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Episode 15- Is It Really Ever Time to Say Goodbye?

Topic » Episode 15- Is It Really Ever..

1357 days 15 hours ago
Andy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
1357 days 14 hours ago
Shazam's question:
I definitely did not just sit on my ass during this time. I knew getting 2 rounds of safety plus a power was a huge opportunity for me. I also knew that I was in a vulnerable position after having been voted in the previous 2 rounds. During this period, I actually solidified a formal alliance of Me/John/Christian_/Sagar. This was important because it moved me up from just 1-1 conversations to an actual alliance. Unfortunately, Sagar got flung early but I think having this group really made the group of 6 even stronger.

I also used this time to get closer to people individually that weren't necessarily on my side. I talked to Jacob pretty frequently, started to talk to Andy more so we'd have each others backs at times because I knew he didn't vote me in during AYTO. I also used this time to get closer to Mike B because I had just saved him and I knew he would be a really loyal ally. Ultimately, I think this paid off as seen in the Unan1mous round when the other 6 voted for me first - that basically means you all wanted me safe.

This was also a good time to gauge dynamics. Despite what people on the other 6 were telling me, it was clear that you 6 would stick together. I knew that basically whatever Ethan was telling me was a lie and that you 6 were pretty tight so I had no reason to be disloyal to my group. I think I used this time very wisely. After this round, the only time I was "voted" into elimination to be vulnerable was during BB Australia. All other times were by default
1357 days 14 hours ago
I'll post round by round later, just in the middle of tasks atm
1357 days 12 hours ago
Ok so

Fresh Meat: Obviously I was robbed in this challenge and deserved to win and I would've had 2 powers and would've slayed even more. But I think I showed here that I wasn't completely useless. I was so mad we lost, but super happy Christian_ was my partner. This was the BEGINNING of it all.

Cutthroat: This wasn't anything special, I mean my team lost. We voted in Chris cuz he didn't do anything and he didn't even do the elimination. It was pretty straightforward.

ILM: Unfortunately I had to miss the challenge because I was employed at the moment, which is difficult for many of you to say. Sadly, Britt decided to use this as an excuse to vote me in even though she didn't even compete in the fucking challenge and we had literally worked in group games prior. But I wasn't nervous, I knew I could talk to Jacob and he would save me. We ended up connecting pretty well and from that until I used my power we talked almost everyday.

AYTO: This was really when I started to get going. Omar fucked up the challenge for us and we were targeted because 1) not many people knew me and I hadn't been on the site in awhile and 2) Omar basically wanted to quit. At first, I didn't want to get voted in because I thought he would steal and I tried to fight it, but then I just let it happen because I knew safety for 2 weeks and a power would really benefit me since I was an easy target. Stealing wasn't a difficult decision. It's classical prisoners dilemma and anyone who has an education that has taken a basic economics class would have done the same. I killed TJ because he was a Britt sheep and saved Mike B because like me, he was a victim and I knew he'd be a loyal king.

Glass House: As I said earlier, I used this round to solidify alliances. I don't think I need to go into too much here. Since I was safe, I also wanted to ensure that people thought I was giving them good numbers so they'd like me more. I was surprised Ray got voted in and lost though, but my king Mike B surprised you all.

Endurance: I got slayed early cuz I was safe and Ethan kept trying to act like he wanted to work with me after he put rings on my pole which was really stupid because he's not very logical and isn't a good liar. I was sad to see Sagar go, cuz he was an ally of mine. At this point, I knew it would be a 6-6 split.

Unan1mous: This round was stupid but God knew he wanted our 6 to win. I was voted by the other side first, which I think shows that I had put in work to make y'all want me < 3 You can deny it all you want but its true. Luckily, Ethan was slayed and I've never been happier in a group game.

Free Agents: This was iconic. I knew Nick, who I hadn't spoken to, wanted me in but luckily Shazam had my back. I lied about my power and told them it was the Reset Duel, essentially meaning that by voting me in they would be vulnerable to go in. Thankfully, it worked  and they didn't vote me. I didn't want to be in because in case Christian got in the draw, we would both be safe. I used my power here not to target Jacob, but to end Britt as payback. I felt bad because Jacob saved me and obviously we had been talking, but I felt strategically it needed to be done. My plan worked and Britt was slayed despite the power sending in John.

Totem Pole: Obviously, I won this challenge. Basically, I wanted to keep our 6 together because there had been drama before so I kept Mike S, Mike B, Jake B safe and put John and Christian_ in the bottom. I didn't know the switch would fuck us over like that and the twist would be even more bogus. Thankfully, we didn't lose 2 people and Nick got voted out. Unfortunately, John was eliminated due to bad hosting!

BB Australia - I had COVID during this, but Mike S kinda slayed us. I ended up spamming just enough while battling a 103 fever so I think that's iconic. Sadly, Mike B was eliminated </3

Solitary - I got 2nd in the puzzle and didn't get last in the challenge so yeah. I don't suck at the challenges.

Survivor: Another clutch win by me. We were willing to go to rocks because we would have the 2-1 advantage, but Jake S wanted to flip on Jacob which I'm still not sure on. I knew Jacob could win out in the end, so it had to be done because he was a big threat and his alliance loved him.

LOTHT: I got 2nd in the challenge again, but thankfully Christian_ won and saved me. I slayed the steps in 2 minutes during LOTHT2, but didn't want to risk it even though I know I could've won it. Jake S lost to Mike, and the rest is history.

BB: This round sucked because I lost HOH by 2 fruits and then veto I got 2nd. Thankfully, Christian_ won and saved me. We have been working together since day 1 and our goal was finals together. It seemed so improbably at the start, but we busted our asses and took agency over our games, which is difficult to get.

Anyways, that's my novella. Lmk if you have any questions.
1357 days 12 hours ago
Hi guys I just got on I'll be answering questions shortly!
1357 days 11 hours ago

Thank you! I will elaborate a bit on this statement when I do my full recap, but I am also happy that we were on the same side for the whole game this time!
1357 days 10 hours ago

I wouldn't say you are an asshole for requesting a round by round explanation of our games, because I had planned to do it, and the only reasons I didn't were because Christian didn't and because I wanted jury questioning to open up sooner, since we've been stuck in this game since the final 5 for like 2 weeks lmao.

For the sake of clarity because I already wrote this and don't want to go back and change all the names: Christian = tachy, underscore = Christian_, Jake = lemjam, Shazam = Shazam, Mike = Survivor8, and Midknight = Midknightbaby.

Fresh Meat: I didn't really do much this round other than talk to some people and feel them out. I felt like I had to because I'd be an easy target with Patrick, my partner, being the first to quit. Then Chris quit, and the round didn't really matter all that much to start with.

Cutthroat: My team lost the challenge and I planned to work with Sagar and Omar for this round but Sagar volunteered for himself to go in, so this was another pretty easy round.

I Love Money: I voted for Shazam, Midknight, and Christian this round. I didn't want AJ to go in because I was working with him, and I was also working with Brittany and Nick. I had just met TJ and we were starting to build a relationship there through Britt. They were the only people I weren't working with at the time, so I felt that was my best option. I'm not really sure how the votes shook out that round, but that's what I did and my reasoning for it.

Are You The One?: This was the round where my game really started to pick up. I was paired with Sagar and the house vote was for Omar/Christian. Omar was one of my closest allies at the time, so I didn't want to vote for them, and so I asked Sagar what his thoughts were. Sagar was interested in mixing up the game a little bit, so we voted for Shazam/Jacob to go in with Omar and Christian. We knew it probably wasn't going to go through, but we wanted to throw them a vote. I had no idea there was going to be a third vote with us, and even still I don't know who it was. I don't know if it ever came to light that it was me/Sagar, but it was. This round was the beginning of my relationship with Christian, and that proved to be a pivotal relationship for me throughout the rest of the game.

The Glass House: My team lost the challenge and I KNEW that I was going to be in danger of going in. If there was one round I didn’t want to be facing elimination, it would be the spamming round. So I kicked it into gear and started to talking to more people. This is where the alliance of me, Britt, Ethan, Nick, and Jacob formed (and later we pulled in Shazam). I wanted to vote for Ray as I saw him as one of the major members of the opposing alliance and he was the only one in danger. I knew that this wasn’t going to be a majority though, so I went to people I was working with individually to get them to not vote for me. I was already working with Mike and Sagar, and this is where my vote the previous round to keep Christian started to pay off. I convinced all 3 off them individually to throw their vote for me, which would be just enough to keep myself safe and for our 5 votes to send Ray to limbo instead.

Endurance: It was basically up to the challenge winner this round who would face off in a game of luck. I didn’t want Sagar to go, so I wanted to win the challenge knowing that Britt would send him in against Jake. I unfortunately was busy that night in real life, so given the challenge that we had, I was probably never going to win. I tried to get Britt to send in John instead, but she still wanted Sagar. I was hoping Sagar would win the elimination, but unfortunately he didn’t, and this started a string of my allies going home.

Unan1mous: I never heard of this format before, but I thought it was interesting. Obviously this round we were split 6-6 the whole time, which caused a rock draw. I think we only went to a rock draw because of a miscommunication. If I had talked to Mike more and been more clear with him, I think we could have pulled him in to get Underscore out this round, but because I was unsure what he wanted, and he didn’t vote with us the first round, I didn’t think there would be any way to pull him in. Anyway, we went to the rock draw where another one of my allies, Ethan, was sent to the jury.

Free Agents: I think this round was fairly simple. Underscore was my partner and he threw the challenge, as well as Jake, to try and get my alliance in via random draw. I would like to note that I had the best individual score in this challenge! Our goal as an alliance was to get Shazam and Nick to win, so we as a group tried to block as many answers as possible for them to get the win, and it worked. They sent in Midknight, while Britt lost the draw. A bunch of powers were flushed this round and it culminated in Britt, probably my closest ally throughout the first part of the game, going home.

The Totem Pole: This round, we had a touchy subjects-esque challenge, and being down in numbers, I was pretty sure we weren’t going to win the challenge, so I started scheming ways to work the format in our favor. I knew that whoever got the defender power would obviously use it, and a twist would be activated. I was the first person to suggest that someone from the opposing alliance should be second from the bottom of the totem pole so if that was the twist, we would at least have a shot in the second part. That happened, and at the vote, only Nick, Underscore, and I were up for elimination. Jake had the defender power and was safe, and Jacob used his advantage to keep himself safe. I knew I wouldn’t be the target because I at least had Christian and Mike protecting me, so I got 0 votes and Nick ended up going home as he was one of Mike’s targets.

Big Brother Australia: A lot of the play this round was dictated by Mike, as he was playing a double agent. He came up with a plan that let Shazam, Jacob, and I be safe and that if it didn’t work, he would take the downfall. I thought this was great for a few reasons. First, it meant we’d be getting someone from the other alliance out. Second, I knew I wouldn’t have to spam, which was my biggest fear in the game. Third, I would be safe even if the plan went wrong. But, it worked to perfection and Midknightbaby went home.

Solitary: I don’t think there’s much to say other than I went hard on the challenge to make sure I didn’t go home. I got second, and luckily someone who I wasn’t working with was eliminated.

Survivor: I really didn’t want Jacob to go home this round, so I tried to convince Jake and Mike that it would be better to take out Underscore. They were pretty set on taking out Jacob, and we only had 15 minutes for the vote, so I couldn’t convince them otherwise. I didn’t want to turn on Jacob, so I voted with him even though I knew he was going home.

Legends of the Hidden Temple: I don’t think there’s much to say here as it was another exclusively challenge based round. I did well in the second round to ensure my safety into the final 4.

Big Brother US: I knew I probably needed to win a challenge to make sure I made it here. I came in clutch won the HOH competition, probably the most crucial competition for me to win all game, which relieved a lot of pressure for me at the veto. I did want to be sitting here with Mike but I screwed up pretty early and I feel horrible about that.

So that’s my game from start to finish, if you have any additional questions please ask!
1357 days 10 hours ago

You're right, I only one the HOH competition in the final round, and if you want to include the Steps of Knowledge then I won that one too. However, I was always a contributor to my team in the team challenges, and every individual/duo challenge I was in the middle at worst. I came close to winning several challenges but was never able to close it out. But I did get my win at the best possible time for me, and I think that should be taken into consideration.

I think another part of the reason I only won one challenge all season was because I never faced an elimination besides The Totem Pole, where I didn't even get a single vote. Every other time I was in danger, I worked my ass off to either win a challenge (at the end) or to make sure that I didn't go in from my social connections. I think that's particularly evident in the Glass House round. Even though there were a few people I hadn't talked to at all the entire game, I think that my social game with everyone else was on point enough to keep myself safe, and I think that in my recap I also showed that I was playing strategically as well, particularly John's elimination in the Totem Pole. That, combined with the fact that I was pretty much in the top half of every challenge, I think I played a solid, all-around game.

I also want to point out that I didn't possess a single advantage in this game. I made my way through this game using my social skills, strategic ability, and challenges when I needed it. I wasn't using advantages to keep myself safe. My allies/adversaries did and that put me in more danger than I would have been otherwise and I still managed to survive because I had people on the other side watching out for me.

I think I have outlined my game pretty well with your questions, and I feel like it's pretty deserving. If you want to call it floating, then that's your prerogative to do so, but I demonstrated that I was making moves and coming up with ideas as well, and I think it is deserving of your vote.
1357 days 10 hours ago

Sorry for doing the recap LOL but since there seemed to be some questions I wanted to outline my game. Love you and ty for being a great ally <3
1357 days 10 hours ago

Thank you bb you're amazing love you <3
1357 days 10 hours ago
Britt ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
1357 days 10 hours ago
Thank you all for your answers, and your recaps. I have great respect for all of you, and regardless of who wins, there is not a bad winner here.

Before I cast my vote, I want to thank all of you, everyone who I’ve encountered over these last ten years, and especially you, Andrew, for giving me a decade’s worth of memories.

This was my final Tengaged game, and I’m glad that this was it.

I wish all three of you the best of luck.
1357 days 10 hours ago
Good C, Tachy: In your round by round you say “Thankfully underscore saved me” 2 or 3 times. So I want you to tell us about a time you saved underscore.

Bad C, Underscore: Who do you think was the biggest waste of space in this game? I’m mostly expecting one answer.

Andy: Tell us how you specifically were the last remaining person from the Jacob/Ethan/Britt/Andy/Jake/Nick group?

All: I don’t think Turney is going to give out awards for the season. Can you guys please give us Hero of the Season, Villain of the Season, Move of the Season & Player of the Season? You can include yourself in your answers if you think you truly fit that spot.
1357 days 9 hours ago
Bad C, Underscore: Who do you think was the biggest waste of space in this game? I’m mostly expecting one answer.

Oh I have words to SAY about Mister Gaiaphagee. Imagine accepting an All Winners invite, only to quit Week 1 because the game which mind you has been extremely inactive up to this point, because you don't want to HURT ANYONE'S FEELINGS? I mean at least when I whined about quitting Episode 1 I had a reason to be ANGRY, Gaiaphagee was just sad, pathetic and fat, and I think he should thank his lucky stars he lives half the country away from me. It's on SIGHT with that fat fucking cow. Now that I have a car again, nothing would give me greater pleasure than ramming my jeep into his drug-riddled body and seeing those awful nipple tattoos get smeared against the pavement :)

Hero of the Season: Midnight Baby like DUH, like I don't think it mattered what side you were on, him coming back was such a :O and the fact he survived so many eliminations back to back to back, America loves an underdog and he epitomized that.

Villain of the Season: As that ugly man Gary from BBCAN said, you don't really know the villain till you watch the season, but honestly with Midnight Mike being the hero, the villain sorta has to be you since you *dre voice* FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP between alliances, resulted in Midnight Mike getting HARPOONED, and were going against the grain of the side v side game. Honorable Mention could be Lemjam for threatening to murder Brittany's whole family but honestly I do see him as a misunderstood hero I do

Move of the Season: hm...I judge a move of the season by how effective it was to the overall season. And honestly, I think Shazam flipping on Jacob really was the move of the season, because it directly resulted in one of the biggest comp threats going out. I think that by far changed the narrative of where this was going the most, as if we go to rocks, that Jacob v Me arc stays alive longer, and assuming LOTHT we both survive since it was comp based, I can definitely see a scenario where the end game is drastically different with either both of us making it, or maybe just me because I do think I'd stomp on him endurance wise hehe.

Player of the Season: I feel like this is completely determinant on who actually WINS, but you know what I will have #confidence in myself and say that I, Christian Underscore, fit player of the season. From Day 1 of this game, I was actively playing the game to ensure that I would be in the best spot, and I was able to prove that socially (being #1 in Glass House) strategically (coming up with the Reset Duel) and physically (winning the comps that I did to get here). I had my Day 1 targets, and they were beasts that involved both luck and strategy to take down, but I took them down at the end of the day. I made it here with my Day 1 Final 2, and if I win, I definitely think I would fit being Player of the Season. I'm confident enough with the game I played to feel I've earned it if I do in fact win this game. If not, clearly I messed up somewhere.
1357 days 6 hours ago
So I think there’s three main reasons that I was the last one left of our alliance. First, even though there were people that I didn’t talk to (Underscore, Lemjam, and John), I didn’t have any actively bad blood with anyone. People like Ethan, Brittany, and Jacob were fighting with the other side, which made them bigger targets than me. Second, I wasn’t the best on my side at challenges. Like I said, I was generally near the top, but Jacob, Shazam, and Ethan are generally better at challenges than I am, so I wasn’t as valuable to get out. Third, and probably the most important, was because I had you and Christian protecting me. I tried to help out Christian in AYTO and we started a working relationship there, and from that point forward, we protected each other for the rest of the game. I think you played a big role in protecting me too, because I knew you wouldn’t vote for me anytime, and given that you were the swing vote in a lot of the rounds, that was huge. I knew that most of them probably wanted me gone at Totem Pole, but with you and Christian not wanting me out, they had to vote for Nick instead.

Villain of the Season: I would say lemjam just because of all the drama that he gets into. It can be taken too far sometimes imo and that makes someone villainous.

Hero of the Season: From my perspective, I don’t know that anyone was overly heroic lol. I think that I’d pick myself because I was pretty drama-free and was part of the opposition to who I picked as the villain of the season. I originally had Shazam here for the same reasons, but then I remembered that he turned on Jacob and I think that puts him a little bit below me.

Move of the season: I’d say the move of the season was your move at BBAUS to get lemjam/Christian/Underscore/Midknight nominated. That put you in a final 7 with a clear division 3-3 and you in the middle, and you could have gone with either side at that point. As far as the execution of that move goes, you had both sides doing exactly what you wanted and it worked to your perfection. It was risky for you because if it doesn’t work, you get put in danger, and I think it makes it that much more impressive that you actually pulled it off.

Player of the Season: I would say you, because I think you played the middle brilliantly. You made sure the sides were always equal in numbers and both sides always needed you, so you were never going to be in danger. I’m pretty sure the only scenario which you don’t make finals is the one where I win HOH, and unfortunately that’s what ended up happening.

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