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Episode 2 || The Aberration

Topic » Episode 2 || The Aberration

622 days 2 hours ago

Clean up training grounds-
622 days 2 hours ago
(Sorry guys, I’m gonna be off for a while)
622 days 2 hours ago
(No worries!)
622 days 2 hours ago
Same early riser for the airport ride)
622 days 2 hours ago
(All good)
621 days 23 hours ago
(I’m gonna close the episode here! Thank you guys so much, closers will be posted within the next couple days)
621 days 23 hours ago
*Enters his apartment, it’s sad and empty with bags of cash collect from the Diamond Lounge. He flicks the lights on the reality warps to luxury. Two people would walk out of his room resembling him*

Emma Tiberius: Oh Hun he is home

Jack T: Oh there’s my boy.

*He points to the ground and looks up at the two*

I brought this back from the night

Emma T: You did honey we see that. We are so proud of you a working business man

Jack T: That’s my boy

*They would both sit their and count the money letting Wes know the total. Wes would sit their happy as these Illusion are of his parents, he knows they are not real but plays into the reality.*

I love you guys

Emma T: We love you to Honey and we can’t wait to be at the next Diamond Lounge watching you do your thing. For The Diamonds

*He looks at them once more blinking and they would be gone. He gulps lightly shaking himself out of the moment and he the takes the now wrapped money putting it in a more secured spot in his apartment.*

The next event…hmm

*he sits on his ottoman glancing out at the vanguard tower*
620 days 5 hours ago

| Vanguard Tower |

The Vanguard Society all sit at their table for a meeting. Bullet-Man has a stack of papers in front of him, as he’s usually the one who fills out all the paperwork. Ted and Morgan sit next to each other while Nyx is sitting next to Garmanarnar, petting the little green blob. NovaStar walks into the room and takes a seat. Bullet-Man looks up at her and smiles, then looks around at the group.

Bullet-Man: Let’s get started. Have we found anything interesting?

Nyx: I believe there could be a new threat arising. A man named Wes. He gave me this.

Nyx slides the card Wes gave her, over to Bullet-Man. He examines the card while Ted and Morgan eye each other. Ted sits up straight, looking over at Bullet-Man.

Ted: Yeah. Yeah, I heard about him. He steals these magic crystals from the cafe and uses them to make illusions I guess?

Garmanarnar interrupts
“I eat pencils!”

Nyx pats Garmanarnar’s head while Bullet-Man just blinks at them

Bullet-Man: …Now why is he a threat?

Ted: It’s just suspicion. I’ve been looking into it. But I think this guy has been up to something shady.

Bullet-Man waves his hand and tosses the card, disregarding it.
“Don’t worry about it. Leave that to Daybreak, they don’t have much going on, they can handle him.”

Ted rolls his eyes and looks down, annoyed at Bullet-Man completely dismissing something that could be of importance.

| Daybreak HQ |

Daybreak sits in their meeting room, clearly having more on their plate than anyone realizes. They all sit around Echo #2, looking at him.

Echo #2: Before I keep going, can you all agree to keep the Vanguards out of this? They’ll just make everything so much worse.

They all look around at each other, nodding in agreement, then look back at Echo #2.

Austin: You know where we should start?

Echo #2: Cafe, definitely. There is an unusual amount of energy that place radiates. Check out what’s going on there.

Austin nods and raises his hand quickly, already having his own experience with the cafe and knowing what to expect.
“I got it.”

Austin puts his mask over his face, and his mechanical dragonfly wings expand from his back. He flies up on out of there to check it out. Boris watches him fly out, and starts walking towards the exit.

Boris: I will assist him.

Echo #2: The next place to check out, would be Hell’s Angels. I know a lot of what they do are secret operations… I understand they have a history of attacking people with super abilities. Keep an eye on them.

Blake nods
“Hell’s Angels it is. Wish me luck!”

He transforms himself into a big, husky man with a white beard, wearing a Hell’s Angels jacket. He walks out of the headquarters. Echo #2 looks at Nysa and Echo, the only two members that are still in the building.

Nysa: And what about us?

Echo #2: I know I said not to get them involved… But we should watch the Vanguards. Just us three.

Echo: You’re kidding. Please tell me this is a joke.

Echo #2: No, Im afraid it’s pretty serious…

Nysa and Echo look at each other before turning back to glare at Echo #2.

Nysa: They’ll try to kill us.

Echo #2: Only if we get caught… This isn’t anything the three of us can’t handle. It’s a risk we have to take.

Echo: I hate to say it, but you’re right. Nobody should be written out. We have to stay alert. The abnormality could be anyone or anything.

Nysa scoffs, shaking her head. She is visibly done with everything.

Nysa: Can I at least spy on the little blob thing?
| Wes’ Residence |

Wes peacefully sits in his apartment, minding his own business, and reading a book. Out of nowhere, the middle of his apartment has a whirlpool on the floor, and it quickly expands, sucking Wes down. He falls for a bit before ending up falling into one of Taryn’s secret rooms underneath the cafe. He falls into a chair, and notices her sitting across from him. He looks around for a moment, having been thrown off guard.

Wes: Wha- You do portals? Why?! I told you, I wouldn’t steal from you anymore!

Taryn: you have no idea, do you?

Wes: … What are you talking about?

Taryn levitates one of her crystal balls to show Wes what the Vanguards and Daybreak were talking about in their meetings.

Taryn: The Vanguards know about you and the crystals from my cafe. Daybreak is coming to investigate me, and I’m willing to bet it’s about you. Didn’t I tell you *not* to let this happen?

Wes kinda smirks at this news, but puts his hand over his mouth to hide it since it would be inappropriate to laugh

Wes: Good. Now they’ll be enticed to come to the Diamonds again. Maybe Nyx gave them my card?

Taryn: No! Not good. If you’re going to keep pursuing this goal of yours, keep it away from my cafe… This is your final warning Wes, no more jokes.

Taryn frowns, and sends Wes through another whirlpool portal back to his place.

| Seattle Hospital, Pediatric Ward |

Hisea finishes up with one of her child patients and walks out of the room. She sighs, as it is always difficult to see a child go through so much pain. She rubs her eyes, then looks up, seeing none other than Bullet-Man, and Garmanarnar standing on his shoulder. Bullet-Man is carrying a box of pizza. “Excuse me”, he says, politely to Hisea, who scoots out of the way for him. He doesn’t seem to notice her, even after she impressed him with her powers… Bullet-Man enters the child’s room, and Hisea looks in, watching the child smile and laugh for the first time since they’ve been at the hospital. She also notices the parents in the corner of the room, shedding tears from seeing their child finally smile. Hisea smirks, seeing this.

About an hour goes by, and Bullet-Man walks out of the room, Holding Garmanarnar on his shoulder again. They walk through the hall and turn the corner to head out. Hisea follows behind and peers around the corner to watch them. She sees Bullet-Man stop to talk to someone wearing a suit and holding a clipboard in one arm. In the other arm, they have one of those pet traveling cages that Bullet-Man sets Garmanarnar in. Bullet-Man sighs, holding his stomach

Bullet-Man: How many more?

Suit Person: Eight more, sir.

Bullet-Man: Shit. I can’t be eating fucking pizza all day.

Suit Person: It makes the kids happy.

Bullet-Man: So what? They have Garmanarnar to make them happy. Why do *I* have to eat pizza with them. I can’t just buy them pizza?

Suit Person: They’ll assume that you think you’re better than them if you don’t eat the pizza with them. Some kids will cry if you don’t eat the pizza. I’ve seen it before.

Bullet-Man: Fuck- Fine. I’ll eat pizza… All day pizza, fucking great.

Bullet-Man walks out of the hospital, to go meet with more kids in other hospitals. The suit person follows along, swinging the cage that Garmanarnar is in. Hisea blinks at this, not sure what exactly to make of Bullet-Man.

| Central District |

Winnie sits on a rooftop, looking down at the Hell’s Angel’s garage. They play with their Frozen yo-yo, dropping it off the edge of the building and bringing it back up, still not being able to catch it. Winnie gets startled and jumps when they hear a van screech and pull up in front of the warehouse. Winnie holds the Yo-Yo still, as they watch Peyton, Sean and Daniel get out of the van. They reach into the back and pull out a body. Winnie gets a pretty good look at them, and sees that the body they pulled out of the van is the Changeling, Blake Bailey. They’re in pretty bad shape. There’s blood and bruises all over his face… Winnie freaks out, and instinctively starts taking pictures of them carrying Blake’s unconscious body into the warehouse.
620 days 5 hours ago
(Thank you guys so much for such a great episode! Can’t wait for the next one!!)
620 days 1 hour ago
(These were dope keep up the great work and they Got BLAKE BAILEY)
619 days 7 hours ago
(Not Blake Bailey!)
618 days 8 hours ago
(The plots thicken!)
570 days 14 hours ago

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