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Ask Me FireWolf

Latest answers by FireWolfGo to profile

10Q: Hi

asked by Rperduex11

Um how did you submit this like 20 times?

29Q: are you a furry

asked by jjvawesomeness0511


26Q: I mean you could have just written a paragraph on it or something but I’m just gonna...

asked by boicam77


26Q: You love me? If so prove it.

asked by boicam77

The only way I could prove it more is to straight up make out with you or send nudes or something and you're straight

49Q: On your profile, you describe yourself as a villain, why is that?

asked by JasonXtreme

Most of my profile is satire, but it can be fun to organize a good blindside in a game

45Q: what's your favorite state other than your own

asked by BengalBoy

Assuming I can't say the ome I'm moving to in like 2 months or the two neighboring ones (I live in the tristate area) I would go with Pennsylvania. I take a trip down there every year and usually we do something different, so many good summer activities there

29Q: What is the story behind FireWolf?

asked by sportsgeek12

Once upon a time, there was a website known as a random username generator. I used it a bunch of times and entered many different keywords. Then, out of nowhere, I found the one. I found the username I always dreamed of. He was FireWolf. He was incredible and everything I could ever ask for. For almost a year now, I have been living with this username and we have been happily ever after.

(Basically an overdramatic story of random usernamr generator)

26Q: stomach

asked by JonMcGillis

29Q: Filtering me was basically asking for a war

asked by Steven999

It was literally "PYN for to choose opinion or filter" you dumb fuck

27Q: Why are you such a bitch to me

asked by Steven999

I've never done anything to you other than filter you on a PYN blog where it was pretty much asking to be filtered, then you start making hate blogs. I haven't done anything to you tbh

46Q: Why the name FireWolf?

asked by SaskiaRae

Random username generator, which I had a better answer :/

57Q: Can you plus my design?

asked by ThyArtIsGrin


0Q: Ok I need someone to talk to pls talk to me or else

asked by boicam77

Message me on Skype or messenger (if you see this)


asked by MudkipzFTW


0Q: Hey be nice to me?

asked by boicam77

I'm always nice to you?

22Q: Who am I to you hoe

asked by MudkipzFTW

I honestly don't know you?

5Q: What would you do if I get out of Glens survivor will you start a riot?

asked by piesyumyyumypies

Nah, I'm saving the riot for final tribal council ;) I have some people to call out

7Q: were you being sarcastic about THAT

asked by jjvawesomeness0511

10Q: Please remouf your hijab

asked by TaurusMoon

*remoufs hejab*

10Q: are you being sarcastic

asked by jjvawesomeness0511


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