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Survivor Tocantins - Exit Interviews

Topic » Survivor Tocantins - Exit..

3446 days ago
I'll be doing exit interviews with every Castaway voted off. This will help give the Viewer's and myself an Idea of what is going on throughout the game.
3445 days 7 hours ago
16th - Nick P

He has left me a message regarding his withdrawal but, it is too personal too post!
3444 days 1 hour ago
15th - Joey T.

Please give a brief description about your time in the game and your elimination.

My time in the game was...interesting to say the least. Despite being in a shitload of games at the moment, I tried to be as active as possible, help the tribe out, and not be an asshole like I have in other games (*cough BINGO'S *cough), and this particular game is interesting to me because of the fact that 3 people other than Zander thought it was actually a smart move to get me out. I have been active and pre-merged in other games in the past, but in those times there were things like pre-mades and idols involved, but this time, it was just people that were genuinely stupid.

First official person voted of Survivor Tocantins. Were you surprised?
I wasn't surprised too much. I knew Zander was campaigning to get me out because I suggested his name, and that makes sense on his part.

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in the game?
Not really. I was up front with everyone like "Hey, I'm voting Zander tonight!", and that's all I could really hope would work. I found out that Zander was campaigning for me to go a bit too late though, and had I known earlier, I might've been able to do something about it.

If anyone; who do you think is leading the Jalapao Tribe?
If anyone is leading the Jalapao tribe, my guess would be Luis. He's active, and along with that, it was him, Josh, Zach, and Zander who voted me out, so...
3442 days 21 hours ago
14th - Zach H.

2nd person voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Are you surprised? No not really, there are some really shady people on my tribe. I was really busy this weekend. Just wasn't a good time I guess.

The season twists really put your tribe in a bad position. Do you think the twists have anything to do with your elimination? Somewhat, but because of work, I was not able to show up.

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in the game? I thought we had the votes to get josh out, but someone blindly voted dan.

Who, if anyone; is leading the Jalapao Tribe? Luis, but now I don't know how his situation is going to be. Luis was my strongest ally.
3442 days 14 hours ago
13th- Kelly W.

3rd person voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Were you at all surprised?
I Wouldve Been Suprised If I Wasnt Voted Out
Josh And Dan Promised They Wouldnt Vote For Me Which Was Pretty Dirty In My Opinion
Coming into this game; did you have a strategy? If so, what was it?
I Was Going To Play It By Ear And Then I Realized Hey!!! I Hate My Tribe And So I Decided To Work With The Other Tribe.
Do you feel you could have offered more to your tribe and this game?
To My Tribe - No To The Game - Yes I Would Have Offered Countless Drama And Villianry
Who, if anyone; is leading the Jalapao Tribe?
Sadly Cedric And Luis Have Brainwashed Poor Josh And Dan
Controversial question for you - What made you decide to throw the challenges for your tribe? Well I Hated My Tribe And I Wanted To Prove My Trustworthyness To The Other Tribe.

I Would Like To Say The Person Who I Believe Is Most At Fault For My Elimination Is Ash Because When We Were Exiled He Wanted To Talk And I Ignored Him So He Decided Not To Exile Me Because Hes Quite Honestly A Little Bitch.
Personally I Fucking Hate Everyone In This God Damn Game Except Jimbo Harry And Especially Kathrine. I Believe I Played This Game Hard and That Is What Resulted In My Elimination. I Would Love To Return But I Understand If No One Wants A Pre Merge Boot To Return But Thanks For A Great Season ItsOfficial And It Was Fun And Im Glad I Left With My Dignity.

                                                                      BYE GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
3441 days 12 hours ago
12th - Zander N.

Fourth person voted out of Survivor Borneo. Were you surprised? Yea and no, I kind of dug my own grave when I took mutiny and when I tried to keep myself safe, Kath told me she  was not going to vote me out, so that sucks

You were the only castaway to use the Mutiny option. Can you explain the reasoning behind it? Strategic, in the tribal before, the votes were close together, if I didn't leave, I knew I was next

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in the game? Yes, not trust kath and have kept a watchful eye

Coming into this game; did you have a strategy? If so, what was it? Yea, betray people with my loyalty

Who, if anyone; is leading the Timbira Tribe? At this point, NT88(don't know the name, too lazy to look) he devised the plan that backfired on me
3439 days 19 hours ago
11th - Jimbo B.

Fifth person voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Were you surprised? No, because I was forced to leave the computer for a FULL DAY :O that shouldn't be a big problem for normal people but I guess it was for me. I don't really count it as a loss because I was away for an entire round

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in the game?: Yeah, for example I would have won that challenge if I was able to be on the computer

Mutiny will be offered before today's challenge. Would you have utilized this option knowing what you know now?: No, I was fine with the people on my tribe, if they didn't think I was inactive (and if I was able to campaign) I'd still be her e

Out of everyone left in the game. Who do you think has the best chance of making FTC?: There's no way to really know this early
3438 days 19 hours ago
10th - Harry W.

6th person voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Were you surprised? Carlos seemed so vulnerable. I can't believe it.

Coming into this game; did you have a strategy? If so, what was it? no. I was winging it.

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in the game? yes. Picked the right side.

Usually the merge happens when ten castaways remain; upset that you didn't make it to the merge? yes. I would have been an amazing juror.

Out of everyone left in the game; who do you think has the best chance of making the FTC? Nate
3437 days 16 hours ago
9th - Luis L.

Seventh castaway voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Are you surprised?
Very I thought me and Cedric were swing votes... I guess he flipped on me

Coming into this game; did you have a strategy? If so, what was it?
Well make a dying alliance from majority and use idol in good use like blindside or use on an allie

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in the game?
No I wasn't really feeling like I was the target

At the end of this all; you will have a huge say in who wins the title of Sole Survivor. Out of everyone left; who stands the best chance of making FTC?
Idc as long as someone deserving makes it
3435 days 19 hours ago
8th - Ash C.

Please give a brief description of your time in the game and your elimination.
Coming into this I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This is my first group game and I was such a rookie coming into this I had the mainstream to get an alliance and ride that into the end' approach. But right off in the beginning of the game I was ousted for being the 'weak link' I knew right then and there that I could sit back and let myself be the weak link, or I could try my absolute hardest in challenges and play the best game I know how. I really think that I truly changed the first impression everyone has for me. And that is a true accomplishment. I'm really proud of how I played.

8th person voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Are you surprised at how the vote played out?
Yeah I thought that if Cedric did have an idol then Katherine would go home and I'd at least have a chance to scramble before the next vote.

Coming into this game; did you have a strategy? If so, what was it?
I wanted to lay low and let other people do their thing while I sit back. But right out of the gate like I said, right out of the gate I had to rewrite my story. Or else I think I could have been out first or second.

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in this game?
Of course I  could have voted Katherine and cancel out someone else's vote. And I probably would still be there. But that's not how I roll. I really feel like a have a true friend in Katherine and I don't want to throw that away to make it one more day and probably go home tomorrow anyway.

You were one of the few castaways to use the Mutiny option this season. Can you explain your reasoning behind this?
Me and Kat came up with an idea to bring Cedric over and then we'd have the numbers to dispose of Nate. But josh and Dan had a hard on for Nate and insisted on keeping him on exile which I find to be really dumb but to each their own I guess.

At the end of this all; you will have a huge say in who wins the title of Sole Survivor. Out of everyone left; who stands the best chance of making FTC?
I think if Dan and josh play there cards right, they stand the best shot at winning. Which is what I was trying to get everyone to see. I tried reuniting timbira and it didn't work out. I'm definatly rooting for timbera, but it looks like their fighting an uphill battle here. (When i say timbira I exclude emmy jay because I'd rather have Cedric's underwear win the title of soul survivor. That's how worthless emmy jay is. I've had more successful conversations from a taco shell. Just saying)

Finally, if I ever decided to invite you back for another season; how interested would you be?
I had a very positive experience here, and you are a great host. If the opportunity was brought to me, I'd jump on it for sure.
3433 days 23 hours ago
7th - Kathrine O.

Please give a brief description of your time in the game and your elimination. -- Damn it. I wanted to win so bad! And now I see that this was the problem. I never played this hard in a group game, but... I don't know. I just felt this is a smart cast that it was very strategic and they would understand that even if I blindsided them once, that common sense would bring us back together. Cause alliances were shifting constantly. I was betrayed by Nate, Harry and Carlos but eventually I knew I had to work with them, and I didn't mind. It's not about trust, it's about staying alive. I know my gameplay was flawed, but I should've been kept longer. I really hope Nate and Cedric leave right after me. But I have to say I've never had so much fun playing Survivor. It was an awesome, crazy game! :D

9th person voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Are you surprised at how the vote played out? -- No.

Coming into this game; did you have a strategy? If so, what was it? -- I didn't. I had to see who I was with on my tribe. But I knew I had to win some tribal challenges, cause I do awful in losing tribes.

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in this game? -- I could've done less to ensure my safety in this game.

How did you feel about the Season's twist? (Exile Island - Mutiny) -- I hated it. It messed everything up. At the beginning I thought it would help me, but it just made a nice little target for me to glue it on my back. And after that everybody started to BENEFIT from it, one after another and their "benefits" would hit me in the face time, after time, after time. So yeah, Exile put a huge target o my back, gave me the idol saying "I'm sorry. :)", and then gave FIFTEEN other people safety and idols everytime I needed them out. So, I hated it. I mean, yeah, I could've played a little slower and been a little smarter but I'm bitter. So I hated it. Oh, and the Mutiny twist was awesome! It made the game as fluid and flexible as it could never be. Like when Cedric and Ash came over to my tribe to help me clean up. :) Crazy! I loved the Mutiny twist.

At the end of this all; you will have a huge say in who wins the title of Sole Survivor. Out of everyone left; who stands the best chance of making FTC? -- I have no idea. But Carlos is in trouble, that's for sure. And I'm not sure Cedric even remotely knows what's going on. If people are smart they would try something with Emmy Jay, but that guy is in between a delicious Final 2 goat, and a totally unreliable inactive. So I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm hoping that Carlos wins, so I'll be able to see what's going on with Nate/Josh/Dan/Cedric/Emmy Jay SOONER rather than later. Cause it will unravel sooner or later, but I'm impatient. I hope Carlos wins Immunity, so they'll have to vote among themselves NOW.

Finally, if I ever decided to invite you back for another season; how interested would you be? -- I would do it in a heartbeat. I love Survivor. I love this series. I love the host. And obviosuly I'm hungry for the win. If I hear even a sample of an invitation, you won't even blink an eye, and I'll be there.
3432 days 17 hours ago
6th - Carlos A.

Please give a brief description of your time in the game and your elimination.
It was exciting!! I had so much fun and I am not a bitter person so I will vote for the person who played the best. Honestly, numbers was the issue no one wanted to take out Josh except me and Nate. It was just a matter of time for Josh to pull the trigger.

10th castaway voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Were you surprised?
Not at all, like I said I always make it far but so far this has been my lowest place. TBH it's not that bad actually =D

Coming into this game, did you have a strategy? If so, what was it?
At merge, I did. I wanted to be in the middle so I could be the wild card but after Ash left everything went down the drain.

When the merge happened; it was 5 original Timbira and 3 original Jalapao. Can you explain how the Jalapao tribe gained the majority?
Katherine was the reason Timbira didn't trust each other. Her mouth made everyone uneasy and consequently making people to jump ships.

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in this game?
Not really. Cedric had all the power to either save me. Perhaps Emmy Jay but that just makes me laugh lol

How did you feel about the Season's twist? (Exile Island - Mutiny)
It was awesome!! Being out of tribal was a good way to be safe =D

At the end of this all; you will have a huge say in who wins the title of Sole Survivor. Out of everyone left; who stands the best chance of making FTC?
Well obviously the inact of Emmy will make it at this rate lol. No one else is going to take him out. He is another Victoria like in Big Brother.
3429 days 19 hours ago
5th - Emmy Jay

No interview...
3429 days 19 hours ago
4th - Nate T.

Please give a brief description of your time in the game and your elimination:
honestly if I had survived I would be shocked so many times I thought I was gone but I placed my hope in Cedric but he was to smart to save me I knew I was hooped and I am pleased with how I did

11th castaway voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Were you surprised?

HA! Not one bit I would have been shocked if I wasnt but they were too smart to save me because if I got to the end Im pretty sure I would have won

Coming into this game, did you have a strategy? If so, what was it?
My strategy was to make sure that everyone liked me and wanted to work with me I wanted to make a power couple with Kat (we know how well that went) but I went hardcore on the social point that way I could keep going to exile

When the merge happened; it was 5 original Timbira and 3 original Jalapao. Can you explain how the Jalapao tribe gained the majority?
I may or may not have told Cedric to play his idol..... I knew that I had sort of orchestrated it I mean I reunited the old tribes then pitted them against each other and in the end I felt that old Jalapoa was more trust worthy so I warned Cedric

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in this game? I knew that Josh and Dan were a strong duo so I had to work through Cedric I knew that I was gone its like why would they have let me go to the end Cedric was smart enough to see right through it

How did you feel about the Season's twist? (Exile Island - Mutiny) I lived it without exile I would have been gone a long time ago and the mutiny almost ruined my game when Ash and Cedric came over

At the end of this all; you will have a huge say in who wins the title of Sole Survivor. Out of everyone left; who stands the best chance of making FTC? I say that Dan will go to the end but he wont win I think that Cedric will because he is stronger in challenges so he might win the last challenge
3429 days 18 hours ago
3rd - Cedric D.

11th castaway voted out of Survivor Tocantins. Were you surprised?
-HELL no. I expected it if I had tried to save Nate or not, it's just how things work. I always had the feeling Josh didn't want to go to the end but I'm just too damn loyal.

Coming into this game, did you have a strategy? If so, what was it?
-No, aside from being Jalapao-centric I didn't really have a plan, I hardly knew these people, was one of two tv stars and assumed I'd be a threat. Everything I did was to advance my game and any of my allies as well.

When the merge happened; it was 5 original Timbira and 3 original Jalapao. Can you explain how the Jalapao tribe gained the majority?
-A LOT OF LUCK. The thing is, we didn't have majority and we knew it. The auction turned it more in their favor. But Emmy wanted Kathrine out and Josh had his exile idol + his Immunity Necklace. I got very lucky with my idol and after that their cards came falling.

Do you feel you could have done more to ensure your safety in this game?
-Yeah definitely, Even though I feel like I was on of the few to use the prospect of alliances with the opposing tribe and live through it, I could have went through on making riskier moves instead of ignoring the possibility after a thought.

How did you feel about the Season's twist? (Exile Island - Mutiny)
-I liked it. I used the mutiny to make a big move and save someone in danger and she tried to screw me over after it. The exile idol and removing a potential target from being voted out really shook the game up. Things would have turned out differently without them.

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