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One Tree Hill Season 5 Roles

Topic » One Tree Hill Season 5 Roles

2881 days 21 hours ago
This is where I will be posting roles! :)

Will post them here and there when I have the time.
2867 days 18 hours ago
Tom Fowler played by Rocketokid13
Age: 23
Occupation: Amateur Surfer

Since Tom moved into Tree Hill, it's been a heck of a ride for him. Leg taken off by a shark, abusive father arrested, having to leave Kass, the list goes on. But Tom is a master of taking a negative into a positive. He always has something nice to say about everyone, but can talk about himself a lot more than others. He's made a good career off surfing and continues to surf in the amateur competitions, hoping to turn pro, which his injury may hinder his dreams. He's also become sort of a motivational figure because of what happened with him and the shark, young kids and teenagers find it inspiring that he has never given up on his goals. Although he's been focused on his career, he remains in touch with Kass, Becca, Julie and Kylie. Tom has always been loyal to those close to him, but will he react different when he reunites with his former friends?
2867 days 18 hours ago
Tom McPartlin played by Carraid73
Age: 23
Occupation: Realtor

Since his self-implosion in his Junior year of high school, Tommy kept his distance from his old social circle, besides checking Nikki's FaceBook intermittently throughout his college years. Although he planned to leave the town altogether and try and start a new life, his father called him near the end of his senior year and made amends with Tommy's sexuality, and offered him a starting job at his realtor's office. Tommy, now going by Tom for professionalism, is living and working with his parents, giving him a good lifestyle but a lack of independence. Tom considers himself 'rebounded' from high school. After a promising freshman year gave him a spot on the team and a supportive girlfriend, everything went downhill from there: he left the team, his relationship turned into an on-and-off again catastrophe, and his relationship with both his peers and parents soured greatly. Since his falling grades junior year killed his chances at UVA, he went to Unverisity of Wisconsin, where he took the chance to have a new start and ended up graduating into a realtor job with his forgiving father. Tom knows he will have to work hard to make a few amends in his life in order to succeed in Tree Hill.
2867 days 18 hours ago
Renato "Ren" Cabello played by awesome2210
Age: 22
Occupation: Interior Designing Assistant

Ren went to UCLA as a business major and recently graduated, getting his first job outside of college as an assistant to an interior designer. Obviously, Ren kept in touch with his twin sister, Becca, occasionally making trips back home to visit her and vice versa. The summer following high school, Ren and Nico dated once again after Nico returned in the finale, but after the summer ended, Ren had to go to UCLA and Nico was going to travel Europe, so the two mutually agreed to end things again. Naturally, Ren talked to all of his friends during the summer and the first year or so of college, but faded out of his old friends and onto his new ones. After graduation and Nico's return, life was looking up for Ren. He got his boyfriend back, his relationship with his twin was as strong as ever, and he was looking forward to attending his dream school in the fall. However, as the summer came to an end, reality set, and Ren was forced to end things with Nico once again, say goodbye to all of the friends he'd made the past 4 years, and part with his sister. During college, Ren had a great time and made a bunch of new friends, did well in all of his classes, and attended therapy to get over his past issues. He even dated a couple other guys, but nothing lasted. He graduated from UCLA with a bachelors in business, and got a job as an assistant interior designer. Now, he's bouncing back and forth between his job in California and spending time with the others in North Carolina. But with continually having to travel between two different states to keep his job and visit his family and friends, he may have to make a choice to stay in one state for good sooner than he expected.
2867 days 18 hours ago
Kylie Blue played by SummerRae101
Age: 22
Occupation: Freelance Journalist

Kylie went off to university at NC State and swore off the boys after her high school heartbreak. She is still good friends with Jake, although their brother, sister relationship kinda drifted apart. She remained in limited contact with Becca and Jason as her and Jason tried to smooth things over. Her and Tom have hooked up a couple of times since high school. In High School Kylie was known as the hopeless romantic, that has majorly changed. She is now closed off from the idea of love after her heartbreak in High School. Kylie and Tom's short high school fling has transformed into many hookups as Kylie has not allowed herself to get emotionally attached. Will she continue to shell emotions and put up her new found guard?
2867 days 18 hours ago
Ryan Alderich played by Archerskyfire
Age: 22
Occupation: Waiter

Ryan grew up in a very rich neighborhood, owning a lot of money from his successful parents. As he went through high school, Ryan didn't take his grades very seriously. He has relied on his parents money all his life and refuses to go to college for that reason. As he got older, his parents refused to keep supporting him unless he started up his own life. They forced him to get his own house and a job at this new town. Ryan can't seem to take his life seriously and often parties every night.
2864 days 15 hours ago
Jake Stafford played by Piddu
Age: 22
Occupation:  Recent college grad, has a Marketing/Business degree

He's kept in contact with Julie. When he first started college, he remained in contact with mostly everyone he was friends with but as the years went on, he grew apart from them. After going through his family ordeal regarding Julie being his sister and Rachel's pregnancy, Jake went off to University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan and pursued a marketing degree. He spent much of his early college years living the college life - friends, booze, sex, and parties and slowly lost contact with his old friends, apart from Julie. While away at college, Jake's dad ran for office and became Tree Hill's newest mayor. Him and Jake's mother moved out of their old home and into a bigger house. Jake eventually landed a high-prestige marketing internship at some multi-billion dollar company in New York but things did not pan out after he got involved with the wrong crowd. Having no sense of direction of where his life was headed, Jake decided to return to Tree Hill and is currently hiding what happened from his parents until he figures out what to tell them, not wanting to embarrass his family. Him being the mayor son, he feels like he has a lot to live up to.
2864 days 15 hours ago
Jason Little played by jasoncutie7542
Age: 23
Occupation: Veterinarian

Jason kept in touch with Becca, Jake, Nikki, Martin, and Ren. Jason left high school and went to Virginia Tech where he played on the football team and won three bowl games with them. He choose veterinary medicine in the end and moved back to Tree Hill, where he now works at his Uncle's clinic. Jason left high school very sad and confused. After losing his first true love and being betrayed by his best friend, he didn't know what to do with himself. Jason put his frustration into football where he did great for the team. He was loved by many at the school and was urged to go into the NFL, but deep down he knew he loved veterinary medicine.Throughout college, especially in his first two years, Jason was confused sexually. After his previous long relationship with Becca ended, he didn't know who he really was. He experimented with all different types of people and had long term relationships with both girls and guys. While in a long term relationship with a guy, his parents saw this on social media and had mixed emotions, but in the end decided to support him in all that he does. As he matured and entered his senior year of college, he was clear on who he really was and who he was truly in love with. After going to Thailand, in his senior year of high school, he grew very interested in the country and in Asian elephants. He even spent a semester in Thailand during his junior year of college. Jason graduated with a degree in Animal Sciences and earned the distinction of Magna Cum Laude. After graduating college he moved back to Tree Hill where he works at his uncle's veterinary clinic and is trying to get a job as a Vet at the Zoo but it has been a struggle since no spot has been available, but hopes that his luck soon changes. After four years he's ready to see everybody again, but will it go as he expects it to be?
2864 days 1 hour ago
Kassandra Winters played by Maya10
Age: 22
Occupation: Teacher

After high school, Kass had a hard time adjusting to the life of college and being in the real world. She continued to see Jason P., but it was on and off for four years. They really struggled with him being in prison and Tom coming back and being in contact with Kass. They are currently back on, but their relationship is pretty rocky. She decided to get a teaching degree and soon will be starting her first day at Tree Hill High. She kept in touch with her other friends, but not as much as she would hope. Kass mostly contacted Tom because she hated how things ended so roughly with them, but they are slowly starting to become friends. She is excited to go on this new path, but there may be way too many bumps in the road for her to handle.
2864 days 1 hour ago
Rebecca Cabello
Age: 22
Occupation: Immigration Lawyer's Assistant

Since graduating Tree Hill High, Rebecca has spent the last four years at Duke University studying immigration law. After her dad went through the fiasco of being deported, she wanted to help families who had the same situation. She is currently still attending law school in Tree Hill and is an assistant to the local immigration lawyer. Rebecca never left Tree Hill, except to go to school, but on most weekends she spent her time in Tree Hill. It has always been her home and always will be. Once high school ended, she knew it was time to change. She kept in contact with Jake and Nikki, but slowly lost touch. She even kept in contact with Jason, and still does to this day, but she has never been able to forgive herself for what she did to Jason and all the mistakes she made. This caused her to really suffer from depression, especially once her parents moved back to Puerto Rico and her brother was so far away, but Ren always managed to be there for her when he could. It wasn't until her junior year of college, where her depression slowly faded because she met the one. Noah was the light of her life and she started become herself again. They dated two years and he recently proposed. Unfortunately, Noah also happened to be a Marine who was deported to Syria about three months ago, but that didn't stop Rebecca from planning her life with him. Two months ago, Noah's jeep was hit by a bomb and he did not survive the tragic accident, causing Rebecca's depression to quickly come and question all the decisions she has ever made because nothing seems to go smoothly for her, which starts with how she treated Jason. She wants to know that she is forgiven and that he doesn't hate her, but will she be able to forgive herself?
2864 days 1 hour ago
Martin Hudspith played by Hudspith
Age: 23
Occupation: Former Running Back for the Carolina Panthers

Martin followed his dream of becoming a pro football player and he was able to. He attended a college in North Dakota and really impressed scouts. He went undrafted in the NFL draft, but the Panthers picked him up and he immediately impressed with him. He never returned to Tree Hill once he was drafted and lost contact with all of his friends. After his 4th season with the Panthers, during a playoff game, Martin received a career ending injury when he tore his ACL. He left Tree Hill heartbroken when Julie chose Brett over him, and he never wanted to return. Martin avoided Tree Hill, but now that his football career is over he is being forced to move back to a place he hates. Will he learn to leave the past in past and prepare for a better future?
2864 days 1 hour ago
Emily Bennett played by amylou8251
Age: 22
Occupation: Pre-school teacher

Emily graduated from UNC with a degree in early childhood development and education and became a teacher at the local pre-school in Tree Hill. Emily was really good about keeping in contact with her friends from high school.  After her family returned to Tree Hill for her senior year, she spent her time reuniting and catching up with old friends until graduation. After graduating high school, she gladly returned to Tree Hill to catch up with her old friends to be disappointed that only a few actually stayed. Those became her closest friends and she hopes to see the others very soon.
2864 days 1 hour ago
Julie Bennett-Stafford played by Rain848
Age: 22
Occupation: Travel Nurse

After leaving Tree Hill, Julie followed Brett to Harvard and went to a  community college. She lived with Brett until she transferred to finish up her nursing courses. Julie and Brett started to get a hard look at what it is like to live with one another, causing them to fight more. Her job keeps her very busy, which has caused an even bigger strain on her relationship. Once she found out she would be transferred to a hospital in Tree Hill, Brett selfishly made her choose him or her career. She chose her dream and realized that Brett was not the person she initially fell in love with anymore. She currently is settling back into Tree Hill and is working at the local hospital. She's happy to be around her friends and family once again, but it's never easy to get over a bad breakup.
2864 days ago
Presley Bell played by KingGeek
Age: 22
Occupation: Aspiring Fashion Designer

Presley left Tree Hill before her senior year of high school and has not planned to return since. She attended NYU and really loved being there and had no intention of ever reaching out to her former classmates, even ones she considered her close friends.  After graduating from NYU, Presley has decided to return to Tree Hill on her own terms and has moved in to her old mansion her parents once lived in (they now reside in Manhattan). She still has a sharp tongue and incredible fashion sense. She also owns a popular fashion blog along with trying to start a fashion label of her own, but it may be harder than she things. Soon Presely will learn that money cannot always get you what you want.
2864 days ago
Rachel Davis played by jojo7784
Age: 22
Occupation: Therapist

Rachel had the worst senior year compared to everyone else. She got pregnant from a guy she didn't even care for and the one thing she started to care for, she lost. Her miscarriage put her in a deep depression and she never thought she would be able to escape from it.  After high school, Rachel went through a lot of therapy while dealing with the miscarriage. She stayed in contact with Jake for awhile but they lost touch but still talks to Becca a lot. That is the one person she can always count on and know that she will always be there for her. She went to college in Wisconsin and became a therapist and now enjoys helping others. She prefers to be single at this time in her life and is looking into adopting a kid.
2863 days 23 hours ago
Danny Mitchell played by kkoster001
Age: 22
Occupation: Struggling Artist

Danny has had a tough life growing up and needed to get out of the town that he lived in. He believes that moving to Tree Hill is the best decision for him at the moment. He was abused sexually by a family member when he was a child and uses his sexuality to pretend that certain moments in his life don't bother him. He uses sports and working out as a way to let out his frustration, which distracts him from the important tasks at hand. Danny easily puts up his walls and it's hard for him to open to up to people. He comes off very social, but it's never truly real. Will he learn to finally tear down those walls?

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