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The CrazyAntonio's blog

Posts 4 posts

Rumors for CBBS5... Feb 1, 2018
I heard that
are all going into the CBB S5 house i cant wait!!!

Points: 0 5 comments
Black Mirror Season 4 Rankings!! Dec 31, 2017
Black Mirror Rankings:
1. USS Calister (This was my fave, it had humor, action, horror aspects, it really felt like a saturday cartoonish feeling to it) (out of all of these i think i would be in this episode)
2. Arkangel (this one was really good, its relatiable to every teen i feel like, the mom didnt trust her daughter and look what happend)
3. Black Museum (i mean this chick did that she really fooled me, i loved the way there was different easter eggs from past seasons and episodes, also the different stories were all connected)
4. Hang the DJ (this one was good but it was basic, what i got from it is be yourself and fuck the rules i guess)
5. Crocodile (it was all over the place like this bitch went on a rampage literally, it was to much)
6. Metalhead (I just didnt understand it, it was just not for me, plus it was in black and white like tf)
Points: 0 0 comments
Its just funny how.... Nov 20, 2017
It funny how Hints thinks she can just mock me with out me noticing go get a real fucking job 30 year old cunt. Act your age instead of coming fro people who haven't done shit to you. im sorry that your still pressed over bbun hun but your season was over a decade ago bitch get over it!
Points: 59 4 comments
Hey yall.... Nov 19, 2017
So this is a story that happen to me i would like for all of you to listen to it. So my old account got hacked i am Jaesus123 and im here to warn you all that Maybelline is a hacker and she will steal everything that you ever worked so hard for on this site. She is a disgusting human bean and should be banned from this site. Anyone who will hack into someones account literally has no life. Now im not asking yall to go mob her with nasty comments but just keep a look out for that vile piece of space that is on this site.

I would just like to ask yall to please plus this blog and comment on it to set me off in my new life on this account and please help Randomize see what is happening on his site.
Thank you! -Antonio
Points: 717 23 comments