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The Mykel's blog

Posts 13 posts

GIVEAWAY CANCELLED, kind of Oct 17, 2018
Due to time running out and lack of interest in this giveaway:

I've decided that the winners of the frookies will not be receiving a gift because only 1 person has joined in the last 3-4 hours.
On top of that only 1 person has participated in the blog gift giveaway. I thought based on all the blogs I see about designs and the fact that this site is a reality game show site that people would love to play a hardcore frookies game with an actual prize. Thought it would make it more interesting but obviously not.

So I was going to give 5 stock to 2 frookies winners and 5 stock to the blog winner totaling 15 stock. Instead I will give 5 stock to the only person to join the frookies (looks like he didn't even know about the giveaway but no one else joined so he gets it)
and 10 stock to the blog winner because they're the only one who seems to care.

CONGRATULATIONS ryanfromthepit let me know if you even want this prize before tomorrow otherwise there won't be enough time to give it to someone else.
and itsalexia the only person to actually want the designs. congratulations on the 10 stock :)

How it'll work:
If it's a permission free design just send me the link to download the design and i'll get it ready
If it's not permission free you will need to either
A) send me the design and get whoever gives permission to mail me saying they give permission and for which design.
B) get the person to send me the design saying they give permission for me to post it.

hopefully we can be online at the same time so you can tell me when to post it and for how much.
Points: 23 2 comments
FREE STOCK - giveaway Oct 17, 2018
I will be giving away the rest of my stock.
2 frookies winners and one blog winner. (15 stock, 5 stock each)
Next 2 winners of frookies will win
Whoever gets the most votes on this blog will win
They get to tell me what, when to post and for how much (they can gift their friends, post a shitty design or post one for 800ts i don't care).
Should be game 188705 but it's the next 2 frookies so if some other game fills before someone joins then it'll probably be 188706.

Recap -
next 2 frookies winners win
whoever gets the most votes on this blog wins.

Terms and conditions:
I will not post an illegal design or a design you haven't gotten permission for me to post.
The person giving permission must send me a message on tengaged saying I can post the design
If the public deem there to be a premade that won the game they will not receive the prize.
AKA do not join with people or you will be disqualified.
You must post something, if you don't want to post anything I will do something else for that stock.
Points: 34 8 comments
Like Marvel? Like Groot? Oct 14, 2018
Part of the one of a kind Marvel Groot Collection. Get yours today!
Points: 5 0 comments
If i post stock Oct 13, 2018
instead of giving it away because no one seems to want it, what would you rather.
Four stock to post this design (hair, skin, clothes, eyes):
Four stock posting this design:
Points: 33 4 comments
Don't join yet Oct 13, 2018
but if I did the giveaway where whoever wins frookies gets 5 of my stock would anyone be interested? I don't want to do it and then no one joins for 50 hours. also anyone who joins before I officially start it won't be eligible so don't join yet
Points: 10 1 comments
Don't think I want my shop anymore Oct 12, 2018
I'm deciding what to do with it. If I could post for 1t then I would do a whole bunch of stuff and give aways but obviously 50t minimum and I aint about to spend 35x50t on people. Soooooo I'm thinking I might hold a few stock giveaways where the winner will be able to get permission for something, send me the design and tell me when to post and for how much. Can be something stupid or something they want to gift/for themselves. Would be stuff like next frookies winner gets a gift kind of thing.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Points: 21 4 comments