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Ask Me BlueLagoon506

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0Q: what is the secret to your awesomeness

asked by Kindred7

Well there is no secret really! It is just who I am! I’ve always been this way really! I would say I was born this way so I should thank my mom!

0Q: You are a liar. Corey1 is a giant hawking figure in yalls picture and he is weird. Not going to comment on the rest of them but some of them are weird too!

asked by MmabatlokoaMolefe

how is this even a question? It's more of a statement and YOUR opinion lol

0Q: You are a liar. Corey1 is a giant hawking figure in yalls picture and he is weird. Not going to comment on the rest of them but some of them are weird too!

asked by sjsoccer88

how is this even a question? It's more of a statement and YOUR opinion lol

9Q: what was it like meeting the OC? did you feel like their chaperone?

asked by BengalBoy

People might think it would have been awkward but it really wasn't! Idk if it's cause the members of the  OC are great conversationalists or it was me, a person who can talk to anyone and dont make anything awkward. If i was a betting person I'd say it was the latter of the two! I never felt like a chaperone. If anything it might have been the other way around because I get lost very easily so they all had to meet me at my hotel and drop me back off or I might have still been somewhere lost in NY! Thankfully they were a bunch of decent lads that took very good care of me and even taught me how to hail a cab (something i have never done before in my life)

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