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Big Brother Rookies Game #227075



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18 hours
13 days 20 hours ago
brunodrads40 points Champion
nickgqc20 points
+1 points
brunodrads 14 days 8 hours ago
anything can happen but I'm very happy already cuz it was a very good and chil game :)

omg very long time hahaha
+1 points
nickgqc 14 days 8 hours ago
Love you Bruno! I think you will win bro it was really fun tho, and I just checked last time I played a frooks was 15 of Dec lol
+1 points
brunodrads 14 days 8 hours ago
9th jeff - you're very nice to play with I saved you here but unfortunately only my vote wasn't enough to keep you. hope we can get to know each other better in vivor and merge together ❤️

8th flame - you're such a king and very kind person. even being nommed so many times you still spreading positive messages in the chat which makes me save you most of the times you got up ❤️

7th tcold - honestly nothing much to say since we never spoke on this game and we're not close out of here so I totally understand that we didn't have each other's back to make far together sorry tho ❤️

6th weonly - I was the only one to have saved you omg :(( you're so sweet I love chatting with you and for sure we should play together often cuz it was fun ❤️

5th brooke - you're very loyal even being a big bitch haha u killed the vetos and I think that was the only reason they choose to evict you instead of me cuz for sure you was the most loved here. tysm for having my back and being so loyal and honest ily ❤️

4th wrath - I truly enjoyed meeting you and planning to work together here but at same time I'm friends with other people which sometimes we need to make decisions and choose based on something. I didn't mean to hide I was voting you I just didn't want to hurt somebody. you nommed me right after that and u not wrong at all but when u got the hoh u said "this is very simple" and locked me in very fast after that haha which sounded kinda ironic for a while I thought u forgot that we've been chatting the whole game and celebrating when we were in a good position. anyway it hurted a bit but it is what it is you're nice to play with regardless that. ❤️

3rd canon - very nice to having you around here even you being quiet most of the game (at least we didn't talk much) but I like the way you very calm and respectful. I didn't want to nominate you that time but I gave you me word and saved you. I'm glad it tied so my vote really matter. GG baby ❤️

Good luck nick we didn't have a real deal for F2 but since you joined I know I could count on you to protect me as much we could. Love you bro always nice playing with you!!! Btw I got only 3 hohs and flopped all povs but I'm proud to say my 5 previous frookies I made F2 in all of them. I had a great social game and I'm hoping to win tysm everyone.
+1 points
nickgqc 14 days 8 hours ago
4th - Wrath - Thanks for understanding why I nommed you but you played a phenomenal game and just came a little short at the end. Hope we get to play again soon!!

Cannon - Youre so nice and im glad to have met you this game! hope we can be friends and you got my support in stars :)

I got 3hohs and 4povs, won the last 2 povs that helped me make it here and also never went on the block!! I feel I really dominated this game and havent played one of these in so long so I hope you feel im deserving of your votes!! If not then Bruno is amazing and he also deserves the win so Im glad either way!! :)
+0 points
nickgqc 14 days 8 hours ago
Sorry ill do the rest
+0 points
nickgqc 14 days 8 hours ago
9th - Jeff - I know we said we would work together but we never talked after that and I knew you were closer to others than me so I had to make the move. Nothing personal tho you seem great

8th - Flame - The ultimate pawn for a while but you came in short that time.. I messaged you at the start and had no response so thats why I nommed you. I was the only save when you lefr tho believe it or not

7th - Thomas - Was loyal to you the whole game sucks you got out on the tie :( Hope to see you soon good game!!

6th - Weonlylive - We didnt talk at all but you seem super nice. You were my target because you seemed close to alot of people in the game so I saw you as a huge threat. You will have my support in stars tho!!

5th - Brooke - Love you so much!! Saved you but the others saw you as a threat.. We really killed this game me you and Bruno but we lost that 1 final hoh.. Wish you could have made it in the top 4 xo
+1 points
Cannonical 14 days 8 hours ago
help i dont wanna be here no more
+0 points
WrathOfKon 14 days 8 hours ago
game give cannon 3rd
+1 points
Cannonical 14 days 8 hours ago
nick wyd
+1 points
Cannonical 14 days 8 hours ago
+1 points
Cannonical 14 days 8 hours ago
+1 points
Cannonical 14 days 8 hours ago
yeah but can you give me my check
+0 points
WrathOfKon 14 days 8 hours ago
oh i'll wait! i love tributes :) they decide my votes
+1 points
brunodrads 14 days 8 hours ago
I will make tributes if someone wants to wait to decide I will appreciate tysm for the game

1st place!!


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    Game Story

    1. Day1 HOH tcold312 has nominated LadyPinkChannel and SlutishaOMann
    2. Day1 POV BrookeMaddox didn't save anybody from the block
    3. Day1 Participants evicted SlutishaOMann
    4. Day2 HOH WrathOfKon has nominated Pegasus1234 and LadyPinkChannel
    5. Day2 POV stormerator didn't save anybody from the block
    6. Day2 Participants evicted LadyPinkChannel
    7. Day3 HOH nickgqc has nominated Pegasus1234 and FlameYu
    8. Day3 POV stormerator didn't save anybody from the block
    9. Day3 Participants evicted Pegasus1234
    10. Day4 HOH brunodrads has nominated stormerator and FlameYu
    11. Day4 POV nickgqc didn't save anybody from the block
    12. Day4 Participants evicted stormerator
    13. Day5 HOH nickgqc has nominated weonlylivefree and FlameYu
    14. Day5 POV WrathOfKon has saved weonlylivefree from the block
    15. Day5 HOH nickgqc has selected final nominees jeffprobstenthusiast and FlameYu
    16. Day5 Participants evicted jeffprobstenthusiast
    17. Day6 HOH BrookeMaddox has nominated FlameYu and weonlylivefree
    18. Day6 Participants evicted FlameYu
    19. Day7 HOH brunodrads has nominated WrathOfKon and tcold312
    20. Day7 POV WrathOfKon has saved WrathOfKon from the block
    21. Day7 HOH brunodrads has selected final nominees Cannonical and tcold312
    22. Day7 Participants evicted tcold312
    23. Day8 HOH nickgqc has nominated WrathOfKon and weonlylivefree
    24. Day8 Participants evicted weonlylivefree
    25. Day9 HOH WrathOfKon has nominated nickgqc and brunodrads
    26. Day9 POV nickgqc has saved nickgqc from the block
    27. Day9 HOH WrathOfKon has selected final nominees BrookeMaddox and brunodrads
    28. Day9 Participants evicted BrookeMaddox
    29. Day10 HOH brunodrads has nominated WrathOfKon and Cannonical
    30. Day10 POV nickgqc has selected: 3rd Cannonical and 4th WrathOfKon, now jury must select the winner
    31. Day11 Jury has selected brunodrads as the winner