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Finale + Reunion

Topic » Finale + Reunion

4286 days 18 hours ago
We'll now bring in the members of our jury, Jacob, Carl, Tyler, Joe, Josh, Zach, Keith, Alex, and Jayson, voted out last tribal.

Mearl, Omar, and Dexter. You there have made it to finals and will plead your case to the jury as to why you should win. You'll make an opening statement.

The jury can question you three ad you must answer everything.

The jury will have 48 hours to vote for a WINNER.

Good Luck!
4286 days 18 hours ago
Congrats final 3 on making Day 50!
4286 days 18 hours ago
4286 days 17 hours ago
I'll post my "Greatest Speech Ever" after I hear why you lucky bastards should win
4286 days 17 hours ago
4286 days 17 hours ago
Hey guys,

First off it was an honor to play with you guys and thank you Gaiaphage and Bingo for hosting.

Coming into this game I had one strategy in mind: keep my options open. Everything move I made in this game was well thought out and fit this strategy. Sometimes the situation dictated what move I would make, other times it was based off pure strategy. In the end I made it to the finals by using my strategical, social, and physical games (I think I won the most individual immunities) without getting a vote cast against me.

I'm sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings, I hate doing that and I'm sorry. I had to cast some votes that I did not enjoy thoughout this game.

One final note: Ben, you played a great game. Omar, we were together from the near the start of this game. Good luck to both of you!
4286 days 17 hours ago
*Walks in*

Congratulations, Omar. You got to the spot where I should've been. I really have one question for you. What did you DO this game? All you did was cause trouble for the Core 4 even when you were in one of the better spots on our tribe.

Mearl, congratulations as well. We worked the tribe Post-Merge. I do have a question for you as well. Three actually.

Was there ever a time when you just entirely screwed up?

If it had actually come down to you choosing between Ben and myself in the Final 3 (if it were a F2), who would you have chosen (considering you win Final Immunity)?

Last one for you. In the tribal I was voted out. I had originally voted you, and you say to me "No hard Feelings?" basically saying that you wouldnt vote me just because I had voted you. Then you convince everyone to vote me pretty much (considering Jayson was going to vote Omar, and you tried to persuade Omar that I was backdooring him. And Ben pretty much does what you tell him to). I was always wondering, if you said "No hard Feelings", why did you try to get everyone to vote me, even though Im just one measly vote.
Now, Ben. You really don't deserve my vote at all. I always had to talk to you, not vise versa. And, you did EVERYTHING Mearl told you to do. And when you didn't, you screwed yourself over. Im really wondering. Post-Merge, what did you freaking DO that wasnt with Mearl or myself's help that was good for you.

That's all I have to say. I deserve to be in that spot tbh. I even had some of the Jury Members rooting for me. But, good luck. Unless Omar and Ben can persuade people well enough. Mearl's won this game.
4286 days 17 hours ago

Was there ever a time when you just entirely screwed up?
Buying that necklace that voided my vote was a bad decision. Other than then, given the circumstances I was put in, I don't think I messed up. I over came the obstacles and made the best of the hand dealt.

If it had actually come down to you choosing between Ben and myself in the Final 3 (if it were a F2), who would you have chosen (considering you win Final Immunity)?

Honestly I was hoping to never be put in that position. I said in a confessional how tangled up I was and that I hoped things would work themselves out... I think it would come down to the jury and who I had a better shot at beating since I had created close relationships with both of you.

if you said "No hard Feelings", why did you try to get everyone to vote me, even though Im just one measly vote.

Coming into this game, before day 1, I told you I was with you all the way. That day you were voted out you told me that you had decided you'd take me to final 2 over Omar.. then when the situation comes up you targeted me saying I was a jury threat. Once that happened it made you an option and it was, in my mind, me or you so I went to Omar and he was willing to keep me so thats how I went... Dexter gave me an Idol afterwards that nulled all of it... but if i had gone I wouldn't have held hard feelings and thats what I meant.

It was fun playing with you and I wish things had turned out differently.
4286 days 17 hours ago
First off, hello everyone! I am happy to be in finals, and I'm even more happy to have played this game with such an amazing cast! I wouldn't change it for the world.

Now, many of you may believe I did nothing in this game, "He didn't win any competitions, blah blah blah." Well I played a very great social game. I honestly did, I also played a very well played strategic game. I stood up for what I believed in, and what I thought was going on. Since Lincoln left, I knew Mearl was in control and I tried countless times to change that but he had too much control for me to change it, and many of you saw that. I honestly at one point lenses everyone a hand, but you guys just grabbed my leg.

Gaia's Greatest - I tried flipping over to you guys and make a split vote hoping that Mearl would leave. But in this game you can't really trust anyone, therefore you didn't believe I was serious and just didn't give me a name on who to vote for. After that vote, I couldn't really flip anymore since I'll be flipping into minority. I am sincerely sorry you're all sitting in jury because I did have some time to speak to you all. I love you guys.

Keith - Keith! Gah! What happened! I know it was my fault, but I honestly believe Jayson would go that tribal! They told me to split votes and I voted for Jayson and keep my word to you, but clearly everyone flipped and didn't tell me and they voted you. I'm sorry to see you sitting there, and I think you're cute :3 lol

Zach & Monk - You guys! Gosh! I wanted a final 3 with you guys, but it seemed like if you didn't believe me and just went along with Mearl's plan and I hate seeing you guys sitting in jury because honestly the final 3 wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys. I am very thankful you guys helped switch the game around. Thank you for helping me make my first finals!

Alex - <3 I love you so much! You can ask Jayson, Mearl and Ben! I fought so hard to keep you safe, and I tried my best to get Mearl out, but once again I didn't get to save an ally. Mearl had the idol, so it was just you and I last minute. I'm really sorry for voting you out, and I hope you can forgive me. We were friends before this game and I hope we can be friends out of this game.

Jayson - You gave me a run for my money! We didn't talk much, but you played a phenominal game. I'm sorry to see you go, but it was probably the best move to have voted you out since you were an original GG.

I would also like to say, I played a very loyal game all this game, I did try to help all of you one way or another. All I can do now is just ask for you to vote for me to win. This is my first finals, the underdog, I'm sure no one expected me to be here especially being out of the loop here and there. But I fought hard to be here, trying to flip to GG got me in a huge hole, and I somehow managed to dig myself out of it. I am down one jury vote, and it was a sacraficed I took to get here seeing that if I didn't take it, I wouldn't be here. I love you all and Good Luck Ben and Mearl.
4286 days 17 hours ago
Mearl - You my friend had everyone wrapped around your finger, except for me obviously. I was that little rebel trying to get you out of this game. You were the Russel Hantz , and I was the Sandra of this game. Russel manipulated everyone but made so many lies, I knew I couldn't trust you. I tried so many times to get you out, but then again it was impossible with some of these people being so wrapped around your finger. I tried persuaying them that they were just accesories to your elaborate plan but they wouldn't believe me. :( I see why you're here, and I honestly see why we are BOTH here.

Ben - No comment. You were a sheep this whole game tbh, after Lincoln left you needed a new shepard and that shepard was in the shape of a Mearl & Alex :|
4286 days 17 hours ago
Another thing I'd like to add;

Joeker and Keith I was dead serious about that Final 5 deal of you guys, monk, zach and I. But you guys didn't trust me , but I understand because in this game you couldn't really trust anyone ESPECIALLY A BB (or GG). So you guys stuck with your original tribe memebrr Jayson, and I respect that. It showed you two were loyal.

Sorry so many things running through my head right now
4286 days 16 hours ago
Hello, I only got one question for Omar and this will decide my vote for either him or Mearl.

You said you wanted a final 5 with Keith and I, Monk, Zach, and yourself, yet you said in your speech you were planning on having a final 3 with Zach and Monk, which I really can't blame you for to be quite honest.

But anyway, my question to you is if Keith and I gave you a final 3 deal, would you've truly accept it or would you rather go to the end with the two returnees? I want an honest answer that will decide my vote for either you or Mearl.

That's all I got to say and congrats to the 3 of you.
4286 days 16 hours ago
To members of the jury, I sit before you today asking not for your love or compassion but for your vote.

The way I have played this game was not exactly the way I envisioned when the game started but things never seem to go exactly to plan. I pretty much tried to play the best game I could while keeping the evil to a minimum and also have fun with it at the same time.

Just before the merge my main ally at the time (Lincoln) was voted out. Leaving me in what I felt was a vulnerable position considering I voted against the three BB who eventually made the final 5 (Mearl, Gohan and Omar) however, by working closely with these three, especially Mearl. I improved my situation.

There were times in the game where I betrayed people (Zach and Monk), in both these situations, I felt the move was necessary at the time. I’m sure  there will be more questions about this later.

Anyway, I hope to get your vote. Also, jury, please don’t just assume you know the game I have played, ask me questions! And If you don’t like the answers then fair enough.

Also, congrats Mearl, Omar and Bingo’s Best. Very happy it’s a BB final. Thanks :\ ooooooh yeah
4286 days 16 hours ago

As you say yourself, you had support from the jury. I felt the same. Mearl wanted to take out Omar in the final 5 vote. I convinced him to vote for you instead. This helped in two ways:

1. Took out a jury threat.
2. In my eyes guaranteed me a spot in the final. I believe Omar and Jayson would have taken out Mearl before me, an obviously greater jury threat. I also didn't think Mearl would vote me out before Omar or Jayson.

I hope this answers your question.
4286 days 16 hours ago
Oh, and I do wanna clarify something.

A lot of people in the Jury at the end kept telling Prozach he was stupid trusting us, because we voted him out.

Correction, only Ben was the one that voted him out. Mearl, Omar, myself, and Epstar tried to get out Lea at the time (One of Lincoln's Allies). So yeah. The reason we didnt trust him was because he flipped on us :/
4286 days 16 hours ago
Ben, you just said that Mearl was the GREATER Jury Threat. And in Mearl's answer he said that YOU YOURSELF gave him the idol.

Why not vote him out if he was the greater Jury Threat?

(Oh my god, this is sounding like an Alex/Russ moment right here. Not getting out the greater Jury Threat, playing idols on the threat, :x)

PS: I think I know the answer to this, but lets see if Im right.

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