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Ask Me Survivor8

Latest answers by Survivor8Go to profile

0Q: How does it feel to be a legendary boss man dude??

asked by Kindred7

I鈥檓 the greatest of all time baybeee

-2Q: Listen to Booze Cruise by Blackjack Billy

asked by Kindred7

that sounds like a bad idea

-2Q: Now, how much do you actually like me?

asked by dannyjr0587

Probably top 20 of all time on Pretty high

0Q: Discord me

asked by christossss

Fuck you

0Q: who has your stars support and why is it @owistubbedmytoe

asked by MsKathryne

oh EmmaM cause she's my numero uno, but go ow too

0Q: I hope you dont get 21% in stars finals....

asked by christossss


-2Q: useless. 50 21 points

asked by christossss


0Q: gay son or thot daughter

asked by KingGeek

I don't want children at all. I'm totally fine with a gay son though. If my daughter is a thot I need to not know

0Q: Can you smoke seaweed?

asked by CrimsonEnnui

no unfortunately not 馃槱

4Q: how hairy are you

asked by PaulaDeen

I shave my whole body as a swimmer

0Q: Who deserved to die the most in I know what you did last summer?

asked by EmmaM

It's gotta be Barry, but honestly Max close second

0Q: I asked you in the charity too 馃槶馃槶

How ar you today

asked by brightongal

Im alright today


asked by brightongal

Where? I鈥檝e been off discord since yesterday evening

0Q: Who is your favorite Trump supporter on tengaged?

asked by unkown

Gotta go with Sam_Hamwich and definitely not sportsgeek12

0Q: How much have you eaten today

asked by Kindred7


-7Q: whats your top 5 things about me

asked by brightongal

1. you're funny
2. you can hold a conversation
3. you actually care about people
4. that's everything
5. yep that's it

-1Q: yes.

asked by iiGalaxyii

okay let me see who I kill off

-1Q: top 3 characters played by hayden panettiere??

asked by SomebodyAwesome

okay so she's really not the best actress and my obsession has kind of passed (finally after 15 years) over the last few months. But
1. Claire Bennet (Heroes)
2. Kirby Reed (Scream 4)
3. Britney Allan (Bring it on: All or Nothing)

0Q: Do you love me?

asked by LaylaLove

I LaylaLove you

0Q: Would you go gay for me?

asked by Darrel42

You'll have to be a stars winner, but also only if my love life continues to be pathetic

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