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The aquetejodo's blog

Posts 144 posts

We can not be an open book for everyone............. May 2, 2018
imageWe can not be an open book for everyone, because some can not read. Others do not know how to interpret,
And there will be someone who rips more than one sheet

No podemos ser un libro abierto para todos, porque algunos no pueden leer. Otros no saben cómo interpretar,
Y habrá alguien que rasgue más de una hoja
Points: 5 0 comments
#you and me, we went away Tu y yo nos fuimos Apr 6, 2018
- Nos Fuimos Lejos -

Points: 11 0 comments
NETIQUETA Mar 8, 2018
imageInternet se ha convertido en una potente herramienta de relaciones sociales a raíz de la expansión tecnológica de nuestro siglo. Detrás de cada correo, cada WhastApp o cada publicación en una red social, se encuentra una persona con el propósito de interactuar con otras. De ahí, nuestro deber de mantener, al igual que en los canales de comunicación convencionales, unas pautas de comportamiento que favorezcan un trato cortés.

Netiquette (de net, red, y etiquette, etiqueta), castellanizado como netiqueta, o etiqueta net, se utiliza para referirse al conjunto de normas de comportamiento general en Internet. La netiqueta no es más que una adaptación de las reglas de etiqueta del mundo real al virtual. Aunque normalmente las tendencias de etiqueta han evolucionado hasta llegar a formar incluso parte de las reglas de ciertos sistemas, es bastante común que las reglas de etiqueta se basen en un sistema de «honor»; es decir, que el infractor no recibe siquiera una reprimenda.

De la misma manera que existe un protocolo para los encuentros físicos con personas, la así llamada netiquette describe un protocolo que se debe utilizar al hacer "contacto" electrónico. Este protocolo ha sido impulsado por los propios usuarios de Internet para aportar mayor seguridad y humanidad a la comunicación.

Regla 1: Nunca olvide que la persona que lee el mensaje es otro ser humano con sentimientos que pueden ser lastimados.
Regla 2: Adhiérase a los mismos estándares de comportamiento en línea que usted sigue en la vida real.
Regla 3: Escribir todo en mayúsculas se considera como gritar y, además, dificulta la lectura.
Regla 4: Respete el tiempo y el ancho de banda de otras personas.
Regla 5: Muestre el lado bueno de sí mismo mientras se mantenga en línea.
Regla 6: Comparta sus conocimientos con la comunidad.
Regla 7: Ayude a mantener los debates en un ambiente sano y educativo.
Regla 8: Respete la privacidad de terceras personas.
Regla 9: No abuse de su poder o de las ventajas que pueda usted tener.
Regla 10: Excuse los errores de otros. Comprenda los errores de los demás igual que usted espera que los demás comprendan los suyos.
Estos imperativos, o mandamientos, se pueden sintetizar en dos: Ponerse en el lugar del otro siempre que utilicemos la red y pensar que el otro no es siempre como yo.
ENGLISH   <-----------------------

Netiquette, a colloquial portmanteau of network etiquette or Internet etiquette, is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks, ranging from Usenet and mailing lists to blogs and forums.

Like the network itself, these developing norms remain in a state of flux and vary from community to community. The points most strongly emphasized about Usenet netiquette often include using simple electronic signatures, and avoiding multiposting, cross-posting, off-topic posting, hijacking a discussion thread, and other techniques used to minimize the effort required to read a post or a thread. Similarly, some Usenet guidelines call for use of unabbreviated English while users of instant messaging protocols like SMS occasionally encourage just the opposite, bolstering use of SMS language. However, many online communities

Rule 1: Never forget that the person reading the message is another human being with feelings that can be hurt.
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of online behavior that you follow in real life.
Rule 3: Writing everything in capital letters is considered as shouting and, in addition, makes reading difficult.
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth.
Rule 5: Show the good side of yourself as long as you stay online.
Rule 6: Share your knowledge with the community.
Rule 7: Help keep debates in a healthy and educational environment.
Rule 8: Respect the privacy of third parties.
Rule 9: Do not abuse your power or the advantages that you may have.
Rule 10: Excuse the mistakes of others. Understand the mistakes of others just as you expect others to understand yours.
These imperatives, or commandments, can be synthesized in two: Put yourself in the place of the other whenever we use the network and think that the other is not always like me.

BRASILEIRO/PORTUGUES  <----------------------------

Netiqueta (do inglês "network" e "etiquette") é uma etiqueta que se recomenda observar na internet. A palavra pode ser considerada como uma gíria, decorrente da fusão de duas palavras: o termo inglês net (que significa "rede") e o termo "etiqueta" (conjunto de normas de conduta sociais). Trata-se de um conjunto de recomendações para evitar mal-entendidos em comunicações via internet, especialmente em e-mails, chats, listas de discussão, etc. Serve, também, para regrar condutas em situações específicas (por exemplo, ao colocar-se a resenha de um livro na internet.

Regra 1: Nunca se esqueça de que a pessoa que lê a mensagem é outro ser humano com sentimentos que podem ser prejudicados.
Regra 2: Aderir aos mesmos padrões de comportamento on-line que você segue na vida real.
Regra 3: Escrever tudo em letras maiúsculas é considerado como gritando e, além disso, dificulta a leitura.
Regra 4: Respeite o tempo e a largura de banda de outras pessoas.
Regra 5: Mostre o lado bom de si mesmo, desde que fique online.
Regra 6: Compartilhe seu conhecimento com a comunidade.
Regra 7: Ajude a manter os debates em um ambiente saudável e educacional.
Regra 8: Respeite a privacidade de terceiros.
Regra 9: Não abuse do seu poder ou das vantagens que você possa ter.
Regra 10: Desculpe os erros dos outros. Compreenda os erros dos outros, assim como você espera que outros entendam o seu.
Esses imperativos ou mandamentos podem ser sintetizados em dois: Coloque-se no lugar do outro sempre que usamos a rede e pensamos que o outro nem sempre é como eu.
Points: 50 17 comments
Lealtad con uno mismo. #Loyalty with oneself Feb 10, 2018
image“I counted my years and discovered that I have fewer years left to live compared to the time I have lived until now.

I feel like that kid who won a package of goodies: the first ate them eagerly, but when he perceived that there were few, he began to savour them deeply.

I have no time for endless meetings where discuss statutes, rules, procedures and regulations, knowing that it will not achieve anything.

I have no time to withstand ridiculous people who, despite their chronological age have not grown.

I don’t have time to deal with mediocrity.

I do not want to be in meetings where parade inflated egos.

I won’t tolerate manipulators and opportunists.

Bother me envious, seeking to discredit the most able, to usurp their places, talents and achievements.

I detest people who do not argue about content but titles.

Lealtad con uno mismo.

Conté mis años y descubrí, que tengo menos tiempo para vivir de aquí en adelante, que el que viví hasta ahora…

Me siento como aquel niño que ganó un paquete de dulces: los primeros los comió con agrado, pero, cuando percibió que quedaban pocos, comenzó a saborearlos profundamente.

Ya no tengo tiempo para reuniones interminables, donde se discuten estatutos, normas, procedimientos y reglamentos internos, sabiendo que no se va a lograr nada.

Ya no tengo tiempo para soportar a personas absurdas que, a pesar de su edad cronológica, no han crecido.

Ya no tengo tiempo para lidiar con mediocridades.

No quiero estar en reuniones donde desfilan egos inflados.

No tolero a manipuladores y oportunistas.

Me molestan los envidiosos, que tratan de desacreditar a los más capaces, para apropiarse de sus lugares, talentos y logros.

Las personas no discuten contenidos, apenas los títulos.
Mi tiempo es escaso como para discutir títulos.

Quiero la esencia, mi alma tiene prisa…

Sin muchos dulces en el paquete…

Quiero vivir al lado de gente humana, muy humana.
Que sepa reír, de sus errores.
Que no se envanezca, con sus triunfos.
Que no se considere electa, antes de hora.
Que no huya, de sus responsabilidades.
Que defienda, la dignidad humana.
Y que desee tan sólo andar del lado de la verdad y la honradez.

Lo esencial es lo que hace que la vida valga la pena.

Quiero rodearme de gente, que sepa tocar el corazón de las personas…
Gente a quien los golpes duros de la vida, le enseñó a crecer con toques suaves en el alma.

Sí… tengo prisa… por vivir con la intensidad que sólo la madurez puede dar.

Pretendo no desperdiciar parte alguna de los dulces que me quedan…
Estoy seguro que serán más exquisitos que los que hasta ahora he comido.

Mi meta es llegar al final satisfecho y en paz con mis seres queridos y con mi conciencia.
Tenemos dos vidas y la segunda comienza cuando te das cuenta que sólo tienes una.
Points: 67 11 comments
Morning guys Feb 8, 2018

Who are the interested people?

We are all, to a greater or lesser extent, interested people. However, there are people who only come to us because they want something, but are not willing to give anything in return. You will recognize them because:
- They are people who behave like emotional vampires, so at the end of a conversation, even the most trivial, it is likely that you feel as if all your energy has been extracted.

- They are very demanding people, who are never satisfied with what you give them. No matter how many sacrifices you have made or how much you have tried to satisfy them, it will never be enough and they will let you know.

- They are people who do not commit to the relationship and are not willing to give anything, unless they receive something important in return. With these people relationships lose their affective aspect to become a kind of commercial exchange.

- They manage to generate negative feelings in you, such as guilt and insecurity. They are true teachers to make others feel bad, especially if they do not give in to their requests.

Actually, these people are not bad, the problem is that they do not know how to relate in any other way. They believe that they are the center of the universe and their selfishness makes them think that everyone should become their "subject".

To maintain a cordial relationship with them, you must make them understand that you respect them but that you also expect them to respect your individuality. Mark limits and make sure you do not trespass them. Let them know that you will not fall into their game and that you can help them in certain situations but that does not mean that you will always be at their disposal.


Who are the interesting people?

An interesting person is someone who brings us a lot from the emotional and intellectual point of view. This people:

- They are architects of positive emotions and make you laugh, even in bad times, staying by your side when you need it most.

- They allow you to grow as a person, helping you to understand what you can not see at a glance and to broaden your vision.

- They do not know everything, but they have an alert and curious mind always ready to explore new things, next to you.

- They know how to bring out your best facet in the light, making you the best version of yourself.

Interesting people always dazzle, either because of their knowledge, their ability to convey affection, their empathy or their authenticity. They are not perfect people, nobody is, but they know how to welcome and respect others, relating from the depths of their "I". They are people with whom you connect almost immediately and feel a total empathy because you share ideas, passions and hobbies.

Often these people are not interested in "fitting in" or "adapting", so in many cases their attitudes and points of view represent a challenge for others. In fact, that is one of the reasons why we find it so stimulating because, despite sharing values, they are also very different and become agents of change that drive our growth.

Look for people who vibrate, who know how to criticize you without hurting you, people who pursue their dreams and spread their joy, who do not lose heart, who seek solutions and who recognize their mistakes when they make mistakes. When you find them, do not let them escape because they are a precious find.

And of course, try to become a person like that, an interesting person who is worth spending time with and committing to.
Points: 32 2 comments
Create, Connect and Share Respect Feb 6, 2018

Happy Safer Internet Day!

Today, Tuesday, 6 February 2018, will see stakeholders across the globe come together to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2018. This year's theme, "Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you"

Points: 186 7 comments