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Posts 70 posts

help????? Nov 16, 2021
if 1 malteser is 10mm in diameter that means he can fit 470mm of maltesers in his useless fucking mouth (bc it isnt good for singing). thats roughly 18.5 inches of maltesers. that is around the size of this 18 inch pikachu plush this ginger child is holding:
what am i to do with this information?????
Sent by Symmetry888,Nov 16, 2021

is.... is this math correct??? can ed sheeran eat that pikachu???????
Points: 95 8 comments
thinking about him Nov 16, 2021
Sheeran confirms that the rumor is indeed true, he can fit forty seven Maltesers in his mouth at once.

Points: 27 4 comments
symmetry888 May 15, 2021
she's british. she's on next top model. she's winning. and who are you Symmetry888? who are you? you lost to her because you tripped on the runway.
Points: 26 4 comments
a scary story May 13, 2021
i love a good scream late at night. it makes me think i'm the final girl in a horror movie being chased by a vaguely supernatural serial killer as i run upstairs frantically while screaming dramatically even though it'd be more logical to not go for a dead end and upon reaching my bedroom i have to hide in the closet and hold my breath but i'm still found so i jab him in the eyes with a coat hanger laurie strode style and slide beneath his bulky form (from the serial killer abs presumably under his fashionable evil coat) with my skinny legend self and climb out the window and yeah
Sent by Symmetry888,May 13, 2021

Points: 62 3 comments
no one talk to me May 10, 2021
just got my government assigned kin and my results are scrappy doo and a hex girl that wasn't thorn
Points: 35 4 comments
can someone Apr 30, 2021
@ the user "Symmetry888" for me and tell her to STOP looking at alien gifs and PLEASE do her rankings thank u xoxoxo
Points: 39 9 comments