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The Apprentice - Round 8

Topic » The Apprentice - Round 8

800 days 16 hours ago
Alright candidates, welcome back to your next task. For this round you’re going to be bringing back some vintage internet content from the dead, a little e-necromancy, if you will. It’s time to play “Rapid Revival”

For this task your job is to pick one “dead meme” from the annals of internet history and come up with a plan for how you’re going to return it to internet relevance again. I feel like most people know what this is already but there’s more of an explanation here if you’re confused:,self%2Dreferential%2C%20or%20satirical .

Your submission should include:
- The meme you’re reviving
- Why your team thinks it’s worthy of being revived
- A brief marketing plan for how you plan to return it to internet relevance

As always, you can submit this in any way you like. Once both teams have sent, the judges will pick a winner. Winning team is one step closer to the end, losers will face the board room where somebody is going home. Submissions are due by 7 PM EST tomorrow. Good luck!
799 days 15 hours ago
Looks at Yellow:

- The meme you’re reviving (Key Word: Reviving)
- A brief marketing plan for how you plan to return it to internet relevance (Missing)
799 days 15 hours ago
Here are my thoughts:

RED -- Well the Tide Pod meme was definitely a great choice to bring back and given that this one came about when I was in college I have some very fun nostalgic memories of it. What came after it is a bit more debatable. I am all for making fun of dumbass tinfoil hat anti-vaxxers and the like as much as possible and the like but I guess this just…kind of falls flat and doesn’t seem that funny in general to me? There was a lot you guys could’ve done with this (if you’d expanded on the Ben Shapiro bit and incorporated some of those banger TPUSA “DEAR LIBERALS” for the added irony or something along those lines, for example) and you kind of went with turning it into an r/politics longform essay. Also, the cheems/doge meme is kinda out of place and I don’t think it really contributes anything to the submission. That said the reddit marketing strategy is good (now that I think about it some more) because redditors are generally dumb and gullible, and you could honestly probably get them to do anything if it got them enough updoots.

YELLOW -- Behind text is a very avant-garde idea and being able to be first movers in that niche would probably net you tons of clout. Your idea to bring them back via NFTs is also lowkey hilarious but not *quite* as fleshed out as Red’s plan was. How are we convincing people that the NFTs are a good investment, for example? Also, I guess I’m a bit confused on what meme you’re actually bringing back. Is it the Futurama one? Bad Luck Brian? I think you went with the more general “classic meme” aesthetic when the assignment was to pick one in particular.

The long and short of it for me is that I think Yellow’s submission is funnier and I like their ideas more overall, but Red did a better job sticking to the actual script of the task. I’ll deliberate while the other judges post their feedback, if any.
799 days 11 hours ago
YELLOW- So first off, I think you struck gold with the behind text idea. I could actually see this format being used as some sort of "gotcha" meme moment, where the viewer thinks it's one meme and suddenly its another. I also weirdly liked the middle text "failed idea" because you address a shortcoming in the design that you fix with the behind text. But yall have GOT to make these entries more airtight, because there is a point that you didn't follow the prompt and it might cost you just based off that. I'm not sure if the RDJ meme is dead but based on the entire presentation I think you could've gotten away with making him the actual meme you want to revive, and using behind text as the vehicle to do that. Print and done. While you could've elaborated on the NFT strategy a little more, that entire industry is basically a ponzi scam so I kind of get you leaving it vague. The less people know the more willing they are to buy in. You guys have the humor and I think you get what you need to be doing here, but when you leave areas where people can call technicalities, I think it does hurt you. I think there's maybe a fear of typing too much and giving us too much to read, but more is always more with me. In the end though, you did have a meme format that I would probably use before reds (because I am not suicidal)

RED- So first off, is that dead Republican a Times drawing? It's very Microsoft Office clip art, and I mean that in a good way. It doesn't look like amateur work so kudos on that. And again I have to commend yall on covering your bases. Regardless of anyone's opinion, you checked off the boxes for this challenge and gave us a full concept. Now for the problems I have. First, I do have to say Tide is absolutely not allowing yall to market that their product will kill people. That's a lawsuit right there. Second, I have to say that this is probably a lackluster market you're trying to reach. I feel like the alt right people who would fall for this already died during the horse tranquilizer trend that happened. Also, I have to wonder if the bad press from the deaths (and the fact that the people who are memeing will have very short life expectancies) won't stop your meme from being revived. Back to the positives, you did do market research in the form of reddit, and I can definitely see the thought that went into your planning. And I think that for whatever's been said about who is funny and who isn't, this group really came with a solid submission in the humor department too.
799 days 3 hours ago
I also meant to say this in my post, but Red don’t forget that you have a non American on your team. Y’all could’ve included Tories in your target audience which would be an international market. Of course here I am saying that all this time after the fact so I don’t really blame y’all for not mentioning it, just remember that each of you (on both teams) does bring something unique to the table
799 days 2 hours ago
Ok! Ken and I consulted and in the interest of time we both agreed that the winner is....YELLOW TEAM. Despite not following the prompt as closely, we believe that your meme would stand the best chance overall of being revived. Congrats.

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