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Episode 5 || Face Off

Topic » Episode 5 || Face Off

573 days 13 hours ago
(I just wanted to say that I had a great time this season and hopefully there will be a second season)
573 days 9 hours ago
(Imma leave it there for next time. I also enjoyed my time with the show, was a pleasure to be a part of!)
573 days 9 hours ago
Leaving mine there to. I have more plans with my character 😈🤭)
573 days 7 hours ago
Daniel stands in the cemetery. Next to his dad's tombstone, a tombstone reads, "Sean Eduardo Ortiz, loving brother, a brave man who dared to stand up for what he believed in."

Daniel placed a bouquet of flowers on the tombstone. This was only the first stop among the many new additions to the cemetery.

Right before he moved on, he heard a voice say, "Daniel is that really you?"

Daniel turned around, and he didn't recognize the face for a second.

"Chris is that really you?"

The person nodded, and Daniel ran to hug him. 

"Chris what are you doing here its dangerous for civilians."

Chris nervously scratched his head, "I got a gift from your brother, before he...well you know. It was a bottle and it said, *I know you've wanted to be a superhero all your life, and now's your chance to become one.*"

Chris paused, "I was nervous about taking it so i just left it in a secret place. Then I saw you take on the alien that almost exploded the world, and I knew you needed all the help you can get, so I...I drank it. I knew Captain Spirit and Superwolf had to be reunited to stop the Evil Alien Queen!"

Daniel smiled at his enthusiasm, then scrunched his eyebrows, and whispered, "what did it do to you, what powers did you get?"

Chris frowned, and Daniel could see a flash of pain across his eyes for a second. "It hurt, I couldn't get out of bed for days, but it's better I just show you."

Chris showed Daniel his powers, and Daniel said, "this could be really useful".

They did their handshake they made years ago, and both shouted, "Captain Spirit and Superwolf combined to stop all evil together at last."

As they both giggled and made their way out, Daniel finally could tell his brother that things where looking up for a change.

(I don't know what powers I want to give Chris yet, so yeah ;) whoops)
573 days 4 hours ago
*Boris finds himself at the post office. He quickly skims through a few different letters.*

“Okay, for Daybreak, it’s my resignation… for Austin, it’s my goodbye for now. I already gave him a call earlier, but hopefully this finalizes it.”

*He drops the letters down the chute and glances up at the sky.*

“…maybe it’s cowardly of me to move with an alien around. Maybe, but… I don’t think I’m the hero people need. Not anymore. If people need me to come back one day, maybe I’ll come back, but… I don’t think I can do anymore superheroing. Not anymore.”

*He looks behind him. It’s his taxi. He’s ultimately decided that he’s neither going to Canada nor Russia, but rather down to Oregon. He’ll get a more normal job there, maybe do part-time hero work on the side so he can help his family move stateside. He still doesn’t know if he’ll ever be back, but being closer is insurance just in case.*

“…alright, I’m getting in.”

*He grabs what little belongings he has left, pays the driver and gets inside. He gets to thinking as he drives off.*

^I feel like most people would take today as a sign that the world needs heroes more than ever. And maybe it does. I just don’t know if the world needs *me specifically*. I… can’t say I’ll miss this place, but I’ll be sure to keep in touch with the *people* I miss.^

*Boris rides off. Will Boris return for Season 2? It’s hard to say, his story was always meant to last a single season-long arc. For now, take comfort knowing that, for once, he’s content with his life decisions.*

(And that’s it. Had a good time overall.)
573 days 4 hours ago
*Winnie would be seen in the local cafe. You know the one. They are using a laptop and  are visibly frustrated and struggling to find anything of use to their goal. They give a quick cheeky smile before having a wild thought popping into their mind of what to type in.*

*They begin to type something into a search engine. After the clickity clack of the keyboard is over. The search bar reads: Freak Accidents That Occurred in the Last Few Years Located in the United States.

Of course a lot of results are of horrible cases of death and of that nature. So unfortunately Winnie comes up empty handed. If only they had more information on who they were, it could make the search for them easier.*

*Winnie let’s out an exasperated sigh before looking over at Taryn.* ^Maybe if I make a deal with the Devil… I can get some answers.^

(Definitely a mess what I just wrote. But irregardless this was a lot of fun! Shame I missed the big finale but I’m glad I took part in this!)
572 days 23 hours ago
*Sits in a living room of his parents death. He is on a sofa and a hand reaches across from him*
*A reality illusion of his parents sit across from him*
So what he said isn’t true…I know it isn’t I seen it. And that’s what replays in my head

Jack: Son we didn’t provoke it think about it. We would never put you in any harm

Emma: The man lied through his teeth you know we will always be here for you.

*They huddle around him and embrace him, Weston is visibly lost in the reality and he tears up and scrunches up his fist, the reality shatters. Once he stands up he walks out the door holding a giant bag of cash the leftovers from the charity event. He turns around once more and stares at the blood stained floor of the abandoned apartment*

*He steps out of the house and he is then seen walking, and as he does he walks past the petrified cafe. He slowly begins releasing his disguise as he passes. He sees Taryn at the counter humming some tune, Winnie on his laptop, he turns his head and looks up at the drones above him*

I’m turning myself in. I have a remainder of the money from the charity event here. I will wait for local authorities.

*As he stands their, one of the drones releases a taser, then red and blue lights are seen flashing from the distance. Weston is grabbed and a collar is put on him. As he hauled into the car a gloved blonde woman steps out of the car*

Weston Diamond, is in custody
*She speaks into wrist communicator*
I will be making sure the transfer is secure to the facility
*She looks Weston up and down*

Ahh look they sent a lackey to make sur-
*His head drops down as three thuds are heard as Clara hits him with the points of her fingers*

Bulletman was right he is a talker.
*She looks at the guard nodding at him to put him the back seat as she does, they drag Wes’s unconscious body into the car and they are seen driving off, as the woman then gets in the car tailing the patrol car*
571 days 16 hours ago
*brandon where's ur closer
571 days 3 hours ago
| Discovery Park |

Hisea stands in the park, watching from afar as the rubble of Daybreak HQ is being rebuilt. She notices signs all around the construction area, promoting “Seattle’s New Cultural Center”, which will replace Daybreak’s headquarters. A person approaches from behind Hisea.

“I know it was far from the ideal outcome, but I promise you… It was the only way.”

Hisea looks back, seeing Taryn standing there. She is a bit take. Back by seeing Taryn outside. Hisea slightly nods and turns back to the construction site.

Hisea: Why didn’t you help us? So many people died. They needed you.

Taryn looks down, biting her lip

Taryn: If I was given the option, I would have…

Hisea closes her eyes and nods, knowing better than to pry Taryn for a better answer. She turns back to looks at her

Hisea: So. You come outside now?

Taryn: I figure it’s about time I stepped out of my shell… I feel as though someone might need me soon, so I’m making myself available.

Hisea tilts her head at Taryn, wondering what she’s talking about. Like the queen she is, Taryn turns away and walks off, leaving the conversation with a very cryptic ending.

| Northern Seattle |

The scene opens on a nice, large suburban home. The camera pans out, showing more of the peaceful area. Bullet-Man steps into view, still in his uniform and holding a duffel bag down by his side. He walks up to the door, opening it. As Bullet-Man walks in, he is greeted with two children running up and hugging him, yelling “Dad!” Bullet-Man smiles and hugs the two children back, until a woman walks up and begins hugging him as well. “Welcome home, Jason.” The woman says quietly before sharing a kiss with him.

After a few minutes of being welcomed by his family, Bullet-Man makes his way upstairs to his bedroom to finally settle in. He drops the duffel bag as he enters the bedroom, and looks around, exhaling. He closes the door behind himself walks deeper into the bedroom, until he reaches the bed. Bullet-Man plops down onto the mattress and looks up at the ceiling for a moment.

And like that, the tears start flowing out of Bullet-Man. He cries to himself, finally letting his built up emotions exit his body. He covers his face after a while until the scene ends.
571 days 3 hours ago
| Central District |

The site of the Hell’s Angels warehouse has been rebuilt, and is the new Headquarters for the Daybreak Superhero Team. Their newest recruits, Piper and Daniel walk through the halls of the building, being guided by clipboard person. Piper had been signed to the team after being recruited by Backwardo, and Daniel was offered a spot on the team for stopping the attack that Wes created inside the tower.

Clipboard Person: As of right now, due to the departure of The Ice Cream Man, there are only three heroes on the team, but within the next year, we plan on upping that number!

Clipboard person walks to the end of the hall, and opens the doors that lead into Daybreaks meeting room. Piper and Daniel walk in behind her.

Clipboard Person: Please allow me to introduce you two to your team captain, Bugseye!

Bugseye sits at the head of their meeting table, and looks up at Piper and Daniel walking in. He is in full uniform, covering his face with a mask.

Clipboard Person: Okay, I’ll let you two get to know him a little better, and I’ll be back in ten to finish off the tour and get some of your paperwork signed!

Clipboard Person walks out of the room, shutting the doors behind them. Piper and Daniel just look at Bugseye, knowing who’s really under the mask. Piper walks over and takes a seat next to Bugseye, while Daniel sits at the other end of the table as he doesn’t know him that well. Piper looks at Bugseye, smiling at him.

Piper: Hey… How are you holding up? Did your burns heal well?

Bugseye just slowly turns his head to Piper and doesn’t say anything. The comforting smile soon fades after seeing his response. Bugseye turns away from her and goes back to looking at nothing, which causes Piper to also turn away from him and look down at the table.

Daniel blinks at this exchange, and already begins to question if being in this team will be beneficial at all.

| Vanguard Tower |

Backwardo, Morgan, and Nyx all sit in Vanguard Tower. They sit in the meeting room quietly, only shooting each other awkward eye contact. The recent loss has left a lasting impact on their spirits. Bullet-Man takes a seat, setting his helmet on the table and looks at the team.

Bullet-Man: So. How’re we feeling today.

Morgan: Like shit.

Backwardo and Nyx nod in agreement, both looking down as Morgan says this. Bullet-Man continues to look at the three of them.

Bullet-Man: Good…

The three look up at Bullet-Man curiously, as what happened was anything but good.

Bullet-Man: We should feel like shit. We lost. Badly… We spent enough time feeling bad about ourselves, but now is time for us to focus on improving. And to do that, I reached out.

Bullet-Man motions his hand towards the door, and as the team looks over, they see Sixth Sense walk in the room.

Nyx’s eyes widen as she sees Sixth Sense walk in. She turns to look at Bullet-Man.

Nyx: What is *He* doing here?

Bullet-Man: I’m glad you asked, Nyx… Our old friend S.S. Decided to come out of retirement and help us out.

Bullet-Man turns back to Sixth Sense, shaking his hand.

Bullet-Man: Welcome back, buddy… You bring her with you?

Sixth Sense: I sure did.

Sixth Sense turns back to the door
“P.P. You coming?”

Clara Pointe, also known as Pressure Pointe walks into the meeting room, smiling at Sixth Sense

Clara: Would you PLEASE stop calling me that?

Sixth Sense and Bullet-Man chuckle before looking at Backwardo, Nyx and Morgan, who are just witnessing this.

Bullet-Man: Guys. This is Pressure Pointe, America’s newest Vanguard. She recently apprehended the projector, so I thought we would bring her in.
571 days 3 hours ago

NovaStar is seen being cheered on by the local police department after apprehending some Criminals

NovaStar: Oh thanks boys I try to do my best

Suddenly as she walks away from the crowd and officers, those cheers turn into monstrous roars of hate and obscenities against NovaStar. It is revealed it was a dream, as Green eyes shine open.

NovaStar looks down upon Earth from Space before flying off deeper into the galaxy, leaving the planet behind her.

(End of season 1)
570 days 14 hours ago

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