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Applications (Due on June 4th @ 11:59PM EST)

Topic » Applications (Due on June 4th..

3662 days 22 hours ago
Name: Tray Jacobs
Age: 17
Time-Zone: EST

Favorite Big Brother Season & Why:  BB7(All-Stars) because I felt like it was an actual all-star season in which u didn't know what would happen next

Favorite Big Brother Player & Why: Janelle because she is the competition queen. Whenever it looked like she had been defeated she managed to come out of no where and pull out a win

Describe Yourself as a Person: I'm cry outgoing, loud, unpredictable, and at times a bit cocky

Describe Yourself as a Player: I'm a strategic player who likes weigh all of my options before
narrowing it down to my final decision

Describe a Perfect Ally: Someone who is loyal to mainly me and someone who will report back to me instantly whenever there's trouble ahead

Describe a Horrible Housemate: someone who is inactive all of the time or someone who takes the game way to seriously

What Makes You Unique: I tend to over analyze a lot of situations which could hinder my game but typically allows me to come to the best decisions that send me further into the competition. Also, I do things for my best interest regardless of anyone that I may be aligned with
3662 days 21 hours ago
Name: Vanille
Age: 16
Time-Zone: EST
Favorite Big Brother Season & Why: Probably 14, I loved the twist and Willies Expulsion lol. Janelle was obviously robbed and JennCity was a goddess. So yeah.
Favorite Big Brother Player & Why: Helen, I love her wit and charisma. I love how she ran the house and I hope I have that power too.
Describe Yourself as a Person: Hmm, Im very cheerful and peppy. I like to keep a light mood. As long as others are happy and we have no drama, then I'm happy. I'm very social and am described as others as being ditzy and clumsy. I'm not the smartest, but I still got game.
Describe Yourself as a Player: I'm all about honesty, I like to keep loyal people close. I'll probably lay low at first, but then be the social butterfly that I really am.
Describe a Perfect Ally: Hmm, probably someone who is honest and loyal. Someone who won't put a knife in your back. Also a nice person like me.
Describe a Horrible Housemate: Someone who is a snake. They lie and backstab to make their way to the end. I just can't stand dishonesty. I understand it's a game, but a girl has to have class!
What Makes You Unique: I'm probably the only houseguest that will never lie and play an honest game. Something I can be proud of.
3662 days 21 hours ago
Name: Oliver C (Marble)
Age: 13
Time-Zone: EST
Favorite Big Brother Season & Why: Big Brother 10. Simple yet entertaining since fights almost every episode and Libra whooping ass.
Favorite Big Brother Player & Why: Reagan from BB12, since he knew how to play an amazing social game all while keeping himself off many people's radar's.
Describe Yourself as a Person: I am usually very upbeat and charismatic about thing's. However, this doesn't mean i cant be lethal when it come's to making game changing moves. I usually act very kind toward's people's faces and try to avoid as many fights as possible, but for all you know right after i'll go behind your back and fuck you over. ;)
Describe Yourself as a Player: Basically the same thing. I'll be kind and caring when i need to but i am NOT afraid to throw my closest ally under the bus to get myself one step closer to a million dollar's.
Describe a Perfect Ally: Someone who is EASILY manipulated into doing whatever i want that is also good at competitions. He/She would probably be cut at the F4 or somewhere around there, since would probably be more liked/popular than me.
Describe a Horrible Housemate: Someone who know's how to wrap people around their finger and use them perfectly without them noticing.
What Makes You Unique: I am not afraid to admit that i am a two faced bitch honestly. I embrace it C:
3662 days 21 hours ago
Name: Aidan Mordas
Age: 13
Time-Zone: Eastern
Favorite Big Brother season & why: Big brother 13 because I liked how all the returning couples.
Favorite Big Brother player & why: Rachel Riley because she's a comp beast, and she has the perfect showmance. 
Describe yourself as a person: Smart, Physical, Quiet, and Outgoing
Describe yourself as a player: I like to stay under the radar although if I need to make a big move I will
Describe a perfect ally: Someone whose loyal. As well as someone who when I cant compete in hoh will try to win.
Describe a horrible houseguest: Rude, and Obnoxious
What makes you a unique houseguest: I'm a unique houseguest because I am a TV/ reality buff. I also am very smart, and like math the best. I also have a good memory.
3662 days 8 hours ago
Name:Drew White
Age: 21
Time-Zone: Atlantic
Favorite Big Brother season & why:Big brother 6, the perfect amount of drama, gameplay and hilariousness plus Janney <3
Favorite Big Brother player & why: Britney , shes hilarious and actually good at comps and strategy plus shes just doesnt care she'll tear anyone up anytime
Describe yourself as a person: Smart, funny,kind and crafty
Describe yourself as a player: I like to play UTR but i usually end up leading a side, im smart and able to make up good moves and im social that I rarely make enemies
Describe a perfect ally: Loyalty is number one and able to win comps not just ride on my success
Describe a horrible houseguest: Boring,lame or egotistical
What makes you a unique houseguest: I want to have fun be social and be hilarious, seriously were here to have fun for frig sakes
3662 days 7 hours ago
Age: 17
Time-Zone: EST
Favorite Big Brother season & why: BB8 Great cast plus ED, Eric, Jessica :)
Favorite Big Brother player & why: Alison Irwin She ran that BB4 house
Describe yourself as a person: Amazing
Describe yourself as a player: Charismatic and calculated
Describe a perfect ally: 100% loyalty and communication always
Describe a horrible houseguest: One who thinks they are always in control, then they leave pre jury and its hilarious
What makes you a unique houseguest: Im amazing. I love drama and am not scared to get in a confrontation.
3662 days 6 hours ago
Name: Nick
Age: 15
Time-Zone: CST
Favorite Big Brother Season & Why: 11
Favorite Big Brother Player & Why: Jordan Lloyd, because she is an amazing person and social player. :_
Describe Yourself as a Person: Cool and collective
Describe Yourself as a Player: Cunning, maniacal.
Describe a Perfect Ally: 100% loyal and willing to follow
Describe a Horrible Housemate: Hothead
What Makes You Unique: I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty and actually play the game
3661 days 6 hours ago
Name: Hannah Wegener
Age: 18
Time-Zone: Central
Favorite Big Brother Season & Why: 15 Because I liked Elissa
Favorite Big Brother Player & Why: Elissa cause she was smart and good at BB
Describe Yourself as a Person: Nice and Cool
Describe Yourself as a Player: Smart
Describe a Perfect Ally: Loyal and Doesn't Backstab you
Describe a Horrible Housemate: Mean and always annoying you then wins
What Makes You Unique: Smart

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