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Season 2 Finale

Topic » Season 2 Finale

1261 days 4 hours ago
Mike and Zach P., congrats on making it to the final 2 of Season 2!

Now the power shifts to the 9 jurors who will decide the winner. The thread will be opened for them to ask you both questions. We encourage you both to answer them thoroughly.

It is not required but we’d recommend posting opening statements but that is up to you.

Jury, you will have until Sunday at 3 pm est to submit votes. Please don’t vote until you are.
1261 days 4 hours ago
Well everyone, 14 evictions and here I am, still standing tall and still fighting hard.

It may have appeared that I haven't done anything in this game where in fact that is not true, you will find out a lot about what good things I did in this game.

I was able to fight off massive pregames with no friends before I joined, I told people to make moves toward the end but they wouldn't listen, so I made sure I was solid with my alliance with mike and will.

I made important votes in this game, including being the swing vote that evicted a big threat in Halloween. I was also able to survive against DJ even when the odds were stacked against me. I was also able to backdoor semajdude in my hoh and he was the only one gunning for me.

At that point I managed to make myself appear weak while also talking game with everyone and attempting to make moves. I exposed vanessa and yung as an irl couple, and I was able to survive another unanimous vote; I had everyone on my side.

When my back was against the wall in final 6, I was able to get will to use the veto on me to save myself. I was able to keep will and mike trusting me even after attempting to get kim to target them at final 5. I was so good in covering my tracks here that they kept on saving me.

I may appear as a goat in comparison to Mike but that is not true. Even though mike played a more flashy and outspoken game, I came in from the shadows and was beside him making moves. He was playing everyone and I knew it bringing it up to multiple people but no one would listen and yet look who is here.

So ask me strong questions and consider my game even though it may not seem like a strong game.
1261 days 3 hours ago
Coming into this game with experience in only one other group game that resulted in me being the third boot, I did not have much expectations for this. As I won my first competition and saw that I was able to gain control quickly, the inner competitor in me had only one goal in mind, to get to one of these two chairs no matter what the circumstances.

My main achievements were: going unnomminated until 4th, voting in majority for every eviction, getting my target out on all my HOHs, never being a post veto nom, only being nominated once, and winning 3 HOHs and 2 POVs.

My three main tactics in achieving these accomplishments were: keeping Josh as a shield, deflection, and relying on my final 2 relationships for intel and ensuring critical votes went in my favor. These will all be elaborated below.

I did not join this game with anyone, however, I did have prior game relationships with Josh, Will, and Zach R. When the cast was revealed, not knowing either of us applied, Josh and I immediately removed each other from our friend lists where we have occupied each other’s 5th spot for many years now. We made a pact to be on opposite sides of the house and say whatever we needed to so that people were not privy to, nor threatened by, our friendship. This way, we could always know where everyone’s head was at and do our best to influence our side from preventing either of us from being evicted. Ensuring that Josh was safe the several times he was nominated was crucial as I needed him as a cushion in case he got power or I did get nominated, I knew I’d be safe and have at least one vote in my favor. When I got to the point where it became obvious that Josh had stronger relationships and I felt confident in my relationships with the remaining houseguests, his demise became inevitable. The one person who was aware of my relationship with Josh early on was Zach R.

As a way to ensure my targets were evicted, I used deflection to project things that I was saying or doing onto others to make them seem more threatening. For example, continuously bringing up the fact that Dylan had a lot of pre-game friendships while I had 3 myself so that Vanessa would view Dylan’s eviction as a way for her to gain closer relationships with Austin & Nicky. Sealing the deal by projecting that Dylan had outed the alliance chat we were in, when in reality, Josh told me it was Austin that did so. Deflection was also evident in ensuring that I was able to get Nicky and Vanessa evicted in tie votes as I noticed similarities in their games to mine where they had strong relationships with both sides of the house and I did not want that to bite me in the ass later in the game. I wanted to be in full control at all times so I revealed our conversations when necessary like when I showed Vanessa that Nicky threw her under the bus during his eviction making him untrustworthy (while I am throwing him under the bus making me untrustworthy).

I lucked out in developing strong enough relationships with people that I was able to secure 6 final 2 deals with all HGs in the top 7. Some of which were looser deals than others, and almost all were not proposed by me. I was able to get all 6 of these people to the final 7 so I could sit back and not have to win competitions until necessary so I would not reveal my cards and stay off the block as long as possible with each person believing they were my main final 2. This became advantageous where almost everyone in the final 7 helped me in at least one competition. Some to the point where Will gave me the answer to the final 4 veto and threw round 1 of the HOH to me as he felt he was my main final 2. Honestly, I did not know who my main final 2 was the entire game as it was dependent on who would be the least threatening in the end and I felt would not succeed in backstabbing me. As time went on, I chose to go with people like Will, Kim, & Zach R who I felt were more likely to win competitions and would eventually have to go after each other while I remained the vote that they needed to stay. I gained critical intel from Nicky that Vanessa had revealed information I said about Dylan and that Dylan, Nicky, Austin, and Josh had an alliance chat, as well as A LOT of information from Zach R that Vanessa & Yung were dating irl, that Vanessa, Yung, Kim, and Zach R had a final 4 chat from my first HOH, and pretty much any time anybody said anything about me. With so much of my game centered around information you gave me Zach, I knew I would have no argument sitting next to you here. Having these sources of information allowed me to keep control in my hands. My final point on this is that having all of my final 2s trusting me so much allowed me to convince Zach R to vote out Nicky over Warren when he did not want to so the vote would tie and I could evict him as well as convincing Kim to vote Vanessa over Josh so I could keep my shield and weaken Kim by him voting out one of his closest allies.

All in all, I played a very cutthroat game and realize I did hurt peoples’ feelings. I too would describe most of my time here as being synonymous to a snake/rat/Nicole Franzel. I do hope that all animosity towards me is from a game standpoint as I had no intentions of taking things to a personal level and I do sincerely apologize if I hurt anyone in that regard. The moves I made could easily make me be perceived as emotionless and I want to make it known that that was far from the case. Each of you had such a strong impact on me and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to meet or reconnect with all of you in this game. I hope we are able to move on from this and still be friends. I received help from many of you, especially from Will, Zach R, and Kim, and I would not be here without you so I want to thank you and apologize again for doing you dirty. I will be completely honest in all of my answering and thank you if you made it this far for reading this unnecessarily long unpublished novel.
1261 days 2 hours ago
Good luck Zach and may the best man win!
1261 days 2 hours ago
Mike --> You played the best game if you take away the jury, hands down. You pretty much controlled everything. However, your jury management sucked. You sucked at it. You weren't straight up with anyone, and whenever you had power over anyone you were rude and condescending. However, if you can answer my question I will vote you to win.

How is it good jury management to tell multiple jurors you are "voting with the house" when you are the confirmed swing vote? And no this is not about myself, though that sort of fits too. You lost votes (plural) because of this tactic alone and I want to give you a chance to prove yourself because I am such a nice person. :-)
1261 days 2 hours ago
Princessa --> When I saw you play I saw a lot of fire. You wanted to make big moves on those in control. You wanted to flip the game upside down. I'm likely voting you tonight, so don't piss me off in your answer to my question. However, my question is what powerful, big moves did you do? Like what did you do that would make you a GAME CHANGER? All I'm looking for is one or two impressive answers. Thanks!!

GL both of u, I have no personal problems with either of you. On a game level however.. lol.
1261 days 2 hours ago
congrats both of you!

Princess you were chill I’m not sure how you viewed me, I was working with you a bit. A mid tier ally, I talked to others less  and others more.

Mike you pretty much lost my vote.... How can you vote with the house when you were the swing vote....? Kim/Zach R evicting me, Vanessa/Will open to save me, but you “voted with the house”.... hours early, before letting me finish talking.. and we’ve been talking all game, evicting me like it was nothing.. and then pinned it on Vanessa and didn’t take an ounce of ownership.
1261 days 2 hours ago
Congrats to you both, I may ask more questions later but for now-

Mike - When did you decide you were voting me off?
1261 days 2 hours ago
My vote is undecided right now...

Question for both of you:

What was one mistake you think you made and why do you think you made it? Aka, what was your thought process that caused you to make that mistake and why do you look back upon it as a mistake?
1261 days 1 hour ago
Congrats to both of you for making final 2! A big accomplishment regardless who wins!🥳

My questions are:

1) what was your best move in the game?

Mike- (I have two questions)
1) when you told me you were evicting me you said you had to do it because Zach told you to in exchange for keeping you safe. Was this true? If so, Was this why you chose to evict me or would you have done it anyway ?

2) who were you most loyal to in the game?

Thanks! And good luck :)!
1261 days 1 hour ago
Princessa --> When I saw you play I saw a lot of fire. You wanted to make big moves on those in control. You wanted to flip the game upside down. I'm likely voting you tonight, so don't piss me off in your answer to my question. However, my question is what powerful, big moves did you do? Like what did you do that would make you a GAME CHANGER? All I'm looking for is one or two impressive answers. Thanks!!

Thanks nicky for giving me my first question :). I would say was that my biggest move in the early tier of the game was rlly going to Mike even after he nominated me and being fake as fuck just so he would gather half the votes to save me. I felt like that rlly set me up in a good position w a bunch of allies. Additionally, I felt that I made a big move in being the swing to evict mmbat and then back footing James who was the only one going after me. In the late stage I tried to make big moves but couldn’t win competitions. I was the only one that was able to identify mike as a threat since the final 7 ish but no one wanted to act like it so I was able to lie my way back into mikes good graces :)
1261 days 1 hour ago
What was one mistake you think you made and why do you think you made it? Aka, what was your thought process that caused you to make that mistake and why do you look back upon it as a mistake?

I would say that my biggest mistake in the game was not attempting to make a move against mike and will earlier. I rlly actually first tried when u won hoh to act on it, but that was the double eviction and u didn’t consider my view Bc we hadn’t reflected on it earlier. I should have rlly planted the seeds earlier to getting this duo out. My thought process was that I wasn’t rlly close to anyone and didn’t rlly know all the relationships so I kept my mouth shut so it would t get back to them
1261 days 1 hour ago
1) what was your best move in the game?

My best move in this game was definitely my hoh. I didn’t create any waves, developed some seriously strong relationships, and got out the only person I didn’t trust for shit. This hoh allowed me to develop strong social connections and survive not one but two votes in this game
1261 days ago
Congrats both!!

As of now my question is about the Dylan vote. I know priness flipping to evict Dylan was the key to Dylan's eviction.

BUT, who should I gave the credit to? Princess himself or MP for manipulating you to evict Dylan?

I will ask other questions later :)
1261 days ago
BUT, who should I gave the credit to? Princess himself or MP for manipulating you to evict Dylan?

I was always evicting dylan but I wanted to play it off like it was a choosing side thing. Remember when I said ppl who evicted me was who I was after? Well dylan was one of those ppl and that’s how I was going to vote regardless. Mike definitely didn’t influence my decisions but part of my strategy was to make him feel like he did and I think it worked
1260 days 18 hours ago
Thank you everyone for your questions thus far! I have a half day at work today so I will be answering once I finish up for the day to give my full attention, thanks for your patience in advance!

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