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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

3868 days 7 hours ago
Come on in guys.

We have the Jury, Bklimas, Joe, Maniac, Maxyman, Cole, Bugs and Kat voted out of the last tribal council.

Pepper, Alliance. Now the power is in the jury. Now you try to convince them why you deserve the title of Sole Survivor and the 4th spot in All-Stars. You will make a speach then the jury will ask their questions then they will vote for a winner.

3868 days 6 hours ago
To me, I don't have to ask questions because honestly I knew Pepper would get here and I knew John would be his little sheep. I don't like sheep. So I'm voting Pepper..

But I do want to point out to Bugs and Kat, this could of VL been avoided. I told you that them two were final 2, and I chose to side with you guys, but instead you voted me out which was beyond stupid. So neither of you two better be bitter because it's your own fault why they are up there and your here with me.
3868 days 6 hours ago
I should have been up there in the final 2 instead of the jury, but I don't know right who to vote.  Tell me why I should vote for you.
3868 days 6 hours ago
Ummm cole shut the fuck up becausse u wanted 2 be a rat and spread dumb ass rumors wen i here a dumb rumor i tell the person its about just so i can figure out if its true so that  was a stupid             and bk apperently u dont deserve it because u left really early so u need 2 shut the fuck up 2           and  my question is for pepper did u think that if u got rid of alliance that u wouldve already had a vote and did u ever think to keep mme
3868 days 5 hours ago
kat:  watch that language.  don't be cussing just because you are bitter.
3868 days 5 hours ago
Im not fuckin bitter mr i deserve to be there and r u my mom no so shut the fuck up and i never heard of the fuckin rule no cussin so buh bye
3868 days 5 hours ago
whatever kat.  I am going to bed now.  Will send my vote in tomorrow.
3867 days 23 hours ago
What rumor, Kat?! What I said was true! They wanted to vote your ass off that tribal council and when I tried saving your ass you voted me out! So excuse me for trying to save you. I didn't feed you any bull shit. You were the dumbass bitch that fell for their lies. Ask them right now! They wanted to vote you out that night I was voted out because they wanted to separate you and Ray! Go ahead fucking ask them! Then I tried helping your pathetic ass out by trying to get you guys to help me vote Pepper out and what do you do? You vote me out! So yeah, that was stupid as fuck on yours and Rays part. But it's whatever, lesson learned. Looks like you prefer to be voted out so I'll keep that in mind next time somebody is targeting you!
3867 days 22 hours ago
Okay, so everyone is underestimating my gameplay. I played MY OWN game, and a damn great one. Let's take it to the beginning. I survived all the tribals I went to, and managed to make merge. I had no allies at that point, so I was focused on finding an idol, and using it to change the game, and find allies. First tribal of merge: I had no idea what was going to happen, but I felt I was in danger, so I played my idol, eliminating 3 votes against me. At this point, I had a few minor alliances, but nothing so loyal. If I hadn't had the judgement to play the idol, it would have been a tie, and chances are I would have been voted out. Then I won back-to back challenges. I knew I was the target at that point, so I orchestrated my first win, and then the infamous auction. Here's how it played out: I won immunity, and the power to give it to someone else. Even though Pepper had gotten rid of my vote. This was pure strategy, because just after he used the disadvantage on me, he apologized, said he made a bad choice, and we became allies.  I needed to make people believe I thought I was the target, so I claimed I was trying to eliminate my enemies, and make them like me. This was a lie. Big Brother Maniac didn't understand this strategy, so he was angry with me for this choice. Later on, I eased back on immunity wins, because I found my second idol. Knowing that Final 6 was the best place to play it (because of the high chance of me going home), I played it. Although it was a 4-2 vote, so my 2 nullified votes weren't important, but it made people scared of me. So they wanted to work with the enemy, rather than be my enemy. Pepper and I were a TEAM. Neither of us was a sheep. Then Final 5, Pepper was FOR SURE LEAVING. And I managed to switch the heat onto Cole91, in a huge way. I apologize to you Cole, but please understand that I like you as a person, it was strictly for strategy. I convinced Kat that Cole was a liar (that was actually the truth), and Ray joined to unanimously vote him out. Now it was 2-2, so Pepper and I had to try and swing Kat to get Ray out, when Kat won immunity. Luckily Ray self-voted also, so in final 3, one of us had to win immunity. We knew we were going to finals together, so I made a deal with Pepper to throw the challenge, but when Kat came, I couldn't quit the challenge, so we had to compete. I ended up writing an answer, posting it, but then deleting it, because he was the second poster, and I gave him the winning points, and the immunity necklace. As planned, we made it here. We WERE A TEAM. If you vote for me, then thank you. I think I played a great game. If you vote for Pepper, then great. He was the best ally ever. Good luck to everyone and I'll be back at 4:15 PM EST
3867 days 22 hours ago
@Kat. It was a hard final 3 for me. You and Alliance were both awesome people. I kept Alliance because he has proved to me again and again that he was with me in this game.It was the hardest decision I made this game.
3867 days 21 hours ago
During this season of Survivor: Cook Islands I believe I have played a game that deserves to win. At the start of the game. My first Alliance was Joe and Cole on the Aitu tribe. We had numbers but ultimately we were not communicating as much as we should have. So I went to Kat a few days later and made my alliance with her. This guaranteed we could have the numbers to make it in merge. After merge, Things went good then everything changed at the Survivor Auction. I bought the power to diminish someone's vote at tribal, and I choose Alliance. After this we talked about the game and realized that WE could come out on top. He won the power to Have Immunity or give it to someone, and To my surprise he gave it to me.We decided that we could do good if we stuck together. We were sitting pretty I had kat on one side and I had Alliance on the other, Then my original Alliance (Cole) turned against me on a dime. It was either me or him going, so I had to fight to make sure it wasn't me. I have Been loyal to Kat and Alliance the most in this game, I knew THAT had to be the final 3. At the last tribal council I ultimately chose Alliance over kat to stay. Mainly because Alliance has shown and done many admirable and strategic things in this game for us (The Auction Immunity, The Last Challenge being thrown)  We stuck together and we made it to the Finals. I wish you the best of luck Dude, As for the jury, If you choose me, GREAT!, if you choose ALLIANCE. still GREAT. I believe we both deserve this win.
3867 days 21 hours ago
2/7 votes
3867 days 21 hours ago
Voting john, bcuz
3867 days 21 hours ago
3/7 votes
3867 days 18 hours ago
I really want to see who wins, and if I were to of made it to the jurry I would vote alliance
3867 days 17 hours ago
I now know who I want to vote for.

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