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Final tribal council

Topic » Final tribal council

4069 days 17 hours ago
Ashlyn, Peaches, congratulations for making it to the final2. No matter what people say, you made it here and they didn't, so be proud of that.

I will now bring in the members of the jury: IceIceBaby, Austin, Caliboy, DrPepsi, GirlsGeneration, Tadds, Sportygirl and Ofl voted out at last tribal council.

This is how this tribal works. Finalists, you will make your opening statement. Then the jury can ask as many questions or make as many statements as they want. When they decided, they mail me their vote. I'll probably give 2 days for this final tribal, but if I get votes earlier, I'll read them earlier. Good luck!
4069 days 17 hours ago
There was never a She-Brigade alliance. Never heard that name till I was off the show. Me, Tadds, and Ashlyn were Manage A Cuzcatlan.

Yeah, it was an alliance of three! I prefer it to be "Cocharcus!" There's no weird thing with Ashlyn and Tadds being lovebirds on the show. I spent more time with Tadds, probably, than Ashlyn did. And the three of us were inseparable.

The show "Survivor" does not lend itself to comedy. And there are all these hilarious moments like Tadds and I teaching each other tap routines and Ashlyn and I are mocking other players.

But the thing that pisses me off the most is the fakeness that runs through the blonde bitches weave *Looks around* Yeah you bitch! *Point towards Ashlyn*
Ashlyn, You're a miserable old whore who thinks she runs it all but bitch you know what you ruined that "Perfect" Alliance for a crush you had on that skank Peaches but babes that's the worst move you have made bringing a bimbo whore like her here.
If you think you're going to win babes then you're more shocking then that ratchet weave...Its not even a weave so take the bloody wig off you whore!

Ashlyn I have 3 words for you babes which basically sums up my Jury vote...You're...A....Bitch x

Love you <3
4069 days 17 hours ago
Hey jury. I just want to start off by saying that making it to the finals was not an easy journey. I started this game and realized that I was getting myself into a different situation then what I had done in the past group games I have taken a part of. I saw that I was playing with people that I have interacted with before and also players that were brand new in my eyes, but not with anyone else. When the tribes first formed, I ended up getting into an alliance with Ice, Tadds, Sporty and Peaches. Since we did label ourselves as the toughest women of Cuzcatlan. Not much strategy and moves were really planned out, due to the fact that we dominated challenge after challenge. So obviously none of us had to worry about big blindsides before merge even began.

When merge did happen, I knew my game had to change completely. I always wanted to try to be the player that was always so friendly with everyone. The kind of player that does not create any tension. I couldn't do that this time, because thats exactly how I always ended up getting eliminated in games like this. I had to play with my mind and not my heart.  I knew it was gonna be a tough challenge in my eyes. Only due to the fact that I never would play like that anywhere else in this game.

After Austin won that challenge in the start of the merge, I knew I had to think of a plan to ensure my own safety.  You never know when you're gonna be the next target or just make yourself the minority of the merge. So that is why Ice is sitting where she is. If I had not pointed some stuff out to the other players in this game, she would still be here and I would probably be in jury. After that move was made, it was game on.

When Tadds took her first and only win of the season. I suggested that maybe we needed to take the oppurtunity to vote out all of the possible threat and hope for the best. So the five remaining did come together on an agreement from here on out, the women are sticking together and voting out the men. It ended up working for the next three tribals. Right until Ofl ended up winning immunity in the final six. Which did leave me in a torn position. But in the end, Girls was voted out. Only because I felt more loyalty in Tadds and Peaches. 

When the final five challenge was over and I won individual immunity, it did seem obvious that Ofl was gonna get voted out. That was the only vote that I was not expecting to see happen. That's why you see Tadds sitting where she is. Then when Ofl ended winning in the final four, I knew right there that my name was gonna get put down. Ofl and Sporty clearly did see me as competition and wanted me out. But then I did recieve another chance to survive by participating in the tiebreaker. I ended up beating Sporty and she was sent to jury. I will admit, that was the only time where I felt like my game was over. Since I never did a tiebreaker before. But I guess there is always a first for everything.

Then Smiley announces we were having a final two this season. This urge to win was of course there. It was my last chance to take out my biggest competition or face the fact that I was gonna head into jury. I ended up dominating the challenge and securing my spot in the end. Therefore watching Ofl take 3rd. All the tension was finally gone and I knew this was gonna be a decent final tribal council.

To the jury, I know I made a lot of moves in this game that no one expected me to make. For those of you that felt seriously hurt and betrayed by the actions that I made, I want to apologize for that. However, I can not apologize for playing the game. If I had not made moves in this game like I did, I would have been voted out a long time ago. I kept my focus on the game and made sure that I got to the very end of this season. I won two individual immunity challenges and survived a tiebreaker in final four. I kept my guard up no matter what the situation was. I never gave up, even though Girls, Tadds and Sporty was voted out. I
4069 days 17 hours ago
To the jury, I know I made a lot of moves in this game that no one expected me to make. For those of you that felt seriously hurt and betrayed by the actions that I made, I want to apologize for that. However, I can not apologize for playing the game. If I had not made moves in this game like I did, I would have been voted out a long time ago. I kept my focus on the game and made sure that I got to the very end of this season. I won two individual immunity challenges and survived a tiebreaker in final four. I kept my guard up no matter what the situation was. I never gave up, even though Girls, Tadds and Sporty was voted out. I kept my calm level up and didn't pay no mind to the tension from everyone else. I played socially, physically, and strategically. You can say what you want about my gameplay and you can say that I am a dirty backstabber, but I am sure that if you were my shoes, you would have probably done the same thing. I can only hope that what I say is enough to get your votes to win this season. Thanks for a fun time everyone and I hope to talk to alot of you outside of this game.

-Ashlyn <3
4069 days 17 hours ago
As it didn't post all of it lol
4069 days 16 hours ago
Ashlyn- Questions
1) Why did you lie to me about not voting me out?
2) Did you not trust me in this game or why did you seemed threatened by me?

Peaches- What did you do that makes you deserve to win over Ashlyn?
4069 days 16 hours ago

1.) I had to lie about voting you out because I knew the minute you suspected something was wrong, then you could have easily taken me out. It was a matter on getting the biggest threats out of here and you were the top of the board.
2.) I felt a little bit of both. We just recently got into the merge and I still never could figure out what was going on in your head. Plus with the fact that I know you are really good at this game and you could have easily dominated the challenges in the future. So I thought I take you out now while the chance was there or face the consequences of a potential elimination.
4069 days 16 hours ago
Okay here's the game I played


My goals were:
Stay in the majority
Be nice
Lay low
Have fun

On day 1 I said okay, I'm going to need to be in the majority. I found myself instantly aligned with Ashlyn and Tadds. Then a bigger alliance formed of 
And me
We had the majority then and that's how all five of us stayed safe.
We got rid of Monica cuz she wanted me out.
We got rid of Lassi cissus was quite and didn't talk much.

That plan kept me safe for Pre Merge. I was pretty proud once I made it to merge, my game so far was pretty good.
I was in majority.
I hadn't made anyone mad at me.
I was laying low on purpose cuz when you begin to yell and say random stuff people begin to doubt your trust.
So I had done all I needed to do to get me to the merge! :)


This is where the game got a little fuzzy for a lot of people. This was the game from my Point Of View.

My goals to get to the finals were:

Have tighter alliances with my alliance members before anyone else does.
Make sure the target doesn't land on me.
Play up the 'quite girl' 
STRATEGIZE!!! you guys clearly know I am NOT a physical threat so I definitely had to Strategize, and be Social. 
I also noticed I had to be a tinsy bit less forgiving when someone goes home so I can keep my eyes on the prize.

There was an alliance made without my say. I was just kinda thrown into it. 

It was


I didn't want to be in this alliance. I wanted to stick with the girls and have it be a girl finale but I didn't have much control over that so I had to convince Ashlyn and Tadds to stick with our original alliance. (Sporty, and Girls)

The first night of merge everyone was throwing names around. I personally wanted Austin to be voted out because I know that he is a HUGE threat, if he gets to the end he will win. I was jury member in the same season as him. He got to the end and I voted for him.

Then I heard people wanted to vote out IceIceBaby. I was a little concerned cuz I wanted the girls to stick together! Once I found out the majority already voted for her I voted her so I didn't look like a question mark to everyone. 

Plan to vote out next list;
(Then the game will get mean right here)
After that tadds wins immunity! This works out cuz tadds is also a physical threat except she was aligned with me so it was good. Cuz honey I suck at challenges. This was my chance to get Austin out. The girls were talking about who to get out and I instantly said his name and they all agreed with me. And that's how Austin went home that night. 

The next vote was another pretty easy one. We were talking and everyone miraculously to vote out Caliboy this vote wasn't very hard. Sorry Cali :( we didn't talk at all in this game </3 would've liked to though.

The next vote was also pretty easy us girls agreed to vote out Pepsi and we did. I never knew if he tried to save himself or not.


We were all in good spirits of girl power and final 5 etc. Ofl had to start winning challenges cuz he was the last on my target list. But ofl won immunity. Than this is where my tighter alliance I made back once ice was eliminated with Ashlyn, and Tadds. I also talked to sporty when her and girls were on the outs. When there was that alliance of 6. So I wanted to keep her safe. 

I didn't chose to vote out Girls. I dot remember who's idea it was but I was going to right her name down. I didn't WANT to but I HAD to. There were no more 'other' girls left for me to chose and it SUCKED voting out one of our own.

At this point in the game it was brought to our attention that ofl is a HUGE physical threat. He won again and we were stuck.
We wanted to stay loyal so we all voted for him and he played his idol and he sent Tadds home.
I took Tadds leaving really hard. She was the first person I talked to in this
4069 days 16 hours ago
Ashlyn- Great game. I have 2 questions for you.

1) If I did beat you, and there were 3 options, who would you vote for to win and why?
Sporty vs. Peaches
Sporty vs. Ofl
Ofl vs. Peaches

2) Tell me why I shouldn't vote for Peaches

Peaches- I have 2 questions for you too

1) Why would you take Ashlyn over me when she was clearly better at challenges and probably had a better game than me. If you went to finals with me you could have probably easily won. Dumb decision?

2) Why shouldn't I vote for Ashlyn?
4069 days 16 hours ago
Okay, first of all Peaches, it was me and Tadds that suggested Austin. You were the one that said you were on board with this.
4069 days 16 hours ago
Peaches- What did you do that makes you deserve to win over Ashlyn?

I think I deserve it cuz I lay low. I never did anything to 'personally' hurt someone. Yes I may have voted you out but that is the game everyone votes someone every night it's the game and I had to do it.
I was never outspoken. Sometimes ash can be a little outspoken. She is a more physical player and I am a more strategic player and this game needed more strategy than physicality.
4069 days 16 hours ago
*finishing opening statement*

At this point in the game it was brought to our attention that ofl is a HUGE physical threat. He won again and we were stuck.
We wanted to stay loyal so we all voted for him and he played his idol and he sent Tadds home.
I took Tadds leaving really hard. She was the first person I talked to in this game and I hated to see her leave. <3

At this point I was going to stay completely loyal to Ashlyn and Sporty. Ofl won again! And I thought I was going that night but ofl kept me and sporty lost the tiebreaker.

Right now I've done everything I had planned to do! I did all of my goals and stayed loyal but had to lose some girls x( cuz there was no one else left. 

Finally it was 

Me and Ashlyn Vs. Ofl

We couldn't let him win, and ash won final immunity and she ended ofls game and now I'm here......

I've done everything I said I was going to do and I'm very, very, proud of myself. I think I played a pretty fair game. Plz try to see my point of view and vote with your head not your heart. Vote as a fan and player of the game, not a bitter jury member. Thanks for hearing me out.
4069 days 16 hours ago

Sporty vs Peaches- I probably would have voted Peaches to win, due to the fact that she remained loyal to me this entire time.

Sporty vs Ofl- Would have been you. I could not support someone that tried to get me out for the longest time. Least with you, you didnt put my name down until F4.

Ofl vs Peaches- Peaches. She stayed true to her word and helped me get all of my targets out of this game.
4069 days 16 hours ago
Okay, first of all Peaches, it was me and Tadds that suggested Austin. You were the one that said you were on board with this

I'm sorry. I thought it was me but point is I wanted austin out and i got him out
4069 days 16 hours ago
Ashlyn- so you would have voted personally. Is that how the rest of the jury should vote?
4069 days 16 hours ago
If it wasn't for me. He still would have been here. I was the one that got blood on my hands and took the blame for everything because I was protecting my allies. I played with a lot of strategy and social game.

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