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Student Applications

Topic » Student Applications

3228 days 23 hours ago
Name: Joey Wigg
Age (16-17): 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Personality Traits: Nice, funny, athletic
Bio: Joey I a fun loving guy. He is nice am very smart. He is also good with the ladies. He love sports including football and basketball. He wants to play football professionally one day.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: not really
Face-claim: Taylor Lautnar
3227 days 21 hours ago
Name: Kasey Jones
Age (16-17): 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Gay
Personality Traits: smart cunning and shy
Bio: Kasey is an adopted child. He was adopted at the age of 5 when his parents left him on the doorstep of the adoption agency.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: yeah
Face-claim: Josh Hutcherson
3227 days 5 hours ago
Name: Luke tanner
Age (16-17):
Gender: 17
Sexuality: straight
Personality Traits: polite,encouraging
Bio:Luke is super nice and friendly. He loves talking to others. He is super social
Would you be interested in being in The Society?:sureee
Face-claim:jake t Austin
3227 days 2 hours ago
Name: Tanner O'Brien
Age (16-17): 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Personality Traits: Arrogant, proud, flirty
Bio: Tanner is your typical jock at the school. He loves sports and is considered one of the "popular" kids at school. He's very cocky and can get under your skin pretty easily. He's very flirtatious with people to use them to his advantage. Sometimes he feels a little guilty for being an asshole but pushes the feeling away
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: Ummm no
Face-claim: Luke Bilyk
3226 days 23 hours ago
Name: Colette Matthews
Age (16-17): 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality Traits: Sarcastic, Quick Witted, Rebellious, charming, Power Hungry
Bio:Colette is a power hungry pretty face, with a taste for the taboo. She lives with her Father, and his newest wife in a gated 6 bedroom house, and it's very easy for her to get lonely.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: Yes
Face-claim: Miranda Kerr
3225 days 23 hours ago
Name: Thomas "Tk" Kalon
Age (16-17):  17
Gender: Male
Personality Traits: Blunt, Sneaky, Cunning, Rebellious, Athletic
Bio: Tk is the type to come off as rude becuase he is blunt, but if you take the time to know him you see he's just troubled, Since a young age all TK was always in the Shadow's of his Older brother who made it in life playing sports. Now Tk has basically given up his Last name and is Only going by Tk. Only a very select few now his real name.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: Depends on the people in it as well.
Face-claim:Tyler Posey
3225 days 22 hours ago
Name: Zoe Peterson
Age (16-17): 16
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Personality Traits: quiet, kind, conscientious
Bio: She often puts others' needs above her own and is very perceptive of other's feelings. She is always willing to help out and volunteers her time to charities and is involved in student council. She's a private person and doesn't like drawing attention to herself. Despite coming from a wealthy family she is modest. She follows the rules and is a responsible student.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: no
Face-claim: Danielle Campbell
3225 days 13 hours ago
Name: Minnie Mott
Age (16-17): 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Personality Traits: Shy, Quiet, Akward, Eccentric, Artistic, Funny
Bio: Minnie was always the most mysterious of her classes and people had trouble getting to know her. She would rather be alone than talk to others but she realizes she doesn't want to be seen as weird so she is trying to become more social with people. She loves to draw, paint and write. Minnie is now part of the tabloid society where she writes anonymously about the gossip which she finds to be fun.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: yes
Face-claim: Amanda Seyfried
3215 days 14 hours ago
Name: Austin Spring
Age (16-17): 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay (In The Closet)
Personality Traits: Compassionate, Envious, Questions Authority, Hopeful
Bio: Throughout elementary school, Austin was always picked and had no friends. His luck finally changed when his family moved across the country where he was able to start fresh. Ever since middle school and even today, Austin has always been one of the popular boys willing to do anything to remain at the top without exposing his secrets. If you're at the bottom, Austin probably ignores you.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: Yes but it's also fun to be a victim ^_^
Face-claim: Lucky Blue Smith
3215 days 13 hours ago
Name: Pandora Sonoda
Age (16-17): 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality Traits: Bubbly, Wicked Smart, Thespian, Genuine, Honest, and Takes No Bullshit
Bio: Pandora is that really smart latin blonde that defeats the stereotype of dumb blondes and makes sure that her intelligence fools other men to fall for her and basically be a fucking trapdoor spider and blackmail them into her favors. She's a badass in and outside of school. Cross her and her inner South Santa Ana side will come out and it ain't pretty.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: YASSSS
Face-claim: Pia Mia
3215 days 13 hours ago
Name: Hunter Washington

Age (16-17): 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality Traits: Sarcastic, Smart and Friendly

Bio: Hunter was born and raised in the town of Kalamazoo, Michigan by his divorced abusive father and little brother. When he turned 16, Hunter and his brother ran off in the night with their suitcases and never looked back. Now, Hunter and his brother have the life that they want. Except, Hunter has a secret that NO one knows. This secret could ruin his reputation forever,

Face Claim: Ross Lynch
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: Yes, no one would expect it

Face-claim: Ross Lynch
3215 days 7 hours ago
Name: Elizabeth Daniels
Age (16-17): 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality Traits: Smart, Agile, Cunning
Bio: Elizabeth always got what she wanted and lived a perfect life until age 9 when her mom found out her dad was cheating on her and they divorced. Her mother then went back to school, got a Diplomat and is now a doctor. Being raised by a single mother Elizabeth works hard and is an A+ student and wants to go to Harvard. But be careful mess with her and she will explode. But Elizabeth also has a little secret.....everyone thinks she is a perfect little good girl but little do they know the slut that lives within her
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: YESSSS
Face-claim: Candice Swanepoel
3215 days 2 hours ago
Sorry about the delay. Couldn't find the mail after I replied. I feel terrible!

me: Jessica Mayes
Age (16-17):  17
Gender: Female
Personality Traits: Sweet, Generous, popular, Creative, daring.
Bio: Jessica is the kind of girl that loves to be in the loop. Wether it be gossip, party info or who will do her homework. Jess isn't the smartest or even the most athletic, but one thing she is is pretty. And thats how she survives at school. Perhaps thats why she has a massive circle of friends....
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: If it would benefit the story line.
Face-claim: Skyler Samuels
3211 days 19 hours ago
Name: Svetlana Taylor
Age (16-17): 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality Traits: Vindictive, Evil, Manipulative, Sassy
Bio: Svetlana is the biggest bitch ever, being spoiled ever since she was a child. She's always had the mindset that she's the "Shit" and everyone is beneath her. She's either a really sweet girl, or a really evil manipulating backstabbing bitch. She has her reasons why she is the way she is. Svetlana is used to making & losing friends often, due to her sassy attitude and always exposing secrets of her friends. You cross her, you'll live to rue the day. She really does have a heart deep down inside her bitchy looks. She's actually really smart with her school work, but doesn't let it show thinking it'll lower her rank.
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: Yesssssssssssss
Face-claim: Annalynne McCord
3211 days 19 hours ago
Name: Jenna Stone
Age (16-17): 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality Traits: bubbly, outgoing, beautiful, kind
Bio: Jenna is a very smart, popular, athletic girl who tries to maintain a perfect, spotless record. She is an avid runner, a straight-A student, and friends with most of the school. Little does everyone know that she has had troubles with narcotics and depression in the past. After going to rehab before moving to Calabasas with her parents, Jenna thinks she can make a new start. But will the the Society expose her?
Would you be interested in being in The Society?: Yes
Face-claim: Blake Lively (blonde)

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Tabloid Society

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