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Jury Questioning

Topic » Jury Questioning

2556 days 20 hours ago

...commitment to the social aspects of this game. I may not have driven the boat but I was part of why it never capsized.

8) What do you feel was your main aspect to your game Social, Physical, Strategic and why?

Social, without a doubt. For the reasons I've mentioned above, my social game allowed me to manoeuvre through a game with 27 people, each of whom was a WINNER in their own right, and receive the least votes and never ever a target on my back. That was a product of my social game and the way that I charmed people :D

9) Why should I vote you?

Because I am part of your journey too Brady. Both my wins would be elite 3 assisted wins, and I want you to be an intimate part of this final season. An Andrew or Alex win, I don't think, would represent you in the same way. I've put three-fold the amount of work into this game that the other two did and I would be a humble winner who would recognise his strengths and weaknesses..

10) Since this is probably going to be the last season of Cmack's Survivor ever please give me your history of all the season you played and how did you improve in this series to get to where you are know?

I've played twice. The first time I played I think I possibly did play a better game because I made a lot of big moves so I've proved that I can play that sort of a game. But in All-Winners you have to be appear weak. The strongest went home from each side every week and although I am not a weak player, I had to play that role and I think I played it well, despite it being against my normal playstyle. The others received lots of votes and I didn't. The others were targeted and I wasn't. I think I've grown hugely in the social game and although I wish I could have played a BIGGER game for All-winners, I am proud of the friends I have made and the way in which I've controlled the way I was perceived.
2556 days 19 hours ago
Okay f3

I think I'm going to cast my vote now. You guys answered those questions spot on and after every person answered my questions I thought about voting them so this is will be a hard decision but I think I made up my mind.
2556 days 19 hours ago

Question: Why should I, Christian Underscore, the person, give you my vote to win? What is it about you as a person that I should give you my vote for?

As a person? Well firstly I think it's funny to think we hadn't talked really at all before this game started when it feels like we've been buddies forever. I think I reflect your desire to win and I think I reflect your commitment, and some of your level of ability, towards building interpersonal relationships with people. I

But more than anything, I like to keep the game as light and fun as possible. I hope for you and others reading this too, that although I was a small part in ending your journey, that, with the nicknames I gave us all and with of our conversations and calls that I really did make this game as fun for you as you made it for me. I hate to be an alliance member that is all game and no fun, so I hope, most of all, that everyone here enjoyed themsleves no matter what the outcome :')
2556 days 19 hours ago
@WYATT and

1. Name all the times in the game that you were generally blindsided by the result of tribal when you attended.

Yeah so the only time was the Erik blindside, although I was aware the Mogo Mogo side were targeting him because I had started to build some budding relationships with a handful of them, and they thought I was with Andrew/Mearl and not with Chapera/Erik. Truly, all day with Andrew and Mearl we never once discussed it being Erik proper, and my trust in them not turning it on Erik was thinking about their own incentives. I did not think, with 5 Mogo left, either of them had any strategic incentive to go after Erik so early in this merge, but obviously that was miscalculation of my part and possibly their own too. Other than that I was never surprised by the result of a tribal except I suppose I only found out that Erik had the idol about 5 minutes before he played it - but then I did not know you 3 were voting Shadi, so I did gasp at that one :-D

2. Were you throwing votes or did you rly fuck up as many times as me at merge?

Yeah so everyone in the game told me it was Brady, and obviously I knew it was *between* Erik and Jayson (but that one was a fuck up), and I then knew it would be Mearl etc. etc. I got this idea from Tyler, which is that I personally think it's weaker as a move to go along with the entire group when it's truly not something you wanted. I trusted Brady and I felt like the Mearl vote was far too early for some people, and so my mis-voting was a way to publicly say, "I do not condone." And from then on I really tried to spin the mis-voting as a tragic weakness or as a projection of my need for an alliance. It wasn't jury management or necessarily fucking up, but rather a signal of intent. As in Survivor as it is in life, our vote is our voice.

3. What was your plan at start of merge and how did it change course over time.

I think my initial plan at the merge was to get to the end with a mingling of you/Christian/Erik and my Saboga boys. I kind of felt that you lot might have chosen each other over me though which is perfectly understandable, and so I needed a bit of a back-up plan by having Brady/Mearl/Andrew. Around final 8 I felt like I genuinely wanted to go with you/Christian but with Chris in the way it never felt plausible. I just didn't see it working logistically. From final 7 onwards though I finally settled on going with Alex/Andrew and never looked back from there. It's never really been as fluid in games for me as it has been here with who I wanted to go with. I didn't feel like I could beat very many people in all honesty and so I really had to be very selective and ultra careful with whom I sat with. Although I may still lose tonight I don't think I have any regrets with choosing Alex/Andrew.

4. I want you to do another story where you kill a jury member but this time it has to be gaiaphage for my enjoyment.

2556 days 18 hours ago
Okay so I killed Wyatt for not trusting in my distrust for the Dark Lord Chris, and now I must, in turn, answer both Wyatt and Chris' question in one go with a murderous little story I like to call,

"How I would kill Chris."

Chris enjoys his good-looks. It wins him friends, lovers. He enjoys his youthful charisma. It brings him popularity and success. He enjoys it throughout his teenage years and throughout his 20s and he is always grateful for what it has brought him and continues to bring him. One day however, when he turns 30, he looks in the mirror and he doesn't see that same old Christopher. There's a gray hair. A bit more of a belly. A wrinkle or two cast around some of his boyish features. Although he dismisses it, he can't quite shake that feeling off. A few years go by and he is continues to go out and travel and meet people and win people over. He's 40 now and he once again returns to the mirror. In it he sees hardened lines running across his face like road maps. The skin below his eyes seems to have been affected by the pull of gravity. He isn't tired and yet somehow he looks it. Once again, he shakes it off. Although he continues to make the most of his life, his gravitational pull seems to have weakened. People surround him less. His gym strength has resided. He returns to the mirror at 50. He feels heavy. His eyes have dimmed. His body has worn. Gray hair has replaced brown. At 60 it gets worse. At 70, worse still. What once, in his looks and charm, shined so bright, has now dimmed like an ancient bulb. Chris is old now. Retired. Tired. He sits in his favourite armchair, smoking weed, but after so many years it does not seem to have had the same effect. Perhaps an immunity has built? He turns 80. And finally, 90. Old age has become him entirely. His skeletal body cannot lift his mind. His mind does not propel his body. At the age of 92, his nurse walks in to find him dead. He is buried that day same.

That's right.

I didn't murder Chris. Instead I vividly described him dying of old age.
2556 days 17 hours ago

Overall I got 1 vote all game in an All-Winners season, built great friendships and relationships with some cool people, and worked with everybody along the way. I was a part of all of your journeys and I think I can represent you all well for that purpose. I tried to have fun and never take anything to heart. I will be humble in victory as I would be in defeat, and although we may not be crowing the Cmack's All-Winners winner that we deserved in a strategic powerhouse or a powermove juggernaut, I believe we will at least have someone that completes Cmack's narrative well:

ANDREW representing Cmack's by booking marking this Generation with two wins.

ALEX representing Cmack's in that, as a group game, it is unique in how many times people return and Alex would be the ultimate returnee winner.

Or RHYS, representing Cmack's by playing twice as a player and winning twice as a player.
2556 days 17 hours ago
Hey all. Im still extremely torn over this Jury quesioning. No one is really impressing me with heir FTC performance.

And I just lost Gaias All Winners on a revote. So, I want to make sur my vote goes to the person who played the most respectable game of you 3.
Answer me this.

Name ONE thing you respect about each Jurors game.

Then also name ONE thing you respect about both Finalists game sitting beside you.
2556 days 14 hours ago
One thing I respect. I'll keep them brief and not too kissy-assy.

Brady > Brady's ability to form an alliance. He put myself/Andrew together and that ended up being all of our greatest asset in the game. In our last game he did the same with myself and another group. Brady can shape the entire game by picking and choosing the best crew possible.

Erik > On day one you were in the single worst position. You ended up running pre-merge and balancing both alliances perfectly without being a target of either. I didn't shut up in confessionals about how much I loved you and you made me love you after one chat. However, to relate this to my own game, minus the control I think I used the same qualities that you did pre-merge to get me through the merge, balancing two sides and positioning myself out of the firing line accordingly.

Mearl > Mearl is strategically versatile and easily understands the game more than any of us here. I simply can't imagine Mearl making the end of any game and being in the position any of us are and not having the necessary resume.

Jayson > Jayson's game involves not really talking game. He talks to you about you and he listens and he chats and he builds trust in a really unique and special way.

Austin E > Austin is just no mess, no strings attached. He's very rational and he's not going to unnecessarily overcomplicate a vote like most of us messes.

Wyatt > Wyatt knows how to pick his crew and ride with his crew. He's find it as funny as I do how he's literally always seen as the head of the alliance irregardless of if he's playing the best game of his life or choosing not to play that hard at all.

Chris > I never ever want to work with Chris because I'm obsessed with playing against him. He is unemotional and keeps it all game. He left with a lot of class and no stress which isn't hard to do.

Jordan >  For me I can't complement Jordan too much because we're so alike in so many ways that it feels like I'm just flattering myself. I just love this dude. Good mix of strategy/interpersonal relationships

Christian > Christian has the ability to form genuine, authentic and unbreakable bonds. He makes you feel special and he manages to get deep into the game fuelled on actual loyalty, which is rare.

Austin G > Austin basically had a bag of tricks down the stretch. He pulled game-saving stunt after stunt. Pretty slick.


Andrew > I love Andrew, he's so easy to work with and I would do it again and again - and I think his jury management has surprised and impressed me this whole time.

Snails > Snails was in the stickiest situations of all of us. He might have been an easy vote off for many but they never ever got him.
2556 days 13 hours ago
hey where's all da party gone
2556 days 12 hours ago
Once alex and Andrew answer my final part I'll send my vote in
2556 days 12 hours ago
I'm too hungover for this so Iim thinking of a number 1-100, guess for my vote
2556 days 12 hours ago
Once Alex and Andrew answer my final part I'll send my vote in
2556 days 10 hours ago
okay hi sorry im here ill answer now
2556 days 10 hours ago
@jayson i sent you my number
2556 days 10 hours ago

"Question: Why should I, Christian Underscore, the person, give you my vote to win? What is it about you as a person that I should give you my vote for?"

I think you, Christian, should vote for me to win, because I am a genuine person. I know that I didn't connect with certain people on a deep and emotional level, but that's only because it is hard for me to separate the game and meaningful relationships. I didn't want to be like Chris, where I would have to vote out someone that I cared for every single vote. But, I think that says a lot about me. I think that says that I am someone who truly cares about people that I am close with, and am easily impacted by each and every person who comes into my life. While I may not have bonded so much on a personal level, I think that is a reason to vote for me, because I am a very loyal person to those who I establish a connection with. I knew that coming into the game, and decided that I didn't want to be that guy like I usually am in my games, and I think that helped me to get here. I hope you understand what I am trying to say, and that it is enough to garner Christian underscore's vote.

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