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Big Brother and Survivor online game.

Hello, my name is lionsden121

Try 2: 6/7/20
Third and final fkn try (hopefully) : 1/14/23

got tv star on 8/8/2017

Favorite Survivor season (until i rewatch HvV): Cambodia
Favorite Survivor players: Rob C.
Favorite Big Brother Season: All Stars
Favorite Big Brother Player: Dr Will (i love his gameplay)

Highest I've gotten
fasting 1st too many to count wins
casting 1st 6 wins
frookies 1st 15 wins
rookies 1st 3 wins
Survivor top Merge Streak: 9
Stars: 3rd
lionsden121 4 412
lionsden121 8 419
lionsden121 10 427
lionsden121 16 449
lionsden121 16 464
lionsden121 3 475
lionsden121 11 487
lionsden121 12 503
lionsden121 10 517
lionsden121 13 532
lionsden121 15 576
Hunger games:6th
1 charity frookies win for gold/250th
4 charity rookies wins for tv star silver sky and blood

Frookies Wins
5-2 against HaydenNicole
5-2 against XxLoveWakizaxX
5-2 against Papibadd
5-1 against SimplySweet
5-1 against colehausman271
4-3 against LoveLife
4-3 against Sebby
4-3 against Fishingguy22
4-3 against Badboyy2699
4-3 against iMmOrTaLsNiPeRzZ
4-1 against Sarah48
3-3 against Joshbb17
3-3 against Colehausman271 (back to back algo wins)
3-3 against Alyxandra
3-2 against Puakai

Survivor competitions that I've competited in:
Survivor: Yangudi Rassa (held by coolnarwhal88) 13/18
Survivor: Khao Sok (held by coolnarwhal88) 1/18 5-2
Survivor: Yakushima - All-Stars (held by coolnarwhal88) 10/20
I & N's Survivor: Brazil (held by islandsurvivor & praknasty) 1/20 7-2
I & N's Survivor: All Stars (held by islandsurvivor & praknasty) 6/18
Hot Rods survivor India- b v b v b (held by rodrigues75) 1/18 4-2
Nano's Survivor S3 Romania(held by marthean) 6/16
Jorge's Survivor: Greece(held by Sunfire) 2/20 2-7
WANJ Survivor Estonia(held by WANJ) 4/18
WANJ Survivor All-Stars(held by WANJ) 1/20 5-4-1
WPF Survivor 17: Caicos Islands 9/18
D&B's Survivor Season 5 Philippines (held by bryantandf) 2/18 4-3-0
Survivor: Maldives (held by Birew34) 1/21 9-1
M&M's Survivor: Greece (held by mudndawilderness) 8/20
M&M's Survivor: All Stars (held by mudndawilderness) 8/24
BENLINUS' Survivor: Nigeria (held by BENLINUS) 5/16
BHDS Season 3 Survivor The Amazon (held by BestHeroD) 8/19
Kyle's Survivor: Japan (held by Kyle12212) 8/17
Kyle's Survivor: All Stars (held by Kyle12212) 7/15
BigBen's Survivor: Survivor South Africa (held by bigben1996) 4/16
Jaybirdnifty's Survivor: Antarctica (held by Jaybirdnifty) 1/16 3(1)-3-1 *broken by third placer
Gumball's Survivor S2 Panama (held by gumball221520) 6/18
C&A Survivor XVI: Uzbekistan (held by tokio) 1/18 8-1-0

Big Brother Competitions I've competed in:
CJBB 2: EVIL BROTHER(held by Connor_) 5/16
M7's Big Brother S5: House of Secrets(held by m7md26) 6/26
Big Brother survival of the fittest(held by me2013) 5/20
Ashlyn's Big Brother 4(held by AshlynArehart) 1/17 6-1
Zombie’s Big Brother: Love Shaq(held by ZforZombie) 1/18 5-4

Other Group Competitions:
Endurance Season 1 (held by legend_of_link) won it with rabbaj
THE IMMUNITY GAME Season 1 The Savior(hosted by VegasBoy94) 15/19
THE IMMUNITY GAME Season 4 Bloods vs Crips (hosted by VegasBoy94) 6/18
THE IMMUNITY GAME Season 5 All-Stars (hosted by VegasBoy94) 3/20 5-4-1

Vegas's Fast Games (hosted by VegasBoy94)
Season 9: Redemption Island 1/10 2-1
Season 10: Idols 1/11 3-1-0

What people said about me
"My problem was the second you told me about the new plan to get rid of Zed. And to achieve that, you pulled in Kolby and Duffy even though we were on totally opposite sides after Brandon's boot. The fact that you were able to achieve that in such a short amount of time was very alarming to me, because it proved to me how easy it was for you to stick your hand in everyone's cookie jar and that you could potentially go from almost being the merge boot to being on top of the totem pole lickety split. And that if I stuck with you the whole time, you probably would have the momentum to dispose of me at any time. And even if you weren't going to do that, I probably would have been seen as your sheep so it would be a lose, lose for me. Combined with that and your history as a competition beast, I just felt that it was in my best interest to get rid of you now. This wasn't personal Tim and I love you as a player and as a person, but I came to win and you unfortunately stood in my way." -timtimeytim

"lionsden121 impacted this game tremendously and deserves credit for making Yangudi Rassa post-merge the clusterfuck that it was. He hit the ground running when he entered this game. He went completely rampant creating cross-tribal alliances like crazy and dragging everyone into a great web of confusion. And even when he was long gone, the legacy that he left behind continued to change the game. I truly don’t think the merge would’ve been nearly as crazy if lionsden121 was not part of the cast. It takes a madman to create post-merge chaos in the pre-merge phase. lionsden121 was that madman. Not only that, but he was also a highly entertaining player within his tribe too. He was a beast at challenges and helped to make Tigray the absolute behemoth that it was. All in all, lionsden121 was a good guy who just bit off a little more than he could chew. A little more. Okay, a lot more." coolnarwhal88

"It is very clear who played a much better game, lion played this game with his heart and his soul. red? not so much. Lion 100% played a better strategic, social, and mostly physical. carrying us in most of the premerge challenges. lion deserves to win 100% more then Red and I hope that you all reward the better player by giving him the win"-s73100

"Josh you have been absolutely manipulated by Lion the entire season. ... In reality this isn't a final 2, this is more of a final 1 since there might as well be only one person here since lion basically duplicated himself."-Novamax243

"I targeted you because I know your a big threat and I respect the hell out of you you've dominated this game and will get my vote should you make it to f3 I never spoke to you because I had that fear in my mind that you would back stab me...again, your a top 5 player imo and your a great person! The others (As upset as I am to say this) can't win against you we all knew that and targeted you because of your outstanding play" - pikaplayer

"Man Im looking at the final 3, and I really see one all star, and thats Tim. It didnt feel like this was an all star season, because of all the floaters. Red and Pika you guys honestly dont deserve a question from me, but Ill give you one. All season long you guys were just Tim's puppets. It was honestly disgusting watching both of your games. Red you've lied too me on numerous occasions, and you keep telling you've only lied too me once. You guys shouldve listened to me when I called out Tim, but instead you ignored me. Wow I guess I can predict the future. Tim becoming the sole survivor." - Basketball200

"There's no doubt in my minds that Tim should win, honestly there was no bigger target coming into this game, some liked him, many probably wanted him gone. He was able to put himself in good graces and build social bonds with some who kept him safe and took out his enemies in my eyes. He won several challenges in the row and faced a lot of adversity in this game. Tim shouldn't be discredited for having "sheep", if these people are making bad game decisions and are saving tim, i think that is all the more reason to acknowledge gameplay. I don't think it is cut and dry as that, I believe Tim made strong bonds and made it seem he was pushing everyones agendas but it was benefiting him the most." - Joshbb17

Tim (lionsden121)! (Greece: 8th, All Stars: 8th)

"Upon entering Greece, Tim expected an easy ride with no twists or idols whatsoever. However, a twist he was discontent with caused somebody from the opposing alliance to receive an idol, voting Tim out of the game. When coming back for All Stars, Tim expected an easy ride with no twists or idols whatsoever. However, when he was given a fake idol, he didn’t know what to do with it, and received 8th place yet again. He hasn’t let me hear the end of it since, but he hasn’t seen anything yet." -mudndawilderness

"Tim played dominantly. He went unnominated until I put him up at 4. He won 3 HOH's and 3 POV's, I think. He cast the most important vote to evict Colton and the only votes to evict Julian and Myself. His social game was extraordinary throughout and he never let himself fall into a bad position. Tim is an excellent Big Brother winner." - VanHow10

Tim really played all sides, he created several alliances and even though he had a lot of people always going after him, he always knew how to come out on top and dominate every vote - tokio

Group Awards
Best Pre-Merger Award - Survivor Yangudi Rassa
Host Favorite (Tie) - I & N's Survivor: Brazil
Host Favorite - Gumball's Survivor S2 Panama
Challenge Beast - I & N's Survivor: Brazil
Challenge Competitor of the Season - WANJ Survivor All-Stars
Fan Favorite - Jorge's Survivor: Greece
Fan Favorite - WANJ Survivor All-Stars
Villain of the Season - Hot Rods survivor India
Villain of the Season - WANJ Survivor Estonia
Villain of the Season - WPF Survivor 17: Caicos Islands
Villain of the Season - Ashlyn's Big Brother 4
Hero of the Season - Big Brother survival of the fittest
Hero of the Season - BigBen's Survivor: Survivor South Africa
Hero of the Season - Gumball's Survivor S2 Panama
Player of the Season - C&A Survivor XVI: Uzbekistan
Second Chance - Big Brother survival of the fittest
Most Shocking Moment - Me evicting Julian Ashlyn's Big Brother 4

My Games 600 games played

14 Jan, 23
7 Jan, 23
7 Jan, 23
22 Oct, 22
8 Oct, 22
24 Sep, 22
20 Sep, 22

My Blog Check my blog!

  1. Random question
  2. Gift giveaway
  3. Gift giveaway
  4. Gift giveaway
  5. Gift giveaway
  6. egg hunt
  7. Just for posterity sakes
  8. Gg yall
  9. Question for mods
  10. Question about Diva1
  11. Vote
  12. deserved winner
  13. Random question
  14. Nervously looks
  15. question
  16. this is the worst stars
  17. just to save later
  18. Diversity!
  19. Movie taste
  20. good week in stars

Latest Actions

  1. lionsden121's bet on titos won 64.0T$ in game #227121 11 days