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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My First Frookie

Oct 1, 2023 by Felisha1
imageHonestly coming into the Frookie i thought it would be a lot more competitive but really it wasn't the only drama was Loosey and this other guy beefing over activity and they only good moments were Loosey vs the guy and then Loosey leaving 3rd. Overall it wasn't the experience I thought it would be. I felt pretty isolated and I wasn't able to make many moves I don't even know if I had any allies this season who really had my back. I ultimately placed 8th this season getting voted off against someone who everyone liked and ultimately being betrayed but casting my vote for mike who overall played the best game.

My next frookie I want to play a more controlled game and make big moves. I want to be the person with the resume at the end that shows me taking shots that payed off and ultimately winning.

I know I cant be to disappointed because for my first frookie I ultimately did good with my mistake being that I nominated a comp beast on my one and only HOH and he ended up returning the favor and sending me home!


Find a clique to work with because there’s a lot of pairs and groups that join games together
Sent by konohavillage1,Oct 1, 2023
I think you did good during your first Frookies game! You won an HoH and a POV, from what I seen, so yea.
Sent by NathanDamnit,Oct 1, 2023
You’ll get better the more experience you get. Just make sure you pm people early on the game and start talking to them so you have allies and people to plus you
Sent by survivorfan12,Oct 1, 2023
konohavillage1 i did try to join one but still waiting to be approved! Any suggestions of other good ones to try?
Sent by Felisha1,Oct 1, 2023
felisha1 if you have any groups you’ve enjoyed playing with in castings try to join in with them on the higher games. Castings is low pressure so it’s easier to find a group there
Sent by konohavillage1,Oct 1, 2023

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