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4271 days 4 hours ago
Tribal Challenge: Guess Who

Each tribe will select one person to carry a bomb on there team. You mail the person on each team who has the bomb a survey of 10 questions. Each team gets to ask you 5 questions about the opponent who has the bomb. You will give the answers based off of the survey. After words each team gets x amount of guesses (depends how many people are on each tribe but you decide how many guesses they get.) The first team to mail you the correct guess wins.

If no one gets it, the first person with the bomb to mail you "Drops bomb in opponents campsite" Wins for there tribe.

Individual Challenge: Lone Guesser

Depending on how many people are left you give them 1/2x amount of choices (For this example we will pretend there are 10 people left so you give 5 numbers)

Everyone picks a number. If multiple people pick the same number, nothing happens. If your the only one to pick a certain number, you get to eliminate that number of people.

Ex. 10 people left, chose from 1,2,3,4,5. 8 people pick 5, they all eliminate no one. 1 person picks 1. That person eliminates 1 person. 1 person picks 4, that person eliminates 4 people.

If everyone would be eliminated from the number of eliminations given no eliminations would occur.

When theres 2 people left have to guess how many eliminations were nullified

ex. when 8 people pick 5, thats 40 eliminations nullified

WITHOUT GOING OVER, the closest number wins.
4271 days 3 hours ago
Tribal Challenge: Hour post

Create a blog for each tribe, whichever blog has more posts of it after an hour will win Immunity.

Individual Challenge: Dog Eat Dog

Either each player bets how much of a task they can do in a time limit, highest bid wins OR everybody votes who they think would fail at it.

If person is successful they choose somebody to take out of the challenge, if they fail then they are eliminated from the challenge.
4271 days 3 hours ago
Individual challenge: Eat my Shit.
On my go, the 6 of you will post the word "eat" then you will post the word "my" and then you will post the word "shit". After posting each word, you will then post the name one of the other 5 house guests playing in the PoV competition! This is a race so do it as fast as possible! After telling one house guest to eat your shit, you will then repeat the entire process except you will pick a different house guest to make eat your shit each time. You will continue doing this until you have told every house guest to eat your shit. First person to do this will win the "Golden Power of Veto" and will a chance to take a nominee off the block.

Remember, you must post each word (eat,my,shit,houseguest name)in their own comment, you can't post more than one word per comment. Do not try to cheat or it may result in a vote against you when your up for eviction sometime.

This is an original challenge from me, its a BB challenge but you can turn it into a Survivor one!
4271 days 3 hours ago
Tribe Challenge: Word Maker <---- Bad Name

Post a whole bunch of random letters, along with a number.
i.e. sidgjeak5po
The number is 5 so the first person to post a 5 letter word gets a point for there team. Letters can be used more than once or not according to the host. This challenge could also be a knockout challenge.
Possible Answer: peaks

Individual Challenge: Pic Depict
Post a url to two pics morphed together. Who ever guesses both right first get 1 point. First to 3 wins. That or whoever has more at the end of the game.
4271 days 3 hours ago
Fire, Water, Wood (Individual)
So the host will choose two players to go head to head, water burns wood, wood floats in water, and water puts out fire.
the person who wins gets to take the player they beat and one other tribe member on the loser's tribe.
Last tribe standing wins.

S-P-E-L-L T-H-A-T W-O-R-D (Tribe)
So that host will have a word and each member will have to say one letter.
player 1: S
player 2: P
player 3: E
Player 4: L
Player 5: L
First Tribe to Spell the word wins immunity
4271 days ago
Tribe Challenge
Target Practice
Each tribe chooses an order for their members to compete in and then they compete against one person from the other tribe, you then ask a question about anything the host wants, the first person to answer gets 1 shot after everyone has gone they get to take their shot (so the more questions you get right the more shots you have for your tribe) they choose an area on the target (which is a 4x4 square target labeled 1,2,3,4 across the top and A,B,C,D down the side) you then if they hit or not, if you hit you score and that square is out of play , the tribe to score the most points wins( if a tribe gets no shots then they lose)

Steeple Chase
You pair up the remaining players and then one chooses to be the chaser and the other the chased, you then say "Go" the chased says "Runs" and the Chaser says "Chases" after 3-5 minutes if the chaser has said his action more then the chased then the chaser wins if it's the other way around the chased wins, this continues till there are two left after the final round someone wins immunity
4270 days 22 hours ago
Tribe Challenge: Equalizer
>Used In: Drago's Survivor Myanmar
>Each tribe starts with 10 points, I ask a question, the first tribe to guess the correct answer steals a point from the other tribe. The First Tribe To Get To 15 Points wins  the challenge.
>So, Tribe 1 gets question correct, 11-9
>Individual Challenge: A Journey of a 1000 Miles begins with 1 Step
>Used In: Drago's Survivor Occultus Island
>Each player will get their own forum, they have to post 1000 times in it. Once they reach 1000 (1001 on the outside forum), they post Done in the Challenge Topic. If you go over, you are out. Post done before you reach 1000 you are out. First to do so wins immunity
4270 days 16 hours ago
Immunity Rush:
Both tribes compete against each other to find a certain blog that you, Gaia, have asked SOMEONE ELSE to make. It must be a known person, because it'll be hard for people to find. Every 30-1hr you will give both tribes a clue of who made the blog. The tribe to copy/paste the blog in the forum or mails you it, wins immunity for there tribe. (Have the friend of yours that is known, make the blog a day earlier, so when the challenge starts they don't just go to the blog page and find it right once the competition starts.)

'Hanging around...for a while'
Check in: (30mins - 2 hours)
Every thirty minutes, the host (Gaia) will post 'Hang on the rope!'
Each time he posts that, tribe members have only 5 minutes to post back ' i keep hanging onto the rope' . It will continue until only one person has posted in the time limit. Ultimately, it will determine who wants it the most. Some people might be aching for sleep, but having to post every five minutes. If you post in six minutes and you're one minute later, you're OUT, and you plummet into the water. Last one hanging wins!
4270 days 16 hours ago
Tribal: Lucky Guesser
Each tribe has a poll, with numbers 1-50 as each button.
Each number has a ammount of points on it eg -5, 20, 7, 51 etc.
Contestants each have one guess, and can ask the host one question about the poll, could be is the highest points in 10-15, and the host can ony answer with yes or no, (only contestants can vote) and the tribe the most points wins.

Individual: Dunk tank.
So basically you ask them questions and who ever posts the right answer first goes to a poll where everyone is and they click someone's button and that person is out (close the poll to see who is out) keep going till only one left.
4270 days 12 hours ago
Individual: Survival trivia.
You ask questions to the contestants. One step forward onto a coloured square for each correct answer. There are eight coloured squares before the finish mat, two in each of the four colours. Last player left on each colour is out. First to make it to finish map wins immunity. If more players made it to the finish map at the same time, you ask new questions as tiebreaker until only one guesses correct.

Tribal: Race to flag
Four players per tribe need to compete in this. If less players come to the challenge, but they have to multitask. Every player has a job to do. First player has to post in different posts:
Run to beach
grab tribe flag
run back
dig under jail cell fence
untie another team member’s hands.
Next player has to post in different posts:
run to beach
dig into adjacent jail cell
untie another player.
Third player has to post in different posts:
retrieve two keys
unlock door to final jail cell
enter cell
unlock handcuffs on final tribe member.
Last player has to post in different posts:
grab the final key
unlock the door
run across finish line
raise tribe flag.

First tribe to do so wins immunity.
4270 days 2 hours ago
I'm sorry but my ideas are very simple:

Tribe Immunity:

Chain Reaction:

Each tribe is given a question (ex:  What Is the order of the jury members of BB14?) the tribe would then in order one by one say the answer. if the answer is repeated or answered incorrectly they would have to start over. Very simple.

Individual Immunity:

Faster Typer:

All you have to do is say a word in all caps (ex: SURVIVOR) then after you say it the first castaway to answer correctly will choose someone to be eliminated until there is only one survivor left. Very simple.
4270 days 1 hour ago
Each person in the tribe is assigned a job (Smart (1 person), speed (2 person), and builder (1 person) The smart person is givin a sentence that they must unscramble and post in the forums (Ex. Htsi si ruo ivtcroy. This is our victory) the speed people will have to post I grab piece 1 and the other will post I grab piece 2. They will have to do it to up to 10 (5 times each) The builder will creat a blog where he will have to get 5 people to post in this order
1. Grabs pieces
2. Puts pieces 1-5 together
3. Puts pieces 6-10 together
4. Climbs tower
5. Puts flag on top

First tribe to complete or tribe with the most done at end of 24 hours wins immunity

Individual: Endurance
Everyone must post Still hanging on every 15 minutes or they are eliminated. After some time it can be shortened to 10, then 5, then 1 minute the longer the challenge takes. Last one still hanging on is the winner of immunity
4269 days 23 hours ago
It is the basic Survivor knowledge game only it will be how well each person know's your Survivor series since it is the last one you will host.  Once you get one right, you cut another tribemate's rope. Last one with a rope wins.
Note: it will still take the roll of Survivor where they have the block and are given 4 options (A B C D) or true and false questions.

It will involve brains and brawn. There are 4 different locations to get keys from (Water, Forest, Sand, Mud) The game begins with a puzzle (the puzzle will reveal where the runner needs to go), once they figure out the puzzle they tell one of their tribe mates to go to that location to retrieve a key. Then the runner needs to go throw a few obstacles to get the key and then come back through the obstacles. Once they get back with a key, the brain member starts on another puzzle. Once a team gets all 4 keys, one person has to say "place key 1 into treasure box" and do this for all 4 keys. Once he gets the flag from the box, he has to say "raises flag" and that tribe wins.
4269 days 23 hours ago
each tribe will have to unscrabble a list of words than you will post a poll and they will have to get 100 votes to move on after they get the 100 votes they will finish and win immunity
every person has 5 dummys hanging on a cliff the order they go in is the times they check in and each turn everyone will get to choose someones dummy to throw off the cliff and so on untill the last person with a dummy is left wins
4269 days 23 hours ago
Individual - back to the basics

Everyone left must join a fastings game the only way to win immunity is to get into the finals. More than one person can win, if no one gets into finals the highest person is safe :)

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