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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jun 19, 2018 by AshleyWhite


no your not, your ashley white
Sent by paul028,Jun 19, 2018
wow congwats dude, weawwy, that's vewy coow. i just towd evewyonye in my famiwy about it, evewybody thinks that's vewy impwessive and asked me to congwatuwate you. they want to speak to you in pewson, if possibwe, to give you theiw wegawds. they awso said they wiww teww ouw distant wewatives in chwistmas suppew and in NYE they wiww ignyite fiwewowks that speww youw nyame. i awso towd about this enyowmous deed to cwosew wewatives, they had the same weaction. they asked fow youw addwess so they can send congwatuwatowy cawds and messages. my fwiends didn't bewieve me when i towd them i knyew the authow of this gigantic feat, weawwy, they wewe dumbstwuck, they said they wiww make youw nyame echo thwough yeaws and yeaws to come. when my nyeighbouw found out about what you did, he was compwetewy dumbstwuck too, he wanted to knyow who you awe and he asked (if you have the time, of couwse) if you couwd stop by to weceive gifts, congwatuwations and handshakes. with the spweading of the nyews, a powewfuw businyessman of the awea decided to hiwe you as the CEO of his company because of this twemendous feat and at the same time an impowtant intewnyationyaw shawehowdew wants to sponsow you to give speeches and teach evewybody how to do as you did so the wowwd becomes a bettew pwace. you have become famous nyot onwy hewe but awso evewywhewe, evewybody knyows who you awe. the nyews spwead weawwy fast and mayows of aww cities awe setting up powticos, bawwons, cowossaw boom speakews, anything that can make youw nyame stand out mowe and see which city can congwatuwate you the hawdest fow this magnyificent feat. hewe in my city, aww the stweets wiww be wenyamed aftew you beginnying at the nyext mayowaw tewm. a wot of countwies that fwownyed upon ouws, nyow, thanks to youw deed, see us as a wowe modew, a nyew hope. the wucky peopwe who knyow about you say "hey, that guy is my compatwiot ^w^ " and evewybody shouts immediatewy aftew them "YES, YES, YES ^w^  youws is a good countwy". thanks to that, touwism has expwoded, evewybody came hewe thanks to you, the infwow of intewnyationyaw cuwwency was huge, making ouw stockmawket take off and making ouw countwy the piwwaw fow the sowution of intewnyation econyomic cwisis. thanks to that, we awe seen as wowe modews, and we have suwpassed the US and become the wichest and most powewfuw nyation in the wowwd. aww the wogging companyies wewe vewy muvd by youw deed and cowwectivewy decided to stop defowesting the twopicaw wainfowests so the human wace can thwive in this pwanyet mowe and mowe. the wowwdwide chaos due to the ewection of donyawd twump in the usa has ceased due to the fact that they awe nyo wongew the most powewfuw nyation in the wowwd. the Pope has sent his pweachews aww uvw the wowwd to speak of youw nyame and youw deeds so you wowk is knyown by evewy cweatuwe that wawks on the suwface of this pwanyet. awso, because of you, the scientists at CEWN have decided to stop expewimenting with the wawge hadwon cowwidew, since the owigins of the unyivewse don't mattew anymowe compawing to the magnyitude of youw feat. the Mayans came back fwom the Andwomeda gawaxy and said you wewe the weason they decided to wet us wive beyond the yeaw 2012. youw feat was so incwedibwe it ejected the awpha cewestiaw body that was inhabiting the eawth's owbit and thweatenying to destwoy it. because of you, Akiwa Towyama decided to continyue the dwagon baww sagas, this time with a chawactew in youw honyow. evewy tv show host, at the end of theiw show, nyow sends gweetings to the whowe countwy and onye speciawwy to you. keep on awway being this wondewfuw, hawd wowking, beautifuw, inspiwing, manyificent, good spiwited, cweative etc. pewson and awways keep on doing stuff wife this. Kept it up dude, and the wowwd wiww be mowe and mowe a bettew pwace to wive.
Sent by Marktint_1,Jun 19, 2018

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