WE ARE VAMOSING A LA PLAYA IN DECEMBER! need summer so bad after seeing this

12) Emilia, TINI - oh they ended everyone. such a fucking bAWPPPP its just so good girls
154 days 22 hours ago
01) Solange - Lmaoooooo this plays at Starbucks alllllll the time. It’s very pretty!!! Much more so than when I hear it through our store speakers lmao. Very gorgeous yes, a little too artsy for me at points but also very gorgeous in the chorus.

02) Kelvin Momo and Babalwa M - This being only a month old is very shocking to me lmaooo. Yeah no. Too long and I’m not into pure dance music.

03) Backstreet Boys - Ummmm. It’s fine. It’s whatever. No magic in this.

04) Eva Cassidy - Oh now this I can get behind yessssssss. Oh her voice is gorgeousssssss. This feels very of its time but like…I’m a fan of that romantic 90s sound so yeah I’m gonna be a fan of this. Gorgeous!!!

05) New Radicals - Oh I’m so sorry this just isn’t for me at all 🫂

06) B2K, P. Diddy - Finally a fucking HITTTTTT these lyrics skskskskskssk yeah this chorus is gooooooodd. This is sooooo fun!!! BUMP BUMP BUMP

07) Jesse McCartney - Oh my god I blocked this song from my memory sksksksskskskskskskskssksks omg what a HITTTTT. I remember identifying with him so much just bc he voiced jojo in that mid 2000s remake of Horton hears a who like he was speaking directly TO ME! This is so funny and nostalgic yassssssss

08) Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Hmmmmm. The verses aren’t my fave but the pre chorus and chorus build really nicely. It’s fine. Yeah it’s fine. Her voice will remain not for me particularly, especially in the verses like girlllll find the note. Actually yeah I’ve been convinced by the song, this builds sooooooo nicely, good song!!!

09) BeBe Zahara Benet - Wait…if you’re serving cunt…and I’m serving cunt…then WHOS FLYING THE PLANE????

10) Snakehips - Oh bawpppppp. Tinashe literally doesn’t miss does she like whoa. Okay this chorus is garbage. But the verses like whoaaaaaa. Okay never mind Tinashes verse is the only good part of this LMAO I forgot how much I disliked chance the rapper.

11) MIRANDA - This is hilariously bad to me LMAO I’m sorry. 

12) Emilia, TINI - Don’t like this as much as no se ve or GTA but it’s fine. It doesn’t fully hit me tbh.
154 days 3 hours ago
I'm not spamming for a new page SO HERE'S RESULTS!
154 days 3 hours ago
First, here's the WHO'S WHO.

FromAWindow        Eva Cassidy
humanwebjet        Backstreet Boys
ilovetosing        Jesse McCartney
Joee323        Yeah Yeah Yeahs
LornaHollas        BeBe Zahara Benet
PennyTrationStan        Solange
QueenMichelle        Snakehips
ryan5676        MIRANDA
SeaViper        Kevin Momo and Babalwa M
tbrown_47        B2K,P.Diddy
Tepr        Emilia, TINI
turkeylover        New Radicals

turkeylover failed to vote even after a day extension was given, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
154 days 3 hours ago
Now here are the votes!

tbrown_47        B2K,P.Diddy
01        Emilia, TINI
02        BeBe Zahara Benet
03        Yeah Yeah Yeahs
04        New Radicals
05        Jesse McCartney
06        Kevin Momo and Babalwa M
07        Solange
08        Eva Cassidy
10        Backstreet Boys
and 12 points go to…       
154 days 3 hours ago
humanwebjet        Backstreet Boys
01        Emilia, TINI
02        Eva Cassidy
03        BeBe Zahara Benet
04        Snakehips
05        Jesse McCartney
06        Solange
07        New Radicals
08        Yeah Yeah Yeahs
10        Kevin Momo and Babalwa M
and 12 points go to…       
154 days 3 hours ago
Joee323        Yeah Yeah Yeahs
01        Backstreet Boys
02        B2K,P.Diddy
03        BeBe Zahara Benet
04        New Radicals
05        Kevin Momo and Babalwa M
06        Snakehips
07        Eva Cassidy
08        MIRANDA
10        Emilia, TINI
and 12 points go to…       
154 days 3 hours ago
SeaViper        Kevin Momo and Babalwa M
01        B2K,P.Diddy
02        Snakehips
03        New Radicals
04        Jesse McCartney
05        Solange
06        Emilia, TINI
07        Eva Cassidy
08        MIRANDA
10        Yeah Yeah Yeahs
and 12 points go to…       
BeBe Zahara Benet!!!

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