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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

3020 days 7 hours ago

The people I had alliances with this game were:


The main solid alliance of 5 for pretty much the entire merge was myself and the last 4. James and Murphy were casualties of tribe swaps/RI/idols. Myself, Viv, Brandon, and Sagar decided to backdoor Brady because Sagar asked him for a "Final 2" and Brady was absolutely ready to vote me out for 7th/6th, so we got him for 8th instead as a blindside so he wouldn't play his idol (all Sagar's idea... brilliant honestly).

The other alliance was the rest of you, but I guess you were never really together as a solid group as evidenced by the seriously fucked up voting plans y'all had week to week.

There wasn't any particular reason we targeted you other than you were probably one of the only "threats" on the other side. It's a game, and some people have to go eventually.
3020 days 7 hours ago

Originally I definitely wanted to take you to the Final 4 because you're a really nice guy and Austin really did nothing the entire game but end up with two idols and almost never submit any challenges. I then realized that you or Austin could possibly still have an idol, and I had no idea if the two of you were close and talking to each other, so I had to play around that. Thinking that you felt you were safely going to the Final 4, any idol in play would be used on Austin, which would have sent Brandon home, so I told Brandon and Viv to vote you instead, and it ended up working.
3020 days 1 hour ago
Brady: We played the game in two totally different ways. Slice was able to fly under the radar a lot of times, while I was instantly targeted returning to the game with no concept of really what was going on. We both really were in completely different positions and landed us in a different style of play.

Viv: Selena may not have a bigger vocal range, but Demi has a bigger gap in her teeth :). Selena also had the perseverance to face both dating Justin Bieber's crackhead ass and overcoming Lupus!!

Osiris Q1: Well for someone who never had control of this game I was the reason I put my alliance back in majority with the vote against Austin, it was literally a cake walk to the final 2 from that point on.

Osiris Q2: First off if you want to vote for Slice based on the game he played, then do that. But if you are really going to state to me that the only reason you are voting for him is flat out because I didn't bring a completely undeserving person to this final 2 then...........well I really don't know what else to say you are really not doing your part as a jury member.

Paton: I knew I would get this question! I know being seen as a returnee from RI it makes it seem like I really just fucked up the game or something, but that wasn't the case. I was in a 4 person vote where TWO people played idols and there was some sort of twist where there were five votes....I was kind of just fucked at that point. The reason I think I still deserve your vote is that I never gave up. I played the game forwardly and I didn't just lie to people for the sake of lying, I only lied to Osiris and that was simply because if I hadn't then he may not have split the majority vote between me and Brady.

Thx for the questions everyone!!!
3020 days ago
I'll have to agree with Brandon on his point, David. If you think he deserves your vote more than me but you don't want to vote for him because he brought me over Austin, I don't deserve your vote at all.
3019 days 21 hours ago
Damn I forgot to ask something yesterday hopefully y'all see this

I'm actually torn on this vote
Daniel, I had an early F2 with you in this game and I planned on being 100% loyal to that and I feel that you planned on being loyal to it as well which makes me want to vote for u

Brandon obviously we were tight but we never explicitly made a F2. However u have really impressed me in this game especially with you going from not caring at all (and even considering quitting) to actually seeming like you cared quite a bit by the time we go to the end game. I am impressed that you used the vote reversal effectively and also that you dominated the challenges

So like I said I am kind of torn so here are my Q's:

DANIEL: I think you were more loyal than Brandon but also you seemed less active than him. Give me ONE instance during this season that shows that you cared more about this game than him

BRANDON: Search deep down within ur cold black heart and name 3 positive things about Hillary Rodham Clinton and I dont want any snark

Thank u both
3019 days 21 hours ago
3019 days 21 hours ago

The only things I would say speak to my inactivity are the two challenges I didn't submit to, that being the junkyard + final push the button game. When it came to strategizing, I was smart and active when I needed to be. At the start of the game, I was leading myself, James, Murphy, and Viv on Godemich before we had an absolutely solid alliance. I then united our successful 6/7 person alliance that pretty much dominated the game, and I think I deserve credit for that.

I was then taking less charge because I didn't need the threat on my back and you were leading us for the most part anyways, but I still very much cared about the game and our alliance and I was involved in all the voting plans. But I really got more active after you left because Brandon, Viv and I needed a leader again and I was able to dodge another idol to get myself and Brandon safely to the finals.

To sum it up, I like to think that I was active even when I was playing passive, if that answers your question.
3019 days 21 hours ago
1. She has more grammy's than Katy Perry
2. She is pro gun control
3. She isn't a republican
3019 days 8 hours ago
Yes Brandon piss me off in a response to my question, smart
3019 days 8 hours ago
But no I wasn't saying he deserves it over you for taking the wrong person I was saying you had a better shot which remember is still part of this game that response you gave made me want to vote Daniel not based on anything but your rudeness to me so Daniel got my vote
3019 days 8 hours ago
7/11 votes
3019 days 8 hours ago

Here's what I have come to conclude about Demi Lovato v Selena Gomez:

Why doesn't Demi take her own advice and delete it, fat?
3018 days 8 hours ago
10/11 votes
3018 days 7 hours ago
Murphy's questions:

Brandonator - Most people lose weight on survivor but you have indeed gained weight. Like 300lbs gain. Do you think this weight gain is the cause of you not wanting to get off your fat ass and try harder?
Slice - We're you depressed when I got out? Did you use symbalta to help your depression?
3018 days 6 hours ago
Murphy: I only gained 298 :) and that's my final answer

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