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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Aliens On Earth Episode 7: Prehistoric Island

Mar 11, 2020 by SeaViper
DISCLAIMER: Some parts of this story may be unrealistic- but it's fiction ;)


Lizzie Stone
Kiko Satamoto ( CaptainZacSparrow)
Alison White ( Tommy123)
Alyssa Jade ( CocoVanderbilt)
Donald Trump ( ColinCoco)


Amber Rogers
Linda Parks ( YogscastBigBrother21)
Álvaro Vázquez ( Varlto)
Johnny Berg ( Chapi_BBJ)
Isla Apuya ( Systrix)


Damien Frost (#Varlto)
Carlos Vázquez (#Varlto)
Jerry Ceasar ( Nateclove)
Tuli Koba
Pilot John
Co-Pilot Kim
Jalal Talabani


Katherine Edwards
Mr. Bleed

*Rosanna and the Magma Man continue to run from their pursuers- meeting up with Katherine in the field*

Rosanna: Is it ready?

Katherine: Unfortunately, no! A helped me set it up, but we need another half an hour to get it to max capacity!

Magma man: We don’t have half an hour!

Katherine: I can launch it- but I’ll only keep them out a short while

Rosanna: Well, would it be long enough to evacuate everyone?

Katherine: If we moved quickly- yes!

Rosanna: Right- get everyone out!

Katherine: We can’t run forever!

Magma man: But we can’t fight either! All we have are a couple of guns from the ’80s! Have you seen what they have? Weapons that can turn people to dust instantly- weapons that can kill us instantly!

*The sound of metal hitting the ground gets closer*


*Katherine hits a button on her machine- putting up a force field*

Katherine: Let’s move!

*The three of them set off towards a house*

----THE PLANE----
*John’s announcement fills the plane*

John: We will be setting off to the Philippines shortly! Ground control has said there might be some rough weather on the way- but other than that it will be a peaceful journey! We will be meeting up with Lizzie, Alyssa, Kiko, Alison and Lily in a village close to the airport! So get comfortable for this long flight- Fifteen and a half to be exact!

Linda: Geez, I don’t think I’ve ever been on as long a flight

*Amber winks at Linda*

Amber: We’re first class! Don’t know about you, but as soon as we’ve taken off, I’m going for that hot tub!

Kim: Ready for take-off!

*Everyone straps themselves into their take-off seats. Àlvaro looks out the window*

Àlvaro: Bye Mexico!

*The seat-belt sin turns off*

Johnny: I’m heading back to bed!

Mortimer: You just got up though

Johnny: I’m just so tired!

*Johnny returns to his bedroom

*John and Kim are driving the plane*

John: You take some rest! We’ll switch over about half-way through

Kim: See you in 7!

*Kim heads to her private quarters. John checks his radar, making another announcement*

John: We are at our cruising altitude! Feel free to get up, and use any of the onboard facilities! Because this is a long haul flight- remember to get some rest! We have lots of work to do in the Philippines!

*Rosanna, Katherine and the Magma man burst through the door*


*The people in the house start grabbing and packing their belongings*

Katherine: Shit! The force field has gone down!


*Hundreds of people start to flee out of the backdoor. The sound of metal comes from outside the door. Rosanna, Katherine, and the Magma man run to the door themselves. Suddenly, the door is thrown down! People struggling to get through the back door are shot*

*A young woman (Mary) is stuck at the top of the house. She is rocking two babies- desperately trying to make them stop crying*

Mary: Shhh, shhh now!

*The pursuers make their way up the stairs*

Mary: Please Emmanuel, shut up!

*The pursuers start smashing through the upstairs door. Mary goes into the wardrobe. A pursuer enters her room, looking around. It opens the cupboard. Mary screams*

*Rosanna and Katherine are outside the house- in the woods at the back of the woods when they hear the scream*

Rosanna: Who was that?

Colin: What that Mary? WHERE’S MARY? MARY! MARY!

*Colin starts running back towards the house*


*Colin ignores their shouts, bursting into the house. His scream fills the woods*

Rosanna: We have to keep going!

*John looks back at his radar. Something very big is making its way towards the plane. He calls ground control*

John: Ground control, something very large is flying in our direction!

Ground control: That’s strange! No planes are flying at your altitude! Although, yes, I also see it on the radar!

John: An illegal plane?

Ground control: It’s too big to even be a plane! John, be careful!

John: I will!

*John makes an announcement*

John: We have an unidentified object flying towards us. Please fasten your seatbelts!

*Linda is in the shower*

Linda: Now, really?

*Linda gets dried and dressed before taking a seat in the kitchen- then she sees it!*

Linda; Oh my god…

John: The unidentified item is nearby!

Linda: That’s not a plane…or an item

*Mortimer can see it from his lab*

Mortimer: That’s a Pterodactyl…

Linda: And it’s flying straight into us!

*The Pterodactyl turns- looking at Linda. It shrieks, before flying towards the kitchen*

*The people keep moving- the Magma man leading them through the dark*

Katherine: Is it possible that they could still be alive?

Rosanna: They won’t be alive for much longer!

Katherine: I just feel so bad!

Rosanna: Everyone that fell in battle…they’d want us to keep going! Mazy sacrificed herself so we could keep moving forward! We can’t let her life go to waste!

Katherine: Just all of the people we left behind…I want to go back to them! We need to save them!

Rosanna: We need to focus on our own survival first!

Katherine: I just keep on blaming myself…

Rosanna: It wasn’t your fault! He thought he was doing the right thing…

Katherine: Are the trips working?

Rosanna: We only have one trip left…so it needs to be valuable!

*The sound of metal gets closer*


*The mass of people start to run*

*Linda watches the Pterodactyl from the kitchen. Its beak is positioned towards the kitchen, and that’s where it’s flying! Johnny has woken up in the commotion, and runs into the kitchen*

Johnny: NO!

*Johnny tries to grab Linda- but she jumps back in shock*


*The Pterodactyl’s beak smashes through the window*

Johnny: LINDA!

*Linda starts to run towards Johnny, but Mortimer slams the air-tight door between the kitchen and the bedrooms*

Johnny: She’s still in there!

Mortimer: We’ll all die if the door stays open!

Johnny: But we could have waited!


*Linda watches the door shut. The bangs on it*


*The Pterodactyl shrieks- smashing its beak through the kitchen, towards Linda. She slams on the door some more*

Linda: It’s coming!

*Suddenly, the fridge falls, crushing Linda’s feet. She screams as the Pterodactyl’s beak gets closer to her. She tries to stand up- but can’t. The pterodactyl rocks the plane- sending the furniture flying- as well as Linda, Mortimer, and Johnny. The only thing stopping everything from flying out of the plane is the Pterodactyl’s beak blocking the hole*

Linda: HELP!

*The plane rocks again. The pterodactyl pulls it’s beak out of the plane- leaving nothing between Linda and the ocean below. Linda screams as she is sucked out of the plane*

Johnny: This is what I dreamt would happen…

*Suddenly, the plane violently rocks again. Amber has been knocked unconscious in the gym- and Àlvaro is desperately holding onto the radiator in this room8. The Pterodactyl pulls its beak out of the plane- the kitchen turning into a vacuum- sucking everything out- The two airtight doors keeping the rest of the plane safe. The Pterodactyl suddenly tries to fly into Mortimer’s lab!*

Mortimer: No you don’t!

*Mortimer lets out a giant power surge through the window. It hits the Pterodactyl, exploding it in mid-air!

*Kim stumbles into the cockpit. John is talking to ground control*


*Kim suddenly look out the windscreen. Hundreds of flying Pterodactyls are flying towards the plane…*

Kim: JOHN!

John: Holy shit!

*John suddenly puts the plane in a nosedive*

----THE SPA----
*Mortimer and Johnny run into the spa- where they find Amber unconscious*

Johnny: I got this…

*Johnny starts pumping her chest. Water comes out of her mouth. Suddenly, as the plane veers left, more water flies everywhere*


*Johnny starts doing mouth to mouth with Amber*

Johnny: Mortimer, find Àlvaro! Make sure he’s ok!

*Mortimer rushes out of the room, and into Àlvaro’s bedroom, where he is hiding under the bed*

Mortimer: Get out of there!

Àlvaro: But it’s safer under here than out there! The bed is pinned to the floor!

Mortimer: Yes, but that wouldn’t stop you from being crushed!

*As soon as Mortimer says that, a Pterodactyl’s beak comes through the window*

Mortimer: OUT HERE!

*Mortimer opens Àlvaro’s door. Àlvaro jumps up from out from under the bed. Mortimer turns the Pterodactyl to dust, then slams the door shut. The plane starts to nosedive. John makes a desperate announcement*


Johnny: Shit, I never thought I’d have to hear that!

*Sparks from the lighting fly onto Àlvaro and Mortimer- meanwhile water sloshes everywhere as Johnny tries to help Amber. The plane sharply turns nearly ninety degrees! They can see an island in the distance. John forces to plane to go to its highest speed towards the island!

*A boat is going through the ocean when it sees something floating in the water*

Captain: Item in the water!

*The boat gets closer to the item. Overhead, the captain sees the plane plummeting towards the island- on fire. As he gets closer to the item- he realizes it’s a body! He pulls it on board, dialing the police with the signal he has*

*Tuli enters Carlos’s office*

Tuli: Sir! The plane has made an emergency landing on a remote island in the Pacific!

Carlos: Have there been any fatalities?

Tuli: One- but they are yet to identify the body! I’ll keep you updated!

----THE PLANE----
*The plane starts to make its emergency landing. John turns on the landing gear. Mortimer, Johnny, and Àlvaro are thrown as the plane slams violently to the ground! It stops in its tracks. John and Kim hug. Amber suddenly wakes up, coughing up water*

Johnny: SHE’S AWAKE!

*Mortimer and Àlvaro rush in*

Johnny: She’s in desperate need of a hospital!

Mortimer: We’ve just landed on an island!

Johnny: Like there’d be a hospital on this island!

*A scream suddenly comes from Mortimer’s lab*

Mortimer: Oh great…I forgot about her!


Mortimer: Possibly…

*Mortimer opens the door to his lab- where a screaming Tori attacks him*


*Tori fights her way through the destroyed kitchen, and forces her way through an emergency exit door*

----THE ISLAND----
*Tori runs through the island. Many exotic plants and animals are on the island. Tori runs blindly in one direction…until she comes across the nest. A nest filled with giant eggs! A large shadow blocks the light for Tori- and she screams as something bears down on her*

----THE PLANE----
*Amber is resting in the gym- the only room not damaged or destroyed by the attack! Meanwhile, Mortimer, Johnny, and Àlvaro gear up*

Mortimer: We don’t know what we’re going to find on this island! So take everything you might need!

*Johnny and Àlvaro grab every piece of equipment that could be used as a weapon- before leaving the plane*

----THE ISLAND----
*Mortimer leads the three through the woods- as Johnny has his gun constantly pointed towards different sounds. They continue going forward- until they find a nest! Behind the nest, however, a giant reptile eats at Tori’s remains*

Johnny: Oh my god…

Àlvaro: That’s a…

Mortimer: Velociraptor!

Johnny: Should we run?

Mortimer: It would easily catch us!

Àlvaro: Should we hide?

Mortimer: No…

*Mortimer walks up the Velociraptor, pulling his hand on its muzzle. It seems to like Mortimer*

Johnny: Nice Mortimer, got yourself a dinosaur pet!

*The raptor roars, knocking Mortimer away, and charges and Johnny. Mortimer zaps the Raptor, and it turns to dust*

Mortimer: Shame…

Àlvaro: So…where are we?

Mortimer: If I had to guess- and I do, I’d say an island in the Pacific somewhere!

*Multiple Pterodactyls fill the sky*

Mortimer: Some kind of prehistoric island…where dinosaurs seem to have survived!

Johnny: We need to get out of here! I mean…anything could still be around…

*A giant centipede crawls past Mortimer*

Mortimer: Agreed- but with the Pterodactyls that can somehow fly at over 500 miles an hour…we don’t have a clear escape route

Àlvaro: What if you vaporized them?

Mortimer: And send an entire species extinct? They’ve survived here for millions of years…and aren’t exactly bothering anyone…

Àlvaro: They bothered us by sending us out of the sky! And killing Linda!

Johnny: And how do we plan to get out of here otherwise? Swim?

Mortimer: The plane is in too bad a position to fly anyway! Plus, Carlos must have realized we went down…rescue will be here shortly! We need to return to the plane and await rescue!

Magma man: Every time we run…they just find us! We can’t escape from them!

Katherine: They would kill us on the spot!

Rosanna: Not if we offered…

Katherine: Offered what?

Rosanna: What if we surrendered- let them take us back!

Magma man: After we made it this far?

Katherine: I agree- we’ve made it too far- people have died for us! We don’t want their sacrifices to be in vain!

Magma man: Plus, now that we left…they probably would just kill us!

*The sound of metal gets closer*


*Almost everyone raises their hand*


*A small group raise their hands*


*Nobody raises their hand*

Katherine: Then it’s settled…we keep moving!

*Suddenly, the pursuers come out of nowhere. People scream as they are shot or captured. Rosanna, Katherine, The magma man and two others (Nate and Karim) crouch in a bush. Suddenly, one of the pursuers pulls the bush from the ground*

Pursuer: We have found you!

*The pursuer instantly shoots Karim as the other four jump to their feet. The pursuer raises its gun*

Nate: WAIT! I surrender! I’ll go with you! We all will go with you!

*The pursuer looks them all up and down*

Pursuer: You have chosen the right option!

*The pursuer ties them all with a metal string- then attaches it to its back- before marching the four off. Rosanna looks behind her to see some more hiding survivors. She mouths “We’ll come back for you” before being dragged away

----THE PLANE----
*Kim and John check the destroyed kitchen for supplies. They have found a crushed chocolate cake, and some bread- but everything else appears to have been either sucked out or destroyed. Mortimer and Johnny help them, meanwhile Àlvaro checks on Amber*

Àlvaro: Rescue will come soon!

*The pursuer leads the four into the camp, trying them to a pole as the pursuer talks to its leader. Starving people are stuck behind a fence, screaming for help*

Rosanna: We need to find a way out of here!

*The leader enters, taking the Magma man*

Leader: You need to come with me…you three will be dealt with later!

*The three of them can hear the Magma Man’s screams- before the leaders return*

Leader: Nate Rupe, please follow me!

*Once the leader is gone- Katherine turns to Rosanna*

Katherine: We get out- now! We find the survivors, and get them to the ship!

Rosanna: But how do we get out?

Katherine: I picked the locks *She winks*

----THE PLANE----
*A twig snaps outside the plane*

Amber: Is that…

Kim: It’s probably nothing…

*More twigs snap*

Mortimer: Everyone, shut up!

*Suddenly, the radio springs tonight, letting out a high pitched noise. Instantly, the footsteps outside turn into running- like whatever it was wants to get away from the noise!*

John: Is it gone?

*Something big lands on the roof- followed by another!*

Johnny: There’s something on the roof…

*The radio lets out another high pitched noise. The things on the roof instantly fly away*

Amber: I think I’ve got something…

*Amber grabs the radio, taking it outside*


*The radio makes another noise- and all kind of creature in the woods run from it*

Amber: They’re scared of the noise!

*Katherine helps Rosanna out*

Katherine: We need to run!

*The leader returns*

Leader: What do you think you’re doing?

*Katherine grabs a pole, smashing it over the leaders head. They crumple to the ground. A robot comes out from behind the leader*

Robot: Destroy!

*Katherine and Rosanna run out of the camp, but two more robots are blocking the exit*

Robots: Destroy!

Katherine: WE’RE TRAPPED!

----THE ISLAND----
Amber: The high pitch fends them away!

*Suddenly, the patch Amber and Johnny are standing in is illuminated with light- a helicopter above them! It slowly lands in the clearing*

Pilot: HEY, HEY! I saw your plane from above!

*He is a young, Polynesian man*

Pilot: You need to get off this island! Are there any more of you?

Amber: There’s four more of us inside!

Pilot: Get on! We need to get off the island!

*Amber runs inside, pulling the others out*

Àlvaro: We’re going?

Mortimer: Yes!

*The group jumps onto the helicopter- the pilot taking off. Suddenly, the Pterodactyl’s fly from their nests, and surround the helicopter. Using the radio, Amber sets off the high pitched noise, but it is blocked by the noise of the helicopter*

Pilot: HOLD ON!

*The pilot swerves the helicopter to the side, so avoid a Pterodactyl*


*Mortimer zaps a Pterodactyl, disintegrating it*

Mortimer: I will only take down what I need to!

*Mortimer zaps two Pterodactyls flying at the helicopter*

Pilot: They don’t like going near the ocean!

*The pilot gets lower to the ocean. All but one Pterodactyl cease their chase. The lone Pterodactyl soars close to the helicopter! It opens its mouth, ready to pull it apart, when a giant reptile jumps out of the water, swallowing the creature whole*


*The pilot instantly starts rising from the water. The sea reptile jumps out, barely missing the bottom of the helicopter*

Pilot: We’re only a couple of hours away from my island! I will take you there for the night!

*The helicopter continues through the night*

*Rosanna and Katherine are surrounded by the robots. Suddenly, their heads explode. Someone holding a gun has just shot them*


*Behind them, there is an old beaten up truck. Someone sits at the wheel. Rosanna and Katherine jump in- the truck instantly driving. Katherine looks behind her to see the Magma Man!*

Katherine: He’s back there! We have to go back, we can’t leave him!

Rosanna: He’s been changed!

Katherine: He saved us so many times!

Rosanna: He’s gone! He’s one of them now!

*The person that helped them into the truck shoots at the Magma Man- but to no avail. The leader joins the Magma Man is watching them drive*

Leader: Give chase, my slaves!

*Countless robots walk up from behind the Leader*

Leader: They stand no chance!

*It’s now morning. The helicopter pilot is circling an island beneath him. It is shaped like a kidney bean*

Amber: Nauru!

Johnny: Where?

Amber: Always wanted to visit Nauru! Did you know, it’s the least visited country by tourists! I’m not joking- North Korea has more visitors than Nauru!

Pilot: Yeah, we don’t get much foot traffic from outsiders!

*The pilot lands on the island. Many locals come out to see what’s going on. The pilot speaks in another language (But for the sake of this- I’ll show it in English ;)

Pilot: Found these of Dinosaur Island!

Islander: You went there?

Man: Reckless! You should have left them for death! What if they followed you?

Pilot: Alas, a great sea monster came and ate the final one. The others gave up chase

*A woman claps*

Woman: Rejoice! The first survivors of Dinosaur Island!

*The locals gather, throwing flowers upon the survivors, and the pilot*

Islander: Will you come to the gathering?

Woman: yes, tell us your stories of the Island! As nobody who has ever been there has survived!

Islander: We shall welcome the survivors!

----THE HOTEL----
*The survivors are at the only hotel on the island. They receive their room number and travel to them. Two American tourists walk past. Once they get into their rooms, they all collapse onto their respective beds- glad to finally be free*

*Tuli enters*

Tuli: Sir, they have been rescued by a Nauruan islander!

Carlos: And the plane?

Tuli: The plane is still on the island!

Carlos: Send them in…

*Bomber planes are over the island*

Bomber: Permission to activate!

*The bombers drop their bombs all over the island- apart from the plane. A couple of Pterodactyls fly away, but other than that, the whole island, apart from a small stretch of land with the plane on, is destroyed!*

Tuli: Sir, we got news from the squad that the plane is no longer usable!

Carlos: No issue…I was prepared! You know me, I’m ready for anything! I created a second one in case of an incident like this! I’m just shocked we didn’t need it earlier!

Tuli: Sir, you have a replacement?

Carlos: Of course!

*The replacement airplane has arrived on Yaren airport runway. With the last of their belongings, the group boards*

Pilot: It was a pleasure having you all!

*The plane is identical on the inside. It takes off, heading towards the Philippines. The people of Nauru wave after them*

----THE END----

This episode was hell to right lol!


What are your thoughts on Linda's sudden death?:
How do you think the dinosaurs got to the island?:
Who/ What are Rosanna and Katherine?:
Who are the "Survivors" running from?:
How do you think the "Survivors" are associated with the plot?:


A waitress (Heart Crushed~ Episode 2)
Linda Parks (Sucked out of plane~Episode 7)
Magma Man (???~ Episode 7)
Nate (???~ Episode 7)
Tori (Eaten by Raptor~ Episode 7)


poor linda:(<3
Sent by varlto,Mar 11, 2020
Sent by systrix,Mar 12, 2020

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